When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 8 The base is gone! You are free! (First update!)

Lin Yu shouted the last sentence directly.

The sound was recorded by the microphone and transmitted through the loudspeaker. It kept echoing in the closed auditorium, making people's ears hurt.

Those who had just clamored for more money became obedient quails under this shout.

They bent their waists, shrank their heads, and stood in front of Li Ping, waiting for Li Ping to give out money.

However, Li Pingyou pulled the list and the money box back and stopped giving out money.

His magic move made the people who received the money at a loss. Just as they were about to ask questions, they heard Li Ping whisper:

"Listen to what he said."

Just when others were at a loss, Lin Yu's voice sounded again.

"That's right, you have worked hard, and you deserve money."

"Cherish it."

"After all, this is the last money you can get."

"Brother Li, give them the money."

"Okay." In response, Li Ping pushed the list under his hands forward and continued to read the names.

But this time, the people who received the money became very quiet and very cautious.

At the same time, the movements were much faster.

When everyone received the money and returned to their seats, the auditorium became quiet again, just like the calm before the storm.

On the stage, Lin Yu first raised his hand to applaud.

Three claps.

Then he said loudly:

"From now on, the 567 base will officially become a name in history."

"Over the years, you have been saying that if you go out and fight for yourself, it will be so and so."

"Now, I congratulate everyone, you are free."

"Brave young people, go and create miracles."

Hearing this, the people in the stands started to stir.

This... the money was collected, but the base is gone?

Just as they were about to ask questions, Lin Yu took the lead and put the hat on them.

Started to dig up the old accounts.

"In 1995, the domestic construction market was just starting, and Lanling City needed steel bars and cement. We have the equipment here."

"Let you build a steel bar processing and cement plant."

"You didn't adjust and improve your production technology, and you made slim steel bars, and you beat people up because you are unique?"

"You beat people up, and you embezzled?"

"You stole more than you sold."

"In 1999, you couldn't make steel bars and cement, so you changed your business to make food. You even said shamelessly that it was not clean and you wouldn't get sick if you ate it?"

"When others came to argue with you, you dared to beat people up. ? "

"Continue to do your old job, processing parts for others, Lanling Tractor Factory, hey, parts according to other people's standard drawings."

"It's really strange that it can't be installed."

"Until now, you can't even guarantee the quality of your old job, military materials."

"You are really amazing."

"Now that the base is gone, everyone is relieved."

Insults came out of Lin Yu's mouth one after another. The older people under the stage slowly lowered their heads in his words.

The younger ones blushed and wanted to refute, but after thinking for a while, they found that what Lin Yu said was true.

After all, he also went out from here.

Just then, in the corner, a young man who looked about 20 years old stood up, pointed at Lin Yu and asked loudly:

"If you have something to say, just say it, if you have something to say, just fart, don't beat around the bush and disgust people. They are afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you. "

After listening to the young man's words, Lin Yu raised his hand and clapped again.

Pa pa pa.

Accompanied by applause, Lin Yu spoke:

"In that case, I won't beat around the bush."

"Base 567 is gone."

"But according to the requirements of the Logistics Department, Base 567 was reorganized into the Rhein Steel Group."

"I came back this time at the request of the General Logistics Department to take you on the last self-rescue."

"The requirement is that within 16 months, each of the more than 800 people present with you will earn 20,000 yuan, and it's in cash!"

"Do you understand?"

The words 20,000 yuan hit the heads of these people present like a heavy hammer.

The base has a fine tradition, which is to announce the amount of wages.

Before 2000, the highest salary was the workshop director and technical leader of several production workshops.

800 yuan.

Then these people found connections and left, and the highest salary became Qian Jianguo,

542.32 yuan.

According to Qian Jianguo's salary, 20,000 yuan would require 37 months without food or drink.

Outside, the most prosperous factory in Lanling City is Lanling Steel Plant.

There were several people in the base who went to Lanling Steel Plant after leaving their jobs.

There, they worked as front-line technicians and received the highest salary.

One thousand yuan.

Even for this, they would need to go without food and drink for 20 months.

What's more, the requirement was not just for one person, but for the more than 800 people present.

That was an astronomical figure.

The people present raised their hands and began to calculate how much they would have to save to make 20,000 yuan in cash.

But after calculating for a while, they gave up.

Because the difference was too big, it could not be saved by saving.


The closure of the base was a foregone conclusion.

The young man who had just shouted at Lin Yu had sat down dejectedly at this moment. If the base was closed, their family would have almost nowhere to go.

Next to him, sat his father.

At this moment, the old father had tears in his eyes. He looked at his son for a moment and then moved his eyes to the stage.

Standing up, he wanted to ask Qian Jianguo a question.

Before he could speak, Qian Jianguo took the microphone and said:

"This is true."

"If we can't make 20,000 yuan by then, we will be laid off."

"As for Lin Yu, he has a way out."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yu's sarcastic voice sounded again.

"Both of my ways out are a bit miserable."

"The first one is to go back to Shengmajiagou Vocational and Technical College, continue to study with my teacher, and be scolded by him every day, and then, when you come out, you will most likely go to a research institute."

"The second one is even worse, go to the General Staff, study with those big guys, and be scolded by those big guys every day."

"So, whether you want to save yourself or not is up to you."

"I don't care."

"I'll give you fifteen minutes to think about it, and you decide."

The sarcastic words came out of Lin Yu's mouth and were spread throughout the auditorium by the loudspeaker, making people dizzy.

Is this miserable?

This is not miserable.

If this is miserable, then those of them who can't make money will be laid off.

What is it?

If the base was still there, we would take on some production tasks assigned by the higher authorities every year, no more, no less.

At least we would have some money to make regardless of drought or flood.

At other times, the family would go to Lanling City to set up a stall and sell some small things, and they could make a living.

Now, the iron-clad crops are gone?

Isn't this life-threatening?

The people in the audience were talking about it, and soon, these people were obviously divided into more than a dozen gangs according to their small groups.

Soon, these small groups also communicated with each other with their eyes.

That is, such a thing must not be allowed to happen.

The base cannot be dispersed.

In the front, in the team closest to the stage, a tall, strong-looking middle-aged man stood up, slowly raised his hand, and said loudly: "I have an opinion."

"Opinion rejected." Lin Yu responded expressionlessly, glanced at the middle-aged man, and said: "Brother Zhang, there are still 3 minutes, and..."

"I'm not asking you to do reading comprehension. I'm asking you to do multiple-choice questions."

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