When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 277 You want to leave after provoking the abbot? (Second update!)

Luo Ping was standing nearby, so Lin Yu and Dena heard the voice on his walkie-talkie very clearly.

The two of them raised their heads almost at the same time and looked at each other, and their eyes were full of wariness.

After looking at each other for a while, the two spoke in unison.

Lin Yu: "Your people?"

Dana: "There's a mole! Terminate the deal!"

As he spoke, Dana didn't show the slightest bit of panic on his face. Instead, he looked forward to Lin Yu's response.

Looking at the smile on his face, Lin Yu knew that these people should be coming for each other.

Shaking his head, he calmly pointed to the table next to him and said softly: "Let's eat. This is the chef I spent a lot of money to find. The food he makes is the sweet and sour food that you Americans like. You should know how to do it." like."

Lin Yu calmly sat down at the dining table, picked up the red wine bottle, opened the wine, and introduced the dishes in front of him.

"This is the squirrel mandarin fish, this is the coral fish..."

Not seeing the panic he imagined, Dana walked over to sit across from Lin Yu with a look of pity on his face, picked up the chopsticks, took a piece of the coral fish in front of him and stuffed it into his mouth.

When you bite down gently with your teeth, the crispy fried coral fish is broken. Carbohydrates mixed with protein and spices are cooked and fried at high temperatures. It does not require any condiments, and it is already very delicious.

But the thick, sweet and sour sauce quietly seeped into the tip of the tongue at this moment, taking this deliciousness to the next level.

Just as he was about to praise him, a red wine glass that was about to overflow was brought to him.

Looking at the full glass of red wine, Dana shook his head gently: "It's boring to be like this."

Hearing this, Lin Yu smiled softly and raised his glass:

"For people like us, only when we make money, put it in our hands, and keep counting it, may we find it interesting, or the feeling of dancing on the tip of a knife can be real. interesting."

"But no matter which way it is, it's time to eat. It's time to eat. As for the rest, let the people below do it. We don't need to worry about it."


The two of them did not clink glasses because the glasses were very full. If they did, the delicacies on the table would most likely be contaminated with red wine.

However, when Dana was toasting, his cell phone strangely fell out and fell right in front of Lin Yu.

The phone screen was on, and there was a text message on it.

【No. 237, Lotus Land! 】

Looking at this text message edited with Chinese characters, the two smiled at each other and raised their glasses.



While enjoying delicious food leisurely on the rooftop terrace, five cars appeared one after another outside the hotel on the first floor.

These five cars are evenly scattered at the five exits of the hotel. Moreover, these five cars are grouped in pairs. One car can always be seen by another car.

At the main entrance of the hotel, the window of the Mercedes-Benz parked here opened a small gap.

The people in the car used this small gap to carefully look at the main entrance of the hotel with telescopes.

Dana's motorcade disappeared off the street.

But this did not trouble them. This seaside avenue in Xiangjiang has only one line and no redundant forks. Therefore, they only need to find a few people and use their banknote abilities to learn from pedestrians on the roadside and the traffic police. Ask for some news.

For example, no motorcade passed by.

After a short investigation, they locked the hotel in front of them.

Now, just wait!

Xiangjiang is very hot in the summer. After only about ten minutes, the people in the car were forced to start the engine and let the air conditioner start to save their lives.

Touching his clothes that were wet with sweat, Barros couldn't help but take out the gun under his butt. He felt that if he continued to put the gun under his butt, this famous gun from Italy would probably be useless next time.

However, as soon as he took out the gun and put it aside, a policeman came to the car.

He tapped the car window with his finger and said softly: "Sir, parking is not allowed here. Please drive to the parking lot or other parking spaces."

"We have a problem with our car. We have called for help. Can you wait a moment?" Barros stuck his head out and spoke softly to the policeman in front of him.

Listening to his voice, the other people in the car felt as if they had seen a ghost.

Because Barros's nickname is Satan.

Outside the car window, the policeman heard this and blinked, seeming to be thinking seriously.

After thinking for a moment, he picked up the walkie-talkie and said into the walkie-talkie: "This is police number 9527. There is a problem with several Mercedes-Benz cars at the gate of Gold Coast. Call some tow trucks."

After saying that, police officer 9527 took out a fine sheet, wrote down the fine for illegal parking, slapped it on the car window, and then walked towards another Mercedes-Benz without looking back.

A few minutes later, there was also a fine on the Mercedes-Benz.

Just as Barros was about to let someone drive away, several tow trucks drove towards him. Behind the tow trucks were more than a dozen police officers.

These people came to the car of Barros and others. Without saying much, they directly raised their small pistols: "Get out of the car with your hands on your head and squat down. Some people say that you are illegally possessing guns. Get out of the car!"

Seeing this, Barros grabbed the steering wheel with both hands, clutched the car with his left foot and braked with the right foot. He made a beautiful reverse and ran directly from the other side.

Seeing the captain's actions, several other cars followed suit and drove away from other intersections.

In just ten seconds, those slow-moving policemen were swept away without a trace.

Among the policemen watching them leave, 9527 took out his intercom and whispered:

"The target has left, Team 1 should follow carefully."

"All units should pay attention to cover the guests' departure."

Soon after he finished speaking, Dena's convoy drove out of the hotel and returned along the original route.

Ten minutes later.

A Santana slowly drove out of the hotel garage and followed the direction in which Dena's convoy left.

Ten minutes later, a Hyundai followed out of the hotel basement.

Less than five minutes after this car left, a Santana drove out and drove in another direction.

As this car left, a small yacht slowly approached the shore of the Gold Coast. Dena stood on the beach and waved gently, then walked towards the small yacht.

On the beach, Lin Yu waved his hand gently, turned around and walked towards the hotel. As he walked, he said to Luo Ping beside him:

"I'll give you a test. It's 9:43 pm now. Catch those people before 6 am tomorrow."

"Qian Duoduo and I will go back to Haojiang now and wait for you at Haojiang Pier."

After explaining the work, Lin Yu nodded to Qian Duoduo beside him and walked towards the pier not far away. Qian Duoduo opened his briefcase, took out some tickets from the briefcase and handed them to Luo Ping, then called a few other people and quickly followed.

20 minutes later, the cruise ship on the pier pressed the whistle, and with the long whistle, the cruise ship set sail, with the destination being Haojiang, 50 kilometers southwest.

The boss left.

Luo Ping turned around and gave his companions a kind smile: "Let's go! Let's meet our friends!"


Lotus Land is located in the suburbs of Hong Kong. The address is relatively remote. Because of the development direction, it is a little poorer than other places in Hong Kong. It is a place that a group of gangsters are unwilling to fight for.

Of course, if there is no choice, this place is also very good.

After leaving the Gold Coast, Barros returned to the temporary residence in Lotus Land. As soon as he returned to the room, he immediately picked up the phone and started calling other people.

Today's situation is very weird.

Because according to their observations, ordinary Hong Kong police basically will not check the combination of Mercedes-Benz + foreigners. Now they suddenly check, which means that they are being targeted.

Being targeted means that it is not safe here.

Need to evacuate as soon as possible.

After arranging the evacuation route and time in a few words, Barros put down the phone and waited quietly for the people who dispersed to come back.

The waiting time is very hard to bear, especially when something is confusing, the time is even more difficult to bear.

He raised his watch countless times to check the time, and cast his eyes towards the door countless times, only to find that someone had not returned.

Finally, when he looked at the door again, the person who was watching at the customs door came back.

All 15 people finally arrived!

At the same time, he also brought back a message.

The people that Dena had placed at the customs door had not been withdrawn and were still squatting there.

This news made Barros very confused. This confusion suppressed the panic in his heart and suppressed his desire to evacuate.

He took out the map and re-studied Dena's activity trajectory in the past few days, trying to find some answers from it.

However, no matter how he looked at it, he could not find the relationship between them. In the end, he could only attribute Dena's abnormality today to a test, a test for those who were following them.

And this time, they failed in the test.

They revealed their flaws.

The mission failed.

After coming to this conclusion, Barros no longer hesitated, put away the map and stuffed it into his backpack, loaded the bullets in his gun, took his men, took advantage of the night, walked out of the rented house, got in the car, and rushed all the way to the southwest seaside.

The smuggling ship they agreed with was over there.

As long as they arrived at the predetermined location and sent a signal with a flashlight, the smuggling ship would be able to send them to the high seas, and when they reached the high seas, a ship would come to pick them up.

Barros, who was determined to leave, was focused on the front and didn't notice at all that when they left, there was a pair of eyes staring at them in the alley next to the house they rented.

Not long after their car left, there was a mobile phone in front of the eyes, and then he said something to the phone.

"Mr. Dena, those people came out of the hideout and took Highway 8. Are our friends in place?"

"Already in place? Okay, I'll go search their hideout to see if there's anything left."

After saying that, the pair of eyes walked out of the dark and tiptoed towards the house rented by Barros and his group, ready to find some clues inside.

On the other side, the three cars of Barros and his group were speeding on the winding mountain road, but they were forced to stop.

Because there was a truck parked diagonally on the bend ahead, and there was a white car in front of the truck.

Around the two cars, there were more than a dozen people, who were anxiously turning back and forth, and from time to time, they heard an incomprehensible word, and this sharp word was heard far away in the night, and it was particularly creepy.

Barros controlled the vehicle to slowly approach, and at the same time, he was also paying attention to the surrounding situation.

As a spy, you have to be cautious at all times to survive better.

As the vehicle slowly approached the scene of the accident, he breathed a sigh of relief, because a car accident had indeed occurred. The white car was forced to the side by the truck and hit the guardrail, with the front of the car being damaged.

The truck driver and the car driver were standing on both sides, arguing fiercely.

There were more people standing by, pointing at the two drivers and cursing constantly. Behind the car, there were several cars. The drivers of these cars also pressed their horns hard when others started cursing, making the sharp sound of the horns mixed with curses, spread out in the night.

After waiting for a while, watching the time slip away, Barros pressed the car horn hard with his right hand, and at the same time, he leaned out and cursed at the car driver and the truck driver.

He used English.

In the incomprehensible curses, his English was particularly conspicuous. After just two curses, the people not far away stopped cursing and turned their heads to look at him.

Because the distance between the two sides was very close, Barros could clearly see that the car driver was thinking, as if he was thinking about the meaning of his words.

After a while, the car driver turned his head and continued to curse with the truck driver.

This time, Barros couldn't stand it.

He got out of the car, put his hands to his mouth as a megaphone, and cursed at the people in front of him, in standard English.

As soon as he finished cursing, the car driver turned around first, raised his hand and pointed at Barros's car, and then his hand, like a compass, guided his body to Barros.

Behind the car driver was the driver of the truck, and behind the truck driver were other car drivers. The curses were getting closer and closer, and more and more uniform.

Soon, these people surrounded the car of Barros and his group.

Being scolded for no reason, Barros also got angry. He clenched his fists and walked angrily to the car driver. Before he could speak, the car driver suddenly raised his foot and kicked him in the balls.

At this moment, Barros seemed to hear the sound of an egg breaking.

The severe pain made his eyes black, his feet were out of control, and the whole person slowly knelt on the ground, but before he knelt on the ground, the sound of gunfire like popping beans rang in his ears.

The sound was very dull, it was a gun with a silencer, but the distance was too close, the sound was still very loud.

He forced himself to turn his head and look at the car, wanting to give orders, but before he could turn his head, a fist hit his face, and just one punch knocked out three of his teeth.

The severe pain on his face and the severe pain on his balls made Barros faint directly.

And his teammates were all shot to death in the car before they could draw their guns.

After firing three magazines in a row, Luo Ping, who was disguised as a truck driver, raised his hand and signaled a ceasefire.

Then the driver of the small car and two other people came forward under the cover of others, and continued to shoot accurately at the people inside through the car door.

Even the hood and trunk were not spared, and they were all opened up and down, and all checked. There was indeed no one. After confirming that everyone was dead, they stopped and stuffed the knocked-out Barros into the truck, and then drove away quickly.

After driving the car to a safe location, Luo Ping used a local Hong Kong mobile phone to call the police station.

After hanging up the phone and throwing the phone away, a group of people dragged Barros on the road.

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