Listening to Lu Huaxi's words, Lin Yu couldn't help shaking his head. He got up early and arrived late.

This is not his style.

What's more, it doesn't matter whether you go early or late. As long as you catch up, you have to show your true ability.

Under the same conditions, he believes that what he has in his hands is definitely more competitive than others, because his equipment is developed according to the needs and has undergone complete actual combat tests.

The user is not an elite, but a Middle Eastern fellow who was originally forgetful in the war. The equipment that the Middle Eastern fellow can use, why can't the elite use it?

After chatting for a few more words, Lin Yu hung up the phone, ate the dumplings at hand, washed up, and jumped back to bed to continue sleeping.

The next morning, just after work, the team responsible for the development of the fire support vehicle was called to the office by Lin Yu.

Throwing those photos of Dena on the table, he stood by with his hands folded, and said with a smile:

"This is an overseas order we received. The other party's requirements are not high. It is just a very simple combination of trucks, mortars, and heavy machine guns."

"Fire support vehicle team, you send half of the people out, go down and study it carefully, and bring me the design plan in a week at most."

"Let the after-sales department give feedback to our customers."

"The rest of the people, go down today and prepare the fire support vehicle. I will contact the train later. Tomorrow morning, we will go to the north to participate in the army's equipment bidding."

"This time, only success is allowed, not failure."

"If you fail, I will carve the photos and names of the people in your fire support vehicle R\u0026D team on a stone tablet and put it at the door of the factory for people to admire!"

Faced with Lin Yu's threat, the group of people in the fire support vehicle R\u0026D team did not panic at all, but seemed very calm and excited.

"I'll go!"

"Let me go, Director, let me go. I know the performance of our fire support vehicles best. Let me go!"

"Get out of the way. I'm ordering you as the leader of the fire support vehicle team. Get out of the way!"

"You're abusing your power for personal gain."

Looking at the noisy people in front of him, Lin Yu folded his hands in front of his chest, leaned against the desk, and watched with interest.

He wanted to see if these people would fight in the end.

A few minutes later, the quarrel stopped, and the people who went to participate in the bidding were also determined.

After confirming the list, Lin Yu turned around and threw the list to Qian Duoduo, asking him to coordinate the train car to transport the fire support vehicle.

After a busy day, five 82mm mortar vehicles, five 107mm rocket launchers, five anti-tank vehicles, five anti-aircraft missile vehicles, five 12.7mm heavy machine gun vehicles, five transport vehicles, two 155mm wheeled self-propelled artillery, and a logistics support vehicle were sent to the train. Under the leadership of Tang Chuan, the leader of the fire support vehicle team, they headed towards the northern grassland first.

Lin Yu took the necessary weapons and ammunition and delayed for a few hours. He set off slowly the next morning and headed towards the northern grassland.


Northern grassland.

The white director building, like a lighthouse, stood on the grassland.

The equipment from various arsenals in the south, like boats attracted by the lighthouse, slowly gathered in front of the building.

In the building, Qian Guoheng stood by the window with a cup of tea, silently looking at the equipment.

Behind him were Lu Huaxi, Zhou Changyao, and Tang Zhengchuan from the director department.

They also had a cup of tea in their hands.

Drinking tea, several old men chatted with a smile.

"Whose equipment do you think will win this time?"

"Winning is useless. The problem is whose equipment is the best. We don't have much money. Good steel can only be used on the blade. The rest of the steel, no matter how good it is, is useless."

"That's difficult. The equipment at the door has at most been simulated for actual combat."

"It's hard to say. As long as they simulate enough times and the conditions are harsh enough, it will be almost the same as actual combat."

"Where is Lin Yu? Hasn't he arrived yet?"

"I just called to ask. He has arrived at the station and is shipping the equipment and ammunition separately."

"Do you think we should add fuel to the fire?"

"What's there to be afraid of? Are we not allowed to say that the equipment is not good?"

After a few old men talked a lot, a suitable plan to add fuel to the fire was taken out.

Then it was posted at the gate.

[The equipment of the bidding unit needs to be scored by the opponent unit! ]

A very short sentence.

Seeing this notice, the arsenal that arrived first was stunned.


This is not allowed.

The equipment of the bidding unit needs to be scored by the opponent unit?

Everyone participates in the bidding, and it seems that they are brothers, but in fact they are enemies. What's the point of letting enemies score?

However, after the panic in the early stage, the heads of these arsenals gathered together again.

"I heard that your Ordnance General Company has made a few new armored vehicles?"

"You have to ask the Ordnance Equipment General Company. They are professional in these things. Improving the firepower of the team is nothing more than guns, artillery, and armored vehicles."

"Okay, stop bragging. If you keep bragging, you will die. In recent years, equipment has been promoting informatization, which is the strength of their Ordnance Electronics Company."

"This is not our strong point of Ordnance Electronics. We are working on equipment informatization, but the effect is very unsatisfactory. You Northern Heavy Industry has no new products in the past two years? By the way, your Ordnance Corporation and the joint-stock companies of the Ordnance Equipment Corporation are here, why don't you say a few words?"

"What new products are there? America has been exporting to Iraq. Some of the parameters set before have to be changed now. It's uncomfortable. What about Factory 601? I heard that you have developed a new type of artillery?"

"It's for the ball. There are some problems with the chassis. The pass rate is not enough. This time it's forced to put it on the shelf. I heard that Factory 3537 is imitating a foreign close-in defense gun and wants to equip it on a truck. How is the effect?"

"It's not a close-in defense gun, it's a new technology of Australia's Metal Storm Company. It can only be said to be okay to use. It takes one minute to pull the trigger and a whole day to reload. It also needs the cooperation of the vehicle power. It's uncomfortable. By the way, I heard that there is also a company called Rheinsteel this time?"

"Rhein Steel? Not Rheinmetall? How can they let foreign companies in? "

"Hi! I saw that Rheinmetall at last year's Zhucheng Air Show. It was also an arsenal under the General Logistics Department. Later, it changed its name. The organizer of last year's Zhucheng Air Show put them together with the real Rheinmetall."

"Isn't that a fake meeting the real one? Haha? They don't think they can master the technology by changing their name, right?"

"Then you are wrong. That company really has the technology. At least, they can mass-produce CL20."


"I mean, the CL20 you use for testing is all produced by this factory."

"Fuck, what's the background of this factory? Is the chemical industry so strong?"

"I don't know!"

"Shh! Stop talking. That team seems to be from Rheinmetall."

As this sentence came out, the heads of several companies who were chattering together immediately quieted down and focused their attention on the team that appeared quietly not far away.

The first thing they saw when they saw the convoy was the red trailer head that was very familiar to the people present. It was a trailer head used exclusively for the station. The equipment in their hands was also towed from the train station by these trailers.

Behind the trailer was a three-color striped cloth, which was firmly fixed to the flatbed trailer by ropes.

Through the traces of the ropes, the group of people could barely guess the general appearance of the equipment on the trailer.

"Small armored vehicle? But how many people can fit in such a small vehicle? Is it useful?"

"I feel like it's just a normal bulletproof off-road vehicle, similar to the Hummer."

"What the hell? They made the off-road vehicle before Dongfeng Factory?"

"That shouldn't be possible? Dongfeng Factory set up a new company last year, and the project was only launched last year. So far, they should... should still be working on the chassis."

"We'll know when they pull down the waterproof cloth."

"What if it's true?"

"Then there's no need to panic. Whether it's a mule or a horse, it has to stroll around on the grassland. If only an empty shell is made, that's fun."

"Let's go to the cafeteria to eat, and then see how the bosses arrange it."

In the convoy, Lin Yu stood on the front of the car, and his clear eyes swept across the equipment of the brother units like a searchlight.

The equipment of these brother units was not covered with camouflage nets, so he could see the style of the equipment clearly.

All armored vehicles, wheeled, tracked self-propelled artillery, or rocket launchers.

Although these equipments are placed in different areas and belong to different companies, as long as you are familiar with military equipment, you can easily find familiar common points from these different equipments.

After watching for a while, Lin Yu patted his butt and jumped out of the car, gave Qian Duoduo and Tang Chuan a thumbs up, and said:

"Stable, these companies' design ideas still regard these equipments as regiment-level and battalion-level firepower."

"The power is enough, but the mobility and applicability are a little worse."

"As long as we grasp this point, it is almost a foregone conclusion that we will win this bid."

"You unload the goods first, I'll go see Director Lu."

After the instructions, Lin Yu got into the car and changed his clothes into the regular clothes he got last time.

He suddenly became a gentle and elegant military adviser.

Holding the luggage bag in his hand, he walked towards the small white building happily.

The sentry in front of the white building saw him, smiled at him, handed over the registration book naturally, and then asked: "Staff Officer Lin, you are finally here."

There was a little bit of ease in his words, that was the ease after someone entrusted him with a task and then completed the task.

Hearing the strangeness in his words, Lin Yu looked up blankly and asked: "Is anyone looking for me?"

"Yeah!" The sentry nodded repeatedly, and at the same time took the registration book signed by Lin Yu's hand, put the registration book away, and then he said softly:

"It's Yang Xueyang, the leader of the QA team. He heard that you will participate in this equipment bidding. He comes every other day, and comes every other day."

"Every time he comes, he follows Director Lu around twice, but doesn't speak."

"When he leaves, he will tell us that you must tell him when you come."

"Well... calculate the time, he will come in the afternoon when you have dinner."

"Do you want me to contact him for you?"

Yang Xue?

Rubbing his hair with his hands, Lin Yu could also guess the purpose of this person looking for him.

It was nothing more than seeing Gao Jun of the DA group, bringing people to his place to get new equipment, he felt that he was ignored and wanted to get some new equipment.

But the problem is...

Lin Yu turned his head and looked at the convoy that was still unloading.

The QA group is a rapid strike force, and its role is equivalent to the 101st Airborne Division of America.

If you want an airborne division to play a role, you need a large transport aircraft to pull their equipment and people up at once.

If you only pull people or equipment, it's not good enough.

As for attacking from the ground, it's even worse.

But for now, Rheinsteel has no plans to make large transport aircraft, so Lin Yu can only say that he can't help with Yang Xue's idea.

An unmanned transport aircraft can be given in a few years.

Shaking his head and putting these things behind his mind, Lin Yu happily walked into the small white building, and then saw the newly posted notice on the public notice board in the hall.

After reading it, he really wanted to give a thumbs up to the person who proposed this idea and praise the other party in person as a master of fanning the flames.

After reading the other things on the notice board, he turned around and found that there was another person behind him.

A person about the same age as him.

The other party smiled slightly and said, "Brother Lin, Director Lu and others are waiting for you upstairs, this way."


Although he was a little confused, Lin Yu still followed the young man and walked to the elevator next to him.

As the elevator door closed, the young man also opened the conversation: "My name is Gan Yuan, and I am a student of the Royal Salute Academy of Xiaolingwei. At the beginning of last year, the General Staff went directly to our school to select people, and I was selected."

"After the assessment, I have been working here."

"Later, we systematically studied what you wrote to the General Staff. It was not until then that I knew that the General Staff gave us the opportunity to be selected from you."

"So, I need to say something to you in person."

"Thank you!" After introducing himself, Gan Yuan stood up straight and bowed to Lin Yu to express his gratitude.

On the other side, Lin Yu accepted the thanks very calmly, touched his nose, and said:

"Although the opportunity comes from me, you have to be good enough."

"By the way, have you seen those people from Shengmajiagou Vocational and Technical College? I was there when they were selecting."

"I didn't see them last time, and I don't know if I can see them this time."


The elevator door opened.

Gan Yuan smiled slightly and said happily:

"The people from Shengmajiagou Vocational and Technical College and the people from Majiagou Men's Technical College are all in Guangdong Province and were thrown to the Navy."

Uh... The Navy does need people.

Lin Yu was speechless for a moment and could only follow Gan Yuan to Lu Huaxi's office.

The office was at the end of the corridor. The two of them stood outside the door and knocked gently. A gentle voice came from inside the door:

"Come in!"

Gan Yuan naturally stepped aside and pointed to the door: "Brother Lin, I won't go in."

When Lin Yu walked into the room, Gan Yuan closed the door, turned his back to the door, stood at attention, stepped his left leg to the left, and put his hands behind his back with this movement.

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