"This... what are they thinking!"

At the Guojizhuang Army Command College, Tang Yuanshan saw the news that Lu Huaxi had sent over, and while he felt relieved, he also had a lot of questions in his head.

Beside him was Lin Yu, who was holding the information that had been sent over in his left hand and a red marker in his right hand, drawing lines, circles, and measuring dimensions on the world map.

After marking the relevant information on the map, he looked at the distance numbers, folded his hands, and said with a smile:

"Americans still think like businessmen."

"The most fatal point of businessmen's thinking is that they will not take the initiative to do things that cost more than the benefits, because it is a waste for them."

"If they attack Iran, Russia will definitely be the loser."

"Here, Russia's 58th Army has left their base in Vladikavkaz and is moving towards the Caspian Sea, Sovetskoye."

"Starting from here, along the Caspian Highway in Azerbaijan, you can reach Iran unimpeded."

"This circle is less than 400 kilometers. If they move faster, let the subordinate 19th Motorized Infantry Division, 205th Independent Motorized Infantry Brigade, 136th Independent Motorized Infantry Brigade, and 487th Independent Support Group be the vanguard."

"It will take half a day to reach Iran."

"Will Azerbaijan agree?" Tang Yuanshan asked.

Hearing this, Lin Yu sighed and responded: "At this time, Azerbaijan has to agree even if it disagrees, because his opinion is not important. If America really invades Iran, Russia doesn't mind attacking Azerbaijan again."

"The Russians think about things more simply, directly and quickly than we do."

"Look to the east, the North Sea Fleet in Vladivostok has set off, and the submarines of the Arctic Fleet have also run away."

"Russia can keep these news secret and not reveal them at all, but they revealed them, which means they have made a decision."

"For America, the investment is greater than the immediate benefits, which is not worth it for them."

"So they chose to turn their guns around and beat that suicidal Colonel Ka to death."

Listening to Lin Yu's explanation, Tang Yuanshan couldn't help stretching and breathing a sigh of relief.

These days, the participating units of Operation Tianjian have been mobilized, and the two of them have not been idle, and have been doing deductions.

Now that he finally got the confirmed news, he could take a break. He picked up the cold tea on the table, drank it in one gulp, and said lazily: "Then we can breathe a sigh of relief."

Listening to his words, Lin Yu slowly turned his head and rolled his eyes:

"Relax, before the source of that batch of yellow cakes is found out, relax? Everyone has to be on edge."

"Also, there is an old saying called repairing the plank road in the open, secretly crossing Chencang, what if the Americans do this?"

"Don't look at me with that look, the Americans are not Idiot, they also have brains, and, what if they have two psychos? "

These questions made Tang Yuanshan's face, which had just opened, become solemn again. His eyes returned to the map. After looking at the map for a while, he sighed: "Then I'll go make tea. Do you drink green tea or black tea?"

"I drink soy milk. Bring me a pancake."

"Get lost!"

"Two more meat buns."

When Tang Yuanshan's back disappeared at the door of the office, Lin Yu sat down at his desk, dragged the mouse, and began to search for more information on the Internet.

For America's operation this time, he could only say that these birdmen were still smart and knew to use the righteousness of anti-terrorism, but... they didn't understand the notice issued by their Congress.

Is this a preparation to use human wave tactics to submerge Libya?

But the problem is that Libya's population is mainly concentrated in the Mediterranean and in those coastal cities. Although there are people in the desert, it is a waste to fight those people.

Moreover, if a large number of people swarmed to their base, could they handle it?

After searching for relevant information on the Internet for a while, a page popped up in front of him.

[Fast and regular immigration to America program, guaranteed to obtain residency...

Contact number...]

Old man, subway, mobile phone.jpg

After reading all the words on this page, even he couldn't help but give a thumbs up to the person who made this page. In addition to cheating people's money, he also wanted to cheat people to death.

The general method is that this guy helps to smuggle people out of the country, and then sends people to the Middle East and to the Libyan battlefield. What happens next is life and death, and wealth and honor are up to fate.

After a little hesitation, he took out his mobile phone and prepared to call Jialim to see if they have any ideas to develop in Libya.

If you go to Libya and see East Asians wearing America equipment, kill them all.

However, he just dialed the phone and before he had time to press the number, a familiar number called in.

Hassan's phone number

Lin Yu answered the call and said to the other party with a smile: "My dear Mr. Hassan, I haven't seen you for several months. Where have you been?"

"Are you causing trouble in Iraq? Okay, you want equipment? How much do you want?"

"Money is not a problem. I happen to have a batch of experimental products at a low price. Um... I can give them away for free."

"But you have to return the experimental data to me in full. If you can't, you have to pay for it."

"What equipment? Of course it's heavy firepower. How can I treat you badly with what I have?"

"You want some equipment accessories? Sure, I can help you find them. You just have to pay for them."

"Thank you? No thanks. What's our relationship? We are friends. Friends should help each other. You can find a time to come and set the quantity."

"Are you in Lanling?"

"I'll find someone to receive you. I'll make the arrangements here. You just need to prepare the cargo ship."

"Hang up first."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yu laughed. He never expected that the Iranians would act so quickly. Today is the 27th.

What happened on the 21st, he heard the news on the 22nd. As a result, Hassan ran back to Iran from Iraq and ran to Lanling in the afternoon of the 26th.

The reaction is really fast. No wonder this group of people in the previous life were able to make such a big name in the Middle East.

His fingers slid across the keyboard, typed in Lu Huaxi's number, and pressed the dial button.

30 seconds later, the call was connected, and Lu Huaxi's voice came from the other side:

"What's the matter?"

"The Iranian named Hassan is here. I gave him the equipment you asked me to prepare two days ago as a half-sale, half-gift, and half-experimental batch, and he is still grateful to me."

After listening to the explanation here, there was an obvious sigh of relief on the phone, and then Lu Huaxi's tired voice came:

"Okay, you give him the equipment as soon as possible, let him go back as soon as possible, and wrestle with the Americans as soon as possible. I have to command the operation these two days, don't call me, I'm really too busy."

As soon as the voice fell, the phone was hung up.

Feeling the old man's swift and decisive action, Lin Yu put the phone aside, clicked the page on the screen, and then signed up for Gao Jun.

After the Saudi incident, the more aggressive countries in the Middle East became very quiet, and even the militants who made various TV speeches a few days ago became very quiet.

Because the American army in the Middle East is being mobilized.

In this quiet atmosphere, America's announcement was issued. After seeing the announcement, the militants and their supporters were relieved and could continue to live a peaceful life.

If you live a peaceful life, there must be someone carrying the burden for you.

Tripoli, Libya.

Colonel Ka, who was carrying the burden, was sitting on the throne in his office and going crazy.

Those exquisite utensils, in his hands, turned into grenades and darts, and the targets of his attack were those who did dirty things under him.

Another silver plate flew out and hit the person kneeling in front of him. The silver plate was sharp. Just a slight scratch left a blood mark on the man's shoulder. Looking at the blood beads oozing out, Colonel Ka went even crazier.

He stood up suddenly, ran to these people in three or two steps, and asked: "I need you to say it again, the plane that hit the American Embassy in Saudi Arabia was not you who did it."

"No!" The people kneeling on the ground answered in unison, and then they explained themselves.

"Using planes is not worth the cost. Inspections in Saudi Arabia are not strict. We only need a car to attack the American embassy directly."

"That's right. There was an explosion in Mecca a few days ago."

"Yes, yes, the American consulate in Mecca was also attacked a few days ago, and people were injured."

"It's really not us. Seeing that the handling of the previous two air crashes is about to end, do we need to do this?"

Hearing these people's words, the anger on Colonel Ka's face slowly dissipated. He knew these people under him very well. They had some small ideas, but unfortunately, their brains were too stupid to do such a delicate job.

Standing there and taking a few deep breaths, he slowly straightened his back and cast his eyes on the commander of the National Defense Force next to him, who was his personal guard:

"Gather all our troops and concentrate them all in Tripoli. I want to let the Americans know."

"Libya is not Iraq, and I am not that waste in Iraq. If they dare to attack me, I will bite off a piece of their flesh even if I die."

"Go down and arrange it!"

"And the few of you, all get up and arrange the people below to America and Europe. As long as the Americans dare to attack, I will bite off a piece of their flesh for me."

The commander of the National Defense Force turned and left after hearing the order, and the few gloves kneeling on the ground also stood up at this moment to execute his order.

After these people left, Colonel Ka turned around without hesitation, walked into the inner room of the office, opened the closet, revealed the secret passage inside, bent down and went in directly.

After walking in the secret passage for a while, he appeared in a small room, where a black man was waiting.

A black man in a suit and leather shoes looked like a business elite.

He sat quietly on a stool by the wall. When he saw Colonel Ka appear, he stood up quickly with a face full of enthusiasm.

Seeing this man, Colonel Ka nodded slightly and asked:

"Have I moved all my things?"

Hearing the question, the man opened his clothes, took out a list from his clothes, handed it to Colonel Ka, and said: "Sir, please check if there is anything missing."

The list only has more than 30 lines, but the items in each line are extremely precious.

Gold, US dollar cash, antiques, stocks, assets...

After reading the list, Colonel Ka nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Nothing is missing, everything has been moved cleanly, you didn't leave any traces when you did it."

It is obvious that this black man has not watched enough TV dramas. Facing Colonel Ka's question, he smiled and said complacently: "I have solved all the problems, even the people who helped to move, I have dealt with them cleanly."

The last sentence made Colonel Ka's eyes light up. Before the black man finished speaking, he pulled out a small pistol with his right hand in his arms and shot wildly at the black man.

After killing people, he rolled up the list in his hand, stuffed it into his arms, patted his butt, and turned away without hesitation.

Soon, he gave a speech in his presidential palace, which was passionate but without focus.

It was long and boring.


"His speech is still like this, without a single focus."

Tel Aviv, after watching Colonel Ka's speech, Roth couldn't help scratching his ears. He felt that listening to this person's speech was a complete waste of time.

After turning off the TV, he turned his head and looked at President Pablo next to him and asked:

"Mr. President, when are we going to start?"

"Have you cleaned up the beginning and the end?"

"Cleaned up!"

"Where's your gun? Take it out and let me see. If you want to kill someone, the pistol must be loaded with bullets." Pablo asked in a low voice, and when Roots took out the pistol, he asked him to show it.

Although he was a little curious, Roots still took out his precious Browning 1911PKZSE pistol, and then pointed the muzzle of the gun at the window amid Pablo's praises.

While he was showing off his heroic figure, Pablo suddenly stepped forward, grabbed his hand, and finally twisted the muzzle of the gun and pointed it at his shoulder.

His sudden action made Roots pull the trigger subconsciously.

Bang! .

The 45-caliber bullet hit Pablo's shoulder in an instant, bringing a streak of blood from his body. Then Pablo screamed, and then, before Roth could react, he once again forcibly twisted the muzzle of the gun, pointed the muzzle at Roth, and beat Roth's fingers frantically.

One shot, two shots.

During this period, he also took the time to shoot himself again.

Amid the gunshots, realizing that Roth in front of him was no longer moving, Pablo stood up in pain, stumbled out of the room, and shouted as he ran:

"Help, Roth is going to kill me!"

But he didn't notice that after he left, Roth's motionless hand slowly moved to the edge of his trouser pocket, and pressed the dial button of the mobile phone through his trousers.

The other end of the mobile phone signal was in England.

On the streets of London, a young man who was obviously Jewish looked at the number on his phone, answered it casually, and listened to the noise on the other end. After a while, he hung up the phone, carried the package, and walked to the nearest library.

Half an hour later, a piece of explosive news appeared on the Internet.

[The Israeli president, defense minister, and Mossad director planned the Saudi tragedy. ]

After sending out everything, the young man put on his hood and just walked out of the library, a speeding car directly shoveled him away.

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