After eating and drinking, Lin Yu returned to the room and began to arrange the work for the next day.

"Xiao Duo, after the guide comes over tomorrow as a part-time translator, you can ask him to take you to buy two second-hand pickup trucks and at the same time complete the procedures for traveling to Afghanistan."

"Luo Ping, when the boss lady goes out to buy groceries, you can follow her around to see the prices of various items, and take a look at the surrounding road conditions as well."

After hearing the order, Qian Duoduo licked his lips and asked: "Factory... Master, why do we need a translator and guide here?"

"We can actually find a translator directly at the school. It's safer that way."

"Safety is safe, but the translators who come out of the school are not as knowledgeable as the local ones here, right?" Faced with Qian Duoduo's inquiry, Lin Yu's small rhetorical question made this man who had just stepped out of school less than a year The young man was speechless.

After the brief interlude, people who had been flying all day returned to their rooms to rest.

However, their sleep was not peaceful.

At around four o'clock in the morning, several explosions suddenly came from the quiet night sky. The sounds were rapid and short, but also very coherent.

At first, Lin Yu was a little confused, but he soon came to his senses.

Because that's gunfire!

Hearing gunshots while sleeping, a group of Rheinsteel people lost sleep.

Lin Yu sat on the bed and thought about his next move, while Qian Duoduo began to calculate how much money he would need tomorrow.

As for Luo Ping, he stood behind the curtain and carefully observed his surroundings with a telescope. At the same time, he also drew the surrounding road conditions on an A4 piece of paper.

It was just after 8 o'clock in the morning.

Chen Bin appeared in front of everyone with a middle-aged man in his thirties, wearing a gray and white robe. He pointed to the middle-aged man next to him and introduced:

"Larry Buzzard, an Afghan, speaks Mandarin, Urdu, Pashto, and Hazara. He is very familiar with the surrounding areas of Kabul and Peshawar."

After introducing the guide, Chen Bin turned around again, raised his finger to Lin Yu, and explained:

"This is Mr. Lin from Rheinland Jewelry. He is planning to purchase some rough gemstones in Afghanistan. Of course, he is also planning to open some factories there, so we need to contact him in the middle."

"Here, I need to reiterate your job scope and salary."

"The scope of your work is to guide Mr. Lin's path and translate the words of Mr. Lin and the negotiating parties."

"You need to correct Mr. Lin's poor language and poor etiquette in a timely manner, and you also need to explain to the other party in the business negotiation."

"Your monthly salary is US$600, paid once every half month, with a half-month cycle. When Mr. Lin is ready to terminate his employment relationship with you, any less than half a month will be calculated as half a month."

"If there is no objection, then please nod."

After introducing the two of them, Chen Bin naturally backed away and handed over the court to the hired parties.

Looking at the Afghan in front of him, Lin Yu raised his hand and pointed. Qian Duoduo immediately passed his boss and came to Larry. He took out a red envelope from his arms and handed it over, smiling and saying:

"Our young master has said that peace is the most important thing when doing things. If we meet for the first time and we will work together in the future, you should keep this red envelope first."

After Larry received the red envelope, Qian Duoduo naturally retreated to Lin Yu's side, with his hands on his sides and his body slightly forward, like a qualified butler.

In the room, Larry pinched the red envelope lightly with his fingers, stuffed it from his chest into his robe, and stood next to Lin Yu naturally.

Seeing his actions, Chen Bin nodded to Lin Yu and said goodbye:

"Mr. Lin, if you need anything, call me! I'm leaving first!"

After seeing Chen Bin off and having a local breakfast, Lin Yu threw Luo Ping and others out.

Qian Duoduo took Larry to buy a car and some common supplies, and went through the procedures to go to Afghanistan. Luo Ping took people around and walked around.

As the eldest, Lin Yu squatted at home and slept.

In the afternoon, people who went out for a stroll came back and brought back various sights they saw.

"They were just sitting on the ground eating! There was such a thick layer of mud on their hands!"

"They like jewelry very much here. Almost anyone who is a little richer has gems on their hands. I think we can definitely make a lot of money with our craftsmanship."

"I think we can bring Yunjin over, it will definitely make money!"

"You are overthinking it. That thing is so expensive. People who are not familiar with it can't even buy one in a month. We can't afford it here."

A group of people were talking in a flurry of words, all talking about the luxury goods that they had been working hard on during this period.

The impression given to others is that this group of people is like a young master who came to a foreign country with a group of subordinates, preparing to open up a fertile land for jewelry here.

After making preparations and resting for the night, Lin Yu left two people behind early the next morning and drove to Peshawar with the remaining people.

Prepare to meet Sah Jagger first, and then through him, meet Ahmed Rabbi.

As an important border city of Pakistan, Peshawar has a not very good highway connecting Peshawar and Islamabad.

There were a lot of vehicles traveling between the two cities. In addition, people from Pakistan and Afghanistan liked overloading, and overloaded vehicles did not drive fast. Therefore, the group had to drive all morning long on the 160-kilometer road from Islamabad to Peshawar.

It was not until noon that we finally arrived at Peshawar, an important handicraft city.

Except for the houses being a little shabby, the planning of this city is quite neat. All the roads are square. If you pass one intersection, there are countless intersections.

It is simply a large spider web.

Looking at the Peshawar special modified trucks running through the streets, Lin Yu couldn't help but give them a thumbs up.

These people are masters who can drive a car without a factory brand to deliver the goods accurately in such a place.

Of course, there is a master in Lin Yu's car.

Under Larry's guidance, the convoy kept shuttling in the city, and finally stopped in front of a building that stood out from the crowd.

This is a hotel.

Seeing the car stop, several children standing in front of the hotel immediately ran over, talking in a flurry, and seemed to be the hotel's doormen.

However, before Lin Yu could speak, Larry, who was sitting in the passenger seat, opened the door and got out of the car. His face, which looked very kind, suddenly stretched out and he shouted at the children.

After Lin Yu and the others got out of the car, Larry explained, "These children are very good at deceiving people. They pretend to be the doormen of the hotel and take you to the hotel front desk and ask for money."

"Mr. Chen Bin told me that you Chinese people can't stand this, but I still have to say that it's unnecessary."

After listening to the explanation, Lin Yu was silent for a moment, raised his head and looked around, and saw a shop selling naan about 50 meters to the left.

He pointed with his finger and whispered, "Larry, give them each a naan."

"Boss!" Larry was anxious.

The children next to him saw the expressions of Larry and Lin Yu, and immediately guessed that the two should have disagreed on their problem, so they acted like drama queens, and one even lay straight on the ground and began to foam at the mouth.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yu couldn't help but rub his temples with his hands. It was really...

Just like the legend.

He took a deep breath, stepped forward with his long legs, and walked over Larry, whispering: "Go, it's just a few dollars!"

Hearing this, Larry sighed, walked towards the naan shop not far away, spent money to buy a few naan, and returned to the door of the hotel again, handing the cold naan that could break people's teeth to a few children.

As soon as they got the naan, the children couldn't help but hold it high, making a face at Larry, and turned around and jumped away.

In the hotel, the arrival of Lin Yu and his group, who looked either rich or noble, naturally alarmed the hotel manager.

However, before the hotel manager could ask questions, Qian Duoduo appeared naturally and handed out a visiting card from his briefcase.

Larry also translated beside him: "We are gem merchants from China. We heard that Mr. Sahe has a wide network of contacts in Peshawar. We would like to ask Mr. Sahe for a favor."

When the hotel manager heard that they were looking for his boss and looked at the thing he had never seen before, he knew that these people were definitely VIPs.

Therefore, he did not think much about it, took the visiting card with both hands, arranged for the people to sit in the VIP room, and immediately called his boss.

Half an hour later, Sahe appeared in the VIP room of the hotel, his eyes swept over Lin Yu and others like a searchlight, and finally fell on the jade hanging on Lin Yu's waist.

The people in the VIP room were all led by this young man. Combined with the message he received some time ago, Sahe almost subconsciously asked Lin Yu in a codeword in not-so-standard Mandarin:

"Have you eaten?"

"I ate a little in the morning! I'm a little hungry now. Could it be that Mr. Sahe knew that there would be guests coming?"

"That's not the case. It's just that you Chinese people like to ask this question. We're used to it." The two laughed at each other. Sahe raised his hand and pointed to the door of the VIP room, and said with a smile:

"Since Mr. Lin has something to talk about, let's follow your Chinese habits and talk while eating."

"Is it really convenient?"

"Of course it's convenient. I like the way you Chinese people talk while eating."

After Sahe finished speaking, he turned around and opened the door of the VIP room, and walked to the hotel restaurant with a few people.

The overall layout style of the restaurant is not an ordinary open restaurant, but an open restaurant with several private rooms.

It's obviously a Chinese layout style.

Sitting down in the private room, Lin Yu tilted his head and whispered, "Mr. Sahe, I heard that you have a lot of gems in your hands. Can you open our eyes?"


Sahe responded calmly, slowly got up and left. Ten minutes later, he came back with a large bag of stones.

Putting these stones on the table, arranging them one by one, he introduced:

"These are all gems from Panjshir. To be honest, only Panjshir can produce such pure emeralds."

"This is lapis lazuli. Good lapis lazuli looks like it has been coated with oil."

"Don't you like it there?"

"It's not that I don't like it, but it's used as pigment? This thing can also be used as pigment? It's really strange!"

"In fact, there are better stones in my room on the top floor, but those things are a bit expensive, so I can only keep them in the safe."

As we talked back and forth, lunch began.

Lunch was simple, yogurt, sugar, naan, and chopped roasted lamb.

Take up a naan and tear it open, put yogurt, sugar, and chopped roasted lamb into it, make a meat bun, and after a few bites, Lin Yu used the excuse of going back to the room to rest.

He left first, and Sahe also left after receiving a phone call.

Then, the two met on the top floor of the hotel.

In the room on the top floor, looking at the young man in front of him, Sahe extended his right hand and introduced himself softly: "Sahe Jagger! Member of the Pakistan Muslim League, who once studied in China."

"Lin Yu! Rheinsteel Group, this time the main task is to cut off the channels for terrorists to transport drugs and terrorists to our country through Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan."

"The secondary task is to help you establish a qualified basic agriculture."

"The third most important task is to help you build some industries."

The two hands were clasped together and shook gently. Sahe pulled Lin Yu and walked to the center of the room. In front of a huge sand table, he picked up a wooden pole and pointed at the sand table and said:

"I don't know much about Afghanistan."

"I can only tell you about the situation in Pakistan. The people active in our territory are mainly the Taliban who claim to be descendants of Turks."

"Their main activity area is now in Quetta, Balochistan Province. Once we attack, they flee to Afghanistan and Iran."

"When Iran attacks, they flee to Afghanistan and our Pakistan."

"When Afghanistan attacks, they follow suit and flee to Iran and our Pakistan."

"It's very troublesome. Every attack cannot accurately and effectively solve them."

" In the past few days, Zabul, which borders Balochistan, has been fighting fiercely. Then according to the news we received, the gang came again. "

"This time you said to deal with it in an unofficial way. In fact, we also support it internally."

"Because of this gang, we can never really settle down."

"By the way, Mr. Lin, how are you going to solve these problems this time?"

The sand table is very detailed, Lin Yu is looking at it very seriously, and suddenly heard what Sah said. He didn't think for a moment and answered directly: "Fight and fight together."

As he said, he pointed to the location of Balochistan in the lower left corner of the sand table and said:

"In Iran, we have Agreed with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, that is, to continue to fight drugs. "

"One gram of drugs will be destroyed, and one drug dealer will be killed."

"People will die, and when they die to a certain extent, they will lose control of the land area."

"This is fighting!"

"The militants cannot control the land, and the lives on their land will find ways to survive."

"And we need to give them a way to survive at this time."

"Agriculture that can feed people is a basic path."

"And to demonstrate this path, Mr. Sah needs to provide land, and we will help you breed and grow more suitable food."

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