When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 315 The real purpose is revealed! (First update!)

While speaking, Fang Jianguo raised the report on the anti-terrorism situation analysis in his right hand, and then kept tapping the contents of the report with his left hand.

Where his fingers tapped was a series of text descriptions.

[The terrorists around us are different from those elsewhere. They love to tie bombs to themselves and then carry out suicide attacks.

And every attack they make will cause casualties among ordinary people and anti-terrorism combatants.

This is a huge blow to the people's hearts and morale.

This time, Lieutenant Colonel Harry Babur and his special operations battalion are a typical negative example.

Therefore, we need a more intelligent anti-terrorism system...]

After the anti-terrorism system, there is a big ellipsis, which jumps directly to the next paragraph, which gives people the feeling of constipation.

Holding the document, Fang Jianguo locked his eyes on Lin Yu and asked, "What is your so-called intelligent anti-terrorism system?"

"If you don't explain it clearly today, then I..."

The old man who thought he was an uncle silently put down the document in his hand, took back the two application reports that he had just signed his opinion, and made a move to tear the document.

Full of threats.

Lin Yu raised his hand very cooperatively and shouted repeatedly: "No, no, no! I say, I say, put the document down first."

The old and the young laughed, Fang Jianguo put the document down, Lin Yu turned around and took out three A4 papers on the table next to him and began to write on them.

He was writing, and Fang Jianguo stood by and watched. Lin Yu wrote a word and he read a word.

"Intelligent... Capable... Anti-Terrorism"

Finally, Lu Huaxi, who had been watching the show, couldn't stand it anymore, stretched out his hand and pushed him back to sit on the sofa, and sat there together, waiting for Lin Yu's final explanation.

After more than half an hour, Lin Yu finally filled the three blank papers in his hand.

He placed the white paper in front of the two people, squatted down, pressed the title of the white paper with his finger, and began to explain:

"In fact, intelligent counter-terrorism is mainly divided into several stages."

"The first stage is defense."

"Just like the content in the report, these terrorists around us like to tie bombs on themselves."

"Bombs need materials, so the first step is to control the materials and establish a national unified chemical monitoring platform."

"At first, it is to monitor various chemical companies, then monitor the distributors of chemical companies, and the distribution catalogs of distributors."

"Finally, it is the purchaser."

"No matter who purchases, it is necessary to clearly register the quantity and purpose of the purchased chemicals."

"If there is an abnormal purchase of chemicals, just break the door."

"Of course, there will definitely be people who take risks for high profits, and what needs to be done is still to break the door."

"To build this set of chemical monitoring platform, it requires a powerful server and powerful software technology."

Listening to Lin Yu's explanation, Lu Huaxi and Fang Jianguo nodded repeatedly. This is a very good idea.

Although the country has announced some procedures for the use and transportation of hazardous chemicals, there are still some problems in actual management.

This idea is good, but if a management regulation is issued to strictly restrict it, then when there is an abnormal purchase quantity, there will be a law to follow and a legitimate reason.

After talking to Lin Yu for a few more words, Fang Jianguo picked up the white paper next to him and wrote down this idea separately.

If this idea is to be put into practice, it will require more people to help and some additional content.

Then it can impress more people.

After he finished his work, Lin Yu slid his finger down, pressed the second step, and continued to explain in a calm voice:

"The second step is to build a national unified Sky Eye monitoring platform."

"Promote hotels, inns, railway stations, bus stations, airports, large shopping malls and other crowded places to install cameras that can cover the entire area."

"Doing so can reduce the difficulty of investigation after an accident."

"And the sufficient deployment of surveillance cameras can also deter others to a certain extent and reduce the crime rate."

"Compared to the first step, this is more difficult because it involves infrastructure construction and transformation."

"This requires money. Some places have money, some places don't, and some places don't want to spend money on it."

"After the infrastructure is built, the Sky Eye system also needs a sufficient server to process data."

With the previous chemical monitoring system as a foundation, Fang Jianguo and the others are more receptive to this Sky Eye system.

But when they took Lin Yu's writing in their hands and read it through, they found that this so-called Sky Eye system seemed...

a little bit troublesome.

Sliding his finger across the A4 paper, from the beginning to the end, and then from the end to the beginning, Fang Jianguo reluctantly put down the A4 paper in his hand, looked up to the sky and sighed:

"This is not easy to do. According to your standards, the funds required to be invested in all provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions across the country must be at least several billion."

"And even these several billion are the initial investment costs, and continued investment is required in the future."

"I can only say that this idea should be reported, but whether there is funding or who will start first is another matter."

After speaking, Fang Jianguo sat blankly on the sofa, staring at the ceiling, as if thinking about something.

After a long time, he suddenly lowered his head to look at Lin Yu, and at the same time, he sat up straight and said:

"Let's talk about your third step."

After receiving the instruction, Lin Yu took out the A4 paper at the bottom, placed it in front of the two people, and continued to explain in a calm voice:

"The third step is our anti-terrorism combat equipment."

"When I was writing the report, I also asked Gao Jun to help me contact the relevant comrades of the armed police and inquire about some equipment conditions."

"But from what I learned, it is not optimistic."

"Like the QA Group and the Pakistan Special Operations Battalion, our armed police comrades, in addition to the rifles, machine guns, and 88 sniper rifles in their hands, have only one 40-gun heavy firepower."

"But even with 40-gun, the number of configurations is seriously insufficient."

"Take the first anti-terrorism brigade of Yanjing as an example."

"The anti-terrorism patrol vehicle is a modified ordinary van. Although the bulletproof performance has been enhanced, the bottom of this car is There is almost no room for improvement. "

"And the armored vehicle is just an armored vehicle, without firepower!"

"Admittedly, this kind of armored vehicle is more than enough to deal with ordinary bandits who only use pistols, but what if they encounter those terrorists? "

"There is only one result, that is, insufficient firepower!"

"Except for the most basic firepower support platform, our people have no other anti-terrorism equipment."

"High-precision night vision goggles, portable infrared scanners, unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, unmanned infrared probes and other auxiliary equipment, none of them."

"So, the third step is to equip our anti-terrorism forces with enough anti-terrorism equipment to effectively improve their combat effectiveness."

Fang Jianguo and the others are more familiar with the Yanjing Anti-Terrorism First Battalion. At the end of last year, personnel were drawn from various armed police detachments and gathered together to form an anti-terrorism force specifically used for anti-terrorism operations in the Yanjing area.

Along with the First Battalion, there is also a Second Battalion.

To be fair, because it has just been formed, the equipment of this anti-terrorism battalion cannot be described as difficult to describe, but it is not too good either.

Compared with foreign countries, there is a certain gap in equipment and personnel training.

As for the anti-terrorist equipment mentioned by Lin Yu.

I'm working on it!

After recalling the information of the two anti-terrorist brigades in his mind, Fang Jianguo's face gradually became strange.

He looked at Lin Yu with a playful look on his face and asked back: "The first and second points you mentioned are just smokescreens you released to cover up your tracks."

"Your core goal is the third one, right?"

As he said that, he counted on his fingers and began to calculate: "Come on, according to the intelligence from the armed police, they are preparing to establish a four-level anti-terrorism mechanism."

"That is, the national anti-terrorism brigade, the provincial special operations squadron, the prefecture-level special operations platoon, and the county-level mobile squad."

"There are 2,844 county-level administrative regions in the country, and these county-level administrative regions need at least one mobile squad."

"A mobile squad needs at least one set of anti-terrorism equipment, including an armored vehicle, 11 sets of night vision goggles, a set of infrared reconnaissance equipment, a set of drones you mentioned, and infrared probes."

"And then cooperate with the corresponding logistics system."

"One set costs at least two or three million."

"And the city's distribution The number of equipments to be equipped is still more!"

As the words became more and more, Fang Jianguo's eyes became brighter and brighter. Finally, he simply raised his hand and pointed at Lin Yu with his finger:

"If I remember correctly, you have an armored vehicle in your hand. I heard from Lao Qian that you are also working on drones..."

"You are repairing the plank road in the open, but secretly crossing the Chencang Pass!"

"Good! Very good!"

"Since you are so dedicated, I will give you a chance. Now in August, before the National Day, get a set of equipment for the First Anti-Terrorism Brigade of Yanjing."

"If they can use it, then I will give you another document and a code name for the anti-terrorism equipment."

"You go and develop it."

"If it doesn't work, hehe!"

Fang Jianguo began to laugh, and Lin Yu beside him also laughed. Seeing the two guys, one big and one small, laughing, Lu Huaxi also laughed.

After laughing, he pushed the documents on the table in front of Fang Jianguo:

"Then trouble you, Old Fang, to come with me and send these things to the big guys to have a look."

Then, he looked at Lin Yu and said, "You stay in the guesthouse of the General Staff for two days and wait for news from us."

"You go to work on chips."

"Also, the medal you went to Pakistan for this time is still in the process, and it will be sent to you when the time comes."

Someone went to submit the relevant work report, and Lin Yu was naturally happy to be free. After agreeing, he carried his briefcase and went to the guesthouse of the General Staff to wait for news.

In the afternoon, he did not wait for Lu Huaxi's people, but waited for several other people.

Gan Yuan, and several young people he didn't know.

At a glance, they were in their twenties, and each of them was full of vigor and vitality, like the rising sun in the morning.

The light green officer's uniform on his body was as tall as a pine tree.

Because he had met Gan Yuan before, Lin Yu naturally walked up to the young man, opened his arms, hugged him tightly, and asked with a smile:

"Xiao Gan, who are these people?"

After hugging each other, Gan Yuan naturally took a step back, raised his hand and pointed at the people next to him, and explained:

"These are the old hands picked by the General Staff at the Weigongcun Auto Repair College. They are assigned to the Armed Police Department and are responsible for anti-terrorism-related work."

"Director Lu told me at noon to bring these old hands here this afternoon and hand them over to you, Senior Brother Lin."

"Then ask Senior Brother Lin to explain to them the relevant information about Pakistan and Afghanistan."

"After they are familiar with the relevant situation, they have to go to Islamabad to accompany Director Luan Yuelin."

As soon as he finished speaking, several young people next to him immediately started to scold Gan Yuan.

"You, Gan Yuan, are the old onion. All the talents in the Xiaolingwei Royal Salute Academy are old onions!"

"That's right. All of you in Xiaolingwei are old onions!"

"No, all of you in Xiaolingwei are wild old onions!"

When they were arguing about the ownership of the onion, Lin Yu quietly raised his hand, took over the topic, and said loudly:

"Ahem! That, the highest record of onions in our Lu Province is 2.1 meters. In our place, cursing someone is the onion, which is not actually an insult."

After this, the people present were speechless, but their tiptoes still betrayed them.

Gan Yuan was speechless. He turned around, coughed lightly, raised his hand and pointed at Lin Yu and introduced:

"This is Senior Brother Lin Yulin, who graduated from Shengmajiagou Vocational and Technical College. You, me, and several other schools graduated."

"We were able to enter the General Staff directly thanks to Senior Brother Lin."

"However, everyone performed well and did not embarrass ourselves, so our juniors this year can continue to follow our path."

"All of this is thanks to Senior Brother Lin."

"Then, you old guys, follow Senior Brother Lin and learn well. You will have a bright future!"

After talking to him, Gan Yuan turned around, nodded to Lin Yu, turned around and walked out of the room, and soon disappeared into the corridor.

As soon as he left, the remaining young staff officers immediately became lively. They surrounded Lin Yu and asked in a chattering voice:

"Brother Lin, I just read the report, which said that you have a SVD that has been trained for many years. Within a kilometer, you can hit the target every time?"

"Brother Lin, when you fight against those terrorists, is it as thrilling as the movie "Enemy at the Gates" released in 2001? Do you move to another place after firing a shot, and then the two sides compete with each other in wits and courage?"

"No, it should be like those cold gun masters in military history, calmly ambushing in the dry grass in the wilderness, then finding the enemy, solving the battle with one shot, and then quickly retreating."

"Brother Lin, how do people in Pakistan eat? I read in the information that they eat mushy food?"

"That's India, Pakistan is a little better."

"Brother Lin, did you leave your SVD in Pakistan? Can you write a note and give me that SVD? I have dreamed of being a sharpshooter since I was a child."

"Brother Lin..."

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