When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 326 Let’s play Mahjong together! (The third update!)

Five strange-looking people stood at the entrance of Lanling Railway Station. Two of them looked very calm, while the other three looked around like curious babies.

These people were Su Niya and Abu who came from afar.

After stopping them, Su Niya said calmly: "Abu, when you go out, there is one thing I must tell you, that is, watch more, listen more, talk less, and ask less."

"We entered China, and the Security Bureau must have received the news. There must be people around watching us. If you mess around, the consequences are unpredictable."

Su Niya's words made Abu a little puzzled. He looked at them silently for a while, and then turned his head away.

He looked at Sonia with curiosity, organized his words a little, and asked:

"Aren't the news in America and the Turkestan Camp saying that this country is full of oppression? Why did I come here and find that it seems different from what those news said?"

"Your feeling is not wrong." Sonia responded, turned around and looked at the people around him, shrugged his shoulders, and said with a smile:

"The so-called oppression is just an excuse for America and the Turkestan Camp."

"They call this normal life oppression, and the kind of life full of gunfire and explosions, full of Uncertainty, three days of hunger, never knowing which will come first, tomorrow or death, is called freedom. "

"Thus, these excuses are used to stir up conflicts between ethnic groups and make the two ethnic groups kill each other. "

"But in this country, you can see another form of ethnic communication-mutual help. "

"So, when you said you didn't know how to deal with the interests of the various ethnic groups in Afghanistan, I decided to bring you here. "

"Bring you to see."

Listening to his words, Abu slowly turned his head, with his feet as the center of the circle, slowly rotated his body, and slowly looked at the world around him.

The crowd shuttled around him, some people wore new clothes, some people wore old clothes, some people walked with their heads up, some people walked with their heads down, some people were eating something called steamed buns, and some people were eating rice.

They came and went, some people had some anxiety on their faces, and more people were casual.

They didn't worry about bombs or guns on the roadside at all, they lived a good life.

Even if he stared at these people with scrutiny, these people were still not angry, but cast curious eyes.

After a brief look, they turned around and left. It seemed that for them, the appearance of a stranger could only arouse their interest for two or three seconds.

The taxi parked on the roadside was arguing with a man in uniform. Although the two sides argued fiercely, they did not fight, let alone use guns.

After walking around the square, Abu slowly turned his head and looked in the direction behind the station. In that direction, there was a rack made of unknown materials that was dozens of meters high.

The building wrapped in the rack seemed to be a house, very high, higher than the mountain. The construction workers shuttled in the middle of the rack like tiny ants.

There is no such building in Afghanistan.

The situation in Afghanistan does not allow such a building to appear. Such a building is the priority target of all parties.

Absolutely every armed force passing by will subconsciously launch a rocket or a car bomb at such a building.

Moreover, Afghanistan probably does not have the ability to operate such a building.

But here, this country, is constantly building such buildings.

From the city called the Magic City to here, he has seen countless such high-rise buildings.

They are safe, so they build such high-rise buildings.

Perhaps, one day in the future, such high-rise buildings will also stand in Afghan cities.

But... Afghans don't seem to like such high-rise buildings, because basically every household, even the poorest people, live in an independent yard.

According to the temperament and doctrine of Afghans, if such a building is built, the women of the family will inevitably show up.


In addition, there is a possibility of living together with other ethnic groups, and there is a high probability that they will fight, and the fight will be very fierce, and it may even exceed the usual war.

This kind of building is not suitable for Afghanistan, very unsuitable for Afghanistan, very, very, very unsuitable for Afghanistan.

After saying a few words in his heart, Abu forced himself to turn his head and look at the road in front of him, waiting for Sonia's friend.

Just when he couldn't help but look at other people again, a Santana came speeding and stopped in front of several people.

Seeing that there was only one car, Su Niya raised her hand and pointed at herself, then raised her hand and pointed at the person next to her, then pointed at the car, and asked Lin Yu:

"I said I was bringing guests, why did you drive a car here?"

"I took great pains to bring this guy here, and you use this standard to receive him? Is it interesting?"

Lin Yu, who was sitting on the co-pilot seat of Santana, put his hand on the outside of the car door, patting the door from time to time, first glanced at Su Niya, rolled his eyes at the other party, and said with a little disdain:

"This is the only car I can call for. Generally speaking, I don't go out, I always take a truck, which is safe."

"Of course, I can also call for other cars, but I'm just afraid that you don't dare to sit in it."

Hearing this, Sunia crossed her hands and came to Santana's side. She looked at the back seat first, with an evaluation look on her face, and then asked: "Whose car is it?"

Seeing that he had taken the bait, Lin Yu said a name with a smile: "Prince of Saudi Arabia, Awad, he is not here these days, but he has left a few cars here. I dare to drive, do you dare to sit in it? ?”

This sentence completely stopped Sunya.

This is indeed not a place to sit.

After all, we are all enemies, and it is really unreasonable to sit in the same car.

Shaking her head, Sunia opened the door of the back seat, pushed Abu into the car, sat down after him, and closed the door, leaving the two followers outside.

All these actions of his were seen by Lin Yu. He first gave the guy a middle finger. Lin Yu reached out to hail a taxi and told the taxi driver the address in local dialect.

The driver originally wanted to kill him, but before he could say anything, Lin Yu glared back at him.

As the three attendants walked towards the taxi, Suniya shouted loudly in Farsi: "Once you get in the taxi, leave it alone and ask the driver to follow the taxi without paying."

From the train station to Jiaozhuang, it was almost a straight line. Qian Duoduo hit the gas pedal and ran along the avenue. After ten minutes, Jiaozhuang Economic Development Zone came into view.

As soon as the steering wheel turned, he plunged into the automobile manufacturing company.

After stopping the car and paying the fare to the taxi driver, he naturally disappeared in front of Lin Yu and the others to make arrangements for the evening meal.

Seeing the factories around her, Sonia opened her mouth like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, and kept ahhhhhhhh.

"You guys are building houses so fast. I remember the last time I came here, there weren't so many things here. This time, it's completely different. If you asked me to find it by myself, I would definitely get lost."

"By the way, what are those factories used for?"

He asked very seriously and sincerely, and those blue eyes unique to those of Aryan descent kept flickering, like a curious baby.

It's just a pity that he is a man, a man of several decades old with a big beard.

Lin Yu rolled his eyes, tapped several nearby factories with his fingers, and said:

"That one is for satellites, this one is for rockets, and that one is a warehouse."

"As for inviting you here this time, it's because the R\u0026D center has built several satellites. I have already found the rocket and am preparing to launch it during the Mid-Autumn Festival."

After saying this, Lin Yu raised his hand and very gentlemanly invited Abu to rest in the warehouse, because judging from Sunia's performance, the distinguished guest was the person in front of him who didn't know which force he belonged to.

He doesn't seem to speak Mandarin.

The gesture of invitation is universal. Abu smiled slightly, nodded, and then followed Lin Yu in the same gesture, asking the other party to go ahead.

In this way, the two of them walked towards the warehouse specially used for entertaining.

They left, but behind them, Sunia couldn't recover for a long time.

Satellite launch?

It is known that Lin Yu already has a rocket with a range of 200 kilometers, but because its rocket does not have satellite guidance, it is less accurate.

Now that a satellite is to be launched, can the satellite guidance module be inserted into the missile...

Stuffed into a rocket?

In this way, you can get a rocket. Although the name is a rocket, it is actually a missile?

Precision guidance means hitting the left instead of the right, and hitting the right instead of the left.

If so, does that mean Iran can also possess such rockets?

After all, its name is Rocket!

At this moment, Sunia was relieved.

He slowly raised his head and looked at the sky above his head. The autumn air was crisp in August, just when he was about to enter the autumn harvest. There was no cloud in the sky, the sun was bright, and the sky was blue.

It would definitely be a good day to hit an American with a missile under a sky like this.

He retracted his gaze, took a deep breath, and moved his body that had become stiff due to thinking. He turned his head to look at the follower next to him, and waved his left hand:

"Come on, let's be the translators."

In the warehouse, Lin Yu looked at the person in front of him with a strange expression.

Just now, he said a few flirty words in Arabic, trying to trick the other party, and then the other party said a few words in another language.

The two of them were talking like chickens and ducks. However, hearing that familiar tone, Lin Yu also knew the origin of the other person.


In other words, Afghans.

Now he really wants to catch the bastard Sunia, give him a good beating, grab him by the neck, and ask him what he is thinking.

At this moment, Sunya finally walked into the warehouse with his entourage.

Seeing the people sitting on both sides of the sofa, he naturally walked to the middle and sat down. He first turned to look at the person opposite, then turned his face to Lin Yu and introduced with a smile:

"The man in front of you is Sharif Abu Abiq, the leader of the Taliban who broke with the Mullah Taliban some time ago."

"We made a deal with him and he was responsible for getting rid of all the drugs in Afghanistan and those damn terrorists."

"We are responsible for equipping him, but I don't have the equipment, so I can only come to you and get some on credit."

"I think as a friend, for the sake of everyone working together to eradicate drugs, you should provide some support."

Having said this, Suniya moved his buttocks a little towards Lin Yu, lowered his voice, and whispered:

"It's the rockets you used in Lebanon, you have to give them a little more or less."

"That thing is powerful!"

He finished speaking in Mandarin, which was not standard but could accurately describe his thoughts. Before Lin Yu could respond, a curious voice came from outside.

It was the same strange tone:

"What is powerful?"

Two or three seconds later, several people also saw the owner of this strange tone.

An Arab man with a headscarf.

This Arab man was Awad who had disappeared for a few days.

At this moment, Awad walked into the room and saw several people in the room, especially Suniya, and his eyes widened in an instant.

The body subconsciously took two steps back, but soon, he remembered that this was not in Saudi Arabia, but in China.

With an awkward smile on his face, he slowly turned his head to look at Lin Yu and whispered, "Am I here at the wrong time?"

Hearing this, Lin Yu shook his head, a sincere smile appeared on his face, and slowly came to Awad, pressed the prince to sit on the sofa next to him, and whispered:

"No, you came at the right time."

While speaking, he raised his hand and pointed at Abu: "This is Sharif Abu Abik, the leader of the Afghan Taliban who announced his break with the mullahs some time ago."

Then he pointed to Suniya: "Soniya, the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard."

After introducing the two, he turned around and introduced Awad to the two: "Saudi Prince, Awad."

This time, it was Suniya who laughed awkwardly.

And Abu next to him, after carefully confirming Awad, chose to move his butt and distance himself from the two.

Seeing his actions, Lin Yu didn't say much. After all, if you put an Iranian and a Saudi together, you should be thankful that they don't fight.

What's more, these two people are both high-ranking officials.

Just when he was about to ask Awad why he suddenly came, two more people walked in.

However, they were acquaintances.

Akoma, the leader of the Milk Tea Party.

Hekle, the Lebanese special operations staff.

The two people were originally chatting and laughing, but when they walked into the room and saw the people sitting in the room, they couldn't laugh anymore.

Because they saw the most outrageous scene in the world.

The commander-in-chief of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard actually sat face to face with the prince of Saudi Arabia, and the distance between the two was less than 1.5 meters!

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