The rocket flew through the air, and only a few small fragments ejected from the warhead fell to the ground at the beginning, rolling a few times on the Gobi Desert, and finally returned to calm.

Seeing this scene from the observation hole, everyone present couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

For ordinary researchers, they felt very surprised, because from the beginning, the news they received was that there would be a rocket test launch here.

But now, at the scene, they saw a vertically launched rocket. Just this time, when they leave their jobs in the future, when they brag to others, they can also have more things to talk about.

I saw a vertically launched rocket in the past!

Vertically launched!

Just like a missile!

However, in the eyes of Suniya and others who are familiar with weapons and equipment, the thing that just flew out may have to be renamed - missile!

The definition of a missile is an aircraft that carries a warhead, relies on its own power device for propulsion, and is guided and controlled by a guidance system to guide the flight trajectory to the target and destroy the target.

Intercontinental missiles are the lifeblood of major powers, and they are also big guys carrying nuclear weapons. This thing will not appear on the market.

Then there are medium-range ballistic missiles.

This thing is also the lifeblood of the big countries, and the big countries will not sell it casually.

Therefore, if ordinary countries want to get some equipment to protect themselves, they can only get short-range missiles with a range of less than 500 kilometers.

But even such short-range missiles are not easy to buy.

The Scud missiles sold by the Soviet Union at that time had a range of only 300 kilometers and a bombing error of about 300 meters.

And such short-range missiles have also been scrambled by various countries in the world.

Even so, it depends on other people's faces.

Now, there is a rocket with a range of more than 200 kilometers.

It is equipped with a guidance system and a warhead, and it relies on its own power to propel it. After vertical launch, the flight trajectory can be modified.

This TND is a missile!

Next, you only need to look at the hit rate of this thing!

If the accuracy is enough, then this is an excellent substitute for short-range missiles.

Cheap price and sufficient firepower.


Watching the rocket disappear in the sun, Sonia and others turned their heads and focused their attention on the signal tracking display next to them. Seeing the green signal flashing on the display, they were indescribably happy.

As for Xiang Fangfang, he stood at the observation hole and stared at the rocket launcher in the distance.

The rocket launch just now, laymen watched the excitement, and insiders saw the doorway. As the president of the Aerospace Group, he was considered half an insider.

At the moment of the rocket launch just now, the posture maintained by the rocket was very mature, which was almost the posture of the rocket leaving the launch pad.

This is enough to show one thing, Rheinsteel has put a lot of effort in rocket flight.

Their rocket research and development center is not eating dry rice, but really working.

Maybe they can really make a high-thrust rocket in two years to shoot their rockets into the sky.

In the eyes of the top leaders, the Aerospace Group and Rheinsteel are in a competitive relationship.

One is a national mission launch, and the other is a commercial launch. No matter who develops, it will be meat rotten in the pot, and it will be good for the development of the country.

If they really develop, the advantages of the Aerospace Group will be gone.

The pressure is a bit high!

After thinking for a while, Xiang Fangfang put these things behind his mind and turned to continue watching the monitor in front of him.

Because strengthening the development direction of the group is not a problem that he can decide in one word.

Therefore, there is no need to put pressure on himself. When the pressure really comes, he will take it slowly.

The control center in the bunker is still the same as before, with two computers transferring signals from the radar of the launch center.

The three transfer video signals from three target points.

As a person who is used to the large LCD screens of later generations, Lin Yu is always very unhappy when he sees the 15-inch Samsung 151S LCD monitors in front of him.

But there is no way. There are not many screens that can be used internationally. If you don’t have money, you can’t even use this broken thing.

The three monitors are connected in series, and one mouse can switch the screens of three lenses.

At this moment, the person in charge of observing the signal made a sharp cry: "10 kilometers away from the target area!"

This cry instantly attracted the attention of the people around to the radar display screen.

Under everyone's gaze, the trajectory of the rocket displayed on the radar suddenly changed, and the rocket suddenly rose in altitude.

This tricky action caused the speed of the rocket to drop suddenly.

This bizarre scene made everyone look confused.


Because of the engine's action, the overall height of the rocket climbed again. When it climbed to a sufficient height, the engine again tricked, and with the nozzle at the warhead, the overall trajectory of the rocket became almost vertical downward.

The operator guarding the monitor kept holding the mouse and switching the lens on the screen frantically.

After four or five consecutive cuts, the No. 8 rocket was finally seen in the westward lens.

This white rocket appeared silently in the air with a bright tail flame, and at the same time, the flight trajectory was adjusted to a nearly vertical state.

Then, the rocket accelerated and hit the ground at a nearly vertical angle.

At the moment the missile hit the ground, flames burst out, smoke and dust rose, and the shock wave carried fine sand and soil, instantly crossing the distance from the explosion point to the camera. The huge impact force blew the camera angle slightly off.

A few minutes later, the smoke and dust dissipated, and the small hill in the center of the target area just now disappeared. Only a regular, not too deep circular pit lay there quietly.

The wind in the desert whistled past, blowing away some of the sand and soil, and a small section of the debris after the explosion appeared in front of everyone with the wind.


If the vertical launch at the beginning was a surprise for them, then the final attack was a complete shock for them.

Because this is a terminal maneuver!

This technology is transferred to rockets, which is too much!

As we all know, air defense and air defense, nine out of ten defenses are empty.

The air defense principle of most anti-aircraft missiles and anti-aircraft guns is to shoot the warhead into the sky, use the proximity fuse to detonate the ammunition at high altitude, and let the ammunition fragments and impact hit the incoming missiles and rockets.

Interfere with the fuses of missiles and rockets and detonate them in advance.

And a small number of them chase the target and bite it alive.

Therefore, in order to better attack the target, the technology of terminal maneuver was developed.

With this technology, the missile can make a feint when approaching the target, change direction, and suddenly attack from another angle to hammer the target to death.

However, as the offensiveness of this thing increases, the cost of manufacturing also rises sharply, making the already unattainable missiles more expensive.

It is suspected of driving up the price of the bomb.

But now, a group of people saw the terminal maneuver technology on a rocket.

This is really incredible. This technology has been transferred to the rocket. Then what level of evolution should the missiles used by China have?

As soon as the terminal maneuver appeared, Awad instantly became interested.

Because he had many missiles at home. According to Lin Yu's character, as long as he paid enough money, he should agree to help him modify the missiles.

Terminal maneuver, just thinking about it is exciting!

Thinking of this, he pulled away Carlo who wanted to fire a round, squatted in front of the controller, fiddled with the buttons on it with his fingers, and asked softly:

"Is it my turn now?"

His impatient look fell into Lin Yu's eyes. Lin Yu was not angry, but nodded very gentlemanly, pointing his hands at the controller: "Well! Come on!"

Come on, come hard!

The more you press now, the more comfortable you will be to pay when the time comes. The more money you have, the more things you can get.

The more things you get, the easier it is to make money!

Technology monopoly is so unreasonable.

Because the launch vehicle has been deployed, Awad did not adjust the angle of the launch vehicle, but decisively stretched out his hands and pressed two buttons on the controller at the same time.

This time, the launch was No. 7 next to No. 8.

Amid the noisy sound, the No. 7 rocket flew towards the target area.

Since they couldn't see Rocket No. 7 from the observation hole, a group of people immediately squeezed their heads to the console next to them, looking at the signal on it, ready to welcome the performance of Rocket No. 7.

Just as they were concentrating on the screen, Lin Yu picked up the wireless communicator next to the monitor, pressed it casually, and then shouted into the communicator:

"Rocket No. 7 has been launched, Target Area No. 1 is ready, repeat, Rocket No. 7 has been launched, Target Area No. 1 is ready, ready to intercept at any time, over."

After a short wait, a clear voice came from the wireless communicator in his hand:

"Target Area No. 1 received, repeat, Target Area No. 1 received, the air defense missile vehicle is ready."

Along with the sound, the person in charge of switching the surveillance camera pressed the mouse and switched the screen to the other three cameras.

This time, the camera did not look at the sky, but three cameras stood opposite each other. In the center of the three cameras was a portable air defense missile vehicle that was ready.

And on the forehead of this air defense missile vehicle, there was a flag, the target flag.

On the display screen next to it, the green signal dot representing the rocket also arrived at the target area and began to correct its posture. Seeing this, Awad and others held their breath at the same time.

The terminal mobile rocket and the graphite air defense missile, which one is stronger or weaker, is now.

While they held their breath, Xiang Pingfang sneaked up behind Lin Yu, looked at the signal displayed on the screen, and whispered:

"Boss Lin, your trick of using his own spear to attack his shield is really beautiful, but what if you can't sell it?"

"When I was a child, my grandmother often told me that your great-grandmother lived for more than a hundred years." After saying this strangely, Lin Yu slowly turned his head to look at Xiang Pingfang and asked back:

"Do you know why?"

The strange words and the unmatched rhetorical questions made Xiang Pingfang feel a little puzzled, and then he subconsciously asked: "Why?"

Lin Yu held his hands in front of his chest, the tip of his left foot kept tapping the ground, and the index finger of his right hand kept tapping his left arm:

"Because my great-grandmother doesn't mind my business!"

"Oh!" The oh sounded, but it was not Xiang Pingfang, but the person guarding the monitor.

Because, when the rocket was about to reach the target point, the anti-aircraft missiles on the anti-aircraft missile vehicle were remotely controlled and fired out in a swarm.

Because the anti-aircraft missile vehicle was facing northwest, the rocket and the anti-aircraft missile were almost facing each other and received feedback signals.

The anti-aircraft missiles swarmed towards the heat source.

Six against one!

If the rocket hit the ground, the anti-aircraft missile would be pulled.

But if the six anti-aircraft missiles intercepted the target, the rocket would be pulled.

Just when everyone thought this would be a hearty duel, the rocket body tilted slightly downward, the speed suddenly increased, and crashed into the ground, hitting the anti-aircraft missile vehicle on the ground that launched the anti-aircraft missile.


The anti-aircraft missile vehicle painted green was instantly torn into pieces and turned into scrap metal on the ground.

The target they were pursuing disappeared, and several anti-aircraft missiles turned twice in the air. Finally, because the propellant was exhausted, the self-destruction safety was directly triggered, and exploded into six fireworks in the air.


Everyone was silent again, but compared to the researchers at the launch center, the faces of several people from the Persian Gulf looked a little strange.

This rocket seemed a little familiar to them.

After staring at it for a while, Sonia frowned and asked Lin Yu carefully:

"You didn't use the module of your C-601 anti-ship missile?"

"Congratulations, you got it right!" Lin Yu gave Sonia a thumbs up, and then quickly explained:

"We added something to the preset program, that is, after arriving at the guidance location, it will automatically lock the surrounding large-volume targets."

"In order to make it easier to capture, we preset many bands, even if you paint it, it will be useless."

"You will be beaten up the same way."

"Next, who will press it?"

"This time it is a special warhead, specially designed to hit a specific target, who will do it?"

"I'll do it!" Seeing that the others were silent, Heckler pushed open The crowd walked out and came to Lin Yu:

"I'll do it!"

When he stood still, Lin Yu picked up the wireless communicator and shouted to the other end of the communicator:

"This is the old nest. Repeat, this is the old nest. Target area No. 1 will recover the equipment and retreat. Target area No. 2 will prepare."

"Repeat, Target area No. 2 will prepare, over."

With the previous two rockets, this third rocket was not so experienced. It was not until the rocket broke through the air that Heckler withdrew his eyes from the observation port and looked at Lin Yu and asked:

"What kind of warhead is this?"

"Carbon fiber warhead, specially used to attack power stations and power transmission and distribution networks. It is not very useful to attack you."

The four words "not very useful" came out of Lin Yu's mouth, which was not very lethal and extremely insulting.

The few foreigners present, some rich and some poor, had one thing in common, that is, the power generation was seriously insufficient.

Palestine, huh? Power station?

Afghanistan, there are still few power stations.

Iran, it's under construction, it's under construction.

Iraq, under construction, under construction.

Lebanon, slightly.

Saudi Arabia, burning oil.

UAE, burning oil.

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