Listening to these words, Lin Yu's eyes flashed, and a playful expression slowly appeared on his face.

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are almost like people wearing the same pants, but he didn't expect that Carlo in front of him would actually reveal the truth in each other's heart without hesitation after Awad finished speaking.

This is so interesting.

After folding his hands on his chest and looking at it playfully for a while, Lin Yu asked Carlo: "What about you? What mentality and position did you base on, and then chose to expose Awad's words?"

"Me?" Carlo shrugged his shoulders and said nonchalantly:

"It's just rare to find a suitable partner, and I don't want our cooperation to be interrupted due to unnecessary factors, so I feel I have an obligation to remind you."

"Of course, the most important thing is that we don't have the same ambitions as Saudi Arabia. We just want to make money in peace and contentment, and then use the money we earn to live a better life."

"This is different from Saudi Arabia."

"They want to be the boss the whole time."

"Okay, I won't be too verbose. I hope you can give me more surprises next time we meet. I'll leave now."

Reaching out and patting Lin Yu's shoulder, Carlo turned around with a smile on his face, put his hands behind his back, and slowly walked towards the entrance of the underground bunker.

When he walked out of the door, he happened to pass by Sonia. The two looked at each other, did not speak, and just walked away silently.

When entering the underground bunker, Sonia closed the exit door and walked into the underground bunker again. He casually glanced at the computer next to him. A trace of envy flashed in his light blue eyes, and then , those eyes fell on Lin Yu.

Sitting on the chair opposite Lin Yu, he leaned forward, pressed his knees with his elbows, intertwined his fingers to support his chin, and said to Lin Yu expressionlessly:

"Tell me, if I want to borrow your satellite signal, what price will I have to pay?"

Seeing his bossy sitting posture, Lin Yu pulled up a chair and sat down opposite him, imitating Sunia's movements.

"The price? What price can you offer besides oil?"

"It's just that you sell me oil and I provide services according to the price of oil. It's that simple."

Negotiations broke down!

Knowing that she had no leverage to impress the other party, Sunia no longer wasted time, sat up straight, looked at Lin Yu, and asked:

"is it safe?"

The questioning words did not get Lin Yu into trouble. He raised his hand, patted his chest, and responded calmly:

"You don't have to worry about security at all. We used a little trick to compile the program. Even if our own people get the corresponding program, they can't crack it. Even if others receive the signal, they can't crack it."

"Then if your equipment needs to be modified, you need to provide some data, and then we can create corresponding improvement modules based on the space dimensions of your equipment."

"But you can rest assured that I have no interest in your three melons and two dates. As far as the current Rheinsteel is concerned, I only need a few words and the people below me can get them for me. come out."

Telling the truth, when negotiating, is the surefire way to be very sincere.

But sometimes this special move is a little too hurtful.

Hearing that Lin Yu was not interested in his three melons and two dates, Sunia felt relieved, but he felt a strong sense of contempt.

I want to curse, but I don’t know where to start, because the other party, a little-known company, can make its own satellites in one or two years, and then borrow other people’s rockets to launch them. In another two years, the other party will You can use your own rocket to launch your own satellite.

And Iran has reached this point...


Iran's aviation industry has not yet reached this point, and if you compare a country and a company, no matter what the final result is, the country has already lost face.


After a long sigh, Sunia said softly: "We need some of your rocket launchers, but the color must be changed to the kind of paint that Iran is used to."

"As for your communication equipment, I also need some, but not too much because we don't have enough people right now."

“Perhaps we will need them in large quantities in a few years, but we don’t need them now.”

"In the end, I can only spend an additional $30 million in oil, and you can figure it out."

After saying these words, Sunia looked like an eggplant sprout that had been scorched by the sun, leaning softly on the chair, looking at the ceiling of the underground bunker with dull eyes.

After looking at it for a while, he asked softly: "Can you give me some of your guidance... rocket terminal maneuvering technology?"

After correcting his slip of the tongue, he jumped up from his chair again and looked at Lin Yu eagerly, trying to get a few words out of his mouth.

He looked to the opposite side, and the person opposite also turned his gaze over at this time. The two people's eyes intertwined, staring at each other. For a long time, Sunia did not get two words from the other side.

Just when he was about to get up and leave, Lin Yu suddenly said:

"Once the equipment is sold to you, it belongs to you. If you mess with it as you please, that's your problem. If it explodes, I don't guarantee it here."

This strange sentence made Sunia come alive instantly.

This is what he wants!

In the international military equipment trade, in order to prevent others from prying into the secrets of their own equipment, the sale of general military equipment will add some additional conditions, such as not allowing the equipment to be disassembled or modified.

However, in the actual use process, basically all buyers will try to dismantle a part of it, study the internal structure of the equipment, and conduct reverse reasoning.

However, with the development of science and technology, the difficulty of reverse reasoning has risen sharply.

The advanced electronic industry allows sellers to have more means to tamper with the equipment they sell. Once they are disassembled by themselves, some electronic devices inside the equipment will automatically burn out to prevent others from prying into the secrets.

Lin Yu's words almost made it clear that he could reversely study this kind of equipment.

He was not afraid of his own reverse research at all!

After figuring out Lin Yu's thoughts, Sonia immediately got up from the chair, came to Lin Yu, opened his hands, and then hugged this friend in his arms.

After hugging him tightly, Sonia whispered in Lin Yu's ear:

"Friend, if you have troubles in the Middle East that you can't solve, or if it's not suitable for you to take action, you can call me and I'll help you solve it."

"Let's talk later!" Following the same rhythm, Lin Yu gently patted Sonia's shoulders, then let go of his hands, sat back in the chair again, and said to the person in front of him: "Then our agreement is like this. For the specific situation, you can send someone to Rheinsteel to discuss it in detail."

"You can stay to negotiate, but I think people like you are in a high position and have a lot of things to do, so you shouldn't have time to do these things."

"I'll send Hassan over then!" After saying the name of the contact person, Sonia turned around and walked out of the underground bunker with a smile on his face.

After waiting for a while on the chair, no one came, Lin Yu patted his butt and got up and walked out of the underground bunker.

When he entered the bunker in the morning, there were still a lot of cars on the Gobi Desert. Now, there are only their Rheinsteel cars and a few foreigners.

Seeing Lin Yu walk out of the underground bunker, not far away, Akoma, who had been talking to Awad, turned around and walked straight towards him:

"His Highness Awad just said that you should take out $100 million worth of equipment from the materials he purchased and directly ship it to our port."

"Also, Heckley wants to ask, when will the rocket production line for Lebanon be completed."

After this reminder, Lin Yu finally remembered that there was still a production line in Lebanon that he hadn't given. He scratched the stubble on his chin with his fingers. He waved to Heckley in the distance, and at the same time, he cast his eyes on Awad, wanting to confirm from him whether he really needed to cut out $100 million worth of goods and send them directly to Lebanon.

In the distance, Awad noticed his gaze, nodded slightly, and then shifted his attention to other places.

While the two exchanged glances, Heckley also came to Lin Yu. When Lin Yu finished talking about the information related to the production line, he frowned and thought for a moment without the slightest hesitation.

He nodded directly: "We want a production line, the same as before. It doesn't matter if the technology is not mature. We can learn and improve at the same time."

After getting the exact information, Lin Yu opened his clothes, took out a small notebook from his chest pocket, and wrote this matter on it.

Putting the notebook back into his pocket, he raised his right hand and shouted to the people present:

"Let's go, let's go back to the Aerospace City and have a celebration banquet!"

As he spoke, the people from the weapons experiment group stayed to clean up the scene, and the other personnel got in the car, and a large group of people rushed to the Aerospace City.

With the power of money, the chefs of the Aerospace City worked particularly hard, roasting whole lamb, stewing lamb, and various special side dishes.

After eating and drinking, they stuffed everyone back to the hotel one by one. As soon as Lin Yu returned to the room, Xiang Fangfang arrived.

Handing over a Yellow Crane Tower, Xiang Pingfang casually asked, "How was the profit this time?"

He reached out to take the cigarette handed to him by Xiang Pingfang, and found that it was not the Blue Tower that he had often seen in his previous life. He casually put the cigarette under his nose, sniffed the fragrance on the cigarette, and then hung the cigarette on his ear:

"Not bad, I sold some equipment and got 200 to 300 million US dollars, and there is a source of funds for subsequent research and development."

"It is expected that we will be able to launch another satellite in June or July next year."

The unusually calm tone said a very terrifying number, and this number also stopped Xiang Pingfang from lighting the cigarette.

He quickly calculated in his mind how much 300 million US dollars was in RMB.

In just two or three seconds, he completed the relevant conversion calculations. According to the exchange rate, it was about 2.48 billion RMB.

This is more than the budget of the entire aerospace system!


At this moment, an unspeakable sense of desolation quietly burst out from his heart, making him lose his mind.

It was not until his breath blew the flame of the lighter and burned his hand that he woke up from his trance, quickly lit the cigarette, took a deep puff, and let the smoke from the cigarette dispel the unhappiness in his heart.

In the smoke, he had a smile on his face and joked about his envy:

"Mr. Lin, you are still good. You have enough funds to do research and development. Unlike us, we are restricted in everything we do."

Hearing his somewhat sad words, Lin Yu reached out to borrow the lighter, lit the cigarette, took a puff, and then whispered:

"Everyone has a different starting point. My mission is to make money and then find another way."

"Your mission is to ensure the satellite launch."

"Everyone has their own mission and is always moving forward, but their missions are different."

"However, as a colleague, I can tell you some experience."


These two words completely moved Xiang Pingfang. He took out the cigarette in his mouth, put it out in the ashtray next to him, and then took out a notebook from his arms. He sat up very seriously and prepared to record Lin Yu's next words.

The next second, a gentle male voice sounded:

"If you want to make money, you must first have your own technology, technology that others don't have, and technology that will impress Party A."

"Then you have to learn to please Party A and tell Party A that your problem is easy to solve, but you have to pay."

"For example, the UAE and Saudi Arabia, their kings have always wanted to go to space and appreciate the charm of space."

"This has positive feedback on their own reputation and the people's livelihood of the entire country."

"However, when these kings inherited the throne, they were all older, but according to general international practice, astronauts must be strong and able to People who can withstand overload pressure. "

"If you can develop the right technology, let these old princes board the spacecraft, enter the space, and look down at the earth from space. "

"Then, you let these old princes personally launch a satellite, then the emotional value will be full. "

"Finally, you brought these old men back from thousands of kilometers of space safely and sent them home safely. "

"So how much do you think this technology is worth? "

"5 billion US dollars? Or 10 billion US dollars? "

The sound of the pen scratching the notebook is very pleasant. In the rustling sound of writing, Xiang Pingfang recorded Lin Yu's words completely.

After staring at the text on the notebook for a long time, the chairman of the aerospace group picked up the pen and drew a big question mark in the middle of this long text.

As soon as he finished drawing the question mark, Lin Yu's head came over. Seeing the question mark drawn on the notebook, he said to himself:

"That's right, you can't make the decision on these things, so it's useless to say it."

The words were a bit hurtful, but Xiang Fangfang didn't care too much. He grabbed the notebook with his left hand and gently exerted force, and the notebook snapped shut.

He stuffed the notebook into his arms and asked Lin Yu again:

"So are you going back to Rheinsteel next, or are you going to play here for two more days?"

"Play?" Lin Yu asked back, helplessly slumped in the chair, screaming: "I have to be a tour guide for someone."

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