
The sudden news caused Lin Yu's brain to shut down, but he soon regained consciousness.

His own purpose is to drag America into the ditch. Now that America's people are beginning to be led by him, he should indeed be happy.

However, this news should still be confidential, why did it get here?

He slowly turned around, glanced at Zhou Changyao, squinted, and asked anxiously:

"Well, I'm not suitable to know such news, right?"

His cautious look was noticed by Zhou Changyao, and the big boss from the staff couldn't help but laugh.

Smiling and shaking his head, he explained softly:

"Don't worry, if I can tell you the news, it means you can know the news. Otherwise, even if you want to know, I won't be able to tell you."

"I'm telling you now because I want to see if you have any new plans later. If you do, the higher-ups want to help you get involved."

"If not, forget it."

"Not yet." Lin Yu shook his head slightly, denying that he had more targeted plans in the future.

After all, when it comes to digging holes, the key is to stick to the point. If you are too deliberate, others may see flaws.

If someone detects a flaw, they will become very passive. Once they fall into passiveness, all the advantages accumulated in the early stage may be lost.

But if I don't do something, I always feel uncomfortable.

While thinking, he slowly lowered his head and began to think about how to cause more trouble for the Americans in other inconspicuous places.

But after thinking for a while, he shook his head helplessly and added:

"I don't have any better plans for now."

"At present, the Middle East has become a mess. All we need to do is wait and wait for those people who are connected with us to slowly grow up."

"If we want to take action, we can only look to Africa, but those places in Africa are beyond our reach."

"Without a large aircraft carrier formation, without ultra-long-range bombers and transport aircraft, our interests there will only be the meat that America and the Russians compete for."

"Europe has no hope in other directions. The plan that was deployed in the UK before can only be said to be barely adequate. Now it has developed to the point where it has directly turned us into an underground bank and made us directly withdraw money."

"Russia, those people haven't woken up from the dream of the Soviet Union as a great power. They still feel that they are still the Soviet Union back then. They still look down on us in their bones and ask them to cooperate with us unless what America does threatens their survival. "

"Otherwise they wouldn't be able to cooperate with us sincerely."

"The people in South America are the kind of people who can't support the wall with mud. Except for the existence of mineral veins in Chile, which is of some value, the rest can be ignored for the time being."

"The only one who can take action is America."

"But with the policies implemented by America, if our people go there and cause trouble for them, they will encounter many policy restrictions, which is very troublesome."

"And it's almost like using one's own shortcomings to take advantage of the other's strengths. It's completely unnecessary."

After hearing these words, Zhou Changyao nodded thoughtfully, then lay down on the sofa with a look of regret on his face, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Because of Lin Yu's arrangements in Iran and Iraq, the price of oil imported by China from these two countries is slightly lower than that of other countries.

The current international oil price is 28.58/barrel.

The equivalent unit price in Iraq is US$27.1/barrel, which is US$1.48/barrel less.

Iran’s equivalent unit price is US$26.89/barrel, which is US$1.69/barrel less.

In just the three months of June, July, and August, the oil imported from these two countries alone reached a terrifying 7.4323 million tons in a single month.

Among them, 4.3213 million tons were from Iraq, equivalent to 33240769 barrels, and the converted amount was 49196338.12 US dollars.

Iran’s 3.111 million tons, equivalent to 23,568,181 barrels, the converted amount is 398,302,225.89 US dollars.

There are hundreds of millions missing here and there!

Moreover, the payment method for these crude oil is mainly turned into various export goods.

This directly boosted GDP by billions!

Seeing the benefits, the eyes of the senior executives in charge of the economic department suddenly became red. It does not cost much to do these things now, but the benefits are immediate.

So a group of people are thinking hard about whether to make some breakthroughs in other places.

But now it seems that a breakthrough is not so easy to find.

With a long sigh, Zhou Changyao stood up, patted his butt hard, raised his hand and pointed at the door, and said proudly:

"Let's go to the cafeteria to eat. There happen to be many beautiful girls in our cafeteria. If you like them, just tell me and I will introduce them to you."

On the sofa next to him, Lin Yu stretched out his hand to rub his nose, smiled awkwardly, and stepped forward to follow.


Zhou Changyao was introducing a partner to Lin Yu. In Washington, 13,000 kilometers east, Dana and Gray Bu slowly walked into the dance scene.

The middle-aged general, holding a goblet of champagne in his right hand, walked through the crowd like a butterfly through flowers and walked to the far corner of the ball hall.

In the corner of the hall, there was a closed door that opened to the side. Two tall and strong men in suits stood in front of the door. They looked at everything around them calmly with cold eyes, as if they would kill anyone who dared to move.

When the two strong men saw Dena coming, they bowed respectfully. One on the left and one on the right, they each pressed the door handle of a door, gently pushed it inward, and opened it.

Behind the door was a long corridor, which was empty.

The light in the corridor also came from candlelight, not the crystal lamp outside.

Pushing the door open, the two strong men guarding the door said in unison:

"Mr. Dena, Mr. Wade and the others have arrived, and they are waiting for you."


Nodding calmly, Dena took Greb and walked into the corridor calmly. After the two men walked into the corridor completely, the two strong men behind them grabbed the door handle and closed the door forcefully.

The corridor was very long, and Dena and his son walked very slowly. The circulating air and the candlelight made the corridor look a little eerie.

Listening to those subtle sounds, Greb turned his head carefully to look at his father and asked in a low voice:

"Father, there won't be any dirty things here, right?"

"Also, if you want to introduce me to those people, we don't have to choose this kind of place specifically, right?"

Dena, who was walking in front, heard these words, turned around, looked at his son very seriously, and said calmly:

"First of all, there can't be any dirty things here. If there are dirty things, don't be afraid. You just need to load your rifle bullets, bring grenades, and pull the trigger to throw grenades at the other party."

"As for why we have to meet in such a place, it's because our ancestors were all poor ghosts. It's not easy to get rich, so we must create the pomp that our ancestors didn't have."

After explaining in a low voice, Dena turned around and continued to move forward.

As he walked, Greb, who was following behind, found something wrong. This corridor seemed to be tilted.

Although the slope of the corridor was very gentle, his feet would never be mistaken.

Just as he was about to ask again, the corridor came to an end, and at the end was a door inlaid with mosaic glass.

The faint light behind the door made the door look particularly beautiful, but he seemed to hear a sound again.

Standing at the door, holding the handle on the door with both hands, Dena lowered his head, closed his eyes, and warned carefully:

"No matter what you see later, don't be surprised, don't speak, and don't be angry."

"You have to think of yourself as a passerby, and everything you see in front of you is just a passing cloud."

"Now, take a deep breath, I'm going to open the door."

His father's serious words made Greb extremely careful. He took a deep breath, then stepped forward and stood behind his father.

Hearing the sound of leather shoes falling to the ground, Dena held the door handle with both hands and pushed it forward with force. Noisy sounds also came from behind the door instantly.

His push seemed to open two worlds.

Outside the door, it was a quiet, eerie and spooky world. Inside the door, it was like the paradise described in the Bible.

Women of all sizes, black, white and yellow, shuttled through the crowd like butterflies.

And more men shuttled through them.

Seeing everything in the room clearly, Greb was shocked. At this moment, he found that the tricks he had played before were completely insignificant in front of these old guys.

At this moment, he wanted to find a word to describe it, but after searching for a long time, he did not find a corresponding word in English. Instead, he found a very fitting word in China next door.

Wine pool and meat forest!

After a slight pause, he saw his father walk into the room, and he followed him in. The next second, he saw a nun, a priest, and a boy.

At this moment, he thought of a joke that had been circulated when they were young.

In front of the church, the priest sat on the left and smoked, and the nun sat on the right and smoked.

The priest asked the nun: Who are you waiting for?

The nun replied: I'm waiting for a boy, what about you?

The priest replied: I am also waiting for a boy.

At this moment, thinking of this joke, Greb's face twitched. He wanted to laugh, but he remembered his father's words just now and forced himself to hold back his laughter.

But his face and body kept twitching, and it was very hard to hold back.

At this moment, Dena appeared beside him again, patted his shoulder with his hand, and whispered: "You can smile with your mouth open, so you don't have to hold back so hard."

After speaking, Dena walked forward on his own, walked through the wine pool and meat forest, and walked to the innermost.

Two or three minutes later, the two stopped in front of a door again.

This time, the two strong men in front of the door did not open the door actively, but reached out and knocked on the door. Then with a click, the door was opened from the inside. The person inside smiled at Dena, bent down, and said respectfully:

"Mr. Dena, please come this way."

Dena nodded his head and walked into the door. Greb followed again. This time, the door was no longer a corridor, but a round banquet hall.

In the banquet hall, a large round dining table was placed in the center, and it was already filled with delicacies from all over the world.

The surroundings were also full of people.

Only the person at the back, who was obviously the host, had two empty seats next to him.

Seeing the two people walking into the room, the man who looked like the owner stretched out his hand to wave, then patted the two empty seats next to him and shouted cheerfully:

"Dena, Greb, you two are here."

After the two of them were seated, the man picked up the red wine glass in front of him and stood up. He made a circle to the people next to him, raised his finger and pointed at Greb, and said loudly:

"Everyone, this young man around us, this young and promising man, is the genius boy who helped us earn 1.1 billion US dollars, Grab Roosevelt!"

"Why do I say he is a genius? Because he also helped us solve the mass production problem of CL20, which gives us more reasons and better reasons to make money."

"Now, let us raise a glass to celebrate our talented young man!"

Amidst his congratulatory words, Greb was pulled up from the stool by others with a confused look on his face. Then, Dana's voice sounded in his ears:

"Mr. Wade raised his glass, please drink quickly."

Upon hearing his father's words, Greb immediately recalled the persona his father had set for him, a genius scientist who didn't know much about people and only wanted to do research.

Recalling his character, he immediately picked up the wine glass on the table and drank it in one gulp. Then he picked up the wine bottle next to him, filled it up with wine again, and drank it again.

His movements were somewhat reckless.

But when other people looked at him, they didn't think he was reckless, but rather cute.

After drinking several glasses of wine in a row, Wade stretched out his hand and pressed it in front of him, and then said softly:

"Everyone, put down your cups. The main purpose of inviting everyone here today is to discuss how to compete for low-orbit space."

"Everyone knows the specific situation, so I won't go into details."

"The profits from this project are huge, so those of us here are fighting, several factions of our Republican Party are fighting, and the Democrats next door are also fighting."

"Inviting everyone here today, my opinion is that those of us here should give up the internal friction between each other, support Greb and his Avenal company, so as to completely seize this project."

As soon as he finished speaking, an old white man opposite him immediately objected:

"I don't agree. Why should we give up? Why can't he give up?"

"Everyone comes from the space agency to develop technology. The technology belongs to the space agency. We just need to hire some people and wait for the money."

"Mr. Wade, although you are the leader of our faction, I think... your approach is not very good."

The old man's words were like a signal, causing people around him to express their opinions.

Wade did not interrupt them, but sat beside them, eating the food quietly and listening to them quietly.

When the volume of his words gradually decreased, he asked softly:

"If anyone can legally transfer 1.1 billion U.S. dollars to everyone within two or three days, and every penny is transferred to everyone, then I think I can support him."

"Besides, there is a prerequisite before the transfer, which is that the remaining money must be used to do the work that needs to be done."

"I only have these two conditions. If any of you dare to say loudly that he can do it, I support him!"

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