“As a uranium mine that has been mined for the last century, we don’t know how much of the Rossing uranium mine is left to be mined.”

"But for now, it's not worth it for you to use this uranium mine as a subject matter for negotiation."

"Because in addition to these weaponry you're talking about, you have additional railway construction, road construction, and reservoir construction."

"The materials required for these constructions are all huge and not worth it!"

The merciless words directly brought the atmosphere of this negotiation to a freezing point. Cui Lin quickly looked at Pascoyar across from him, trying to see some expressions on the other party's face. If the other party was angry, then he would withdraw his words. If the other person's behavior is contemplative, that means you're already in place and you just need to strike while the iron is hot.

If you act indifferent, it means the fire is not strong enough and you need to continue fanning the flames.

However, when the chief negotiator turned his attention, he discovered...

But he found that the person opposite had a darker complexion, and he couldn't see his expression at all!


Next to him, Zhou Changyao quickly nudged Lin Yu with his hand, telling him to pay attention when he spoke.

While Zhou Changyao was reminding him, Lin Yu was also sizing up Pascoyar across from him. Although this guest from afar had a darker complexion, it was far from the bright silver-black look, so he could still manage. Receive some information from the other person's face.

The other party's expression was very calm, and he didn't seem to care much about what he said.

Moreover, there is also a slight sense of pride, as if he still has a trump card in his hand, and he only needs to play this trump card to reverse the situation and get investment.

Namibia has many minerals, but the ones that can be obtained are uranium ore, diamond ore, and copper ore.

Diamond mines have always been dominated by Western capital and have always been advocated by the other side.

There is not much use for this thing. If you buy a diamond ring from a specialty store, the price will be half if you sell it back.

If you go to other stores to recycle it, the price charged by others will be calculated based on the diamond setting of the ring.

As for uranium ore.

At this point in time, there are only two uranium mines in operation, namely the Langheinrich uranium mine, ranked eighth in the world, and the Rossing uranium mine, ranked sixth.

If the Rossing Uranium Mine is not their trump card, then their only trump card is one place.

It is located in the desert in the central and western regions of Namibia. It was only officially announced in 2008. Development started in February 2013. Mine construction started in 2014 and went into production in 2016. In 2021, the first batch of more than 3,000 tons of purified uranium was produced. Husab uranium mine, also called Hushan uranium mine.

Although the ore storage capacity of this uranium mine ranks fourth in the world, because it was discovered relatively late and the mining and processing technology is relatively mature, its output ranks third in the world.

This mine is very valuable.

In geology, it takes a long time for a large mineral deposit to go from initial exploration to the final announcement of complete discovery.

It was discovered in 2008 that, counting the time, it should be the preliminary survey that started in the past two years. Perhaps it is precisely because the preliminary survey results are relatively rich that these people will regard this uranium mine as a trump card.

If Pascoial's trump card is the Husab uranium mine, then he is indeed qualified to bargain.

In addition to the Husab uranium mine, there is another very large ore vein in Namibia, the Etango uranium mine.

This uranium mine is located on the northwest border of Namibia, about 100 kilometers away from the Atlantic Ocean and only a few dozen kilometers away from Angola in the north.

However, this uranium mine was discovered only because of the improvement of global prospecting technology. In 2024, it was officially confirmed that a large uranium mine exists here.

The company that obtained the relevant exploration and mining rights only proposed the relevant exploration plan in 2024 and did not carry out mining.

After sorting out the memories in his mind, Lin Yu wrote a few words in a shorthand notebook without leaving a trace, and then pushed the shorthand notebook in front of Zhou Changyao.

[They also have a trump card, which should be another very large and undeveloped uranium deposit! 】

Seeing these words, Zhou Changyao pushed the data pad in front of Cui Lin without leaving a trace, and read these words silently in his mind. Cui Lin raised his eyes and focused on Pascoyar again.

With the preconception, Cui Lin also saw a strange expression on Pascoyar's face this time.

That's confidence!

I often show this kind of expression. It is the confidence I get when I go to shopping malls, large supermarkets, and auto shows with money in my hands.

If you have chips in your hand, you don’t have to worry about being shy at all!

Seeing this strangeness, Cui Lin already had an idea in his mind. He put his right hand on the shorthand notebook and fiddled with it lightly with his fingers. The shorthand notebook slid across the smooth table and slid back to Lin Yu.

Then, he fiddled with the tie in front of him with his hand and whispered to the person opposite: "Mr. Pascoial, our foreign policy has always been to coexist peacefully and not interfere."

"Similarly, we also follow the principles of mutual benefit, exchange of needs, and equal transactions."

"As our Staff Officer Lin said just now, your Luosing uranium mine has many problems."

"So I think there is absolutely no need to continue to negotiate on this uranium mine as the basis for cooperation between the two parties."

"So I think we can change our thinking. In addition to diamond and uranium mines, your country also has a large amount of copper mines, and our country is a copper-deficient country."

"Then we can change the subject matter of our negotiation into the exploration and mining rights of a copper mine."

"Compared with uranium mines, the investment in copper mines will be significantly reduced. Moreover, it is easier to transport and sell, and can be converted into the funds you need in a short time."

"It just so happens that it's almost lunch time. If Mr. Pascoial thinks it's okay, then our morning negotiations will end here."

"How about we have lunch, let's take a break, reorganize our thoughts, and continue the negotiation in the afternoon?"

Facing this proposal, Pascoyar turned his head and made eye contact with several other companions. Then, he nodded slightly and agreed to the proposal.

The negotiator from Africa stood up, put his right hand on his chest, and slightly bent towards the person opposite. After completing these etiquettes, he took the people and left first.

Walk out of the conference room and return to your living room

As soon as Pascoial finished the phone call, his adjutant Cano handed over a cup of coffee and asked in a low voice:

"What do you say in China?"

"Domestic opinion is that the copper mine that is currently being explored in the eastern mountains of Ottawa can be added."

"No way? The uranium mine in Husab is not enough? Do you need to add another copper mine?"

"What can I do? Huh?" Pascoyar spread his hands and stared at the person in front of him silently.

Without waiting for the person opposite to reply, he quickly asked:

"Tell me, there is so much infrastructure in the country. If we don't suffer a little and spend more money, will anyone build it for us?"

"The future benefits of uranium mines are indeed very high, but the risks are also extremely high and require a long time to build, which means that the investment return period of uranium mines will be very long. If there is no profit, no matter it is No one will do it, and the young man just now also illustrated this point."

"If we add a copper mine to this uranium mine, it will show that we are very sincere."

"They will invest in building uranium mines and copper mines, which will definitely improve local infrastructure."

"And we can also take the opportunity to learn some mine construction techniques and mineral refining techniques."

Hearing Pascoyar's deeper meaning, Cano nodded thoughtfully. When he thought about the key, he finally understood why Pascoyar was the one who negotiated this time. Yal takes the lead.

But soon, he reacted suddenly. After a little hesitation, he still asked the person in front of him:

"But the technology for refining minerals is obviously better in America, Australia, and England. Why should we come to China?"

Facing this question, Pascoyar shook his head helplessly, and in the end, all his words turned into a long sigh.

After sighing, he stood up, put his hands on Kano's shoulders, and said seriously:

"Kano, as a high-level leader of a country, you must know that minerals are a gift from God to a country, but they are also a shackles. If we cannot break through this gift from God, our future will be ruined!"

"It will never develop the way we want it to."

"If you don't know, then drive your car yourself and take a look around the mines led by America."

"They talk about environmental protection, but secretly they have been polluting the environment. The environmental protection they talk about is for their country."

"As for us, their thinking is that I come to pollute your country to give you face."

"We are looking for a partner, at least someone we can talk to."

"I really don't want to wake up from bed one day and suddenly there are gunshots all around me, and then everyone tells me that there is a coup!"

After saying the serious words, Pasquial showed a smile on his face, then gently pushed Cano with his hand and said with a smile:

"Come on, let's go have lunch and have a good rest. Negotiations will continue in the afternoon."


On the other side, in the room where Lin Yu and others were resting, Lin Yu was explaining to Zhou Changyao and others how to search for relevant and effective information on the Internet.

"When searching for this information on the Internet, we must follow basic principles."

"The first principle is that all conflicts, whether they are between men and women, between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, or between countries, we should treat them as entertainment without any consequences. We should not express opinions on these conflicts, but just watch them. Fun.”

"The second principle is to follow the most basic laws of physics and do not believe in events that exceed the principles of physics. This is because some people, after noticing the curiosity of netizens, are making up messy fairy tales everywhere, such as zombies and falling objects. Dragon, another example is the river god.”

“The third principle is to learn keyword search and scope determination.”

"For example, Namibia this time. First of all, this country is very young. It only became independent in 1990. Therefore, apart from official information, we can obtain very little information about them domestically."

"So, domestic website searches can almost be given up, then we need to directly connect to the external network."

Leaving a sentence, Lin Yu put his hands on the keyboard and connected to foreign websites through a little trick.

When the Yahoo logo appeared on the screen, he calmly said:

"At present, the more normal netizens abroad are concentrated in the Yahoo forum."

"If we want to find news about Namibia, we have to enter Namibia."

As he explained, Lin Yu's fingers quickly entered four words in the search box.

[Namibia! ]

As the enter key was pressed, the internal mechanism of the Yahoo forum began to work, displaying all the posts with the keyword Namibia.

Then, Lin Yu dragged the mouse, clicked into the posts one by one, read quickly in the posts, and then copied some key words from the posts, created a new text and put it away, and continued reading.

After reading for a while, he pasted the words he had just pasted back to the search box of the Yahoo forum.

This time, more accurate information appeared.

[Analysis of Namibia's military strength and future development direction-D. Jean Jackman. ]

[Real shot of the border between Namibia and Angola-Lilith Adili. 】

[Real shots of Namibian cities...]

[Namibian laws...]

Clicking on the top post, there is a more detailed introduction to Namibia's military than what Lin Yu had seen before, and the blogger is an American soldier.

After Zhou Changyao finished reading this information, Lin Yu rubbed his face and asked cautiously: "Can we go to eat now?"

Seeing him like this, Zhou Changyao showed an expression that he didn't know him, and walked to the door with his hands behind his back, using practical actions to express his proposal.

After lunch and a short break, the two groups sat in the conference room again.

Compared to the morning negotiations, the afternoon negotiations were much more straightforward.

As soon as the buttocks sat down, the Namibian side handed over two documents without any extra words.

When the two documents arrived, Cui Lin realized that they were two geological exploration documents. Except for the brief description on the first few pages, the contents behind were all from the charts printed by the equipment.

The ups and downs of the wavy lines and the tables filled with countless numbers made the two documents look particularly mysterious.

After taking the document and checking it for a while, Cui Lin found that he could not see anything. He handed the document to Zhou Changyao, who acted as a messenger and handed the two documents to Lin Yu.

He opened the document on the top and read the contents. Lin Yu quickly turned the page to the back and began to look for a map among the charts.

After a long time, he finally found the map he needed.

This is a very simple map with the coordinates of more than a dozen edge points of the mining area marked.

And in the center of this map, there is an English word, a very familiar English word.


Husab uranium mine!

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