Pascoyal's words also let Lin Yu know that this cooperation was a done deal.

He stood up, extended his right hand to the man from Namibia, and said with a smile: "Then let's have a happy cooperation!"

Pascoyal also extended his right hand, shook Lin Yu's hand together, and shook it gently:

"Happy cooperation!"

"Now let our people on both sides sort out the contract and complete the signing, and then your people will enter Namibia as soon as possible to survey the two mining areas."

"Let's build our project as soon as possible."

The two hands were clasped together heavily, shook gently, and then turned around and let go.

The legal affairs of both sides also came together because of the handshake of the two heads of the two sides, and put the specific list of cooperation projects and project amounts on paper.

While they were busy, Qian Duoduo quietly pushed open the door, quietly appeared beside Lin Yu, and whispered in Lin Yu's ear:

"Director, there is news from Abu."

Hearing this, Lin Yu apologized to Pascoyar, turned around, asked Qian Duoduo to stay in the conference room, and stared at the contract with the legal department, and he turned around and walked out of the conference room and walked to his office.

He closed the door of the office, turned on the computer, and logged into the Yahoo website in the way agreed with Abu before. After a simple search, he found the corresponding video.

After watching the video, Lin Yu couldn't help but frowned. Abu's action of destroying drugs was remarkable, but his words against al-Qaeda and Mullah Taliban felt a little unnecessary.

For now, Greater Pashtunism is still prevalent among the Pashtun community, so Mullah Taliban's theory will be generally accepted by the Pashtun community.

And Abu's words may lead to more negative effects.


That has nothing to do with me. My deal with him is limited to clearing drugs and drug dealers. He is now clearing drug dealers in Herat, and has not yet cleared the eastern part of Afghanistan.

So, I have to give him a little spur.

After turning off the computer, Lin Yu took out a satellite phone from the bookcase next to him, recalled the number of Abu's satellite phone, and dialed it.

No one answered.

After a few minutes, he redialed the number again and found that no one answered. At this time, Lin Yu reacted.

Although it is a satellite phone, people in Afghanistan mainly live in valleys, and the signal in those places is generally poor.

Although the satellite phone has a built-in call reminder function, in order to make a normal call, Abu must climb to the top of the mountain for the satellite phone to receive the signal.

When I think of this man in his 50s, holding a brick-sized satellite phone, climbing to the top of the mountain, and tiptoeing to find a signal, Lin Yu feels very happy.

Scratching his head, he put down the satellite phone, picked up the phone on the table, and called Lu Huaxi directly.

As soon as the call was connected, Lu Huaxi's hearty laughter came from the phone:

"Congratulations, your deployment in Afghanistan was successful. Although it is only 400 kilograms, it is a start, a very good start."

"Also, the agricultural experts we sent have arrived in Iran and are now adjusting in Tehran."

"I will give you their contact information later, and then you contact Abu to pick them up."

"By the way, when will the batch of Snow Leopard's all-terrain fire support vehicles in your hands be completed?"

"If it is completed, you should arrange the test as soon as possible, because it will snow on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in late October."

"The extremely cold weather, coupled with the plateau area, will increase the difficulty of your test exponentially. If you are late, I can only say that you are in big trouble."

"I won't chat with you for now. I have something to do here. I'll hang up first."

Beep beep beep...

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Lin Yu put down the phone helplessly.

The improved model of Snow Leopard ATV has been produced. The people of the automobile manufacturing company are conducting a simple out-of-town test on the vehicle, which will take two or three days.

It can be completed just before the National Day, and then sent to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau by train.

From the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, it can be sent to the north, to the border with Russia, and tested on the snow-covered land.

Just as he was holding the phone and preparing to call the automobile manufacturing company to ask Feng Lun to speed up the progress, the satellite phone on the table rang.

He answered it casually, and a breathless voice came from the phone:

"My dear friend, you finally called me. I thought you had forgotten me."

"However, the signal of your satellite phone is a little bad. I can only receive the text message reminder you called in that valley, but I can't hear your call."

"And I can't dial out."

"I'm talking to you now because I asked someone to ride a motorcycle to take me to the halfway point of the mountain, and then I climbed up again. My knees are still hurting now."

Although the signal was a little bad, it didn't prevent Lin Yu from hearing Abu's words clearly.

Abu's words were a bit nagging, but there was a bit of excitement and excitement in his words.

Feeling his mood, Lin Yu said happily on the phone:

"Congratulations on your victory. You have made a lot of money in the first attack. We are the closest partners, so..."

"I think I can give you a little reward."

"The 400 kilograms of drugs you destroyed will be converted to you according to the selling price in Europe, which is US$5 per gram. In other words, you now have a quota of US$2 million."

"What do you want? Food, or weapons and ammunition?"

After Lin Yu said the limit of 2 million, there was an obvious cheer from the satellite phone. It was obviously not Abu's voice, but the voice of some young people.

After the voices of those young people were suppressed, Abu's gentle words came again:

"One million dollars for weapons and ammunition, and then one million dollars for food. We want wheat."

"With food as a cover, we can build a food store in Herat and use this store as a cover."

"You can get more information."

Keeping the request in mind, Lin Yu thought about how to deal with it.

The amount of ammunition worth 1 million US dollars is not large, and we can continue to take the route of Kazakhstan.

As for food, you can directly purchase it from Suniya with weapons and ammunition. After all, Iran imports a large amount of food from Ukraine and Russia every year. If $1 million of food is mixed in, it will not be a big problem.

If you let yourself transport food from China, the freight will be a lot of money, and you are not so lucky.

Having made up his mind, Lin Yu turned around and informed Abu of the relevant operational details and the contact information of agricultural experts.

Just when he was about to say a few more words, there was a knock on the door of the room.

As a last resort, he could only remind the phone: "Please pay attention to your own safety."

After saying that, the satellite phone hung up.

After stuffing the satellite phone into the bookcase, Lin Yu opened the office door and found that the person knocking on the door was Qian Duoduo.

At this moment, the young man was holding a document in his hand. When he saw Lin Yu, he couldn't wait to say:

“List of contract projects in Namibia.”

Holding the list of contract items, he crossed his fingers over the list item by item, confirming the quantity and unit price of each item.

After confirming that there were no errors, Lin Yu handed the list to Qian Duoduo:

"Attach the list to the contract, and you take the people to get the contract out before the National Day. After the National Day, I take the contract and the people to Yanjing to sign the contract."

"Then we'll have another place to make money."

Reaching out for the project list, Qian Duoduo hesitated for a moment, then said:

"Well... Mr. Zhang of the construction company asked me to tell you that he said that the construction company can't find people now, and there aren't that many people assigned to Namibia."

"He said, do you want to form a construction company again?"

Forming another construction company?

After thinking for a moment, Lin Yu rejected the idea. He shook his head slightly and said, "You go get the contract first. Even if the contract is signed, our survey team and defense company will enter first."

"Understood!" Seeing that Lin Yu didn't think much about this, Qian Duoduo nodded, took the project list, turned and left the office.

Lin Yu couldn't help but get a headache when he thought about Namibia's admission problem.

There are not enough people, very not enough.

Picking up the phone on the table again, Lin Yu called Luo Ping directly:

"You arrange for 20 people to enter Namibia from Saudi Arabia. I will give you some addresses and you ask them to go there first."

"First establish several safety points in Namibia. When our exploration team and construction team enter Namibia, we will need these safety points."

As for Luo Ping, after Lin Yu finished speaking, he also spoke:

“I received news from Prince Awad that he is planning to visit Afghanistan in the near future, and then asked our people to provide security. The entire trip will take about seven days. Excluding the time for leaving Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan, the actual process will take about five days. "

"The security cost I discussed with him is US$7 million, so we need a batch of the latest tactical equipment to support it."

This sudden news made Lin Yu a little stunned.

In the early years, the relationship between Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia was generally good because they were both Sunnis.

Later, the Al Qaeda organization appeared, and the two sides began to be at odds with each other. In the end, they parted ways directly.

Now Awad suddenly wants to visit Afghanistan, this...

Maybe it was because of Abu's sudden attitude.

Putting these messy thoughts in his heart, Lin Yu said into the phone:

"Just go to those factories directly. When you get to their factories, tell them it's my order, and the payment will be settled as a whole when the time comes."

After explaining, he hung up the phone, turned on his computer, and started searching for news in the Middle East.

As a prince of a country, if you want to visit other countries, it will definitely be news.

Sure enough, after a simple search, Lin Yu found the news about Awad's visit to Afghanistan on the Yahoo website.

Relevant reports quoted Saudi King Saeed's original words as saying that his younger brother went to Afghanistan to discuss a joint attack on Iran.

What a pair of brothers and sisters!

Well...nothing to say!


Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Awad looked at the news in Riyadh Daily and his face wrinkled into a bitter melon. He slowly turned back to look at his brother and asked reluctantly:

"You are afraid that Iran will not take action against me!"

"Looking for Afghanistan to attack Iran, you... you might as well say that we surrender directly to America, and then attack Iran together with the Americans?"

Listening to his brother's complaints, Sayid waved his hands irritably: "Alright, alright!"

"If I didn't know what you guys did together, I would still be worried, but you guys all got together, sat at the same table to eat, and sat in the same car without fighting, so I think it's not a problem for you to go to Afghanistan and discuss the issue of attacking Iran with the Afghans."

"This time, you have to find a way to lead the topic to reconciliation within Afghanistan, and then meet that Abu openly, and have some private conversations with him."

"Finally, these conversations should be published in a public way."

"Let the people of our country see this, and then we can use these conversations to conduct Some secular reforms. "

"Is it clear?"

Hearing the instructions, Awad couldn't help but howl to the sky. After the howl, he stared at his brother with wide eyes and asked helplessly:

"Do we need to make so much trouble? For secular reforms, we can just change it directly, right?"

"Okay, anyway, I'm already dead, I've been king for several years, but if secular reforms, if the situation is not right, someone can't be king, right?" Said nodded frantically, and his playful eyes naturally fell on Awad, and then continued:

"Reform, there must be resistance. If we have a reference target, it means we have a way out. "

"You can also choose not to make a way out. Anyway, I'm the king, and someone has never been a king. "

The eyes flickered, as if questioning Awad, don't you want to be a king?

And the word king controlled Awad for two minutes.

Thinking of his prestige as a king, Awad could only suppress all the words in his heart and repeat his brother's words.

Turning around, he went to prepare for the visit.

The first person to receive the news that the Saudi prince was going to visit Afghanistan was the American.

In Qatar, Hanks, who had just returned from vacation, was a little confused when he heard the news.

After all, everyone in the world knows that the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan is not very good, but if Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan reconcile.

The biggest winner will be them, America.

Iraq is now under control, and the oil exported by Iraq is already squeezing out the share of Iranian oil.

If Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia reconcile, then in fact, Iran will be surrounded. Then, we only need to find a suitable opportunity to launch a decapitation operation against Iran, just like we did against Colonel Kabul in Libya.

First, get rid of all the high-level Iranians, and then replace them with pro-American factions, and the entire Middle East will fall into the hands of America.

At that time, America could rely on the oil in the Middle East to force Europe and Russia to decouple!

Then, if they push it again, Russia will disintegrate again in no time!

Just when he was extremely excited, the phone on the table rang!

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