Speak of the devil?

No way?

Two thoughts flashed through Geng Haiqing's mind, and he also grabbed the telescope next to him and looked in the direction Shen Guilin was looking at.

At the end of the line of sight, in the place where the telescope could vaguely see, in the turbulent waves, there were three small fishing boats, quietly approaching them.

Seeing this, he turned his head and cast his eyes on the radar operator, and the radar operator also turned his eyes at this moment.

The radar operator shook his head slightly after looking at each other: "They are all small boats, and they are not displayed on the radar."

After getting the answer, Geng Haiqing put down the telescope with a curse, looked at Shen Guilin and asked:

"Should we deal with them?"

Shen Guilin also put down the telescope at this moment, thought for a moment, and gave his suggestion: "Just drive them out!"

Then, a new order was issued: "At the 3 o'clock direction of the ship, there is a fishing boat of unknown nationality, the ship moves forward and prepares to drive it away."

As his order was issued, the engine room began to adjust the power output, and the helmsman began to slowly adjust the direction. The huge frigate slowly moved north, circled around Ren'ai Reef, aimed at the fishing boats, and slowly drove past.

On the surging sea, three small boats were evenly scattered on the sea, and the tails of these three small boats were dragging fishing nets.

In the middle, on the colorfully painted boat, Captain Trada estimated the time, threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, kicked the crew member standing next to him for a rest, then raised his hand and pointed at the winch in the middle of the fishing boat, cursing:

"Dead, right? Hurry up and collect the net, catch the fish in the net, and then cast the second net."

"I give you money to let you work, not to let you enjoy yourself."

As he cursed, the seven crew members on the boat took their positions, and the person in charge of the winch turned off the switch, and the winch started to operate.

The rope at the tail of the fishing boat was also quickly dragged back by the winch.

More than 30 seconds later, the fishing net emerged from the water, and the fine fish net was full of fish reflecting silver-white light.

Seeing the fishing net, Trada adjusted the speed of the winch motor, and slowly and carefully used the winch to pull the net of fish onto the boat.

As the net of fish was dragged onto the boat, the whole boat sank suddenly, and as the owner of the boat, Trada also panicked at this moment.

However, as the fishing net landed, the sinking force was relieved, and the fishing boat was lifted up again. This time, several people on the boat fell on the deck.

While falling, these people's eyes were still fixed on the fishing net in front of them.

Just this net of fish can fill up all the fish warehouses of their boat, which is another big harvest.

Climbing up from the deck, rubbing the place where he fell just now, Trada stretched his hand to the fishing net with joy, and at the same time, he kept sighing:

"I told Emilio's bunch of rubbish that if they want to make a lot of money, they have to come to the waters of China."

"All the fish near the Philippines have been caught, and only this deep sea of ​​China has enough fish."

"They don't believe it, hey!"

"Later in the evening, those rubbish can only watch me being cool in the bar again."

Contempt Walking with his companions, Tenada sighed at his own vision, turned around and shouted to the crew on the fishing boat:

"Hurry up, find all the valuable fish and freeze them in special boxes. These are big money. If any fish rot, I will kill you."

"Pour all the remaining small fish into the fish warehouse. I think I can catch another net if the weather is bad."

Hearing his order, the crew members employed by him ignored the pain in their bodies, stood up, squatted beside the fishing nets, and began to clean the fishing nets.

The more valuable fish were picked out one by one, stabbed with a knife, bled, and then thrown into the incubator with ice.

These valuable fish will be purchased by the purchasing staff of the hotels as soon as they reach the shore, and these valuable fish are also the main source of their wages.

After cleaning up the valuable fish, the rest is to clean up the worthless fish.

The big fish were put aside, and the smaller fish, no matter what species, were directly shoveled into the fish warehouse with a shovel. Anyway, these fish were sold by basket when they arrived at the shore, and there was no need to subdivide them.

Just when they were busy, a whistle that resounded through the world suddenly sounded in their ears. Trada looked up and found that it was a warship that appeared quietly on the sea not far from them.

The deck of the warship was also full of people. These people were staring at them with unfriendly eyes, as if they would die immediately if they dared to say one more word.

Looking into the eyes of these people, Trada's heart couldn't help but jump. It was originally sunny today, and a lot of fish were caught. This should be a good day.

But they never expected that they would hit a warship on this vast sea.


At this moment, Trada began to think about what method he should use to keep the fish on the boat and show his masculinity.

While he was thinking hard, he caught a glimpse of the movement on the deck of the warship not far away.

Those who were originally standing by the railing turned around and left as quickly as possible, and then one of them walked straight to the green oilcloth covering the center of the deck.

And as the man opened the green oilcloth, the thing under the oilcloth also appeared in front of Trada's eyes. Seeing this thing, Trada's eyes suddenly bulged, and he didn't care about showing off his manly glory. Turn around and shout to the crew on the bridge:

"Set the ship quickly!"

Following his shout, several crew members on the fishing boat also looked at the ship that suddenly appeared at this moment.

Under the torn green oilcloth, there was a naval gun.

After tearing off the green oilcloth, the man dragged the oilcloth along the fence next to it, all the way to the ship island.

There seemed to be no intention of communicating with them at all.

At this time, the crew members suddenly remembered that the ship that appeared today was different from the previous ones.

In the past, ships usually made announcements first.

But today, this ship only honked its horn from the time it appeared until now.

After honking the horn, without communicating with them or talking to them, he just pulled off the gun jacket on the naval gun.

The meaning is very obvious!

At this moment, the crew members went crazy and quickly got into the cabin and found a place they thought was safe to hide. Only the helmsman of the fishing boat could remain calm at this moment.

He started the fishing boat as fast as possible, then controlled the rudder to adjust the direction. Finally, he pushed the throttle lever to the bottom and drove the boat towards the border.

The ship ran away, and the other ships also ran away quickly. In about 10 minutes, these ships disappeared from the end of sight.

On the bridge, seeing the fishing boat disappear, Geng Haiqing turned around and was about to ask Shen Guilin, but found that his partner around him was making a phone call to someone. He listened carefully and found out that it was a call to the fishery administration.

After the phone call ended, he asked: "Aren't we going to pursue it?"

Shen Guilin shook his head: "No chasing! Our mission is to protect the dredger."

"I have already called the fishery administration here. They are at XSQD. They will be here tomorrow as soon as possible."

"It would be more appropriate to leave this matter to them."

"Go and hurry up the cooking team and ask them to work faster."

Recalling the way those ships fled just now, Geng Haiqing was in a good mood. He hummed a song and slowly walked out of the bridge and walked to the kitchen of the cooking class.

At the same time, on the fishing boat struggling to escape, Trada stood up tremblingly from the cabin, grabbed the cabin wall with both hands, and cast his eyes behind him from the gap in the cabin.

A pair of sinister-looking eyes carefully searched the surroundings.

The warship didn't follow!

The moment he came to this conclusion, he exhaled forcefully, and his whole body was like a puddle of mud, and he collapsed directly in the cabin.

The man lay on the floor of the cabin, staring at the ceiling for a while. He couldn't help but laugh. The voice was very suppressed at first, and after a while, the voice became louder and louder:

"Haha! Did you see it? Such a big warship can't do anything to us. Let's go back today and continue fishing here tomorrow."

"By the way, who is on guard duty today? Can you tell me why none of you shouted when the boat hit your face?"

"Don't you want the wages?"

As soon as this question came out, Trada's limp body immediately gained strength. He bounced off the floor of the fishing boat with a carp thrust, turned his head, and looked at the crew members in front of him fiercely, and his fierce eyes swept across the faces of these people. , so that these crew members did not dare to look at him.

He glanced around, but no one responded. He didn't stop there, but turned his head to look at the crew member closest to him.

This man was thin. When Trada glanced at him, the crew member lowered his head subconsciously, preparing to respond.

His concession did not result in Trada's concession, but in exchange for a slap in the face.


The slap was very loud and kept echoing in this narrow cabin. At the same time, this slap also made several other crew members slowly raise their heads and slowly widen their eyes.

The next second, they received both rain and dew from Trada.

Bang bang bang!

There were seven crew members in total, and all seven crew members received a slap in the face.

After beating the last person, Trada returned to the cabin door again, put his hands on his waist, and asked viciously again:

"Can anyone tell me why this ship hit my face and you didn't find anything?"

As soon as he finished asking, he suddenly raised his right hand and slapped the crew member closest to him again.


The slap sounded suddenly, startling the other crew members. At this time, a crew member in the corner suddenly stammered:

"That... there was a strange-looking ship in the direction that the ship came from. That strange ship has been moving around the islands and reefs."

"My attention was always on the ship and I didn't notice the warship."

As soon as the crew member finished explaining, he immediately squatted down, holding his head in his hands, preparing for the next beating.

However, the severe beating he imagined did not come, and the person was not beaten. He slowly raised his head again, only to find that Trada had arrived in front of him at some point and was looking at him condescendingly.

When the surrounding crew members saw the actions of the two people on the scene, they turned around and tiptoed out of the cabin.

After watching the others leave, Trada folded his hands on his chest, looked at the crew with an unkind expression, and asked, "What is that ship doing? Did you see it?"

"I didn't... I didn't see it clearly, I didn't look..." Before the crewman finished speaking, Trada's slap had already hit his face, and the huge force directly slapped him out.

After slapping him, Trada still didn't give up. He quickly stepped forward, grabbed the crewman who was lying on the ground, and slapped him again.

While slapping him, he was still cursing: "I asked you to stand guard, but you actually said you didn't see it."

"You didn't see anything, what do I want you to do?"

"Do you know that you took my money? Even if I beat you to death, you deserve it."

"Such a big ship, are you blind? You didn't see it!"

The curses and fists kept coming out of this crewman. He was knocked to the ground and kept dodging, but he touched something while rolling.

A pair of scissors.

Scissors used to repair fishing nets.

The moment he touched the scissors, the crewman's hand subconsciously clenched the scissors, and when another curse sounded, he swung the hand holding the scissors back violently.

As soon as the scissors were swung out, the crew member felt a noticeable hysteresis in front of the scissors, which was the feeling of the scissors piercing something.

Before he could react, another feeling came from his hand.



The scissors seemed to be stuck on something?

Also, the captain's cursing stopped.

The crew member slowly raised his head, but the situation in front of him really made him at a loss.

Because the scissors in his hand were inserted squarely into the captain's chest, and the strange warm feeling was because the captain's chest was bleeding, and the hot blood spilled on his hands, very warm, very sticky, and very fishy.

Hearing the movement in the cabin stop, the crew members who had just walked out of the ship walked back again, but the situation in front of them surprised them a little.



As the sun set, under the influence of the moon, the tide began to rise slowly.

For safety, Zhuo Wen, led by Long Hai, slowly drove the merchant ship into the island reef and stopped in the center of the circular island reef.

Ship 167, like a door god, guarded the entrance of the circular island reef.

After arranging the night sentry work, Lin Yu just climbed onto Ship 167 to taste the delicious food from the deep sea, and his satellite phone rang.

A unique string of numbers was displayed on the small screen of the satellite phone.

And that string of numbers belonged to a rich man in the Middle East - Awad.

What did Awad want to do with him?

With doubts in his heart, Lin Yu casually connected the satellite phone. Before he could speak, Awad's impatient voice came from the other side:

"Where are you?"

"Your country's manned space launch, as a related practitioner, you won't come?"

"Or did the Aerospace Group not invite you?"

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