Listening to his explanation, Tang Yuanshan's tiger eyes slowly narrowed, leaving only a slit in his eyes. Lin Yu's reaction reminded him of the young teachers in the school and the foreign students.

Every time during the cultural class, they were asked to write down their thoughts and experiences, and when asked about their progress, they would show such expressions.

But in fact, there is a high probability that not a single word is written.

Taking a deep breath, the dean of the Army Command College raised his hands and began to pinch the joints of his left hand with his right hand.

The bones crackled, and at the same time, he asked with certainty: "Did you not write a word?"

After being pointed out, Lin Yu bent down with embarrassment and coughed loudly.

In the warehouse, Acoma stood up from his seat, followed by Laria, standing next to his father and caringly helping his father sort out his clothes.

While sorting it out, he asked softly: "Father, can it be done?"

Acoma did not answer his son's words, but turned to look at Heckley, who had been leaning against the wall, and asked with a smile:

"Consultant Heckley, can it be done?"

"Fifty percent." Heckley spit out a number and explained with a smile:

"Whether it works or not, there is a 50% probability anyway. All we can do is do our best and listen to fate."

"It works, everyone is happy."

"If it doesn't work, then grind it slowly."

"Let's go, I heard the horn just now, it's time to go out."

After the words fell, the staff officer exerted force on his waist, moved his body away from the wall, and came behind Acoma, half a body behind, which was regarded as a statement of his camp.

Laria also arranged her clothes and retreated behind Hercule, putting away all the expressions on her face and switching to a smile.

Looking back at the two of them, Acoma breathed a sigh of relief and strode towards the warehouse door.

Outside the warehouse, Tang Yuanshan was about to ask Lin Yu to write another guarantee letter. Before he could speak, Lin Yu moved his chin closer to the warehouse.

He followed the movement and looked behind him, just in time to see a few people walking out.

With the guests present, Tang Yuanshan gave up the idea of ​​teasing Lin Yu any more. Taking advantage of the distance between him and Awad and the others, he asked softly in his throat without moving his lips:

"What do you think? Pull a bunch of people together."

"It shows that our attitude is just to be a peacemaker! Where is the opinion from above?"

"Same as Kareem, but before that, they need to be verified."

"Okay, let's be peacemakers."

The word "peacemaker" made Tang Yuanshan stunned for a moment, and then his narrowed eyes suddenly opened, and a bright smile bloomed on his face.

As he asked and answered, Lin Yu smiled, opened his arms, and strode towards Acoma.

His eyes rested on the three of Tang Yuanshan for a moment. Akoma also opened his arms, hugged Lin Yu, and kept saying in Arabic:


After a brief hug, Lin Yu raised his hand and pointed at Tang Yuanshan and the others:

"Mr. Acoma, fortunately, I brought a few friends over, and we sat in the room and chatted slowly."

In the reception room, several people were seated at the conference table, and Lin Yu began to introduce Acoma in Arabic:

"Here, the dean of our International Village Army Command College, I have stated your request in detail, but..."

The words paused here, and then he shook his head.

"Because of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, we can't do this kind of thing, but if you really want to learn relevant tactical knowledge."

"The International Army Command College is the best choice for you."

After Acoma and Tang Yuanshan nodded to each other as greetings, Lin Yu pointed to Awad and the two beside him with both hands.

"Mr. Acoma, you should have met these two, but on this occasion, I still need to introduce them again."

"His Highness Awad, from Saudi Arabia, the younger brother of King Said."

"His Royal Highness Carlo, from the United Arab Emirates, Prince of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi."

"He is also their negotiator this time."

The three of them should all know each other. After Lin Yu's introduction, they just smiled and nodded at each other.

Seeing this, Lin Yu spread his hands and said loudly: "Now that the three of you have met, the negotiations will begin. Dean Tang and I will witness your experimental alliance this time!"

"remember forever!"

After finishing the last word, Lin Yu stepped back, pulled up a chair, and sat next to him.

The scene was handed over to three people.

Then, instead of negotiating, the three of them started staring at each other across the table.

Sunni versus Shia, 2:1!

Seeing that the situation was developing in an unknown direction, Lin Yu coughed lightly and shouted to Acoma in a low voice: "Say the conditions, state your conditions, and state what you can do."

With the reminder, Arkema put aside his reserve and stated the conditions he had prepared in the past few days.

"We need military support and economic support. Military support, we just need some small rocket launchers, guns and ammunition, mortars and landmines."

"If you are willing to give something big, we can also take it."

"While receiving this equipment assistance, we also need tactical education assistance."

"In terms of financial assistance, we need agricultural machinery, industrial machinery to build our roads, our farmland, our schools."

"And our base."

After stating his request, Acoma slowly raised his head, pointed his eyes at the two people in front of him, and said softly:

"And what we can do is to fight the Israelis in an organized and disciplined manner."

"We can guarantee one life every day!"

"If you are willing to help, we can guarantee five lives a day, which will definitely hurt the Israelis!"

After stating his requirements and conditions, Acoma put away all his expressions, sat quietly on the chair, looked at the two people opposite him, and waited for their answers.

Across from each other, Awad and Carlo looked at each other and saw disgust in each other's eyes. However, they did not say anything out loud. Instead, they turned their heads and turned their eyes to Lin Yu, preparing to start from his side. Find an excuse.

Then the two exchanged glances again, and Carlo spoke first.

"Mr. Lin Yu, as the intermediary for this peace negotiation, would you like to say a few words?"


Lin Yu couldn't help but cursed in his mind, he was just a peacemaker, why did he throw the blame on himself?

His eyes swept over everyone and saw their expressions. He already had an idea in his mind. He pulled up the stool and sat back at the long conference table. Looking at Awad opposite, he said as a child:

"This deal can be done."

"Let me tell you my reasons first. In our country, our great men have proposed protracted war a long time ago."

"Israelis, they only have a few million people, but you Arab countries have money, people, and resources."

"Five people a day, 50 people in 10 days, 500 people in 100 days, and 1,825 people in a year."

"To kill a person, all it takes is a stone, a target, a bullet, and a mortar shell."

"But it takes 18 years to train a person."

"It takes 20 years to train a soldier."

"We have an old saying that attacks the city first, attack the heart first. If the Israeli army is killing people every day, will their soldiers take the initiative to join the army?"

"Moreover, the Israelis have been in this bloody state, and they will definitely let America go. As the saying goes, when a cannon goes off, there is a lot of gold."

"America is very rich, but his money was stolen, stolen, plundered, and printed with a nuclear-powered money printing machine."

"But it's not brought by strong winds."

"If they use force all over the world, it will arouse more people's resentment!"

"At the same time, in order to maintain equipment, they must devote a large part of their resources to military equipment."

"At this time, did you think of an old friend?"

Old friend?

Awad and Carlo looked at each other. After a brief moment of confusion, they also remembered who Lin Yu's so-called old friend was.

Soviet Union!

At that time, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and was dragged on the Afghan battlefield, bleeding all the time.

Although the country was bleeding, the oligarchs of the Soviet Union were eating themselves up one by one. Finally, with a bang, the Soviet Union was gone and became a thing of the past in everyone's memory.

Every time I think about it, everyone will not hesitate to add a handful of soil to the Soviet Union's grave, for fear that this big brother will come back to life and cause chaos to the whole world.

Will America also follow the old path of the Soviet Union?

Put a question mark.


"This is not enough to impress me! As far as the current situation is concerned, if we break up with America, there will only be disadvantages and no benefits." Looking straight ahead, Awad calmly refused.

This sentence made Lin Yu think more highly of the prince. It seemed that the Arabs were not stupid, but they just didn't involve their own interests. When their own interests were involved, they would rather pretend to be stupid.

Faced with his rejection, Lin Yu was not discouraged. If he wanted to be a lobbyist for others, he must first learn to listen to others.

Since option one doesn’t work, then switch to option two.

He stood up from the chair and slowly came behind Acoma. He put his hands on Acoma's shoulders and held him down, making him sit up straight with his big eyes staring straight ahead.

Then, he whispered in Acoma's ear: "Let out some murderous aura."

This simple sentence instantly opened up Acoma's Rendu and Dumai channels. He sat up straight, closed his eyes, and a faint murderous aura emanated from him.

In an instant, everyone present felt that the surrounding air had dropped by two degrees.

Patting his shoulder with his hand, Lin Yu walked around the long conference table, walked around the two Awads, and asked in a low voice:

"Saudi Arabia has always wanted to be the leader of the Arab world, so I would like to ask, do you have any popular people under your command?"

"The red flower stick is one of our gangsters in Xiangjiang who can't get on the stage, and he works for the thugs below..."

"An honorific title." After searching for a long time in his mind to find a suitable adjective, and blurting it out, Lin Yu raised his buttocks, sat on the conference table, then clasped his fingers and began to settle accounts for Awad.

"The willingness of your country's soldiers to perform military service is very low, so your main defense forces now are mercenaries brought from Egypt and Pakistan."

"The combat power of mercenaries..."

The words were only half spoken, because Awad's expression became very bad.

Looking at his expression, Lin Yu took advantage of the victory to pursue the victory. He raised his right hand, pointed at Acoma not far away, and asked:

"You don't want to have a regular army that is organized, disciplined, thoughtful, and willing to make progress, but you want to hire idle mercenaries?"

"Isn't that a joke?"

"Besides, if you Saudis want to become the boss of the Arab world, the easiest and most attractive slogan is Nasser's Pan-Arabism."

"Arabs, regardless of their beliefs or gender, are all one family, brothers and sisters."

"While shouting the slogan of Pan-Arabism, you Saudis set a precedent for Sunnis to support Shiites. What do you think other Shiites and other Sunnis will think?"

"Of course, by doing this, you can better win over Iraq and control Iran at the same time."

"How about it? Three ways to get one fish?"

Beside the conference table, listening to Lin Yu's tempting words, Ava slowly fell into deep thought.

This... this seems feasible!

It has been the long-cherished wish of successive Saudi kings to make Saudi Arabia the boss of the Arab world. If Lebanon can be used to pull other countries into their camp,

Then take the opportunity to isolate Iran, and finally, even include Iran under the Pan-Arab countries, then...

My brother will become the Arab emperor in history, and I, a hundred years after my brother, will also become the Arab emperor!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but giggle, but soon, he bit his tongue because of giggling, and his dream was completely shattered.

The eyes that were just immersed in the dream suddenly became crystal clear and extremely treacherous.

The crystal clear eyes locked on Lin Yu and asked: "How can you guarantee..."

Half of the words were said, Awad raised his left hand, and his body slowly rotated. Finally, he pointed at Akoma and asked word by word:

"How can you guarantee that he is organized and disciplined? How can you guarantee that he is willing to listen to us?"

"I can't guarantee that he will listen to you 100%, but I can guarantee that he is organized and disciplined." Lin Yu held his hands in front of his chest, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

He looked at Awad and asked, "If you ask them to do something they shouldn't do, will they listen to you?"

"Or did you have bad intentions from the beginning?"

The playful words made Awad blush, and then he said some words like "How is it possible? I am a gentleman", which were messy and clueless.

After saying these words, he stood up and held out his hand to the person opposite:

"To be honest, this negotiation is wonderful."

"As an Arab, I am in a foreign country and listen to a foreign friend who does not have messy ideas and is worried about us Arabs."

"It feels wonderful."

"As an Arab who has different beliefs from you, Akoma, I will give my opinion now."

"We can form an experimental alliance, agree on some conditions, and take our time, how about it?"

"If you think it's okay, then we will cooperate."

"We will provide some things to support you, and you will give your life!"

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