When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 411: Collect money and deliver goods! (First update!)

Hearing the other party say that it was worth it, Lin Yu did not say much. This was a win-win deal for all three parties. He got 5% of the handling fee, and Dena on the other side got a piece of news, and Hanks, who was plotted by the two of them, got the money.

Everyone got what they wanted, and everyone had a bright future.

While the two were talking, the third payment arrived, $110 million, which was the final amount.

After Guan Yunqing confirmed that the funds had arrived, Li Ping immediately initiated a transfer and transferred the funds out at the fastest speed.

When the message of successful transfer popped up, Lin Yu said to the phone:

"Mr. Dena, the last sum of funds has been transferred out. It's a pleasure to cooperate with you. Next, it's our turn to trade."

"In the past ten days, we have prepared 200 sets of parts. My people are taking Nicholas to test the relevant parts in a dedicated factory."

"These 200 sets of parts, totaling 100 million US dollars, I wonder how you plan to transfer the money?"

The topic shifted to himself. Dena on the other end of the phone laughed awkwardly twice, then left a word of waiting, and hung up the phone.

At the window, seeing the call on the phone screen had been hung up, Lin Yu shook his head, paid the money with his phone, sent a message, and then sat back in front of Guan Yunqing and the others:

"Uncle Guan, wait a moment, I'll see if he will transfer the payment."

"Anyway, it's almost noon, let's go back after lunch."


In a warehouse about 700 meters away from the satellite R\u0026D center in the eastern suburbs of Lanling City, Nicholas stood at the workbench and carefully checked the parts in front of him.

These parts include but are not limited to the satellite's solar sails, thermal insulation shells, receiving antennas, thrusters...

However, the equipment Nicholas used to check these parts was a magnifying glass that he didn't know how many times he had used it. From the paint peeling off the handle of the magnifying glass, and the faintly visible but not very clear text content, Qian Duoduo guessed that this magnifying glass should be one round larger than his own.

When Nicholas saw the fifth set, Qian Duoduo finally couldn't hold it anymore.

He raised his hand and pointed to the side. There were several special inspection equipment in the direction of his finger, but they looked rough.

And these actions of his also made Nicholas shift his attention away from the parts.

Putting the magnifying glass back into the pocket on his chest, Nicholas patted his butt and said seriously:

"In fact, I don't know anything about satellites. General Dena asked me to inspect these parts. In fact, this is a very wrong decision."

"I took the magnifying glass to inspect just to make my conscience feel at ease."

"Before we officially trade, I would like to ask you, can our transaction volume between you and me be expanded a little bit."

After asking this question, Nicholas smiled slightly and looked at the young man in front of him with a smile. Then he took a step back, took out sunglasses from his pocket and put them on his face.

The light in the warehouse mainly came from energy-saving lamps. The pale light hit his face, making him look like a dead person.

Qian Duoduo also took a half step back at this moment and carefully examined the man in front of him.

As Lin Yu's secretary, he naturally knew that the guy in front of him was Dena's white glove, but this white glove was not so clean.

This guy has been making money for himself.

Rheinsteel's several stable incomes, ammunition, trucks, and construction projects.

In the branch of ammunition, there is a separate share for this guy.

And the quantity is not small.

But now, this guy actually said that he wanted to increase the amount of ammunition.

Looking at the person in front of him, Qian Duoduo had a question in his mind. He really wanted to know, who is this guy trading with?

Before figuring out the problem, Qian Duoduo shook his head lightly and rejected Nicholas' idea of ​​expanding the transaction:

"I'm sorry, for now, our production capacity of CL20 explosives has reached its limit."

"In addition to you, we also need to supply several other companies, so we really can't take out any extra shares."

"Look, do we still need to continue our transaction?"

After getting a negative answer, Nicholas took off the sunglasses on his nose and stuffed them back into his pocket. He nodded first, walked to the side with his mobile phone, and called Dena:

"General, I have checked the satellite parts provided by Rheinsteel, a full 200 sets of parts."

"They are all brand new and have excellent performance."

"By the way, they also provided some spare parts. "The process drawings of the parts are all in English. I took a look at them."

"The process drawings are very complete. Once we get them and find some skilled workers, we can produce parts according to the drawings."

"You see..."

"Okay, okay, I'll ask them to load the goods, and then I'll coordinate an international air cargo plane to personally transport the goods to California."

After hanging up the phone, he returned to Qian Duoduo, spread his hands, and responded with a smile: "For the sake of our good words for you, help me add another 10% of the goods."

"Just 10%.

"My share is small to begin with, and adding 10% will not squeeze your production capacity."

"Okay, I beg you!"

Faced with his request, Qian Duoduo still kept smiling, and then shook his head gently.

Being rejected again, Nicholas didn't care. He turned around and returned to the workbench, instructing the workers present to repackage and package the parts he had just unpacked.

Rheinsteel, when several people in the office were about to fall asleep while waiting, Guan Yunqing's computer suddenly dinged.

Hearing the sound, several groggy people immediately sat up and put their heads in front of the computer about kissing.

On his 14-inch laptop monitor, a message suddenly popped up.

[USD 100 million in overseas purchasing funds was transferred from Rheinsteel’s account! 】

Seeing this amount, Guan Yunqing subconsciously looked at Lin Yu, and was about to ask if he wanted to transfer money. Lin Yu shook his head first and said:

"The money is not transferred."

"Li Ping, please confirm whether the funds have arrived. Once they have arrived, I will let Qian Duoduo load the goods."

Li Ping received the order, his hands flew on the keyboard, logged into the company account, checked it again, and confirmed that the funds had been received. He nodded sharply:

"The account has arrived."


Another amount of money comes in. After deducting the corresponding costs and taxes, this business will earn at least 60%.

It can alleviate the financial pressure a little bit.

Or make money with high technology.

Lin Yu picked up the cigarettes on the table and gave one to Guan Yunqing. He took out one and lit it. He did not smoke, but held it in his hand.

"Uncle Guan, I'm troubling you again this time."

The slightly apologetic words here fell into Guan Yunqing's ears. The president of the Agricultural Bank of China waved his hands repeatedly and said: "No trouble, no trouble!"

"Speaking of which, I have to thank you. You must know that in the past few years, your uncle and I have been worrying about the deposit and loan business."

"Your emergence helped me solve a big problem. Thanks to you, I am now a top expert in the Agricultural Bank of China system."

While talking, Guan Yunqing had already put away his computer, picked up the lighter on the table, lit the cigarette that Lin Yu had just given him, closed his eyes and took a puff.

After the puff of cigarette had passed through his lungs, he opened his eyes, looked at the young man in front of him and said softly:

"I'll go back here first. If you have something like this in the future, keep calling me. I'll be there when you call."

He took out a cigarette from the cigarette case on the table and put the cigarette in his ear. Guan Yunqing carried his computer bag and mobile phone and disappeared out of the door.

Seeing Guan Yunqing leaving, Li Ping also sent his apprentice to go first.

After a while, he and Lin Yu were the only two people left in the room. At this time, Li Ping glanced at the door, listened, and found that there was indeed no one outside. Then he cautiously said to Lin Yu:

"Director, this is so profitable, should we..."

He was very smart and did not ask the rest of the words. Lin Yu also understood the meaning of these words. He shook his head slightly and said with a smile:

"Our way is to promote industry, enhance our defense industry capabilities, and help these people in America launder money. This is a skill."

"Skills can be useful for a while, but what allows us to go on for a long time is the real Tao."

"You have to figure out the stakes between the two."

"You go back first, send out the corresponding contract, and settle the account."

After hearing these warnings, the light in Li Ping's eyes quickly dissipated and he became extremely serious again. He nodded, turned around, and began to pack his computer.

Next to him, Lin Yu took out his mobile phone, found Qian Duoduo's number, and dialed it:

"The funds have arrived and the goods are being loaded."

In the warehouse, after receiving the news from Lin Yu, Qian Duo waved his hand, and the workers who had been waiting in the warehouse immediately geared up and walked towards the parts.

Carefully put these parts into special foam packaging boxes, compact them little by little, and pack them.

Then, a flesh-and-blood label is affixed to the packaging box, and the goods are loaded into the truck in the order of the label.

After watching the last part being put on the truck, he personally sealed the containers and took a look at the sky. Nicholas handed his right hand to Qian Duoduo and said with a smile:

"Secretary Qian, I hope you can tell your Mr. Lin that if he needs me, he can always use me."

"And my condition is very simple, that is, I want a larger share."

"This world is a very beautiful place. If there is money, everyone should make it together."

Qian Duoduo did not respond to the other party's words. He just stretched out his right hand, held it with the white glove, and responded to the other party with a smile.

After briefly shaking hands, Nicholas climbed into the truck, and the people from the security department turned on the accelerator. Under the watchful eyes of Qian Duoduo, the four container trucks set off toward the southeast with the setting sun on their backs.

It wasn't until the group of people disappeared that Qian Duoduo waved to the people behind him:

"Check the power switch and make sure the power is cut off when someone leaves."

Ten minutes later, the workers finished checking the switch and walked out of the warehouse one after another. Qian Duoduo locked the door himself, climbed onto the truck used to transport people, and waved:

"Let's go! Go back to the R\u0026D center for a big meal."


At the entrance of the Satellite R\u0026D Center, Xiang Baichuan led a few students and showed their ID cards to the sentry at the door. Then, several people sneaked into the canteen of the R\u0026D Center.

After taking a few steps forward, the student following him finally couldn't bear it anymore. Under the night and the howling cold wind, he asked from the bottom of his heart:

"Professor, we at the Rocket R\u0026D Center are going to the Satellite R\u0026D Center for dinner to give them face. Why are we being so sneaky?"

Hearing the student's question, Xiang Baichuan quickly turned his head to look around and confirmed that there was no one. Then he raised his right hand and put his index finger to his mouth: "Shh!"

"If it were in the past, we would go to their dinner to give them face."

"But today is a little different."

"According to my intelligence, the Satellite R\u0026D Center had a big meal because it sold a batch of parts and made a lot of money."

"In addition to the UAE satellite that is about to be launched, their Satellite R\u0026D Center has actually turned losses into profits and has started to make money."

"And our Rocket Center has not started to make money yet, so when you eat later, you must keep your voice down and eat quietly."

"I heard from the chef that they also bought prawns. I will eat them like that later. Eat them hard."

After instructing the students, Xiang Baichuan continued to lead the students and sneaked towards the cafeteria.

There were many people in the satellite R\u0026D center. They all wore white work clothes. Although they had a name tag on their chest, most people would not pay attention to the small words on the name tag, so they were not conspicuous among them.

However, Xiang Baichuan never expected that he would run into an acquaintance when he just walked in.

Qian Duoduo.

Seeing Qian Duoduo, Xiang Baichuan's back hardened up all of a sudden. He brought his students and came to Qian Duoduo naturally, and asked with a smile:

"Secretary Qian, are you alone?"

Seeing Xiang Baichuan, Qian Duoduo blinked his eyes and raised his hand to point to the table in the front: "You are alone, sit here."

As soon as a few people sat down, Miao Yuan came over with several leaders of the satellite R\u0026D center. Seeing Xiang Baichuan, Miao Yuan's eyes were full of disgust. He raised his hand and pointed to the empty table next to him:

"Go over there, kid."

"We are having a celebration banquet. Your rocket R\u0026D center has no achievements at all. How dare you come to our celebration banquet?"

Faced with Miao Yuan's disdain, Xiang Baichuan leaned back in his chair calmly, and also looked at Miao Yuan with disdain:

"A celebration banquet, right? It's good, but the money of our rocket R\u0026D center is all used for research, and there happens to be a happy event today."

"It just so happens that I heard that Secretary Qian is here, so I can only borrow your flowers and food to say congratulations to Secretary Qian."

The words of neither servility nor arrogance made Miao Yuan put away his contempt and carefully examine Xiang Baichuan. After a moment, he frowned and asked solemnly:

"Is your rocket structure completed?"

"Yes!" Xiang Baichuan nodded and gave Miao Yuan a thumbs up: "The boy is teachable!"

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