"Now, everyone pays attention. After waiting for the data from each sensor to be returned, the research team will dismantle our Tianwen-1 rocket as quickly as possible."

“Get the data collected as quickly as possible.”

"Then the rocket transport team loaded the Tianwen-2 rocket into it as quickly as possible and then filled it with fuel."

"The test of Tianwen 1 is successful, then our Tianwen 2 cannot have any problems. Now, take action."

Ground test successful!

Xiang Baichuan's voice, amplified by the loudspeaker, echoed in the mountains of the test site. The people at the Rocket R\u0026D Center were not excited by his words.

Although most of the time, people like to say that people make plans and God makes things happen, but there is another saying that people can defeat God.

For this time, the people at the Rocket R\u0026D Center have made full preparations. From the beginning of the official launch of the Rocket R\u0026D Center, the construction of two rocket engine test benches and a rocket ground test bench in the mountains has begun.

They have been waiting for this day for too long, too long.

Following Xiang Baichuan's order, the staff of the Rocket R\u0026D Center walked out of a safe place and walked to the rocket test bench. They took out the original Tianwen-1 rocket and replaced it with the Tianwen-2 rocket.

The people from the R\u0026D team stood by the whole process, collecting various data from Tian Wenyi, as well as data from the test bench.

By the time all of this was done, it was already 7pm, two hours later than expected.

In November in Lu Province, at 7 o'clock in the evening, the sky had completely darkened. Looking at the silent night, Xiang Baichuan had the intention to stop the test, but when he informed Lin Yu of this idea, Lin Yu waved his hand gently:


"If you die early and die late, you will die. If you die early and are reborn, even if there is a problem, if you find it one day earlier, you will have one more day to solve it."

So, everyone carried their lunch boxes and stood by the window of the control center, quietly looking at the tall tower standing in the darkness.

At 7:30 in the evening, when the time came, Xiang Baichuan grabbed the microphone and shouted into the microphone:

"The ground test of the Tianwen 2 rocket has officially begun, ignition!"

At a command, the operator sitting next to him pressed the button.

At night, the tail flame emitted by the rocket engine looks more vivid and brighter than during the day.

The rocket engine first sprayed out four small red flames. Then, these four red flames slowly became thicker and began to change color.

From orange-red at the beginning, it slowly turned blue, and finally, it turned directly into blue.

Four blue tail flames rushed out, and finally converged into a huge flame. This huge flame crazily washed the pool below. In the light blue flame, you can still vaguely see a few translucent rings, which are Mach ring.

When these rings became clearly visible, everyone present had their hearts in their throats.

Because the Mach ring appears, it means that the thrust of the rocket engine has reached its maximum. If the test bench cannot hold the rocket, then they will see a super big firework today.

After staring at the Mach ring for a while, some people retracted their gaze and began to pray in their hearts that today's test must be successful.

Most of the remaining people continued to stare at the test bench in the distance. Today, if they don't succeed, they will be successful.

As the saying goes, it’s up to people to plan things, but it’s up to God to make things happen.

Perhaps the people in the R\u0026D center were fully prepared, so there was no surprise in this test. After seeing the fuel gradually bottoming out, the person responsible for controlling the fuel output on the ground gently closed the valve.

With a clicking sound that everyone could hear, the sound of several roaring rocket engines under the test bench in the distance slowly became lower and lower until finally disappearing.

In the control room, Xiang Baichuan turned around and glanced at the others. At this time, the other people in the control room also turned around and looked into the eyes of the person in charge.

Looking at each other, these operators all had bright smiles on their faces, and they all nodded towards Xiang Baichuan.

After receiving the clear looks from his subordinates, the head of the Rocket R\u0026D Center no longer hesitated. He raised his hand and grasped the microphone. He tried his best and exhausted his lung capacity.

He shouted into the microphone: "Everyone, our rocket ground test was successful. The data is now very good, and no other safety incidents have occurred."

"Our test was very successful. Once we digest the data this time, our rocket will take off next time."

"Now, let's dismantle our Tianwen 2 first and remove all the signal recorders on the rocket."

"As long as we digest the data from this time, our rocket should be taken to the northwest for a simulated launch next time."

"Next time, our rockets will rise with our satellites in the northwest desert, creating value for Rheinsteel."

"Now, start recovering the data."

After shouting into the microphone, he stretched toward Baichuan, turned around, walked out of the control room, and walked into the next room.

In this room, Lin Yu was sitting by the window, his eyes falling on the rocket test bench not far away.

Seeing his boss like this, Xiang Baichuan didn't bother him. He just stood there quietly, waiting for his boss's message.

After a while, Lin Yu slowly turned around, looked at Xiang Baichuan standing next to him, and said, "Well done."

"make persistent efforts."

"It's too late today. Tomorrow afternoon, we will meet in the cafeteria of your rocket research and development center. I will bring good wine and food. We can sit together and have a good chat."

"Now let's go and collect the data first!"

After receiving the order from Lin Yu, Xiang Baichuan nodded respectfully, turned around, and joined the data collection team with others.

Looking at the people on the way to the ground test bench, Lin Yu picked up his phone, found Lu Huaxi's number, and dialed it:

"Grandpa, I have good news for you. Our rocket has passed the ground test. In two months, we can assemble the two-stage rocket together and then conduct a flight simulation test."

"After the flight simulation test is completed, our rocket can be officially launched into the sky."

"Our rocket research and development center is basically completed."

The person on the phone did not respond much to Lin Yu's impassioned speech. After Lin Yu finished speaking, Lu Huaxi on the other end of the phone asked calmly: "Tell me, what do you want to do?"

"With your personality, it must be more than this. You must have something else to ask me."

When someone pointed out his thoughts, Lin Yu did not hesitate and went straight to He said:

"The wind tunnel I built is still short of some things to be completed, but now, we are seriously short of electricity."

"So, what I mean is, I would like to ask you for a favor, old man, to help us build an additional transmission line."

"By the way, there is another one, that is, the current commander of the American Middle East Theater, Hanks McKeon, siphoned 300 million US dollars from me two days ago. We don’t know exactly what he did with it."

"But according to the information, this batch of money came from Russia..."

"How about these two pieces of information in exchange for some help?"

Yanjing, Lu Huaxi listened to Lin Yu's conditions, and his mind involuntarily emerged the terrain of Shandong Province. As a strategic reserve province, Shandong Province has stored a lot of things, but these things do not include electricity.

He can help with other things, but the only thing about electricity is really hard to talk about.

As a heavy industrial province, Shandong Province has always lacked electricity, and the share of the shortage is large.

In addition, now it is a comprehensive construction of economic society, electricity is equivalent to GDP, and it is unlikely that other places will evenly distribute electricity.

If I had known this earlier, I would have let Lin Yu build the wind tunnel in the southwest. Among the three southwestern provinces, except for Yunnan Province, where the water conservancy is slightly worse, Bashu and Guizhou Province are all major hydropower provinces.

Their hydropower can not only meet their own needs, but also transfer part of the electricity to others.

After thinking about all these complicated thoughts, Lu Huaxi said softly to the phone:

"I can only say that I can help you and see if I can help you get more electricity from several surrounding cities."

"Regarding what you said, Hanks, the commander of the Central Theater of the Americas, poured out more than 300 million US dollars from Russia."

"This information is important, but not very important. After all, in Russia's own view, they are the Soviet Union, and they have completely inherited the Soviet Union's combat effectiveness."

"They have also inherited the Soviet Union's intelligence capabilities. When we send the message, they may not listen, and they may even think that we are playing tricks."

"Your information is not very valuable."

"However, I have something else here, but it is not convenient to say it on the phone. You prepare the rocket information, I will come to you tomorrow, and we will talk face to face."

This sentence came out, Lu Huaxi hung up the phone casually, took out a piece of letter paper from the drawer, grabbed a pen and filled it with ink, and he began to write a letter.

[Dear leader, just now, good news came from our Qilu land. The ground test of the rocket of the Rheinsteel used for the experiment was successful.

It has not been more than a year since they started making rockets and successfully tested them.

Optimistically speaking, maybe they will be able to launch rockets next year. At that time, another path for China's aerospace industry may be opened up by them.

In addition to this good news, there is another good news.

That is, the wind tunnel group of Rheinsteel has now taken shape.

Before, I have visited this wind tunnel group. Different models and types of wind tunnels have different uses.

Here, I can boldly predict that in the future, our fifth-generation aircraft may take off from here.

But now, this wind tunnel group has encountered a little problem, that is, the wind tunnel is a big power consumer, and the local power generation in Lanling cannot meet the needs of the wind tunnel.

Therefore, I hereby implore all leaders to consider starting from the actual needs of national defense and help coordinate some electricity from surrounding cities...】

After more than half an hour, Lu Huaxi finished writing the letter, found an envelope without a name on it, put it in it, and took the envelope in his hand. He walked out of the office happily.


"Grandpa, I told you last time you came here that I would let you stay here for a few more days, rest for a few more days, and look around for a few more days to see the rapid changes here."

"You... don't... look!" Lin Yu dragged out a long tone, looking at the person in front of him with a smile on his face.

Across from him, Lu Huaxi saw Lin Yu's smiling face, shook his head gently, took out a letter from his arms and handed it over:

"A letter for you to get."

"This letter can help you get more electricity in Shandong Province."

At this point, Lu Huaxi chose to shut up and wait for Lin Yu to finish reading the letter.

After receiving the envelope, Lin Yu did not choose to tear open the seal, but directly put the envelope back on his desk.

Then he sat obediently on the chair, waiting for Lu Huaxi's next words.

The room was completely quiet, and after a few seconds, Lu Huaxi said in a serious tone:

"There is a fight in Myanmar again, do you know?"

"I know!" Lin Yu was very serious on the chair and nodded his head hard.

He did know.

Because of what happened in Myanmar, there were many discussions on the forum, and even some people were eating melons on the border, squatting on both sides of the fighting, quietly watching these people fight.

Lu Huaxi was very satisfied with Lin Yu's reaction. A person should keep an eye on all directions and listen to all directions. At the same time, he should have the temperament of being calm in the face of danger.

With a light cough, he explained in a low voice:

"There was a fight between the two sides, and many refugees crossed the border and entered our country."

"Although most of them were stopped at the border, some people still escaped."

"According to the staff at the border, the money spent by TND every day is not a small amount."

"You have researched this aspect, so tell me, is there any way to smooth out this mess a little bit."

On the opposite side, Lin Yu lowered his head and thought for a long time. He slowly sat up and cast his eyes on the person in front of him, then showed a treacherous smile and said:

"To solve the chaos in Myanmar, the main problem lies in our own attitude. We must show them an attitude, that is, you can mess around, you can do whatever you want, but don't bring people to our territory."

"This attitude can also be conveyed to them through drug prohibition. past."

"With this attitude, we need to install a bomb on them, and then let all of them hold the remote control of the bomb."

"This bomb must be known to all of them, and let these people know clearly that once the bomb is destroyed by one of them, it will cause great trouble."

"Using this, we can let them check and balance each other, and in the short-term check and balance, peace will come quietly."

"As for how to place this bomb, my suggestion is to build an oil pipeline from the port of Myanmar to the capital of Yunnan Province."

"Doing so can solve the problem of lack of oil and natural gas in the southwest on the one hand."

"On the other hand, it can tie the interests of these people together so that these people don't fight every day."

"As for more suggestions, there is only one sentence to practice internal strength. After all, when we become strong, there will be great scholars to debate for us."

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