When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 424: Lao Lin, I beg you for a favor! (Second update!)

Walking into the door of the shock wave wind tunnel workshop, he walked along the corridor. At the end of the corridor, Xiang Baichuan finally walked into the control room of the workshop.

In the control room, his colleague in Shengmajiagou, Ding Hang, who was part-time deputy of the Rocket R\u0026D Center, was lying on the glass window of the control room, looking longingly at the workshop across the window.

However, there were only a dozen huge pipes in the workshop, and nothing else could be seen at all.

Seeing Ding Hang's appearance, Xiang Baichuan walked over with helplessness on his face, patted him lightly on the shoulder and asked:

"What are you looking at?"

"Look at yourself!" Ding Hang replied abruptly. Then, the man in his forties suddenly began to sob. When he turned around, his face was already covered with tears.

After a while, the nasal mucus also flowed out.

Seeing the tearful Ding Hang, Xiang Baichuan kept retreating, fearing that he would lose his mind and wipe his nose and tears on himself.

There are only two sets of work clothes. You can wear one and wash the other. The one you changed into has just been washed and has not yet dried. If it gets dirty, you will have nothing to wear.

His retreating movement naturally did not escape Ding Hang's eyes. He took a deep breath. This man who cried so much that he had a lot of tears and snot in his nose raised his sleeves and wiped his face. He immediately changed from a crying crybaby to a crying baby. That serious professor.

Turning his face to the console next to him, looking at the various data displayed on the console, he seemed to be talking to himself:

"Lao Xiang, do you know why I'm crying?"

Xiang Baichuan leaned over to confirm that Ding Hang was back to normal, then followed Ding Hang's face and looked at the equipment on the other side of the glass.

After staring for a while, amidst the hum of the equipment, he said something mysteriously: "Are you homesick?"

The next second after he finished speaking, he felt murderous intent coming from Ding Hang.

But the murderous aura lasted very short, only two or three seconds.

Next to him, Ding Hang, who was exuding murderous aura, raised his head and looked at the ceiling erratically:

"I'm crying with excitement!"

“When I was studying at Caltech, I always wondered when our country would have the equipment like America.”

"I've been thinking about it."

"After returning to China, I went to the research institute of the Aerospace Group and stayed there for a while. I found that it was just like that."

"Later, through someone's introduction, I went to St. Majiagou to teach aerodynamics. The principal at that time promised me that within ten years at most, we would have our own wind tunnel and our own research facilities."

"I entered the school in 2000, and now it's 2003. After only 4 years of hard work, we have a strong enough wind tunnel."

"How could this not be exciting?"

"I can't even imagine what the world will be like in ten years if I really follow what the principal said!"

Hearing this outrageous reason, Xiang Baichuan blinked, turned around, looked at Ding Hang and asked seriously:

"Well, have you ever considered the possibility that the principal is actually lying to you, even though he originally majored in aerodynamics?"

"But before he was transferred to St. Majiagou, he was the vice president of Yanjing University of Defense Technology."

"His research direction has changed from aerodynamics to military research."

"Otherwise, he wouldn't be called an old liar by others."

Faced with Xiang Baichuan's explanation, Ding Hang raised his finger to the equipment on the other side of the glass and said with a smile, "If it's such a lie, I'm willing to do it."

As he spoke, a heartfelt smile appeared on his face. He looked at him for a moment, nodded to Xiang Baichuan and said, "Indeed, if it is such a lie, I will be willing to do so."

"By the way, can this missile be made?"

"It can be done!" Ding Hang nodded vigorously and replied confidently: "If there is no wind tunnel, then I can only say that it may be possible, but now that there is a wind tunnel, it is 100%!"

"To be honest, everyone in the principal's lineage is really better than the last."

"As the old saying goes, the master is better than the master. The director of the factory clearly explained these technical difficulties with a few strokes and the contents of a few notebooks."

"I really can't imagine what achievements a person like him would achieve if he engaged in research."

Ding Hang's words made Xiang Baichuan fall into silence. After a long time, he said softly:

"If the factory director had done research, we would still be in the St. Majiagou classroom, showing students pictures and then giving lectures using some simple models."

"Maybe we can use real people, but it won't be as easy and free as it is now."

These two sentences, in turn, made Ding Hang fall into silence.

After a brief silence, the young professor suddenly raised his head, a fire burst out of his eyes, and then he said a decisive word:

"We need to research like crazy and produce results as quickly as possible. We must not let the factory director do the research!"

After saying that, he turned around and dived in front of the monitor. His eyes were fixed on the missile on the monitor, not missing every change in the missile under the hypersonic wind.


"Mayor Wang, this is what happened, this is the situation. I know there are many little girls in the agency."

"That's why I found your head."

"Help me!"

"These are thousands of young people with high academic qualifications, high wages, and promising prospects. All of them are top talents, and each of them is a walking GDP."

"They are all good sons-in-law that even mothers-in-law can hardly find. If they all stay in Lanling, then Lanling's future will be promising."

In Wang Jianguo's office at Lanling City Government, after hearing Lin Yu's purpose, Wang Jianguo couldn't help but tremble in his hands, and then slowly put the teacup in his hand on the table with trembling hands.

He wholeheartedly agreed with Lin Yu's words, but the problem was that there were not that many girls in the institution. At the same time, this was not another place, this was Lu Province, this was Lanling.

In other provinces, these boys are top talents and top sellers. Indeed, as Lin Yu said, they are the kind of good sons-in-law that even the mother-in-law would be hard-pressed to find.

However, this is Lanling and this is Lu Province.

Here, a fortune is worth less than an executive jacket.

During the holidays, even if you bring a truckload of gifts, they are still not as good as the rice, flour, grain and oil distributed by your work unit.

If you add a Volkswagen car at this time, you can go up to the main seat and sit in front of your ancestors during the New Year meal and eat.

Raising his hands and rubbing his face, Wang Jianguo said with a grimace:

"Xiao Lin, you have been growing up in the base and have never seen the outside. The situation outside is different from that in your base. I can only say that I will try my best to do this, but I can't guarantee it."

Hearing the meaning of Wang Jianguo's words, Lin Yu was not harsh. After all, this was just one road. If it didn't work, he had another trick.

That means opening a branch and dividing a house.

In this era of rapid development, no Chinese can refuse a stable home.

Smiling at the person in front of him, Lin Yu was about to stand up and leave when his cell phone rang.

When he opened it, he found that it was Xiang Square. Looking at the name displayed on the phone, Lin Yu couldn't help but have a few question marks flashing through his mind.

He didn't quite understand what he wanted to do with him.

Is it because of the launch of the UAE satellite two days ago?

When I thought about it again, I felt something was wrong, because the satellite launch was successful, and the money had already been given, and the money and goods were clear, so I wouldn't make a call at this time.

With doubts in his heart and a confession to Wang Jianguo, Lin Yu took the phone and walked out of the room, walked to the end of the corridor, and connected the phone.

As soon as the call was connected, Xiang Pangang's voice of surprise came from the phone:

"Old Lin, I want to ask you something!"

The first voice was surprising, but the later voice became a little anxious and a little frightened.

Hearing the weirdness in the voice, Lin Yu was even more curious, so he became more playful, coughed slightly, lowered his voice, and asked in a sneaky tone: "Did you do something messy? It’s okay, do you need me to get you now?”

"It's not impossible, but I have a price for acquiring people. I have to see what kind of price you offer."

Silence, deathly silence.

After listening to Lin Yu's words, there was absolutely no movement on the phone, and even the breathing stopped.

After a while, Xiang Pingang's voice came again, stumbling, like a stutter:

"Old Lin, strictly speaking, this matter can be regarded as you trying to get me, but..."

Halfway through his words, Xiang Pangang stopped talking again and continued to stumble, unable to explain his reasons clearly for a long time.

The intermittent words exhausted Lin Yu's patience. Just when he was about to hang up the phone, the voice came again:

"Old Lin, it's actually like this. Yesterday, the director of a research institute below came to me and said that we seem to have an additional wind tunnel group in China, and there is also a hypersonic shock tunnel."

"The director came to me because he wanted me to contact this wind tunnel group and conduct tests."

"At first I thought it was a wind tunnel for the aerospace system, but after I asked about it, I found out that the wind tunnel came from you, Brother Lin."

"Isn't this a coincidence?"

"So I made this call. I wanted to make an appointment with the research institute below to use the wind tunnel."

Hearing that Xiang Pingang called to use the wind tunnel, Lin Yu didn't say much, but quickly calculated the cost of the entire wind tunnel group in his mind.

The cost of building the wind tunnel group is very high. Even with the technical information provided by myself, the price is still high. The main reason is that the equipment parts require separate molding and construction.

Used once, discarded.

Therefore, it is necessary to set a suitable price that is acceptable to Xiang Square and can quickly recover some costs.

After hesitating for a long time, Lin Yu calculated the relevant electricity bills, as well as the depreciation and amortization of equipment parts, and casually quoted a price:

"2 million, shock wave wind tunnel, low-density wind tunnel, and thermal ramming wind tunnel. These three wind tunnels will be used for three days. If you think it is okay, then I will ask the finance department to contact you."

“If you think the price is too expensive, forget it.”

In the Yanjing Aerospace Group's office, Xiang Pangang quickly covered the phone's microphone with his hand, listening to the prices on the phone, smothering the phone completely.

After confirming that no sound could be heard from the other side, he turned his head and asked the person sitting opposite him:

"2 million, the shock wave wind tunnel, the low-density wind tunnel, and the three-day use time of the thermal blast tunnel. Is it worth 2 million?"

His question made the person opposite him roll his eyes.

Then, the man clasped his fingers and started arguing with Xiang Square:

"I'm not sure how they solved the issue of hypersonic wind speed and related pipe material issues."

"Let's ignore all that and just talk about the cost."

"The shock wave wind tunnel requires a lot of electricity, at least tens of thousands of dollars a day, and then there are also low-density wind tunnels and thermal shock wind tunnels that consume a lot of electricity."

"In three days, the electricity consumed by these three wind tunnels is at least 500,000 yuan."

"2 million is already a lot of money, not for them, but for us."

"Now, we only need 2 million to experience the world's unique hypersonic wind tunnel."

"If it were someone else, at least a zero would have to be added after the 2 million, and the unit of currency would probably have to be converted into US dollars."

"Moreover, this thing involves hypersonic missiles and large aircraft. Even if there are, others will not lend it to you."

"Okay, leader, don't worry about it. Hurry up and approve the note and ask the finance department to transfer the money. After you transfer the money, I will pack my luggage and go to Lanling."

Looking at the anxious person, Xiang Pingfang still did not agree immediately, but looked thoughtful. After a long time, he asked the person in front of him:

"If, I mean if, Rheinsteel reports this project to the top, can it get a national progress award?"

Hearing such a strange question, the person opposite frowned subconsciously.

He didn't quite understand why Xiang Pingfang asked this question, but when he cast his eyes on Xiang Pingfang and stared at his boss's face for a while, he figured it out.

Although there are many places for the national progress award every year, in fact, there is still a priority order when ranking.

The name ranked first is naturally the first place that everyone thinks. If the ranking is low, it means that the skills are not as good as others and need to be practiced.

If you are not good, you need to practice more.

If there hadn't been this sudden wind tunnel group, the first place in this year's National Progress Award would undoubtedly have gone to the Aerospace Group.

After all, the Aerospace Group had just completed a manned space flight a few days ago, which was another international feat and an important step for China to move towards the stars and the sea.

But now...

He shook his head gently: "This is not a question of whether to win the Progress Award or not. This is about the future of a country and a nation."

"If they had only built one, they might not have been ranked for the Progress Award."

"But they built a wind tunnel group, a whole set of large wind tunnel groups."

"And it only took a few months. In these few months, the technical difficulties they overcame are definitely higher than Mount Everest."

"So... it's very dangerous."

"We may be suppressed by them and become the second."

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