If these two research results are put together, it is clear at a glance which one is better.

One can imagine how devastated the research institute responsible for developing radar would be after seeing the same name on the list on the day the list was released.

For the same research, I only took out the results from the laboratory and verified them.

Others have already started industrial production, and it is industrial production at a very affordable price.

The impact this has on people cannot be explained clearly in just one or two sentences.

Moreover, with the group of people engaged in chip research, Zhuyu, the information released by this young man...

That's not right. I know best what kind of department the General Staff is. Because the people in the General Staff need to be responsible for the country's external combat policy, their habit has always been to make decisions before taking action.

If you don't sing, it will be a blockbuster.

As long as you don't touch me, I won't touch you, but if you do, then we have countless ways to deal with you severely.

It is impossible for such a group of people not to check these technologies, and it is impossible for them to put pressure on the staff just for the sake of a mere reputation.

Moreover, the person who came here was Zhou Changyao.

My mind is so confused!

Zheng Xingguo held his head in his hands and kept shaking it, feeling like he was growing a brain.

After wandering like this for a few minutes, he calmed down again, took away the registration form in front of him, put the pen aside, took the next piece of information, and studied it carefully.

[The production, processing, installation and use of steel for large combat ships, special steel for aircraft carriers, and key points in the production of arresting cables. 】

The title is very long and convoluted.

After reading it twice, Zheng Xingguo turned to page 1 and saw the contents filled in the registration form at a glance.

It is indeed special steel.

There are several main types.

The first is steel for large combat ships. Behind these steels, there is a separate division, aircraft carrier steel.

Behind the aircraft carrier steel, there is another separate description - the aircraft carrier arresting cable.

Looking at the points filled in the form, Zheng Xingguo's right hand unconsciously pressed on the back of his left hand. Then he bent his thumb and index finger and gently pinched the flesh on the back of his hand. The next second, he pinched hard with his two fingernails. To the back of the hand.


In order to prove that this was not a dream, he used his right hand very hard. With just this move, the sharp fingernails pierced his skin and cut out two bloody marks on the back of his left hand.

Locking his eyes on his left hand and looking at the blood mark that was seeping out, Zheng Xingguo slumped back on his chair weakly, raised his head, and cast curious eyes on Lin Yu.

He stared at this man who was no older than his apprentice for a long time, wanting to ask questions, but his mouth opened, but no words came out.

All the words turned into a sigh the moment he opened his mouth.

After sighing, Zheng Xingguo flipped through the documents in his hand again, and as he looked at them, two tears slipped quietly from the corners of his eyes without him realizing it.

In November 1859, the French-made ironclad HMS Glorious was officially launched. This ship is recognized around the world as the world's first ironclad.

It was also from this ship that the combat ships used by navies around the world began to span from wood to steel.

Because of the success of the French ironclad HMS Glorious, England, France's old enemy, a world-famous troublemaker, a man of great lack of virtue, and the permanent holder of the title of "the contempt of the world", started their battleship in December 1859. Boat building.

After more than two years of construction, the world's first all-metal battleship, that is, a battleship with a metal shell, a metal keel, and a metal deck, the Warrior, was officially launched.

The emergence of this ship also officially means that human naval warfare has entered the era of metal battleships.

After that, all powerful countries began to build their own metal warships.

Under this premise, in 1909, the famous French inventor Clement Ade described to the world for the first time the fascinating dream of combining aircraft and warships.

In his book "Military Flight" published that year, he put forward the basic concept of aircraft carrier and the preliminary idea of ​​building an aircraft carrier as never before.

And the concept of "aircraft carrier" was used for the first time.

However, as the old saying goes, if you plant flowers intentionally, they will not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will create shade.

Clayman's idea did not attract the attention of the French authorities. However, their old enemy, the famous troublemaker England, showed great enthusiasm after hearing this whimsical idea.

In 1912, the English Navy carried out a large-scale refit on an old cruiser, HMS Arenas.

Engineering and technical personnel dismantled some artillery and equipment on the warship, and laid a platform on the bow of the ship for parking seaplanes.

In addition, a large boom was installed on the ship to transport aircraft.

As a result, the Athletic God became the world's first seaplane carrier.

But it is a pity that the aircraft on the cruiser "Sports God" are not carrier-based aircraft, but seaplanes.

Before starting, the special large boom will act as a crane to hoist the seaplane from the deck and put it into the water. The seaplane will start on its own and take off from the water.

After landing, the aircraft will approach the cruiser with the help of the small boat, and the special large boom will hoist these aircraft to the deck.

Therefore, this ship is not a real aircraft carrier.

The English did not give up exploration, but continued to sum up experience during the war. Finally, in 1916, the English Navy intercepted an order for a passenger ship from Italy from a shipyard.

This passenger ship named Kagish was transformed into the aircraft carrier Hundred-Eyed Giant, and during this transformation, a unique ship island design was proposed.

From then on, the aircraft carrier was officially born.

In World War II, the most well-known war involving aircraft carriers was the Battle of Midway that broke out between the Imperial Japanese Navy and the American Pacific Fleet at Midway Island.

In this battle, the two sides fought back and forth. Carrier-based aircraft were carried by the aircraft carrier and fought in the depths of the Pacific Ocean.

After this battle, aircraft carriers became the standard equipment of great powers.

And in the competition between the Soviet Union and America, it completely reached its peak, changing from ordinary power to nuclear power.

Later, the Soviet Union disintegrated, and the three aircraft carriers built by the Soviet Union had different fates.

The eldest ship, the Kuznetsov, was undergoing sea trials at the time. Before going out, it still belonged to the Soviet Union. Halfway through, the Soviet Union was gone.

Whether to go back to Ukraine or to Russia became a question. Then Russia did not follow martial ethics and quietly brought the ship, which had not yet been tested, back to its home base.

The second Varyag was 60% completed at the time. When Makarov, the director of the Black Sea Shipyard, was asked what means were needed to complete the construction of the ship.

He said that no country in the world can finish building this ship.

The third oldest, the Ulyanovsk, is a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. All its technologies are upgraded versions of the Kuznetsov and Varyag.

But only 20% of it was completed and it was dismantled into scrap.

At that time, when it learned the news, Huaxia immediately sent a team to purchase these steel materials that had been dismantled into scrap.

It's a pity that Er Maozi's head is not working well and he only wants to live in Europe and live with America, so he directly rejected the deal.

It is precisely because of this that China's plan to reverse-engineer some aircraft carrier steel from these scraps was completely scuppered.

On March 3, 2002, the Varyag, which had been stripped down to a shell by Americans and Ukrainians, arrived in China.

As soon as the ship arrived, people from the Institute of Science and the Institute of Metal Materials were summoned, and they were assigned the most important tasks.

Manufacture of aircraft carrier steel.

But until now, everyone has basically understood all seven orifices and six orifices, but none.

China has no relevant technology for this kind of high-performance steel research, so it can only choose a general direction and conduct research using an exhaustive method.

Until now, the Institute of Metal Materials has not completed exhaustive related work.

But a document popped up in front of him, saying that aircraft carrier steel was available.

Moreover, he also brought a blocking rope.


I want to curse a few words, but if this is true, then the time for China's aircraft carrier to officially appear may be earlier.

But if I don't scold, I feel unhappy.

What a fuck!

Cursing in his mind, Zheng Xingguo picked up the phone on the table and pressed the number:

"Bring people to my office immediately. I have a piece of information that you need to confirm. Come here quickly."

After scolding the person, he put the previous document aside, took out a new document, glanced at the title, confirmed the name, and then Zheng Xingguo started making phone calls again.

"I have some information here that I need you to confirm. Bring your people over quickly."

"Hurry! Don't dawdle."

After making a phone call, Zheng Xingguo immediately dialed another number.


Time slipped away quietly while he was on the phone. Before the call was finished, the door of his office was pushed open.

A middle-aged man who looked to be in his 30s or 40s walked into the room hurriedly. He glanced at Zheng Xingguo first, and then turned his attention to Lin Yu and the others.

After staying for a moment, his eyes finally found what he was looking for.

That box on the ground.

Just as he was about to walk over, the security personnel brought by Lin Yu suddenly reached out and grabbed the man.

This sudden action made everyone present a little confused.

Lin Yu turned his attention to Zheng Xingguo. When he received the questioning look, Zheng Xingguo introduced:

"Wang Can, the research institute is responsible for developing chips, your chip technology."

"It will ultimately be judged by his team."

After hearing the explanation, Lin Yu waved his hand gently, and the security personnel let go.

Out of control, Wang Can rushed directly to the box, picked up the documents placed on the box, and briefly browsed for a while. He couldn't wait to open the box and took out two processors from inside.

Just when Lin Yu was wondering what method he would use to check this processor.

Wang Can placed one of the processors on the table, then took out a knife from his pocket and began to pry off the processor's cover.

After prying off the cover, he was still not satisfied and continued to hold the knife and carefully scrape the circuit board of the processor.

After a few minutes, he scraped away the outer insulation layer of the circuit board, revealing the etched copper wires inside.

After looking at the copper wire layout on this layer, he continued to scrape the second layer, the third layer, the fourth layer, and the fifth layer.

After reading the last layer, which is the 5th layer of copper wire, Wang Can put down the processor in his hand, bent down, and took out the computer host directly from under Zheng Xingguo's desk, and then took out a screwdriver to disassemble the computer host.

Then he carefully removed the processor inside the computer host.

The Pentium 4 processor.

In this way, he held the Pentium 4 processor in his left hand and the processor produced by Lin Yu in his right hand, and carefully compared them.

After looking at it for a while, the Pentium 4 processor in his left hand was brutally attacked by Wang Can. He used a knife to pry open the outer protective shell, pick out the chip inside, and then used a knife to scrape the insulation layer of the circuit board bit by bit.

The built-in circuit of the Pentium 4 PCB board is divided into 4 layers in total. The top is the top layer, which is the signal layer, mainly used to transmit signals and connect the processor chip.

The second layer is also a signal layer, which is also used to transmit signals.

The third layer is the power layer, which receives instructions from the upper layer to supply power to each position.

The fourth layer is the ground layer, which is used for backflow and shielding those messy signals.

After destroying the processor and hesitating for a moment, Wang Can carefully installed the Rheinsteel processor in his hand on the computer.

After putting all the parts back in place and connecting the lines, he closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths, then suddenly opened his eyes and pressed the computer switch.


The CPU cooling fan started to work, and the light on the computer case began to flash red.

Seeing this flashing red light, Wang Can's heart was in his throat, and his feet kept pacing in place.

Soon, the sound of the foot hitting the ground and the frequency of the red light flashing on the computer host case collided, and the two complemented each other.

Finally, when Wang Can was getting impatient, the green light next to the red light turned on, and the computer monitor also lit up.

The monitor did not enter the page directly, but entered the BIOS interface.

Looking at these English words, Wang Can seemed very calm. He opened the drawer on the left of Zheng Xingguo, took out a CD from it, and inserted it into the CD drive of the computer host.

With a creak, the CD drive started to run, and with his mouse, the computer began to install the new system.

After more than ten minutes, the computer automatically exited the BIOS interface and began to frequently black screen.

After more than a dozen black screens, the Windows XP icon appeared, and a light blue light flashed on the computer screen.

Zheng Xingguo stretched his head and looked at the computer monitor, and asked in surprise:

"Is it done?"

"Not yet, we need to run it first. As long as it can run for more than an hour without crashing, then they will be done." As he said, Wang Can dragged the mouse and clicked on the icon showing the network.

The action of opening the program was a bit slow and a little stuck.

It took several minutes for the network to be officially connected successfully, and then Wang Can began to open network pages frantically.

In a short while, he clicked on more than a dozen pages.

He kept clicking on this page and it kept spinning in circles. He couldn't open it for a long time. He stopped, took out his phone, set an alarm for an hour and put it next to him.

One hour, very fast.

When the alarm went off, Wang Can closed his eyes weakly:

"It's true!"

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