
On the white computer desk, the ball mouse was being dragged, constantly switching the screen on the computer monitor.

The hand dragging the mouse stopped from time to time, and the mouse was used to select a line of text. After the person next to him finished reading the sentence and smiled knowingly, the mouse wheel rolled again, switching to the next page again.

"After the New Year's greeting video of the Industrial Channel was released, the search frequency related to defense expenditure, national defense, and equipment on several forums increased significantly."

"The number of discussion posts on several forums is also increasing rapidly, and the most asked question is where the defense expenditure has gone."

"However, the funniest thing is not this, but that after some obviously misleading questions appeared on the forum, many people spontaneously gave more tempting and more difficult to distinguish true and false answers in these misleading questions."

"For example, this sentence: Is the land reclamation area on Meiji Reef really filled by humans?"

"It is obvious that the stupid people on the other side of the strait did not even have time to switch the input method, and ran to the forum to collect information."

"Then, old man, look at the response."

"Have you heard of Yugong moving the mountains? Dig a little today, Dig a little tomorrow, and our descendants will have an endless supply. "

"I am a sports student. I can dig 20 tons a day. It's easy to fill such an island."

"There is also this sentence: Why is China still using MiG-15 firewood fighters? Is it incapable of manufacturing new aircraft?"

"This is obviously a provocation. Look at this answer."

"The firewood fighter has been China's main fighter since 1850. After 150 years of baptism, this model of fighter can still run now, which is enough to show the performance of this aircraft..."

"Fuck the 1850 fighter, bully foreigners who don't like to look at numbers with their eyes, right?"

Lin Yu cursed habitually, and left the discussion post with a helpless look on his face, and then clicked on a post titled [Where does China's trillions of military expenditures go every year]?

The post is very short. The person who initiated the discussion post only wrote more than 200 words, and there are more than 30 typos.

It was really difficult to read, so Lin Yu took a glance and closed the post, shaking his head.


If there were really trillions, I would dare to attack Washington right now.

Behind Lin Yu was Zhou Changyao.

At this moment, the old man was holding a teacup and drinking tea leisurely. When he saw Lin Yu closing the webpage, he quickly stretched out his hand to stop him and said:

"Don't close it."

"When the New Year is coming, you send out such a news that is nine false and one true. Now is the time to have fun. Why do you close it?"

"Open it and find two interesting ones to read to me."

As a last resort, Lin Yu reluctantly opened the webpage, logged into the forum again, and then frantically searched for relevant fun information in the forum posts.

While he was busy distinguishing the authenticity of the information, Zhou Changyao suddenly asked: "Speaking of which, what will the other countries do when they see the New Year's greeting video we sent?"

"Will they choose to believe it, or choose not to believe it, and then spend manpower and material resources to get intelligence?"

"I don't know!" In response, Lin Yu turned the computer monitor to Zhou Changyao, and pointed at the outrageous title in the center of the monitor.

[Top secret intelligence, China's 2003 defense expenditure usage details. ]

[Purchase F22, cost $2 billion. ]

[Purchase SU37, cost $2 billion. ]

[Purchase Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, cost $100 billion...]


The content of this usage details made the two people in front of the monitor silent.

These people really want to have fun, and they dare to make up anything.

After pressing Zhou Changyao to the chair, Lin Yu picked up the phone and walked to the side to ask about Rheinsteel's work.

"Have the people from the Academy of Sciences arrived? They are here very quickly. Just receive them normally."

"Notify all departments that they can prepare for the holiday. Have a party before the holiday."

"Then the backbones of each department will stay. I will be back on the 13th. We will have a meeting then and meet again in the evening."

"Ask Li Ping to calculate the cash of the group."


Hawaii, Honolulu, Pearl Harbor-Hickam Joint Base.

The hurried footsteps disrupted Dana's thoughts. He moved his eyes away from the sand table in front of him and turned to the staff officer who appeared at the door, his eyes full of confusion.

Because this staff officer's face was flushed and he was out of breath. He looked like he was about to die.


Is it possible that Sandezi has been resurrected?

Or is it that the former Soviet republics are preparing to revive the Soviet Union?

Sensing his boss's puzzled look, the suddenly appearing staff officer quickly handed over the document in his hand and said loudly:

"General, this is the information you asked me to check, and there is also the news from China in the past few days."

"Please take a look."

The voice was very loud, with a little urgency and curiosity. Dena reached out to take the document and flipped through it.

At the top was the information related to the oil pipeline between China and Myanmar.

Myanmar has already followed up, and the site selection for the relevant routes and docks and ports has begun, while the construction team from China will not enter until after the so-called New Year.

These are not the main points.

After searching the documents for a while, he finally found what he wanted to see.

Construction company: Rhine Construction.

Security company: Rhine Defense.

Interestingly, the friend surnamed Lin is really powerful. As long as there is money to be made, he can be found everywhere.

But it’s also good that he can play a decision-making role in such a key event, which can also indirectly illustrate the strength of the family behind Lin Yu.

If we can get in touch and cooperate with the other party’s family.

The name of Dena Roosevelt will surely be famous all over the world and will be passed down through the ages.

Flipping through the documents, Dena whispered: "Let the CIA strengthen its activities in Myanmar and give it to our friends..."

The order came to his lips, but he couldn’t say the rest of the sentence. After all, not long ago, more than 40 people from the CIA died there.

Even so, this is still based on the original situation in Myanmar. Now that China is there, if the CIA goes there, it will probably be unlucky.

After a moment of hesitation, the original words were swallowed and replaced with a new order.

"Let the CIA cooperate, bribe the local people in Indochina, vigorously advocate freedom and democracy, and strengthen their national confidence."

"Also, give a little hint to South Korea and Japan, let them try to pry, Indochina has a special feeling for them, maybe it will work."

As he spoke, the file had been turned to the back.

The content above is no longer news about Indochina, but about the blessing video released by China.

There is also a detailed list of the use of funds of the Ministry of National Defense.

Behind these two intelligence, there are also comments from relevant intelligence personnel.

[Based on the comparison of previous intelligence, it is determined that there are still a large number of T34 tanks and MiG-15 fighters in China.

The air force base that appeared in the blessing video was confirmed to be the Yanjing Air Force Base after comparison.

In the footage, the aircraft was dragged out of a brand new hangar, which can indirectly prove this point. 】

【After a detailed comparison, this Ministry of Defense funding use list of unknown origin contains a lot of errors.

However, we cannot rule out the existence of some traitors in our country, who do have the idea of ​​selling F22 fighter jets to other countries.

We must find these people and bring them to justice. 】

After seeing the text clearly, Dena was furious, slowly rolled up the document, stretched out his hand to call the staff officer, and swung it out suddenly. This cylinder rolled up with A4 paper hit the staff officer firmly.

Then, there was a series of scolding:

"Can you use your brains? T34, that broken tank is older than you, and it is still equipped in large quantities."

"I can understand that it is used for teaching, but the equipment..."

"And the MiG-15, it is a miracle that the broken plane can still move now, and it is still equipped in large quantities. Don't you need to repair it if it breaks down?"

"It is also said that someone in China is preparing to sell the F22 to China."

"Can you have some basic knowledge? That is not a toy model, it is a fighter jet, and it needs a matching fighter jet."

"They are so bored that they bought a fighter jet that cannot be used?"

"Or do you think Boeing and Lockheed are good at it? ·Are all Martin companies idiots? They are not making money from the maintenance costs at home, but are making money from an airplane? "

"This intelligence also mentions SU37 and Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. Why don't you ask about these aircraft carriers?"

"Now, go down and tell the people who collect intelligence and do intelligence analysis that next time this kind of garbage intelligence appears on my desk, I will kill you."

"Go down!"

The staff officer was about to turn around, and Dana stopped him again: "Wait, synchronize all this intelligence to the Pentagon."

After the staff officer left with the order, Dana lay down on the sofa weakly, staring at the ceiling with his eyes blankly.

He was also muttering to himself.

After a long time, he suddenly got up from the sofa, came to the dedicated landline phone, picked up the receiver, and shook it to Raffield.

As soon as the call was connected, he complained to the phone:

"My dear Mr. Minister of Defense, when you are doing logistics, can the recruits and new soldiers have a little knowledge level."

"Why do I feel that they are all like fools?"

"What? Find the education department? That has nothing to do with the education department... Well, the education problem is really the responsibility of the education department."

"Can the Leo satellite take off at the turn of the Chinese New Year? Give them a good time?"

"Dear Mr. Rafield, although I don't know where you learned the use of this word, but I like it very much."

"I'll contact Greb. According to what he said two days ago, the satellite has entered the debugging stage and there should be no problem with the launch."

"Wait for my good news."

After putting down the phone with a curse, Dena took out his private mobile phone, found his son's number, and dialed it.

San Francisco, California.

In the satellite factory rented by Avenal Company, Greb picked up the phone casually and immediately reported the good news to the person on the phone:

"Father, the ground debugging of the satellite was successful. Yes, you heard it right. Through the structural parts obtained from Lin Yu."

"And the control components we purchased and assembled from other factories, our satellite, the ground signal debugging was successful."

"In other words, our satellite is now ready, and we only need to launch the satellite into the sky. Our company can find an opportunity to go public and then take a large number of stocks."

"Not going public?"

"Okay, listen to you."

"Mr. Rafield asked when the satellite can be launched. You need to contact him to help us purchase a rocket, and then we can launch our satellite into the sky. We don't have a rocket now."

"Okay, I'll wait for the call."

Putting down the phone, Greb held the phone and came behind Parison.

At this moment, the two are in the monitoring room of the satellite manufacturing factory. Through the surveillance cameras throughout the factory, the two can see all the situations in the factory without leaving home.

Through the table where the monitors are stacked, there is a huge glass window.

Inside the glass window is the monitoring room, and outside is the manufacturing workshop of the satellite manufacturing factory.

In the factory, which is hundreds of meters long, there are three assembly tables arranged vertically. The assembly tables are composed of workbenches, cranes, and conveyor belts.

Dozens of workers in white work clothes are shuttling around the assembly tables, assembling parts into satellites one by one.

When they are separated from the assembly line, the original parts become a satellite.

After watching behind Parison for a while, Greb stood up and walked to the huge window, raised his hands, and lay on the window like a gecko, with his face pressed tightly against the glass, his eyes wide open, and stared at the workshop outside the window motionlessly.

After a long time, he spoke: "Parrison, in two years, when I have enough power, these factories will be controlled by you."

"You need to understand these technologies from now on."

"By then, your uncle Dena will be in the army, I will be in politics, and you will be in technology. As a trinity, we can transform our Roosevelt into a real Roosevelt."

"Do you understand?"

Faced with his persuasion, Parrison did not respond for a long time, until Greb patted him with his hand, then he raised his head belatedly, with a blank face.

After looking at Greb for a while, he pushed his glasses with his hand and asked: "What did you say?"

"What are you doing?"

"Calculating how much money a launch vehicle costs."

This sentence reminded Greb of what his father said just now, that there was not much money in the company account.

If the transport rocket is too expensive, it will be finished.

I am here to make money, not to lose money.

His eyes fell on Parison, and seeing that his cousin was flipping through the documents, he quickly asked, "How much?"

Swish, a thick stack of documents was placed in front of Greb by Parison. He pointed to the first page and said:

"First, General Dynamics' Atlas-5 launch vehicle, Atlas-Agena D, is priced at $165 million, with a carrying capacity of 2 tons, and Atlas-Centaur is priced at $280 million, with a carrying capacity of 4 tons."

"The United Launch Alliance Delta rocket produced by Douglas and Boeing is mainly provided to the military. If we want to occupy the international market, then it is best not to leave room for others to talk at the beginning."

"Besides, the Delta rocket is not cheap. A 2-ton low-Earth orbit will cost about $160 million."

"Martin Mariette's Hercules 3B meets our needs, but the price is also $180 million."

"Saturn rocket is more expensive."

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