"Oh! My dear friend, long time no see, did you miss me?"

In the Rhine Steel Wind Tunnel Group, Lin Yu, who had just returned from Yanjing, got off the car. Before he had time to see the surroundings clearly, an Arab wrapped in a thick cotton coat and a silk robe outside the cotton coat came over with open arms.


When he saw this gentleman, the surprise on Lin Yu's face only stayed for half a second, and he opened his arms without hesitation and hugged the man.

"Oh! My dear friend, a day without seeing you is like three years. We haven't seen each other for dozens of days, which can really be counted as decades."

"Oh! You have become heavier again, but why do you have to wear a silk robe outside your cotton coat?"

After a simple hug, Lin Yu began to tease Carlo's silk robe.

In Lanling in January, because of the cold weather, both in the city and in the countryside, coal needs to be burned for heating.

The smoke from the coal stove made the sky dark, and the snowflakes brought by the cold air fell on Carlo's pure white silk robe, making the silk robe gray.

In addition, he looked like an old farmer in Shaanxi with his turban wrapped around his head.

After being stared at by Lin Yu for a while, Carlo naturally used his hands to brush off the snowflakes on his body.

Glancing at the traces left by the snowflakes, he said, "It's okay. I have a lot of clothes like this. I can change them. It's okay."

"Have you finished all the things you need to do in Yanjing this time?"

"I have finished the preliminary work. The subsequent work has nothing to do with me. I just need to wait for the results. What about you? I won't go back during the New Year..."

Lin Yu didn't continue talking. He suddenly remembered that although Muslims also celebrate the New Year, they use the Islamic calendar.

That calendar is very different from the Gregorian calendar. Although there are 12 months, the beginning of each month is based on the sight of the new moon.

In scientific terms, each month in the Islamic calendar has only 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and 3 seconds.

A year is 354 or 355 days, and the interval of about 33 years will be a whole year.

Therefore, the alternation of December and January in the Gregorian calendar has no effect on them.

Whether it is the Gregorian New Year's Eve or the Chinese New Year, it has nothing to do with them...


The sudden pause in his speech made Kaluoga stand still. He scratched the stubble on his chin with his hand and said softly:

"Actually, I like your New Year very much. This time I came here, first, to wish you a happy New Year."

"Second, to ask if the ship you built in Liancheng is for sale, and whether it will be equipped with hypersonic missiles."

"Third, I want to ask you when you will start manned space flight."

These few words completely stumped Lin Yu. Rubbing his face with his left hand, he kept organizing his words in his mind, trying to think about how to respond to this person.

There is no other reason, this person is very knowledgeable about technology.

He deserves such caution.

Taking his hand away from his face, Lin Yu replied calmly: "I will sell the ship, but not the one Liancheng is building."

"That is an experimental ship. I can't sell you an experimental ship because that would be a rip-off for customers."

"Besides, the Navy has already reserved this ship."

"If you trust me, I can help you get a smaller ship of about 10,000 tons, with some missiles."

"But you need to wait..."

The words were very soft and hesitant.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Carlo agreed without hesitation:

"I agree! Is $1 billion enough? If not, I'll add more!"

After speaking, he raised his right hand and extended it forward, motioning Lin Yu to high-five for an oath.


After the two bumped their palms and retracted their hands, Lin Yu asked curiously: "Why are you so happy?"

Faced with the inquiry, Carlo waved his hand to the attendant, and the attendant immediately handed over a prepared contract document.

After leaving his name on the contract document and handing it to Lin Yu, he explained softly:

"We are all friends, I trust you, so I won't fill in the amount for now. After the New Year, I will have someone pay a $100 million advance payment."

"When your dock is free, build the ship for me. If you don't have missiles, you can install them first, but you need to install the guns."

"As for the reason for being so straightforward, there have been some recent movements in Egypt and Yemen, which is annoying."



These two names made Lin Yu understand. No wonder he was so anxious. Yemen is right in front of the UAE.

However, Yemen is in chaos. According to the normal timeline, the person who appeared should be Houthi, who is known as the double red flower sticks in the Arab world together with the Milk Tea Party.

Holding the contract in his hand, Lin Yu asked casually: "Is it related to Saudi Arabia?"

The sudden question made Carlo turn around suddenly and asked with a serious expression: "Why do you say that?"

"Awad didn't show up. Normally, he would definitely show up after learning that the wind tunnel group was completed."

It was a very reasonable explanation. After listening, Carlo nodded his head lightly:

"The Yemeni government they supported had a falling out with local tribes because of some policies."

"Although there is no news internationally, in fact, a bunch of people have fought with their brains."

"The people of Oman took the opportunity to flirt with the tribes of the original South Yemen, and Saudi Arabia flirted with the government of the original North Yemen."

"Saudi Arabia helped us back then, and we in the UAE chose to cheer for Saudi Arabia."

"But it's just waving flags. After all, our combat effectiveness is not very good."

"You just happened to invite me to come over to watch your satellite launch, so I just came."

"Speaking of which, my dad is planning to spend the winter in Europe."

"Yeah! From the scorching heat of the United Arab Emirates, I went to spend the winter at the foot of the Alps where the temperature is a few degrees Celsius."

As if he thought his father's actions were funny, Carlo repeated something in an affirmative tone, and finally shook his head helplessly.

Seeing him like this, Lin Yu didn't say much. He waved to Qian Duoduo, who was standing not far away, pointed at Carlo, and said:

"From today on, you will stay with His Highness Carlo and be responsible for his daily travels."

After ordering Qian Duoduo, he raised his hand and pointed to the inside of the wind tunnels and said: "Your Highness Carlo, let's go."

"This wind tunnel group uses your funds. You can take a look at it as you like. If you have any data you want to collect, just give me a message."

Walking into the gate of the Fengdong Group, two people naturally separated from the guard box at the door, walking in front and leading the way.

After walking around for a while, a group of people finally arrived at the factory where the shock wave wind tunnel is located.

Walking into the factory and looking at the huge pipes, Carlo fell into a state of confusion.

He couldn't understand what these huge tubes had to do with wind tunnels.

But that didn't stop him from being happy.

Because these things will eventually be converted into the combat power of the UAE through the money they pay.

Looking back, Carlo handed his right hand to Lin Yu and said:

"Thank you, my dear friend."

"You're welcome. You also have a share in this wind tunnel." After shaking Carlo's hand, Lin Yu responded with a smile: "According to the contract, Your Highness Carlo can send some people to participate in some unimportant research."

"Our people will teach with all their heart."

When it came to the contract, Carlo was stunned for a moment, then he picked up his face in embarrassment, his eyes wandered around, and he said very guiltily:

"Well...how about I send the young international students over directly, and you can do it for me and teach them?"

"After all, no one in the older generation has ever learned this. If we ask them to learn it from scratch, we might as well kill them."


Lin Yu cursed in his mind, but there was no expression on Lin Yu's face.

Anyway, if one sheep is being driven, two sheep are also being driven.

It doesn’t matter if there are a few more people who don’t study.

After nodding his head, Lin Yu continued to lead people around the wind tunnels.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, after finishing their walk, a group of people marched toward the base in the mountains.

After Carlo was arranged, Lin Yu had time to prepare the speech for the evening meeting.


Six o'clock in the evening.

The backbones of Rheinsteel's affiliated research institutes and factories emerged from all corners of the base and entered the conference venue.

According to the department to which he belonged, he sat in the designated position.

As soon as the young people sat down, they immediately found someone they were familiar with and started chatting casually.

"What is the purpose of this meeting?"

"I don't know! Anyway, it's not wages. The wages and bonuses have already been charged to the card."

"I heard that the car manufacturing company paid cash."

“Cash still has the impact.”

"It has impact but is useless. If you are unlucky on the train, if you encounter a pickpocket, the knife will pull your butt pocket and all the money will be lost."

"I'll put it in my schoolbag."

"The schoolbag was stolen from you."

"I'm hiding in the child!"

"Son... no, don't you think it smells bad when you use money?"

Compared with these young people, the backbones of various departments appear to be much calmer.

They sat straight on their chairs one by one, trying to maintain their superior image.

Half past six.

Lin Yu hummed a song and appeared in front of the auditorium door. The moment he stretched out his hand to push the door open, the smile on his face instantly disappeared and he became extremely serious.

He walked onto the stage, put down the documents in his hands in front of the only table, and sat down.

Lin Yu touched the microphone in front of him with his hand and spoke loudly:

“I’m calling everyone here today to hold this meeting, mainly because I want to give you a year-end summary.”

"I'll just say a few words."

"The first thing is that this time I go to Yanjing to apply for the national progress award for the projects and technologies we have in hand."

"This time, there are many technologies that have collided with ours, but their progress is not as fast as ours. We have already begun to apply it to the market, and they have just been able to reproduce it."

"So, there is no suspense in this application."

"We'll just have to wait and see what happens next year."

"By next year, I will be able to see your names on the relevant national notification documents."

"At that time, I will need to call you professor."

Bang bang bang!

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yu raised his hands and clapped vigorously.

Following his guidance, people in the audience also raised their hands and clapped vigorously, with uncontrollable smiles on their faces.

It’s all laughter from the heart.

Those of you who are already professors here may be able to get the National Progress Award if you work hard and do some big projects.

But these young people present have absolutely no chance.

There are many people engaged in scientific research. Although they are smart, others are not fools.

After applauding, before Lin Yu could continue, Jiang Yun, the person in charge of the wind tunnel group, stood up, thrust forward with his right hand, and shouted loudly:

"It's all because of your good leadership as the director of the factory. If it weren't for your guidance, let alone building a wind tunnel group, any one of them would be a stumbling block in front of us."

"It's all due to the good leadership of the factory director."

Under his shout, several key members of the Fengdong Group also followed suit:

“It’s all due to the good leadership of the factory director!”

“It’s all due to the good leadership of the factory director!”

As they shouted, people from the original 567 base also joined in, and people from several other research institutes saw this and joined the team.

“It’s all due to the good leadership of the factory director!”

Amidst the shouting, Lin Yu raised his hands and pressed them softly. After suppressing the sound, he said softly:

"I'd rather you say I'm handsome!"

"Put aside any flattery, let me tell you about our achievements in 2003."

"In 365 days of this year, domestically, we completed the construction of a rocket research and development center and its supporting facilities, a satellite research and development center, a wind tunnel group, and a shipyard."

"Together with the original old bases, automobile manufacturing companies, electronic technology companies, construction companies, as well as the Lanling factory and Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company in which we hold technical shares, we have grown into a behemoth."

"In 2004, we will use these as a basis to move forward bravely and strengthen our strength again."

"During this year, we obtained two equipment codenames of our own, namely Snow Leopard and Wolfpack. These two codenames prove the strength of our products. In the future, this needs to be enhanced."

"In addition to military equipment, we also launched cheap mobile phones, and the profits are very good."

"In addition to equipment on land, we used our own technology to build our own ship at Jiangnan Shipyard."

"The ship's current name is Mischief Reef, and it is reclaiming land for our border defense in the beautiful South China Sea to strengthen defense."

"On land, sea and air, we don't have the equipment to fly in the sky, but we have built satellites to fly in the sky."

"It's a pity that there are only nine. In 2004, we will strive to expand the number 20 times based on the nine."

"We have construction at home and construction abroad."

"Hydropower stations, roads, railways, oil fields, oil pipelines in Iran."

"Iraq's roads, docks, oil fields, oil pipelines."

"Libya's roads, docks, oil fields, oil pipelines."

"We all have our people."

"In 2004, we will start building an oil pipeline of our own in Myanmar."

"These are all for making money."

"Finally, let me report to you the cash lying in our account."

"As of 5:30 pm on January 13, 2004, that is, before the meeting."

"We still have 20.747 billion yuan in our Rheinsteel Group's account."

"It's not operating income, it's not untaxed funds, it's the last cash we have left."

"This is our courage to move forward next year. Next year, we can still move forward bravely and bravely."

"Thinking back to the year before last, during the Chinese New Year in 2001, our entire factory, after deducting wages, only had a pitiful two million yuan left."

"Now, we are also more than two hundred, but the unit of measurement has changed from ten thousand to one hundred million!"

"In 2004, we will add a dollar to the end of this unit."

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