"Go, sit down on the sofa, and then tell the truth."

Walking into the office, He Qingyang raised his hand and pointed to the sofa next to him, turned around, walked to the bookshelf, picked and chose beside the bookshelf, took out a can of the cheapest tea, and then returned to the tea table and started to boil water to make tea.

Looking around the office, he found that it was no different from when he was there, and there was nothing interesting. Lin Yu retracted his gaze and explained softly:

"Some time ago, we made a large rocket launcher, and then this rocket launcher was very powerful in Lebanon."

"So, Prince Awad of Saudi Arabia brought people to our factory to negotiate and purchase equipment."

"He paid 600 million to buy equipment, but if all 600 million equipment is given to them, it will easily affect the regional balance."

"I used large fixed-wing heavy-load drones, satellite navigation systems, and some communication technologies to draw a blueprint for him."

"I plan to let him transfer this little money to research. Doing so can minimize the number of weapons given to them and fill our The third is to tie Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries to our ship. "

"But I never expected that the 600 million was collected by them, and in the end, the 600 million was used to buy weapons. However, he paid an additional 500 million to gamble with us."

"They are so generous, I can't cheat them. I don't have relevant people and technical reserves, so I can only come to you."

"Do me a favor and get some people from other schools. I can donate 5 million to each school."

After hearing the cause and effect of the matter, He Qingyang's hands trembled a little. It's really annoying to compare with others. He begged for help and cried poor in front of the big guys. In addition, Lin Yu's sudden appearance last year made the big guys not embarrassed and approved 1.5 billion funds for the first time.

So, when the financial people heard that Lin Yu was going to donate 10 million research funds, they went crazy.

10 million can do a lot of things, a lot of things.

I originally thought that Lin Yu had done something bad and wanted to take out the money to avoid disaster, but I never expected that he just had too much money and had no place to spend it.


He Qingyang hesitated for a moment. He was thinking, with the strength of Shengmajiagou Vocational College, if he went all out to make equipment and sell equipment all over the world, would he make more money?

But this idea only existed in his mind for a second, and he ruthlessly abandoned it again, because the boss above would never let them sell equipment, because doing so would completely deviate from the original intention.

With a long sigh, he made tea, sent the tea to Lin Yu, and said softly:

"Do you have a list? If there is no list, tell me all the skills you probably need, I will help you with reference, and then go to rescue people."

"This is more efficient, otherwise, after two days, those people will all be internally appointed, and you will have no one to rescue."

Before the voice fell, he saw Lin Yu took out a notebook from his arms and gently pushed it in front of him.

Looking at the notebook with a red cover, He Qingyang chuckled. He knew he was worrying too much.

Lin Yu has always been very thorough in his work. Since he appeared in front of him, he must have made careful considerations. How could there be no list?

He Qingyang opened the notebook and looked at the familiar handwriting. He knew that the content of the notebook was written by Huang Tianhai. With the help of this colleague, he could save a lot of trouble.

The first thing that caught his eye was the Yanjing Wudaokou Small Aircraft Practice College. This school is comparable to the Shengmajiagou Vocational and Technical College in terms of aviation technology civilization and satellite launch capabilities.

Not bad.

Majiagou Men's Technical College? Are drones related to these shipbuilders?

Weigongcun Auto Repair College, um... surface-to-air missiles are okay.

Yudao Street Iron Kite Making and Flying Practice College? That's okay. It can just fight with the one in Wudaokou.

Xiaolingwei Royal Salute College? Yes, drones need better weapons, and this one also needs it.

Dongda Men's Vocational and Technical School? These guys are very good at making airplanes, and they are involved in making drones... Hmm? Why is it making a wind tunnel?

The notebook has reached the last page. He Qingyang slowly put down the notebook and looked at Lin Yu.

He didn't see any teachers from Shengmajiagou Vocational and Technical College!


No teachers, that means no students.

At that time, a word will be spread outside that the company of your students, He Qingyang, doesn't recruit students from Shengmajiagou. Is there something wrong with you as the principal?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help shaking.

He closed the notebook and slowly turned around, only to find that Lin Yu was drinking tea leisurely. His expression and movements were not like a young man in his 20s at all, but like an old man in his 80s or 90s.

Seeing this, He Qingyang tapped the table lightly and asked:

"Do you have any other projects that can involve our teachers?"

"Or are our school's nuclear bombs and missiles no longer in your eyes?"

"When you started the project, didn't you consider our own people?"


The continuous questioning made Lin Yu's hand tremble while drinking tea, and the hot tea fell on his cotton pants without causing any damage.

Putting down the teacup, Lin Yu rolled his eyes helplessly and asked back:

"Where do you think the rocket launchers in my company come from?"

"As for those people, I wrote letters of introduction and deceived them."

This sentence also made He Qingyang realize that many of the graduate students in the school had been snatched away by Lin Yu in advance.

Undergraduate students also made a lot of money.

If you take the teacher away again, it will be like digging up the leek roots.

All forgotten.

In an instant, his livid face turned into a smile, and he came to Lin Yu's side. He kept pressing the student's shoulders with his hands and whispered:

"It's not that everyone is under great employment pressure, especially students with special majors in schools. They have worked hard for decades. If they can't enter the graduate school, they have nowhere to go."

"You are their senior, so you have to help them at this time. If you have such research needs in the future, consider the people in our school first."

"Then let's consider those guys from other schools. Let me tell you, those guys are all barbarians."

"Don't believe it yet. After I arrange the work, I will take you to see Manzi tomorrow. But today, let's go to our donation ceremony first."

As he spoke, he released his hand from rubbing his shoulders, turned around, walked to his desk, picked up the phone on the desk, and called the finance office.

He smiled even more when he learned that the donation procedures had been completed and the donation ceremony had been prepared.

I'll take some photos later and show them off when I go find someone tomorrow.

Putting down the phone and looking back, he said with a smile: "Let's go to the donation ceremony now. You say a few words and we will take a few more photos. Then we will set off tomorrow and travel all over the country. I will show you those barbarians." ”

The master and apprentice walked out of the office talking and laughing, followed the path, and soon arrived at the school's performance hall.

The hall was already full of students, and on the stage were several rows of big red letters.

[Warmly welcome Lin Yu, an alumnus of our school and Chairman of Rheinsteel Group, to visit our school and donate money. 】

[Donation amount: 10 million yuan. 】

[Purpose of donation: 5 million yuan will be used for research funding, and 5 million yuan will be used for first-semester tuition and fees for poor students. 】

Under the leadership of He Qingyang, Lin Yu followed him onto the stage and stood still on the stage. Then someone from the finance office held a sign high and came to stand behind the two of them, acting as a backdrop.

Then, the master and apprentice stood in front of the background board, each extending their right hands and holding them together, with smiles from the bottom of their hearts on their faces.

The cameras under the stage were taking pictures crazily, and the cameras next to them were also recording the glory of this moment.

After taking pictures, He Qingyang picked up the microphone and said softly:

"This classmate Lin Yu is my close disciple and the senior of everyone present."

"The main purpose of his coming here today is to donate money. The secondary purpose is to let me recruit people, students who have solid basic knowledge, are willing to make progress, love to think, and are patriotic."

"Now, let this senior of yours tell you a few words."

The microphone was handed to Lin Yu. Looking at the wide-eyed juniors and girls in the audience, Lin Yu showed amusement on his face. Then, he imitated the speaking habits of those high school principals in the past and coughed lightly. He said very seasonedly:

"Let me just say a few words."

Sure enough, as soon as he said these words, the eyes of the disciples in the audience widened instantly, and their eyes became very clear, with a little fear at the same time.

He laughed twice and said with a smile:

"I'm lying to you. I just feel that if I don't say something like this in this situation, I feel uncomfortable all over."

"Everyone's time is precious, so I won't waste it."

"We at Rheinsteel are recruiting new talents and need a lot of people and talents."

"In the future, we will leave a contact information in the school. If you want to go to our company, be brave and contact us directly."

"I like brave people, but I don't like timid people. If you are afraid of wolves before doing things, then you will be afraid of tigers later, then... your life will be very boring."

"A boring person can make the greatest contribution to society by taking good care of himself."

"Then let's talk about donations. We will make donations every year in the future."

"In addition to these donations, we also have a targeted training donation. Anyone from freshman to postgraduate students can apply for this targeted training donation."

"As for how to apply, you only need to contact the contact information we left, and someone will naturally come to evaluate and solve the problem."

"If you pass the evaluation, we will pay a monthly sum of money to the students who pass the evaluation based on your usual performance and salary payment method."

"This money is composed of basic funds and bonuses. The basic funds are fixed and determined by evaluation. The bonuses are based on daily performance. This money can cover daily life, tuition and miscellaneous expenses."

"And the corresponding price is to work for us after graduation."

"The working time is three years. Of course, we are not monsters. We will pay wages during these three years."

"And it is far more than other people's wages, because I believe that you can make our company better."

"This is a two-way investment. If you have any ideas, you can contact our people after this event."

"It doesn't matter if you violate the agreement, you will know when the time comes."

"That's all I have to say."

"Tonight, I treat everyone to beef stew with potatoes, all beef, no potatoes."

"I'll ask the school cafeteria to buy groceries later."

After the last sentence, the audience burst into warm applause.

Targeted training and donations are all fake. Only beef stewed with potatoes is real. All teachers and students in the school eat beef stewed with potatoes.

This is a big deal. We must have a good meal tonight.

Hearing the voices coming one after another, He Qingyang smiled. Lin Yu is still like this. He can still mobilize everyone's enthusiasm from a strange angle.


He leaned over and continued to close his mouth, saying in a muffled voice: "Then you have to hurry up. It's already 11:30 in the afternoon. If you are late, there will only be corners of beef in the vegetable market."

Lin Yu turned his head slightly and asked in the same way: "Is there no spare in the school cafeteria?"

"Not enough!" In response, He Qingyang laughed instantly.

He laughed like an old fox who stole a chicken.

After the donation ceremony, the students spread the news that a senior wanted to treat everyone to beef stewed with potatoes, but there was no potato in it, only beef.

Therefore, students who were not in class waited at the entrance of the canteen, and students who were in class were not interested in class. They just wanted to see who was so rich.

Everyone was very happy and curious, only the people in the canteen were cursing.

Running a canteen is like this. Students just need to eat as much as they want. They have to consider more when running a canteen.

After solving the problem of students' lunch, they were busy for an afternoon. The whole school was filled with the aroma of beef.

As the principal, He Qingyang was the first to reach out his spoon and fill two boxes. He handed one box to Lin Yu and took one box for himself. The two of them sat on the flower bed in front of the canteen and ate happily.

However, he was still on the phone while eating.

"Hello, is this Li Jiangang? It's me, He Qingyang!"

"My student, the one called Lin Yu, is going to donate 5 million to you. No kidding, wait for me at the school gate tomorrow!"

"Have you eaten? I'm eating beef stewed with potatoes, but there are no potatoes in it, it's a bit bland. My student bought it, and he invited the whole school to eat together."

The phone was hung up.

Holding the phone in his hand, He Qingyang's face was full of gloom, and he stuffed a piece of stewed beef into his mouth. He then cursed and said:

"Li Jiangang, the president of Majiagou Men's Technical College, is stingy when doing things. He is totally unworthy of this name and has ruined this name."

Turning around, he dialed another number.

"Hello, Wu Shigang? I'm He Qingyang. Have you eaten yet? If not, would you like to come to my school? We are having beef stew with potatoes."

"My student treated us. He treated the entire school."

"My student is going to donate 5 million to you. What is the donation for?"

"You don't need it, right? Then I'm hanging up!"

"You need it? Then why didn't you tell me? How can I know if you want it?"

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