Using this press conference, we can take the opportunity to deter Russia and prevent this guy from competing with America for interests in the Middle East.

Similarly, we can also deter those guys who are wavering and let them see clearly who is the boss in this world.

It can be said to kill three birds with one stone!

The people present cast their eyes on Dana, and at the same time they had to sigh that he was worthy of being a general who had experienced many wars and climbed up step by step from an ordinary grassroots soldier. He was experienced in doing things, and he was ruthless enough, with killer moves everywhere!

Feeling the admiring gazes of these people, Dena stood up straight, waved his hand nonchalantly, and then took the initiative into his own hands, saying: "Since everyone has no objection to this idea, I will start to arrange the work now."

"People in the publicity department, send an invitation letter to England, France, and our domestic major media, and tell them clearly that we will hold a new weapon launch conference at 7 am on January 30, 2003."

"Then let the publicity department find two advertising companies to quickly make some silhouettes of weapons, display them, and warm up in advance to let people outside guess!"

"Especially those of us who think it is impossible All the projects that can be completed should be silhouetted and revealed at this moment. "

"The more the better!"

"Then the military department should coordinate several teams, including the navy, army and air force, and then the army and air force will demonstrate in the Nevada desert."

"Show the advanced equipment and the powerful firepower."

"The navy will demonstrate in the South Pacific region, and notify them at the same time, telling them that they can be careless in ordinary exercises, but this time, they must do their best for me."

Listening to his murderous words, the people present couldn't help frowning, but in the end no one spoke up to object, and they all chose to write down Dana's words.

After explaining some details, Dana said to adjourn the meeting.

As soon as the others left, a tall white man walked into the room and complimented Dana: "Dear General Dana, how are you, have you adapted to the rear from the front line?"

Touching the map on the table, Dana shook his head, his face full of regret: "I'm still not used to it. I'm still used to seeing the mountains, the sea, and the desert every morning when I wake up."

"Then I light a cigarette under the scorching sun and brag with a few soldiers there. Then I hear the emergency assembly whistle. In the shocked eyes of the soldiers, I take out my hat and put it on, go to the command room, command these soldiers, and fight bravely."

"Now I can only point and point on the map, and I always feel that something is missing."

"Ah... I can only adapt as soon as possible, my dear Minister, how come you have time to come here today?"

The person who came was the American Secretary of Defense, Rafeld.

He walked to the map, picked up the pen on the map, first drew a line in Europe, then changed to another line in East Asia, put down the pen, and said:

"Your idea this time is very constructive. To be honest, even I have never thought of holding an equipment press conference during major holidays in other countries to deter them."

"In your report, this operation will only cost about 300 million US dollars, but this 300 million US dollars can do things that billions of dollars can't do at ordinary times. I am very pleased."

"It means that my move to let you join the accounting department of the Ministry of Defense is actually the right move."

"I came to you today to hear your opinion, to hear your opinion on the troops we have stationed in Europe."

"In my opinion, these troops are really a bit of a waste."

"So far, the Soviet Union has disintegrated for 11 years, but we still have a large number of troops stationed in Europe, and these troops consume a lot of funds every year."

"This is very detrimental to the development of our army, so I want to hear your opinion."

This is a fatal question.

As soon as Raffield finished speaking, Dana defined his conversation in his heart.

As a defense minister who is very good at solving problems with obstacles, Rafeld's main strategy is to cut.

Carrying a machete, he cut from the Ministry of Defense to overseas bases.

Overseas military bases? Cut!

Extra people? Cut!

The other party chose him, most likely because he was an officer who climbed up from the front line and knew everything in the army. With this understanding, he could swing his machete faster and faster.

But the problem is that if others knew that it was him who talked behind his back and leaked the relevant inside information, these people would most likely let him be shot eight times in the back and then commit suicide.

But if he didn't say it, he would most likely anger the defense minister and be the first to be stabbed.


After hesitating for a long time, Dena chose to bow to reality. If a friend dies, I will not die. If I die early or late, I will die. If I die one day later, I will enjoy one day. If I die one year later, I will enjoy one year.

He picked up the pen on the map, raised his hand to circle Europe, and said:

"At present, Ukraine, which has the strongest nuclear arsenal, has dismantled all its nuclear weapons."

"And Russia, their people themselves regard themselves as Roman orthodoxy. As long as they control the distance between them and Europe, just like fishing, they will naturally collapse if they pull repeatedly."

"So I think that except for the military bases in England, France, and Germany, other teams can be disbanded, or stationed in other places."

"For example, we can help the local people in Iraq and speed up the collection of oil, so that we can spread out some of the expenses."

"I've been watching the news about Iraq these days. The company from China is building very fast. It is expected that the crude oil terminal at the port of Basra will be put into use by the end of this year."

"Similarly, with the Iraq model as a model, we can exchange the garrison for other resource-rich countries under our control."

"Seize more benefits."

"Then there are East Asia, South Korea and Japan, which enjoy our military protection, but the fees they give are very low. I don't think this is okay."

"In 2001, our military expenditure accounted for 3.1% of the total GDP. In 2002, our military expenditure accounted for about 3.5% of the total GDP."

"So I strongly suggest that we directly take 2% to 3% of the GDP of these two countries to offset our military expenditure."

Every sentence hit the nail on the head of Lafield. This is what he thinks.

This was his second time as defense minister. The first time, the effect was average. Then he went to several Fortune 500 companies to train for a period of time. After turning these companies from loss to profit, he became defense minister again and prepared for his second reform.

Repeating Dana's words in his mind, Raffield nodded with satisfaction.

Since the other party said these words, it means that the other party wants to join him, which is very good.

Very good.

Nodding again, he looked up at the person in front of him and asked, "Do you have any other ideas? If you have, say it together. Anyway, there are only two of us here and no one will know."

On the other side, Raffield's words were heard by Dana, but he did not answer immediately. Instead, he pretended to be hesitant, then licked his lips with his tongue, and kept circling around the table where the map was placed.

At the same time, he frowned, as if he was considering, and as if he was making a decision.

After more than 10 minutes, he stood in front of Raffield again, blushing and panting, saying: "This suggestion may be a bit bold, but since you said it, Mr. Minister, I can only tell you the truth."

"This suggestion is to thoroughly sort out our equipment system."

"Throw away all those messy, useless and cumbersome equipment."

"The equipment that can provide combat effectiveness and is easy to use will continue to be retained, and at the same time, this part of the equipment will be strengthened to continue to provide combat effectiveness."

"While doing all this, strengthen the research and development of our future equipment, so that we will always be at the forefront of the world and always use the most advanced weapons."

"In this way, we can keep our army going better and more economically."

After the voice fell, after a brief silence, Raffield raised his hands and clapped for the person in front of him. He never expected that a chess piece he accidentally found would understand him so well.

Very good!

If he had not only met this man twice by chance and had not spoken more than 10 words in total, Raffield would have suspected that this man was the worm in his stomach.

The applause lasted for five or six minutes, until his hands turned red and painful, Raffield stopped, nodded to Dana, and said: "My dear General Dana, your insights are very interesting and very good."

"In that case, you should implement your plan as soon as possible. After the plan is implemented, I will personally hold a medal ceremony for you. By then, there will be more powerful work waiting for you."

After speaking, Raffield nodded to Dana again, and then turned and left.

And Dana bowed respectfully, staring at the floor, and sent Raffield off. He didn't raise his head until the footsteps disappeared in the corridor, and then he showed a long-lost smile on his face.

After talking for a long time, he even betrayed his former teammates, just for the last suggestion.

The Minister of Defense is old, and maybe one day he will have a cerebral hemorrhage because of stepping into the office with his left foot first.

But the policy he left behind will be implemented to the letter by those who come after him.

Thinking of the future, he couldn't help but laugh.


"Hey, don't leave, it's Chinese New Year, the elders are here, you didn't even offer a cup of tea, you just turned around and left, what does that mean?"

"Come back, come back!"

"Look at how easy it is for us elders? We know you're old and still single, so we found a few girls for you and brought their photos to show you."

"You're so good, you didn't even see the photos, why are you running?"

In Rhine Steel, Lin Yu was blocked at home, looking at the ceiling helplessly, in this second, he remembered what his parents said during festivals when they were still alive.

It's Chinese New Year.

He's here now.

He's still a child.

Are you married?

In a blink of an eye, I've reached the age where people urge me to get married.

Time flies.

Taking his eyes off the ceiling, Lin Yu looked at the two people opposite him. On the left was Lu Huaxi, and on the right was Qian Guoheng.

The two sat on chairs, one on the left and one on the right. In between them was the small table that Lin Yu used for eating. At this moment, a stack of photos was placed on the table. The two old men each held a few photos and kept commenting on them. From time to time, they turned around and pointed the photos at Lin Yu, asking him to comment on them.

Those words just now were said by Lu Huaxi.

Seeing that Lin Yu was not interested in these photos, Lu Huaxi had no choice but to put the photos away, then put them in an envelope, put them on the table next to him, pointed his right index finger twice, and said:

"These girls are all good, you can take a look when you have time, if you are interested, I will help you make an appointment."

"In fact, I came here today, in addition to setting you up for a blind date, there is another thing."

As he spoke, he took out a newspaper from his arms and handed it to Lin Yu. It was an English newspaper.

The newspaper publisher was the Washington Post.

In the middle of the newspaper were several color photos of tanks and airplanes, and above these photos was a big headline.

[Replacement of the fourth generation of explosives, a gift from the small town of Avenal, California. 】

Avenal, even if this word turned to ash, Lin Yu would recognize it. So far, he still has several Avenal bills in his warehouse that have not been sent out.

It took a few minutes to quickly read the entire news. Lin Yu's face jumped, and he didn't know what to say.

After a few more minutes of organizing his words, he asked the person opposite him:

"Is this...America's eye drops for the whole world?"

"Yes!" Lu Huaxi nodded directly, stood up and took the newspaper from Lin Yu, then pointed to the photo in the newspaper and explained: "A few days ago, after you told us about Nicholas, we have been using means to track down the whereabouts of these CL20s."

"But before our people sent us the information, the Americans broke the news first."

"Then, our people also sent back the news. This is actually a deterrent method for them to show the world that their basic science has made a breakthrough."

At this point, Lu Huaxi showed a strange expression on his face, and in the strange expression, there was a little smile, but he held it back well and didn't laugh.

He didn't laugh, but Lin Yu laughed first.

Lin Yu laughed loudly, and Lu Huaxi couldn't hold it anymore, and laughed loudly.

Next to him, looking at the two people laughing, Qian Guoheng cursed them and laughed loudly.

The three people laughed one after another, and they laughed for more than ten minutes before they stopped laughing.

Picking up the tea on the table and taking a sip, Lu Huaxi lowered his head and glanced at the time on his hand.

It was 7 o'clock in the evening.

He raised his hand and pointed at the TV, saying: "Our industrial channel is broadcasting, you turn on the TV and let us take a good look at America's breakthrough in the fourth-generation explosives."

As soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing again.

Seeing him like this, Lin Yu slowly got up, turned on the TV, adjusted the channel to the industrial channel, and then went to the kitchen to get the dumplings from the cafeteria, dipped them in chili, and ate while watching the host's chatter.

Just after eating one, Qian Guoheng reached out and snatched the dumplings and chili dip, while cursing: "Little bastard, you didn't even call us when you ate mutton dumplings."

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