Looking at the broken armed helicopter, the intelligence officer put his head in his hands, sat on the ground in a broken mood, and kept asking God.

Soon, everything that happened in the valley was reported to the Qatar headquarters. Listening to the battle damage reported by the orderly officer, Hanks hesitated for a moment, raised his hand, and told the orderly officer:

"You adjust the battle damage situation and add another aircraft. However, this aircraft was attacked and did not crash. Now it needs major repairs."


Upon hearing this bizarre request, the orderly officer was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly, picked up the pen, and added text directly to the report materials.

Seeing his actions, Hank was speechless. He rubbed his cheeks with his hands and warned again: "Remember to add what I just said later."

"Then print it out, show it to me, and finally send it out, do you understand?"

"Understood!" The orderly nodded repeatedly. Seeing his stupid yet clear look, Hanks waved his hand gently and asked him to leave first.

Then, he picked up the phone on the table and sent a new order to the American headquarters stationed in Baghdad:

"Let your people put pressure on the Iraqi government and ask them to find two scapegoats. Remember, the efficiency must be fast and the face must be ruthless. Regardless of whether they can catch the person or not, our attitude must be correct. Tell them whether they can catch the person or not." If we find people, we will use civilians to pay for it.”

"Also, you guys, don't huddle in the city every day. Drive your armored vehicles out, let the enemy blow up two more, and then take some photos and send them out by chance. This way we can have more funds, do you understand?"

"If it doesn't work out, I can just get two models and take two photos."

"You ask me for funds all day long, and you don't know how to ask for funds yourself. What funds should I give you?"

"Funds are reserved for those who are prepared, do you understand?"

After reprimanding his subordinates and putting down the phone, Hanks came to the window and looked out at the bustling city.

This is Doha, the capital of Qatar. As an oil-producing country, although Qatar's oil production is not as good as that of Saudi Arabia, for a small country like theirs, it is enough to make this small country extremely prosperous.

Unfortunately, the money is not yours.

After watching for a while, he turned back to his desk, picked up the phone on the table, and called Dana: "General Dana, there is something, I want to consult you."

"Please tell me!" Dana asked slightly curiously.

On the other side of the phone, after hearing the other party's response, Hanks said softly:

"Mr. Dana, I know that you have taken some reconstruction projects in Iraq. Now, I want to transfer the projects in my hand to you. Do you have any ideas?"

His words were very humble, as if he was begging the other party.

Florida, on the other side of the phone, Dana was holding the phone, still unable to recover from this sentence.

There is a cold joke in the former Soviet Union. The son of a general asked him: Can he become a general?

The general replied to his son: Yes.

Then the general's son asked again: Can I be a marshal?

The general replied to his son: No, because the marshal also has a son.

Hanks' full name is Hanks McCain. As a member of the McCain family, he is the younger generation promoted by the McCain family. And such a young generation actually asks him to subcontract business?

Although he is a member of the Roosevelt family, it was only in these years, after he became a major general, that the relationship between the Roosevelt family and himself became slightly closer.

But it will never reach the point where Hanks spits out the meat in his mouth!

has a problem!

After pondering for a moment, Dana asked softly at the other end of the phone: "What happened?"

Qatar, listening to the inquiries on the phone, Hanks rubbed his temples with his hands. He did not answer directly, but began to tell about his achievements during this period:

"From last week to today."

"We encountered a total of 24 attacks in the southern region, including 6 car bombs, 3 roadside bombs and 15 shootings."

"These 24 attacks resulted in a total of 13 deaths, 19 serious injuries and amputation, 36 minor injuries, and the loss of 12 military vehicles and several other light weapons."

"I think we misjudged the will of these Iraqis to resist. They really are not afraid of death!"

"Did you know? I was in Baghdad that day and saw with my own eyes an Iraqi driving a car towards us, and then directly detonating the vehicle."

"Our soldiers who set up Luka were blown directly into the sky, and then they were blown into pieces."

"The banner of resistance in many places is not only against soldiers, but also against ordinary people. There are even some people who do not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy at all."

"And until now, for the projects my companies have received, they haven't even recruited all the engineers, because as soon as they heard they were coming to Iraq, they all ran away."


Hanks paused for a moment, seeming to hesitate.

After a while, he gritted his teeth and said softly: "So, I want to transfer the projects in my hand to you, and I will get 20% of the profits. What do you think?"

After he finished speaking, the only sound of Dana's heavy breathing came from the phone receiver.

Listening to the sound of breathing, Hanks felt very uneasy, and his little heart beat unsatisfactorily, very fast.

A full two or three minutes passed, and Dana's slightly contemptuous voice came from the phone:

"You take 20% of the profit?"

"My dear General Hanks, you have to understand that you took away 20% of the profits of these extremely risky projects in Iraq, so what is left for this project?"

"However, since we are all in the navy, I can tell you what I do."

"For the projects I got, I directly raised 10% of the profits, and then transferred the projects to the Chinese company. They have been going through the financial process these two days."

"Once the money is in hand, the rest has nothing to do with me."

"Risk, what is that? Can it be eaten?"

The voice coming from the phone was one point of contempt and nine points of complacency.

Hearing these boasts, Hanks' face couldn't help but twitch. Before calling, he thought his idea was genius.

But now, they are already going through the financial process and are ready to lie on the chair and count the money, but there is no movement on his side.


Holding the phone and letting out a long sigh, he carefully asked what he was thinking: "Mr. Dena, can you give me a contact number? It's the company that undertakes your project."

"I think I also need to transfer these businesses to them, and in order to show our responsibility to the Iraqis, we must choose a good company."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of gasps in the receiver, and then a name fell into his ears:

"It's the Rhine company that you competed for the project at the bidding site. Their person in charge is in Iraq these two days. You can go directly to him. Maybe you can increase your profit by 15 points."

"By the way, you'd better hurry up. I got the news that they seem to be preparing materials."

After that, Dena hung up the phone without waiting for Hanks to respond.

Only Hanks was left holding the phone in thought.


In the northern mountainous area of ​​Iraq, under the guidance of the guide, Lin Yu and the others took advantage of the night and finally returned to the parking place when their legs were about to break.

Separate the spoils on your body, carefully load them into the compartment of the pickup truck, and close the lid.

After carefully checking several times to make sure that there are no flaws with the naked eye, Lin Yu lay on the cargo box, holding the bag, swallowing while shouting: "It's great! It's great!"

Before he finished speaking, Kang Shikai's low voice sounded in his ears:

"Stop yelling! You will easily attract people like this. If people know that we have appeared in this area, it will easily arouse suspicion."

"Wait another half an hour. If Jialim and his men don't arrive, we must leave, at least go back to his home."

The ancestors said that people should follow their hearts.

After being reborn, Lin Yu can better understand the meaning of this sentence. He nodded his head lightly and bounced out of the cargo box.

He took out the record form for surveying the route from the car and began to fill in some messy data and some messy words.

He moved quickly. In just 20 minutes, he finished filling out a stack of forms in his hand, then threw them on the ground and sprinkled a few handfuls of dirt on them.

After artificial aging, he put the forms back into the file bag and packed them.

Continue to wait.

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye, and no one came. Lin Yu did not hesitate to explain to the Iraqi driver, and then a group of people drove away.

As soon as the vehicle started, a shout came from behind.

It was Kalim.

The vehicle stopped, and Kalim and his men quickly jumped into the pickup truck cargo box and shouted: "Drive quickly! The accelerator is all the way!"

After that, he picked up the clothes in the box and started to change.

A few minutes later, a handsome and heroic Iraqi police chief appeared in front of Lin Yu.

After changing his clothes, he asked softly: "Do you know the Iranian during the day?"

"He bought some equipment from me, I definitely know him." Lin Yu spread his hands and answered calmly.

Anyway, Jialim and Hassan will meet sooner or later. Knowing each other earlier can also avoid some unnecessary troubles.

On the other side, Jialim scratched his face with his hand and asked with a frown: "Do they want to get involved in Iraq?"

"Get involved... not really. At least according to my intelligence, the people rescued today are from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, not the Iranian establishment."

Lin Yu responded and found that Jialim's face was confused again, so he had to continue to explain:

"If my information is correct, now, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard has a tendency to develop outward."

"You Iraq is just a pilot. If successful, they will continue to export to surrounding countries that oppose America."

"Why do they want to develop outward?" Jialim asked again.

Hearing this question, Lin Yu looked up and looked at the sky in silence.

The night in Iraq looks pretty good.

Looking at the bright night sky above, he explained softly: "Because they found that Iran has very few resources, which can be seen from their expenses and those of the National Defense Forces."

"With few resources, they can't do anything, naturally they have no influence, and they can't get resources."

"This is a vicious circle."

"So, if the Iranian Revolutionary Guard wants to survive, there is only one way to go."


"Go outside, go somewhere else, and tell others about the Iranian revolution."

"For now, the two of you can unite and rely on the border between Iran and Iraq to strike against the Americans."

After listening to the explanation, Jialim lowered his head and began to seriously think about the feasibility of this.

The vehicle, while they were thinking, slowly drove into the village and returned to the villa.

In addition, several other teams have not returned yet.

After a quick dinner, Lin Yu took out his mobile phone and turned it on to see if there were any missed calls, but as soon as he turned on his mobile phone, a strange call came in.

"Rhine Construction Engineering, Mr. Lin Yu?"

The other party came straight to the point and called Lin Yu's name in English. Listening to the standard American pronunciation, Lin Yu frowned and asked back: "Who are you?"

"It's really hard to get through to your phone. I'm Dena, Greb's father. I'm calling you just to tell you."

The person on the other end was stuck in the middle of his words.

After several seconds, he continued: "Hanks behind Raytheon may ask you to transfer his project because the strength of the Iraqi resistance is far beyond his imagination. I told him that I will transfer it to you at 10 points."

"If he asks when we will be online, tell him that Greb came to you after the bidding meeting!"

"Remember, don't say the wrong thing."

"As for him, you can cheat as much as you can."

"Aren't you... from the same country? Shouldn't you be united against the outside world?" After listening to Dena's words, Lin Yu asked humbly.

The next second, a rampant laugh came from the phone: "No, no, no, his money has nothing to do with me, and my money has nothing to do with him. Remember not to let it slip."

"Hang up."

Until the blind beep sounded, Lin Yu still didn't wake up from the shock.


Is there such a good thing?

If the news he heard from Ibrahim is correct, Raytheon directly asked the reconstruction committee and directly asked for billions of dollars in oil field construction projects!

To subcontract?

Can this big pie fall on his head?

What kind of joke is this?

This is definitely a conspiracy!

Holding the phone, Lin Yu was waiting for the call while thinking about what conspiracy there was, but he didn't get the call until the sun rose from the east.

As for the conspiracy...

Dena was still waiting for him to make more money for him, so it was impossible for him to reveal his true identity. Therefore, in Hanks' eyes, he was just a lunatic who used low prices to grab business.

He might beat him up, but his life would not be in danger.

After moving his numb hands and feet, he put the phone in his pocket, and slowly got up. Just as he was about to solve the big things of the day, the phone rang.

Unfamiliar number.

"Rhine Engineering Construction, Mr. Lin Yulin?" It was not standard Mandarin, very awkward.

The front nasal sound and the back nasal sound were not distinguished.

After a short silence, Lin Yu softly replied in English: "Hello, I am Lin Yu from Rhine Engineering Construction. What can I do for you?"

"We at Rhine Construction Engineering undertake various large, medium and small projects. There is nothing we can't do, only you can't think of it."

After this, the person on the phone was silent.

After two and a half minutes, the other party switched to fluent English:

"My name is Hanks. Someone will pick you up in Baghdad later. We will meet and talk in detail."

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