

The wooden seal was hit hard on the contract by two stamping players at the same time. As the seal was taken away, two red marks appeared on the text of the contract.

Then, people on both sides began to show their hand speed. One person was responsible for turning the pages, and the other person was responsible for sealing. The two worked closely together at extremely fast speeds. The hands turning the pages and sealing seemed to be still at this moment. It is an extremely fast performance.

But compared with those seal immortals who can print 300 million times a year, they are still a little behind.

Next to these people who signed the seals, Lin Yu and the newly appointed Chairman of the Iraqi Reconstruction Commission Ibrahim sat opposite each other. In front of the two of them was a photo of the former president, Saleh.

The person in the photo is looking forward with a smile, and seems to be very pleased with what is happening in front of him.

"Hey, I'm so jealous of talented people. I didn't expect that President Saleh, who has been famous all his life, would have an accident just because of a small screw. In life, you never know which one will come first, tomorrow or the accident. Hey!" Lin! Yu intertwined his index fingers, sat on the chair and kept sighing.

Opposite me, Ibrahim nodded repeatedly to express his approval of Lin Yu's words. Then, he turned to look at the photo next to him. There was a little sadness and a faint smile on the face, and he said:

"Fortunately, our cooperation has not been interrupted due to the death of President Saleh. I think he in heaven will be very happy to see this scene."

"He should be happier when the port is re-established."

"After unanimous agreement by our reconstruction committee, we decided to add a sculpture of President Saleh at the entrance of the port to commemorate his contribution to the construction of this country!"

"Mr. Lin, please take a look at how much it will cost. We will make additional changes and increase it."

These words fell into Lin Yu's ears. He waved his hands repeatedly and sighed: "President Saleh has made a great contribution to our cooperation. It doesn't cost much to help him erect a sculpture. I will pay for it directly." ”

"It's really a twist of fate. I saw a big living person a few days ago, and suddenly he disappeared."



In the long sighs of the two people, the sealing immortals on both sides had completed the sealing work. The sealing immortals stepped back, and the inspection immortal stepped forward and checked little by little to confirm that there were no omissions before pushing their respective contracts to Lin Yu and Yi. In front of Brahim!

The two picked up the hardcover sealed version of the contract agreement in front of each other, signed their names in the corresponding places, exchanged with each other, and signed again.

The contract is officially signed!

Putting down his pen, Ibrahim stood up first, handed out his right hand to the young man in front of him, and said softly: "Mr. Lin Yu, on behalf of thousands of ordinary people in Iraq, I would like to thank you for your help."

"Similarly, as an official of the Reconstruction Commission, I also hope that you can complete the construction work in hand as soon as possible so that thousands of ordinary Iraqis can live an ordinary life."

"They are so tired after so many years!"

Lin Yu stood up, held the opponent's right hand, shook it first, and said, "Let's work hard together!"


In Basra, Li Zhenen walked on the dim streets, facing the wind and sand, moving forward step by step.

People on both sides of the street looked at this man who looked very different from them, their eyes full of curiosity, curious about why he appeared here, curious about why he was walking in the wind and sand, like a lunatic.

The young Korean was naturally aware of these glances, but he did not react in any way because he had already arrived at his destination.

A church.

Catholic church with Korean flag.

The shape is incompatible with the surrounding buildings and looks so lonely and weird.

After standing at the door and watching for a while, Li Zhenen stepped in. At the end of the church hall, a priest in white was kneeling in front of the crucifix, praying with his heart. Until Li Zhenen walked over and stood next to him for a long time, this The priest slowly stood up.

When he turned around, he saw an East Asian face that was very different from an Arab.

Seeing Li Zhenen, the priest nodded slightly, then turned around and walked towards the corner of the hall, where there was a small door.

The two walked through the small door and appeared in the yard behind the church.

At this time, the priest spoke, and he asked softly in a gentle voice: "Li Zhenen, what are you doing here?"

When asked about the purpose, Li Zhenen slowly took out a pack of cigarettes from her arms, took out one and lit it, then took out another one and threw it to the priest: "You must have heard about the reconstruction project of Basra Port, right?"

"I need a favor from you, which is to incite your followers to make trouble for this project. The more trouble, the better!"

The priest took the cigarette and did not light it immediately. Instead, he put the cigarette under his nose. Then he showed a drunken expression and inhaled the aroma from the cigarette bit by bit.

That intoxicated look makes people laugh.

He kept this look and smoked for two minutes. Then he asked Li Zhenen for a lighter, lit the cigarette, put it in his mouth and started smoking:

"Don't count on me. The believers under me were all developed little by little by me using rice, flour, grain and oil."

"You can ask them to collect rice, flour, grain and oil, but if you ask them to cause trouble, I'm sorry, but it will be difficult."

The words were very tactful, and she proposed postponement very tactfully. However, Li Zhenen was not discouraged, but continued to persuade: "There is a saying that everything depends on man-made efforts."

"If you don't let them take action, how can you conclude that they are hopeless?"

"You can choose not to do it, but if you don't, your family will become sacrifices, understand?"

"That's all I have to say, you can do it yourself."

After saying that, Li Zhenen finished the cigarette in her hand, then took off the burning cigarette butt with her right hand, flicked it lightly at the hay not far away, and the cigarette butt flew out and fell on the dry lawn.

After doing this uncivilized action, the sudden visitor patted his butt and left suddenly.

Sitting on the steps, watching the green smoke slowly rising from the lawn not far away, the priest walked over, stepped on the smoking position, and then stepped hard again, then turned around and walked into the church.


On the other side of the city, there stands a unique block. This block is less than 100 meters long, and the exterior decoration style is out of tune with this city.

The decorations hanging by the window show outsiders the origins of these people-businessmen from Japan.

Since joining the American system, Japan has obtained a ticket to travel around the world.

As a result, countless Japanese began to emigrate overseas, go to various countries, do business in these countries, and then take root, and then accept more people to come here to survive, build communities, and establish their own order.

Then, seek an identity in this country.

This block in Basra has the same origin.

At this moment, a dozen Japanese gathered in a store with a sign of Yamada Co., Ltd.

And the owner of this store, Ichiro Yamada, carefully took out a drawing, put it in front of everyone, and whispered:

"For the task we just received, we need to destroy all the projects on this drawing, even if we are broken into pieces, we must destroy these projects."

"If we can't get it, others can't get it!"

The other people looked at the map and couldn't help but twitching.

They were able to build a block in Iraq and survive here tenaciously, so they naturally knew the situation here.

Compared with the domestic situation, they knew the situation here like the back of their hands.

Why did the Americans attack Iraq? To put it bluntly, it's for Iraq's oil, but all these projects on the map are oil pipelines, or oil ports, and related oil roads.


Brother, you really don't take the American soldiers seriously!

Once the Americans find out, there is only one way to go for them: death.

And it's not just the Americans, there are also local Iraqis. These projects are established in the name of rebuilding Iraq.

As long as an oil-producing country can export its oil stably, the country's economic situation will not be too bad!

Now, a group of people are going to block the export of oil, which is to be enemies with the locals!

When these Japanese people thought of the way the locals dealt with the enemy, they couldn't help but shudder. Those methods were extremely terrifying, so terrifying that they were outrageous.

After shaking a few times, one of the slightly fat middle-aged men cast his eyes on Ichiro Yamada and asked softly:

"Do I have to do it?"

After asking the question, the man looked at Ichiro Yamada eagerly, and there were several other people who looked at him with him.

Being stared at, Ichiro Yamada did not flinch, but nodded vigorously and said softly: "We must do it!"

"And quickly!"

"I will leave in a while and visit several families around to ask them to come forward and make trouble. Your task is to take money to bribe the police station in Basra and let the police in Basra come forward and make trouble."

"Now, let's go."


On the seashore of the Persian Gulf, looking at the dim sea in front of him, Lin Yu couldn't help rubbing his head. If he wanted to build this port, it seemed that he had to build a ship!

After signing the contract in Riyadh, the domestic survey team also arrived.

After a brief exchange, he took people to Basra without stopping, ready to actually visit the site to see where to start.

But when he actually saw the site, he found that everyone had miscalculated a variable, which was the mother river of Iraq, the Euphrates River, and the Tigris River.

The large plain under his feet is the plain formed by the impact of these two rivers, which brought a lot of silt over thousands of years.

Of course, this also includes the bay in front of us.

A large amount of silt has accumulated, making the bay in front of us unsuitable for large ships to pass through. If you want to make large ships navigable, there are only two options. The first is to build a deep-water platform to extend the oil pipeline and dock from the land to the sea.

After a fight with Iran and another fight with Kuwait, the former president of Iraq chose to use this plan to build the Basra Port.

However, the project was just built and not put into use before it was bombed, and he was gone.

After figuring out the original construction plan of this port, Lin Yu couldn't help shaking his head.

If this plan is placed in other places, such as in Iran 20 kilometers to the east, it will be very suitable, but it is not suitable in Iraq.

Because there are two large rivers, the Euphrates and the Tigris, once the deep-water dock is deployed, the deep-water dock trestle will inevitably block the silt brought by the two rivers.

Let the silt quickly settle in the bay.

At most 5 years, the deep-water dock will become a shallow-water dock again.

As for the second plan, build several large suction dredgers to dig up this sea area!

Dig out a deep-water port and build several caissons to block the silt, so that the dock can be protected from the impact of silt.

After thinking about it, Lin Yu decided to use the second plan because it saves time and effort. After all, it is more convenient to pile and build a port on the shore than to run to the deep water area.

As for the suction dredger, the technology is not enough now, but there are dredgers. The soil here is soft and there is silt impact. The dredgers sailing in the river are enough.

If one ship is not enough, then ten ships, and if ten ships are not enough, then one hundred ships.

After a rough estimate, Lin Yu suddenly found that if this method is used, a lot of money can be saved.

"Hey!" With a sigh, he took pictures of the surroundings with a camera, then got in the car and let Kang Shikai drive along the coastline.

Lin Yu would stop the car, pick up the Luoyang shovel in the car, and bang the Luoyang shovel down frantically on the land by the sea, take out the soil from the ground, play with it in his hands and take pictures, and then continue to move forward and continue to bang the Luoyang shovel.

Unconsciously, Lin Yu had seen all of Iraq's 60-kilometer coastline. At the same time, he also arranged the corresponding construction plan in his mind.

First, he used water to flush the sand and adjust the direction of the sand, so that the sand carried by the two rivers would hit the Wolbai Island in Kuwait to reduce the downstream sand pressure. Then, the sand excavation and the shore port construction were carried out simultaneously.

Two years of construction period is more than enough.

After writing this idea down in a notebook, Lin Yu called the team back to the site for a site survey. He had seen everything he should see. What he needed to do now was to put everything into practice.

However, the team didn't walk for too long before it ran into another team. Looking at the priest at the front of the team, Lin Yu's eyes were full of curiosity. After looking at him for a long time, he finally confirmed that the priest was definitely not a Chinese!

Either he was Korean or Japanese.

After asking the soldiers in the team to go over and understand the situation, Ibrahim came to Lin Yu and whispered, "By the way, why would people from your country bring people from our country to oppose your construction of the port?"

Arabic was a bit tongue-twisting. After repeating this sentence twice, Lin Yu found the problem. He pointed at the priest opposite, looked at Ibrahim with surprise, and asked:

"Dear Mr. Ibrahim, who told you that the wretched-looking guy opposite is from our country?"

"Isn't South Korea your territory? I look at the map, and that large piece seems to be yours!" Ibrahim asked seriously. Looking at his clear eyes, Lin Yu couldn't help wailing. This is another 9-year compulsory education...

Uh uh, no, there is no 9-year compulsory education in Iraq.

This is a fish that has slipped through the net because of lack of geographical knowledge!

Rubbing his temples vigorously, Lin Yu covered his forehead and asked: "Mr. Ibrahim, I want to ask, which map are you looking at?"

"The map that has been passed down in my family for hundreds of years!"

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