He sat down!

Under the gaze of everyone in the venue, the representative from Raytheon sat down!

He did not continue to refute or argue, but sat down!

Next to Raytheon is Avenal, which is the company founded by Greb.

In their agreed transaction, the port will be built by Raytheon, and in contrast, Raytheon will give up competing with Avenal for the construction rights of several other projects.

As relevant stakeholders, these staff members who came to bid knew some inside information and naturally had some resentment.

They were very happy to see someone snatching Raytheon's project. Now that Raytheon has announced its withdrawal from the competition for the Basra project, it can almost be determined that this company from China has snatched the Basra project.

Now I am even happier!

If the project is snatched away by others, the people behind Raytheon will definitely find a way to retaliate. When everyone fights, that will be the world of Avenal!

Thinking of this, several people from Avenal stood up and raised their hands to applaud.

Hearing their applause, the French people also stood up and clapped.

On the stage, Saleh's eyelids twitched and he blinked madly at the people from Raytheon, but the people from Raytheon did not understand his flirting at all and did not understand the customs at all.

Stupid pig!

He complained in his heart and asked Lin Yu softly: "Mr. Lin Yu, are you sure you want to bid for the Basra Port with a construction price of 440 million US dollars?"

"If you are not ready, you can regret it once!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the people from the reconstruction committee next to him began to cough.

As a last resort, Saleh could only lock his eyes with Lin Yu again and wait for the other party's answer.

Opposite him, Lin Yu looked like he had eaten a fly. He never thought that he would be squeezed into it just by lowering the price?

Port construction, compared with railway and highway construction, requires more professional people, and he has...

At this moment, a familiar but not familiar name emerged in his mind!

Lan Jianjun!

This birdman wants to expand Liancheng Port, so he must have relevant people under him. If you ask him to borrow some, he should agree!

Anyway, building a port in China is the same as building a port abroad. It doesn't matter where you build it.

As for the funds, there is an advance payment, so what's there to be afraid of?

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, then open your eyes suddenly, look at Saleh on the stage, and answer in a very light but very firm voice: "Chairman Saleh, we have accepted the construction project of this port!"

"US$440 million, two years of construction, according to your standards, complete without compromise!"

"Thank you for giving us this opportunity! Thank you!"

The voice is neither humble nor arrogant, polite and restrained, but it is a bit bad for Saleh on the stage. He wants to curse, but he can't. Not only can he not curse, he has to thank, thank loudly.

Because of a few words, others have saved $560 million for themselves. For Iraq waiting for reconstruction, it means reducing the burden of $560 million!

If this money is used in other places, more things can be done, more roads, more schools, more reservoirs and irrigation measures can be built.

While thinking, Saleh also cast his eyes on other people in the reconstruction committee.

Although the new government is a puppet supported by America, many people below are not, at least, the current people in the reconstruction committee are not.

At this moment, the people in the reconstruction committee all showed a knowing smile on their faces.

Finding that Saleh was looking at them, these people nodded and agreed to the proposal.

"President Saleh, please pay attention to your identity and our bidding rules!"

After receiving the explicit instructions from other people in the reconstruction committee, Saleh had already made a decision in his heart.

The construction unit is happy, ordinary people are happy, and the reconstruction committee is happy. Even if he, the chairman, is not happy, he can only keep his unhappiness in his heart.

Because his deal with the Americans cannot be seen in the light. If it is seen in the light today, he will die tomorrow!

Taking a deep breath, he cast his gaze towards Lin Yu again, looking at the young man, and asked faintly: "Are you sure?"


After getting the answer, Saleh picked up the hammer and tapped it gently. The wooden table and the wooden hammer collided, making a very crisp sound, which kept echoing in this empty hall.

When the sound stopped, Saleh put his mouth to the microphone and said loudly: "Now, let us congratulate the Rhine Construction Engineering Company from China for winning our Basra Port Reconstruction and Renovation Project!"

"Everyone applaud!"

After saying that, he was the first to lead the applause. Under his leadership, other companies in the venue also raised their hands to applaud. While applauding, a group of people turned their eyes to Raytheon for fun.

As we all know, the hearts of Americans are smaller than needles. They really want to know how these people will retaliate.

Being watched by a group of people like monkeys, the people of Raytheon stood up directly, left a cold snort, and disappeared from the venue.

This scene stunned everyone present, but after a brief moment of stunned silence, everyone became ecstatic again.

Because these people don't want the project, then everyone will fight for the remaining projects, and whoever gets it will own it. If they get the project construction rights, even if the Americans want to make trouble later, they won't be able to find a suitable name!

Unless they are really shameless!

After the people from Raytheon left, Lin Yu kept a watchful eye. For the next project, he just raised his hand and held up a sign to help lower the price.

"1.5 billion!"

"1.49 billion!"

"Can you afford it?"

"We in England are 1.4 billion!"


Soon, the project number slowly moved to the northern area of ​​Kirkuk.

Pointing at the map, Saleh said softly:

"Next are the roads and reservoir construction projects in the northern Kirkuk, Sulaymaniyah, and Raniya areas."

"Because the projects in these areas are relatively small, we choose to package these projects."

"The relevant construction requirements remain unchanged from the terms in the previous invitation letter. Now please quote."

Listening to his words, the people present shook their heads, because the road construction requirements in this area are not high, and the corresponding unit price is naturally not high.

Moreover, these areas are messy and troublesome.

Now the projects are packaged again, which means that even if you are interested in one or two projects, you must eat the whole mess.

With more projects, the capital occupation will be very large.

In the corner, Lin Yu was also studying the map. Originally, he only wanted to take two reservoirs and two roads, because his funds were only enough for these.

But now these projects are packaged, and the funds required far exceed his plan.

But... it is worth a try.

Because some of the roads connect Iran!

Just a little bit of construction will turn this area into a large rear area, and even a few factories can be squeezed in.

After thinking for a long time, just when Saleh knocked down the hammer and was about to split these projects, Lin Yu raised his hand, held up the sign, and said loudly:

"2.3 billion US dollars!"

This voice, and the sound of the hammer hitting the table, came out at the same time, shocking everyone present.

"2.3 billion US dollars, nine roads, four reservoirs, is he kidding?"

"This is malicious competition, this is definitely malicious competition, such a low price, so many things are simply unacceptable!"

"Mr. Saleh, I suggest kicking this person and his company out of the venue, otherwise I really can't imagine what it will be like when the project starts construction and you ask him for roads and reservoirs!"

Listening to the objections one after another, Saleh turned his head and looked at the other people on the reconstruction committee. This time, these people did not smile, but were puzzled and thinking.

After a long while, one of the people from the reconstruction committee stood up and asked Lin Yu loudly: "Mr. Lin Yu from Rhine Construction, why do you think that 2.3 billion US dollars can complete the construction?"

"In our estimation, the price of building these roads and reservoirs will at least double."

Hearing this question, Lin Yu stood up, patted his body casually, smoothed the wrinkles on his clothes, and then responded calmly:

"These few days, I have been investigating your Iraqi building materials market, and I found a very serious problem, that is, your high-performance building materials almost all need to be imported."

"I can indeed build all of these with 2.3 billion US dollars, but I need an authority."

"Build a cement plant in the local mountainous area, using local Rocks, the right to make cement. "

"Nine roads and four reservoirs require a lot of cement, and all of this cement needs to be imported. Even if we have a cement company under Rhine Company, it will still take up a lot of funds, and importing from foreign countries is quite time-consuming and laborious."

"If it is produced locally, this problem can be completely solved, and at the same time, it can also drive some local employment."

"This is the basis for my $2.3 billion to solve these roads and reservoirs."

"If you agree, then my offer for this order is $2.3 billion. In three years, the traffic conditions in your northern mountainous area will be changed."

"If you disagree, I withdraw!"

Hearing that Lin Yu was going to build a cement plant in the northern mountainous area, the eyes of several people in the reconstruction committee lit up at once.

Reinforced cement, this is the basic building material, it looks inconspicuous, but... because of the huge consumption, it has always been a scarce material!

Up to now, many areas in Iraq still have many houses made of rammed earth, and these are all in demand!

If Lin Yu really builds several large cement plants in the northern mountainous area, then they can definitely participate in it!

Then sit at home and wait for the money to fall from the sky!

When the project is completed, Mr. Lin will definitely leave, and he will definitely not take the shares with him, but will definitely sell them!

If all those shares are in hand, it will be a huge profit!

No wonder the Saudi prince said that this person is here to help!

Several people exchanged glances, and saw the same idea in each other's eyes, and the idea was exactly the same!

Then agree!

Nodding to each other, the person asking the question said loudly: "This condition can be added to the contract terms, but our reconstruction committee wants 40% of the shares, because this way, everything can be under our control, can we do it?"

"Sure!" Lin Yu agreed without hesitation.

When doing business abroad, more friends mean more ways, especially in the Middle East, a messy place. Two more friends is better than anything else.

But the next second, the people from the reconstruction committee spoke again, excitedly asking: "You... don't you want to build a steel plant?"

"I think your company seems to have the relevant capabilities?"

This question was asked very carefully, and even the name was honorific.

Facing their gaze, Lin Yu shook his head gently and responded:

"From an engineering perspective, the amount of steel bars used is far less than cement. In addition, the quality of iron ore in your country is relatively average. If you build a steel plant here, the cost will be much greater than importing from abroad."

"Do you understand what I mean?"

On the stage, the people from the reconstruction committee heard this and stopped asking questions. Instead, they turned their heads and looked at Saleh, waiting for the president's verdict.

Beside the podium, Saleh couldn't help rolling his eyes, picked up a hammer, and knocked it down casually.


The crisp sound spread throughout the scene, and then his loud voice followed: "In this case, I officially announce that the construction of the highway around Kirkuk, Raniyah, and Sulaymaniyah mountainous areas and the reservoir construction project belong to Mr. Lin Yu from China and his Rhine Engineering Construction Company!"

"The winning bid is $2.3 billion, with the condition that Rhine Engineering Construction Company is allowed to choose a suitable location in the northern mountainous area to build a cement plant."

After announcing the news, Saleh took the hammer, knocked three times, and said loudly again: "So far, all projects have been completed. Now that we have found a suitable contractor, I hereby officially announce that the bidding activity organized by our Iraqi Reconstruction Committee has come to an end. "

"Next, what you need to do is to go back, organize the relevant documents, and sign the contract with us."

"Then prepare to enter!"

"Finally, I thank you again for taking the time out of your busy schedule to participate in our bidding activity!"

"Thank you! In the future, the Iraqis will remember to help you!"

Bowing deeply to the people in the audience, Saleh packed up the documents on the table, turned around and walked out of the stage, disappearing behind the scenes.

He went into the hotel bathroom as quickly as possible, took out his mobile phone, and wanted to call the person behind Raytheon, but before he dialed the phone, the other party called first.

"I guess your activity is over. Do you need me to remind you?"

The voice was full of anger, and he was very dissatisfied with what Saleh did.

On the toilet, Saleh was also complaining: "General, this is not my fault. I originally said that I would directly award the contract to you, but your own people said that they would hold a tender, and make it popular, so that everyone in the world knows that you are helping to rebuild Iraq."

"But the person at the meeting only wanted $440 million, and the standard set in the tender notice is that the lowest bid wins."

"What can I do? You set the standard!"

"And the whole world is watching today, I can't possibly destroy my own stage, can I?"

A series of words stunned the person on the other side. After a long time, the other party only sent a message:


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