"Do you still take apprentices?"

The chef who took the lead asked.

"You can buy as much as you want, you say a price, we want to learn. "

Several other chefs followed.

Jiang Feng shook his head and politely refused: "Your level is quite high, and I don't have the energy to lead students now." "

He Zhen breathed a sigh of relief.

Several chefs had disappointed expressions on their faces.

Jiang Feng took off his apron, mask and hat, and handed it to He Zhen: "It's okay, let's go first." "

"Okay, you go slowly, Mr. Jiang. "

He Zhen casually took the things handed over by Jiang Feng.

In fact, he has not done such a thing as an executive chef of his level to carry clothes for people for many years.

But today, he was really convinced, and he took the apron that Jiang Feng wore very willingly.

It's even a bit of an honor!

It's something a true master wears!

"Let's go. Rong Lijun took the lead and came out of the back kitchen.

The waiter followed all the way, wanting to take them to the parking lot, but Rong Lijun refused.

A family of four walked out of the restaurant.

Rong Lijun opened his mouth and asked, "Don't you want to open a branch or something?" Recruit a few of them to expand your business. "

Just now, Rong Lijun was a little puzzled.

Even if the level of these chefs is not as good as Jiang Feng, they are at least top chefs.

It's no problem to hold up a small store alone!

Jiang Feng let go of this opportunity.

"I've already opened a branch. Jiang Feng said frankly.

"Oh?" Rong Lijun was a little surprised, "When did you open it?"

"It's been half a month. "

"Why doesn't everyone know?"

Jiang Feng said: "Because the level of the new store is definitely not as good as mine, I don't want the customers of the old store to go to the new store for my reputation." "

Rong Lijun listened to Jiang Feng's words, and his eyes were a little more appreciative.

Jiang Feng continued: "I plan to continue to expand new stores, still the same idea, clean, hygienic, affordable, and good taste. "

"A chef like them, opening a branch for me, is overkill, and I have to pay everyone a salary of more than 100,000 yuan a month. "

"You have to put the right people in the right places, so that they can stay for a long time, otherwise sooner or later they will be dissatisfied. "

Rong Lijun was thoughtful, and after a while, he said admirably: "That's a good point." "

"The right people, in the right places. "

"If you are too capable and stay in a small position, sooner or later there will be problems. "

Rong Lijun admired Jiang Feng before.

Right now.

He admired Jiang Feng a little!

Think clearly!

See clearly!

He felt that it would be good for business to hire a few famous chefs to support the scene.


Jiang Feng knew that such a famous chef did not match his business!

Don't be blinded by fame and fortune, have your own judgment!

This son-in-law is so nice!

While thinking about it, Rong Lijun looked at Rong Shuang with a little more disgust in his eyes.

Compare with Jiang Feng.

His daughter is like a second fool.

A few people chatted, and Jiang Feng arrived in front of his car.

"Take them to play, and I'll have someone deliver you the key. "

"I'll get you in the car. Jiang Feng spoke.

The better Rong Lijun treats him, the more he respects Rong Lijun.

"Let's not talk about that. Rong Lijun patted Jiang Feng on the shoulder, "Just treat me as your father, you're welcome." "

Jiang Feng insisted: "I'd better send you over, it's not far." "

Jiang Youyou said in a milky voice: "Grandpa, let's go together for a while." "

Rong Lijun smiled very happily: "Okay, let's go." "

The four of them walked outside Rong Lijun's car.

The driver got out of the car and quickly opened the door.

Wang Zhe walked to Rong Lijun's side.

The moment I saw Jiang Feng.

Wang Zhe was stunned for a moment: "Boss Xiaojiang?"

"Hello. Jiang Feng greeted with a smile, he also had an impression of Wang Zhe.

"Miss's boyfriend is you?" Wang Zhe was stunned.

"Yes, I didn't make it clear before. "

"What a coincidence. Wang Zhe was a little excited, "Then I'...... Can I eat at your restaurant often?"

Jiang Feng nodded: "Of course, when I cook for my uncle, I can easily make yours." "

"Thank you! Boss Xiaojiang, you are so good!" Wang Zhe was extremely excited.

It's rubbed!

He will be able to eat in the future.

Rong Lijun said to Wang Zhe: "Wait for someone to give the key first and send a set to my son-in-law." "

"Okay. Wang Zhe's tone of voice became cheerful.

Rong Lijun looked at Jiang Feng: "Okay, you guys go, by the way, let's add prestige." "

Jiang Feng and Rong Lijun became friends.

"If there's anything, feel free to tell me. Rong Lijun was very serious, "We will be a family in the future." "

"Good. Jiang Feng responded.

Rong Lijun got into the car.

Wang Zhe also got into the car with him, and glanced at Jiang Feng a little reluctantly.

"Boss Xiaojiang, then let's go first. "

"Good. "

The driver starts the car, turns around and drives away.

Jiang Feng breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Rong Shuang, and opened his arms: "Wife." "

Rong Shuangqiao's face was red, and she threw herself into Jiang Feng's arms hard: "Husband, !!"

"I can get married!"

She's so happy!

Even the disgust with Rong Lijun is a little less!

"Dad!" Jiang Youyou shouted beside him.

Jiang Feng hugged her too, and the family of three hugged each other.

Jiang Youyou giggled, and he was also very happy.

"Let's go, let's go play. Jiang Feng said.

And at this time.

Rong Lijun was in the car and said to Wang Zhe: "Transfer the positions of Xu Jing, Liu Mingshu, Zhang Kaiwen, and Yu Mingzhi." "


"Give them an exceptional promotion, they are all in their own positions, and they have been working for two years. "

These four people, who can be remembered by Rong Lijun, are naturally outstandingly capable.


In the company, if you want to be promoted, you need to have qualifications.

Rong Lijun also felt that he should put them in a position at the grassroots level and temper his heart.


After listening to Jiang Feng's words.

Rong Lijun changed his mind.

Wang Zhe was a little curious: "Didn't you say that let them hone at the bottom first?"

Rong Lijun shook his head: "The training does not have to be at the bottom, they are capable, and the challenges that the position can provide them with are too few." "

"Let the right people, in the right place, be long-lasting. "

After hearing this, Wang Zhe always felt a little interesting, thought about it carefully, and felt that what he said was very reasonable.

Indeed it is!

People who can do big things, put them in small positions, no matter how long they train, their abilities can't improve much, and they can only be dissatisfied.

"You're right. Wang Zhe looked impressed.

Rong Lijun smiled: "I didn't say this. "

"That's ......"

"My son-in-law said that. "

Wang Zhe was stunned for a moment, and said with emotion: "Boss Xiaojiang is really powerful. "

"Of course, my son-in-law. Arrange it now. "

"Good. "

Wang Zhe sent a message to the personnel and sent them the transfer order of these four people.

"Within 24 hours, the appointment will be issued. "

"Okay. "

The HR department responded promptly.


The other party replied with a message: "By the way, I chose a few single girls and went to the store you said." "

"The boss didn't open the door today. "

Wang Zhe was stunned for a moment, and then his scalp was numb!

Depend on!

Forget about it!

He also arranged a few girls in the company, thinking about meeting Jiang Feng!

"Get them back!


"You can't let them go! If you don't want to die, listen to me!"

"Good ......"

If this is for the eldest lady to know, he will arrange for someone to meet her husband.

He must not be sharked?!

Fortunately, Jiang Feng came out today and did not open a store!

After Wang Zhe dealt with this matter, he breathed a sigh of relief.

I hope the eldest lady will never know about this.

And at this time.

The HR department quickly gave the appointment.

The four people who were named and promoted by Rong Lijun were extremely surprised!

"I've been promoted!"

"I was thinking about changing jobs...... Alas, do a good job. "

their reactions.

It was fed back to Wang Zhe by the Ministry of Personnel.

Wang Zhe said to Rong Lijun with some fear: "Of the four of them, two are already thinking about changing jobs. "

"We really didn't expect this, and the salary we usually give them is not low. "

The performance bonuses of these four people are very large, much higher than their current positions.

Equivalent to paid growth experience.

Originally, Wang Zhe felt that it was impossible for them to leave, and the treatment was not bad.


Half of them are going to change jobs!

Rong Lijun said: "I can't play my ability, and it's normal to want to go." "

Wang Zhe admired Jiang Feng a little more: "This time it's thanks to Boss Xiao Jiang, he has secured two important people for our company." "

If these four people are trained, they can all take charge on their own, and they can even support half of the company!

Talent is the foundation of the company.

This half of the important talents was preserved by Jiang Feng with a word!

The corners of Rong Lijun's mouth rose wildly: "This is the first time we met, the gift he gave me was a bit heavy." "

"Definitely. Wang Zhe agreed, "If you keep two people down, our company will be able to make too much money in 20 years." "

Rong Lijun said: "Arrange the decoration as soon as possible, get it done as soon as possible, and get married as soon as possible." "

Hurry up and rip off the certificate!


Wang Zhe, like Rong Lijun, is full of energy: "I will definitely do it well!"

"Why are you so excited?"

"Boss Xiaojiang is married to the eldest lady, and I can keep eating all the time!"

Rong Lijun suddenly felt a little unhappy.

His son-in-law still has to cook for his secretary?

"You worked overtime today. "


Wang Zhe didn't say a word, and agreed directly!

He's locked up in the company!

As long as there is food cooked by Jiang Feng, there is no need to queue up, and he will not go to other companies!

After Rong Lijun finished chatting with Wang Zhe, he looked at his mobile phone.

The circle of friends he posted just now has already had a lot of likes and replies.

"It looks delicious, but it looks a little familiar, like Boss Xiaojiang's cooking. "

"The chairman's life is so exquisite!"

"I also like Sichuan cuisine, you really know how to eat it, and I found a fish-flavored shredded pork with shredded lettuce." "

Almost all of these replies were members of the board of directors in his group.

There are also some out-of-town partners, as well as friends.

Only his friends in the imperial capital, none of them liked it.

He also added Zhao Fuchuan's friend.


No one expressed envy, but Rong Lijun was secretly refreshed!

In a circle like theirs, there are not many people who post on Moments, and occasionally post one, and everyone will take a look.

Most of them must have seen this circle of friends, but there was no reaction!

That's right if you don't like it!

When Zhao Fuchuan posted his son's performance before.

Rong Lijun didn't like it either.

If it's sour, it's invisible!

Rong Lijun is so cool in his heart!

And that's not all.

Rong Lijun rummaged through the address book.

He wants to find out where Zhao Fuchuan is!

Don't you send a message to Zhao Fuchuan?

And at this time.

Zhao Fuchuan is in a meeting.

He was a little distracted, and his expression wasn't quite right.


His phone rang suddenly.

The secretary handed him the phone.

A message from Rong Lijun.

He opened it and looked.

Rong Lijun: "[Picture]"

Rong Lijun: "Look, how good our Jiang Feng's cooking is, when do you have time, I will invite you to have a meal." "

Rong Lijun: "I can go to dinner at any time now, we are also old friends, and it is not impossible to take you to two trips once in a while." "

Rong Lijun: "This time the pot meat is really delicious, our Jiang Feng can also cook Hunan cuisine, haven't you ever done it yet?"

This has been more than a dozen years.

It was the first time that Rong Lijun sent so many words to Zhao Fuchuan.

Zhao Fuchuan was very moved, slapped the table, and greeted Rong Lijun cordially.

"Ge Laozi! Rong Lijun, this old brute!"

Zhao Fuchuan couldn't hold back.

It's so sour!

I really let Rong Lijun, this old boy, catch it!

After that, if you go to eat the food cooked by Boss Xiaojiang, it will become to eat the food cooked by Rong Lijun's son-in-law?!


He can't accept it!

The employees at the conference table all looked at Zhao Fuchuan with shocked expressions.

What's going on?

Zhao Fuchuan raised his head and explained: "It's okay, the personal issue between me and Rong Lijun, you can discuss it first." "

He can do a good job in the company, and he is also a person with brains, and he did not stand tall, but deliberately explained to the employees.

It is difficult for a temperamental boss to make employees work stably.

Zhao Fuchuan was really unrestrained just now.

Rong Lijun sent a circle of friends, and sent him a separate message!


Is this all about personnel?!

He hadn't eaten at noon, so Rong Lijun took a picture of him! Let him see Jiang Feng's cooking!

Breath to gas.

Three seconds later.

Zhao Fuchuan picked up his mobile phone, gritted his teeth and sent a message back to Rong Lijun.

He would have typed a few words.

"You old brute, eat your uncle!"

"I'm starving to death and won't eat your son-in-law's cooking! I'm a backbone person, and I won't go to death if I'm hungry!"


The words were typed in the chat box and finally deleted by Zhao Fuchuan.

He retyped a few words and sent them out: "Okay." "


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