Jiang Feng quickly finished brushing his teeth, picked up his mobile phone, and prepared to talk to Yu Qing about the new store.

When he opened his phone, he saw Xu Mingqiang's friend application.

After adding.

Xu Mingqiang sent a message in seconds: "Mr. Jiang Feng, hello, your business plan is very good, and we think it is very valuable for investment." "

Xu Mingqiang: "We are preparing the documents required for the registration of the company, and after they are ready, we will send them to you to see." "

Xu Mingqiang: "Confirm that it is correct, let's register the company after signing the contract." If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, no matter how small the problem. "

Xu Mingqiang's attitude is excellent.

Lick the little attached horse, isn't this salary increase proper in the future?!

Jiang Feng replied politely: "Okay, thank you." "

Jiang Feng: "I want to ask you to make a new trademark." "

Xu Mingqiang: "No problem!"

Jiang Feng then replied, "According to my plan, I should be the actual controller of the company, right?"

Xu Mingqiang: "Yes! "

Jiang Feng breathed a sigh of relief: "I understand, thank you." "

He is not worried about Rong Lijun's seizure of power, but is just thinking about the development of a company.

When the volume is enough, he doesn't want to go public.

The advantage of going public is that you can concentrate a large amount of money in a short period of time to develop the company.

But the problem is that after going public, the company is no longer personal, and he has to disclose not only the annual report, but also the equity component.

That's pretty troublesome.

He just wants to be the boss quietly and earn money for his own family.

Listing is not necessary.

Xu Mingqiang hurriedly licked: "You're welcome, what I should do, look at your business plan, talk to you, it will help me a lot." "

Jiang Feng's face was strange, and he realized that he had become the one who was licked.


It doesn't feel bad.

This feeling of being able to say fragrant to others when you fart is pretty good.

Jiang Feng does not reject this feeling, but he is not addicted to it either.

It's good to experience it once in a while.

But it's not good to be blown away from your own judgment.

After Xu Mingqiang sent a message, Jiang Feng exited the chat box with Xu Mingqiang and sent a message to Yu Qing.

"I've got the investment, and we're going to open two new stores in the near future. "

Yu Qing replied in seconds: "Okay Master, how do you think these people in the store are divided?"

Jiang Feng: "You and Zhao Zhigang are still together, Wu Shirui went to the second store as the manager, and Wu Qingshu went to the third store as the manager." "

These two have been working in the shop for a while, and they have very reliable personalities, the kind of people who are serious enough to be a little pedantic.

This kind of person is the best.

Jiang Feng didn't need them to be good at cooking, as long as they were serious and not afraid of trouble.

The store manager chooses well.

Jiang Feng sent a message to Yu Qing again: "Other clerks, let's expand the recruitment in the next few days, it's still the same principle, down-to-earth and hardworking." "

Yu Qing: "Okay. "

Yu Qing: "By the way, there is a person who came to apply, which is more special. "

Yu Qing: "The 36-year-old eldest sister is blind in one eye, she is very diligent and has a good personality, shall we recruit?"

In the store where Yu Qing worked before, this kind of person is definitely not recruited.

Not to mention cleaning, when you come into contact with guests, it is easy to make some guests feel unpleasant.

Even in the back kitchen, her eyesight may affect her work.

It's better not to recruit than not to recruit.


She is divorced, has two children, and the conditions are very hard, but she is indeed very diligent.

So Yu Qing wanted to fight for it.

Jiang Feng replied: "Zhao, you can give her a pair of glasses, just cover it." "

Jiang Feng: "The salary and treatment are all as usual, she has to complete her normal work, and the treatment is the same as everyone else." "

No matter what kind of person he eats with his own hands and feet, Jiang Feng respects each other.

So he had no superfluous sympathy, but he also did not refuse.

Yu Qing's heart was warm.

Don't say anything else.

Jiang Feng's character and character, even if he has been together for a long time, will still make him feel very down-to-earth.

How did Jiang Feng treat this clerk today.

In the future, Jiang Feng will treat Yu Qing and them.

Yu Qing replied to the message: "Then I'll negotiate with her, isn't there that kind of glasses to correct amblyopia, I can personally pay for her to buy one." "

Jiang Feng: "No, advance from her salary." "

Yu Qing: "Huh?"

He was a little confused.

Jiang Feng replied, "If you spend money to buy something for her, what about the other clerks?"

Jiang Feng: "If there is something wrong with other clerks, will you also want you to give some subsidies?"

Yu Qing's expression gradually became solemn, and he somewhat understood what Jiang Feng meant.

Jiang Feng: "We must ensure that the clerks are in a relatively fair environment in terms of money, and decide how much money they earn according to their work performance, rather than who is weak and who is reasonable." "

Jiang Feng: "Your idea is very good, you are a good person, but good people sometimes mess things up." "

Do not suffer from widowhood, but suffer from unevenness.

To manage so many people well, what is needed is not kindness, but fairness.

Yu Qing's heart was awe-inspiring: "Master, I understand, thank you for teaching me." "

Now Yu Qing also understands better why the previous restaurant was reluctant to recruit this kind of person.

If you don't handle it well, you'll get into trouble.

After chatting with Yu Qing.

The manpower of the new store has basically been arranged.

Each restaurant has two head chefs, six trainee chefs, and twelve associates.

Jiang Feng had reserved manpower for such a long time, just enough for the arrangement of the two stores.


Jiang Feng also gave Yu Qing three recipes.

Steamed green beans in small bowls, steamed sausages in small bowls of dried beans, and steamed pork ribs in small bowls.

The new store will be larger.

Steamed vegetables are ready to be made.

There are many delicious steamed dishes, but in terms of taste, Jiang Feng feels that these three are the most acceptable.

Yu Qing was a little excited and went to try the dishes.

Jiang Feng put on his mobile phone, was in a good mood, and went back to the room.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou were already waiting for her.

The two of them were lying on one side, and there was just a place for Jiang Feng in the middle.

Jiang Feng lay down.

"Dad, let's watch Conan together!"

"Yoyo deliberately left it unseen, I'm waiting for you to watch it!"

Jiang Feng laughed and kissed Youyou's head: "Youyou is so good." "

Rong Shuang coquettishly pulled Jiang Feng's sleeve: "Husband, I want to kiss too." "

Jiang Feng hugged her and kissed her forehead.

"Okay, it's not early, hurry up and watch for a while. "

I added two hours to the shift, and it's already past nine o'clock.

At this time, Yoyo is already asleep.

Hold the tablet.

I watched it for less than 5 minutes.

Jiang Youyou fell asleep.

She was sleepy.

Rong Shuang looked at Jiang Feng, her eyes were in the warm yellow pale light, like a layer of lustrous amber gemstones: "Is the new store negotiated?"

Jiang Feng snorted: "I will sign the contract tomorrow." "

I will do the transfer tomorrow, and by the way, I will give Xu Liren a power of attorney to move the household registration.

Just right.

Let the lawyer come over, and by the way, the company's contract will be signed.

Jiang Feng doesn't have to worry about the rest.

The specific location of the store, Rong Lijun sent someone to pick it.

Although Jiang Feng's mind is clear, his business skills are amateurish, and Rong Lijun relies on this to eat.

When picking a storefront, let Rong Lijun send someone to do it, which is better than Jiang Feng doing it himself.

Rong Shuang's voice was very soft, leaning into Jiang Feng's ear: "Do you want to buy the store by the way?"

"Money is not enough. "

"I'll give you some, anyway, it's also a transfer, and by the way, let's do it together, save trouble." "Rongshuang's eyes are bright.

She felt like she had a special preference.

If you give money to your husband, you will be inexplicably happy.

It's strange that she's meowing.

Jiang Feng thought for a while and said, "Then you will lend me 1 million first?"

"Okay. "

"Do you have that much money?"

"I now have a total of 6,558,600 yuan, stored in four cards, and the password of the card is ......"

She told Jiang Feng everything about her family background.

After all that is said.

She held Jiang Feng's face and kissed it: "Your wife is a little rich woman, and her family background has told you." "

Everything she has now, she told Jiang Feng.

This is the first time she has told her details so bluntly.

Because she loves Jiang Feng very much.

Jiang Feng hugged her: "You know my family background, and you also know where the bank card is." "

Rong Shuang snorted: "I'll call you the money tomorrow, you can contact the landlord." "

"Good. "

Jiang Feng sent a message to the landlord.

When the system arranged the store, it had already asked the landlord to take the initiative to add Jiang Feng's friends.

The landlord was very happy when he heard that Jiang Feng was going to buy a store.

"I'm abroad, and I have to keep it in mind, so I'll sell it to you. "

Jiang Feng was a little surprised: "Then when will it be transferred?"

If you're abroad, you want to come back for a long time.

Landlord: "No, this shop is in my nephew's name, you can just tell me the time at any time." "

Jiang Feng: "Two o'clock tomorrow afternoon?"

Landlord: "Okay." "

The final price has not changed, it is still 3.1 million.

After the negotiation is settled.

Jiang Feng put down his phone, his face was obviously a little excited.

After negotiating the purchase of the store, he was much more relieved.

As long as you pass the household tomorrow.

This store is theirs, and no one can snatch it away from the law.

Rong Shuang smiled sweetly: "Husband, you are so cute when you are excited." "

Jiang Feng's expression just now made her feel for the first time that Jiang Feng was not as mature and stable as she imagined, and she would be as excited as a little boy.

Super cute!

Jiang Feng was full of smiles: "Let's write the names of the two of us in the shop." "

Rong Shuang was stunned for a moment and nodded: "Okay." "

"So we're going to take a leave of absence tomorrow afternoon?"

The happiness on Rong Shuang's face couldn't be hidden.

A school-tired girl.

Jiang Feng nodded: "It's just right, take it with you too." "

This kind of thing is transferred, and it's okay to take it with you.

It can make her more down-to-earth.

Anyway, it's just half a day.

Rong Shuang held Jiang Feng's hand, and her voice was as sweet and greasy as cream: "Anyway, we have to ask for leave, let's ask for a whole day." "

Tomorrow Friday.

If you take one day off, you will take another three days off!

Jiang Feng smiled happily: "No." "

After three days off, Jiang Youyou was going to splatter and roll around again when he went to school on Monday.

I can come back for a meal at noon.

Should I go to school in the morning, or should I go?

Rong Shuang sighed: "Okay." "

Listen to your husband's horn.

"Husband. "

"Hmm. "

"I love you. "

"I love you too. "

"I'm a little sleepy, hug, let's sleep. "

Jiang Feng turned around, intending to hug her.

She suddenly moved upwards.

Jiang Feng's eyes darkened, and he was hugged into her arms.


Jiang Feng suddenly had the feeling that when it was very cold in winter, he came back from outside and wiped his face with a hot towel.

It was very reassuring and the whole person was relaxed.

Not entirely true.

The towels were too thin.

At this moment, Jiang Feng admitted that he still underestimated his daughter-in-law a little.

A family of three fell asleep deeply.

Early the next morning.

Jiang Feng opened his eyes.

Sure enough.

Jiang Youyou's little short legs were on Jiang Feng's stomach, and the whole person had fallen asleep.

Rong Shuang slept at a forty-five degree angle, her face was next to Jiang Feng, and her white and tender feet with pale pink nail polish were already suspended in the air.

This sleep is really amazing.

Jiang Feng called the two of them up.

After a short rest, the three of them got up and washed up separately.

After brushing his teeth, Jiang Feng wiped Jiang Youyou's mouth clean and said, "Youyou, let's go to the transfer this afternoon." "

"Yoyo can go with you too?!"

"Yes, but don't ask for leave in the morning. "

Jiang Youyou, who was predicted, sighed.

What if you have an overly smart dad?

Counted dead.

Pack up.

A family of three went out.

Jiang Youyou was very happy before getting in the car.

She wanted to open it too.

It's better than nothing to have more than half a day's vacation!

It's better to rest for half a day than for a normal weekend!

But no matter how happy I am, I also slept after getting in the car.

I bought the raw materials and went back to the store.

Before Jiang Feng cleaned up, he sent a message to Wang Zhe to confirm the time of the transfer.

Wang Zhe said that he would arrange for a lawyer to come over.

Jiang Feng and Xu Liren also made an appointment for a specific time.

Xu Liren happened to be free today, and he planned to come over in person.

After the appointment.

Jiang Feng began to concentrate on his work.

Business in the morning and at noon was still excellent.

There are more and more chefs coming to the store, but the level of these chefs is relatively average, and there is no idea of challenging Jiang Feng.

Basically, they all came with the idea of seeing the gods and trying the craftsmanship of the gods.

Jiang Feng still prepared a separate meal for Rong Lijun.

In the morning, it is red oil, and at noon, it is Sichuan cuisine, Mao Xuewang, mapo tofu and back pot meat.

At noon, the business in the shop was done.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou also came back early.

Time is of the essence though.

Jiang Feng moved faster than usual, hurriedly washed the kitchen utensils, ate steamed buns and porridge with them, and went out to buy vegetables.

After buying the raw materials first, Jiang Feng checked his identity documents.

The household registration book was on his uncle's side, and he said hello to his uncle, and the lawyer arranged by Wang Zhe would go to get the household registration book first, and then gather with Jiang Feng.

Get ready.

A family of three set off together with a little excitement!


The house and the shop will be all their own in no time!

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