This old man's name is Ge Fangzheng.

Several older celebrity chefs in the store all looked at Ge Fangzheng, with a little excitement and fear in their eyes!

Ge Fangzheng has been in the business for 35 years, and later found that many dishes are gradually being lost.

So in the 80s, he sold his own shop, traveled all over the country, and compiled several famous recipes.

There are a total of 351 dishes recorded in the recipe, all of which have been carefully considered.

In the era when the Internet was not developed.

Being able to collect so many dishes is enough to see how much effort Ge Fangzheng has put in.

Ge Fangzheng can be said to be highly respected.

After writing the book, Ge felt that he was not good at cooking, so he simply changed to try dishes.

He is well-informed and has discerning tastes.

And the speech is very unpleasant.

But his sense of taste is extremely keen!

Although picky, the comments are generally very correct.

Ge Fangzheng even has an understanding of Western food, and in the eyes of many old chefs abroad, he is also a very powerful person!

This person can be said to be a person who is respected by the older generation of celebrity chefs, but who he definitely does not want to see.


Ge Fangping was old 6 years ago and no longer goes out.

The celebrity chefs didn't expect Ge Fangzheng to appear again.


I also came to Jiang Feng's store!

Yan Chuang, they are all excited!

They couldn't wait to see Ge Fangping's surprised expression after tasting what Jiang Feng had made!

Yan Chuang in their eyes.

Although Ge Fangping is picky, it is absolutely impossible to find fault with the things Jiang Feng makes!

The top boss of mortals is still incomparable to the immortals!

"Boss Xiaojiang, my name is Ge Fangzheng, come and try your dishes. Ge Fangzheng went to the counter and took the initiative to say hello.

Jiang Feng greeted politely: "Hello, what do you order?"

Ge Fangzheng looked at Zhou Weishan: "You worship him so much, pick two things that you think are the best to eat." "

Usually Ge Fangzheng is randomly picked.

But as he got older, his heart softened.

In addition, Jiang Feng is good-looking, and Ge Fangzheng also has a good impression of Jiang Feng.

Then pick a few things that Jiang Feng is best at.

Ge Fangzheng felt that when he scolded, he could find less fault and save some face for young people.

Zhou Weishan said seriously: "Everything is delicious. "

Ge Fangzheng's face remained unchanged: "Then two of each, I'll trouble you, Boss Xiaojiang." "

"No hassle. "

Jiang Feng quickly packed the things and handed them to Ge Fangzheng.

Zhou Weishan took the initiative to serve things.

Two people sat down at the counter.

Ge Fangzheng is old, in his seventies, and his legs and feet are not very good, so he prefers to sit in a chair.


Sitting a little closer to Jiang Feng, if you taste a bad taste, it will be better to scold.


Yan Chuang went to the counter and whispered to Jiang Feng: "This person is not easy to mess with, he doesn't do well, but he can really scold people." "

Ge Fangping was wiping his hands, and when he heard Yan Chuang's words, he said with a full heart: "Don't be so quiet. "

"I will praise if I do well, I will scold if I don't do well, open the door to do business, craftsmanship is the foundation, and it is normal to be scolded if I don't do well. "

Although Ge Fangping spoke unpleasantly.

But the conduct is quite upright.

Rong Shuang's beautiful eyes picked, and her voice was cold: "You are Mr. Ge Fangzhengge?"

"You know me?"

"Yes, my grandfather told you, Rong Tiesheng. "

"Oh. Ge Fangzheng was a little nostalgic, "It's been a long time since he died. "

Rong Shuang said: "I know your personality is straight, but I can't listen to my husband being scolded." "

She had a serious expression, no threat, just stating a very normal thing.

She's a husband.

It's normal to not see your husband being scolded, right?

Guardians are normal, right?

Moni: They are inexplicably a little excited!

It's knocked!

It's sugar!

Rong Shuang's royal sister voice, coupled with the demeanor of this husband, is simply too sassy!

Beautiful and royal!

The old guests also looked at Ge Fangzheng with some unkind expressions.

However, Ge Fangzheng's face was calm and did not panic at all.

If he was afraid of offending people, his speech would have been less unpleasant.

Jiang Feng gave Rong Shuang a reassuring look, and said politely to Ge Fangping: "You eat yours, if there is really a problem with the things, the store will be closed later, I can go out with you and listen to you." "

At this time, many people will say that their wives are ignorant and round the scene.

Jiang Feng didn't say.

Rong Shuang was protecting him.

Jiang Feng would not do the kind of behavior of stepping on his family and getting along with outsiders.

The person who is always on his side is the most important thing.

Since Rong Shuang said that she didn't let Ge Fangping scold her in front of her, then listen to her.


Jiang Feng also gave Ge Fangping a step.

It's okay to go out and talk.

Rong Shuang looked at Jiang Feng's side face, and felt a sweet feeling in her heart.

It's really great to be nice to the person you like and accepted by the other person.

Ge Fangping was not angry, and looked at Jiang Feng's eyes, but eased up a little.

back then.

When his wife had not yet died, he often told him at home that after going out, don't talk so badly.

But in front of outsiders.

His wife never said anything bad about him.

It wasn't until his wife died, and he was alone at night thinking about her, that he thought about it.

Like Jiang Feng, she was protecting him.

But Ge Fangzheng no longer had a chance to say thank you to his wife.

Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang are still so young, but they have already understood the truth that he only understood when he was in his seventies.

It shouldn't be like him, leaving so many regrets.

"That's fine. Ge Fangzheng said, "If you don't do well, you will come out and be scolded." "

"Okay. Jiang Feng agreed.

If the other party can really find fault and convince Jiang Feng, then Jiang Feng will be convinced.

Even if the other party was looking for trouble, Jiang Feng had the patience to listen to the other party's words and then scold the other party.

After all that is said.

Jiang Feng continued to load things for the guests behind.

Many guests looked at Ge Fangping with a bit of expectation in their eyes.

This old man who looks a bit like he wants to find fault, what will he say after tasting it?

In the sight of these people.

Ge Fangping put down the wet wipes, dried his hands, picked up a bun, pinched it a few times, and sniffed it.


Seems to be good.

Ge Fangping's sense of taste and smell is also beyond the existence of ordinary people.

His weakest things are the heat and knife skills, both of which he can't do at the level he wants, so he will stop cooking.

In the bun skin made by Jiang Feng, he smelled a very faint smell of baking powder, as well as a very faint smell of oil.

The taste is very ...... Harmonious.

Ge Fangping can only use the word harmony to describe it, anyway, it's good, he can't find anything wrong.

No more, no less, just right.

It can make the bun skin rise very well, but it will not have a heavy taste.

Ge Fangzheng's opinion of Jiang Feng has changed.

The first time he saw Jiang Feng, he was actually a little disappointed.

Because before coming to see Jiang Feng, his expectations were very high!

Can someone finally have a better sense of taste and smell than ordinary people like him, and understand his feelings?!


Jiang Feng was too young.

The main thing is that it is too easy-going!

Does this look like what a genius should look like?

After coming into contact with Jiang Feng's bun skin, he felt that he had underestimated Jiang Feng!

After smelling it.

He took a bite of the bun.

The filling and bun wrapper are eaten at the same time.

He tasted it carefully.

This is a steamed bun with ground beef.

Green onion ginger water, two fat and eight lean beef, and chopped very fine green onions, the green onions and meat filling are mixed together for a short time, and there is no such smell of green onions......

His palate is indeed powerful.

Almost everything in Jiang Feng's bun was restored.

Finish eating a bun.

He was silent.

Zhou Weishan was beside him, and asked with some expectation: "How is it?"

Ge Fangzheng didn't speak, and ate the fish.

Finished eating the fish.

He ate all the buns one by one, and drank all the three bowls of porridge.

Zhou Weishan was also hungry, originally he wanted to wait for Ge Fangzheng to finish his evaluation before eating, but seeing Ge Fangzheng eating, he couldn't hold back and ate.

Wait until Zhou Weishan finishes eating.

Ge Fangzheng opened his mouth and asked, "The things he makes really taste the same every day?"

Zhou Weishan nodded: "Really, Ge Lao, my sense of taste is not as good as yours, but it is still reliable." "

After speaking.

Zhou Weishan asked, "How is it?" Ge Lao, do you think it tastes delicious?"

Ge Fangping sighed: "It's delicious." "

A few celebrity chefs who quietly paid attention to this side all smiled excitedly!

Jiang Feng was recognized by Ge Fangzheng, and they had a sense of excitement that their idols were linked with other bigwigs, and they were also respected by bigwigs!


Immortals are immortals!

Even Ge Fangping, an extremely picky guy with a sense of taste and smell that can be called the top of the human race, has to be convinced!

Ge Fangping looked at Jiang Feng and said with some emotion: "I have nothing to say, you did a very good job." "

"Better than anything I've ever eaten. "

Yan Chuang, they were even more excited!

Although they also felt that the things Jiang Feng made were the best they had ever tasted!


Their experience, compared to Ge Fangzheng, is still too far behind!

There is a lot of age difference.

And Ge Fang is specially visiting stores, stores all over the country, I have been to too many!

Ge Fangzheng said that the things Jiang Feng made were very delicious, better than all the buns he had ever eaten, and this portion was very heavy!

Almost one could say.

Ge Fangzheng's words, when he said it, Jiang Feng's title of number one could be regarded as solid!

Only Ge Fangzheng's recognition has this value!

Rong Shuang's pretty face looks a lot better.

Jiang Feng was still working on his hands, and said politely: "Thank you for the compliment." "

Yan Chuang reminded Jiang Feng: "This old Ge still has a lot of weight in his words, and this is the first time he has praised someone like this." "

Absolute first time!

The best chef, in front of Ge Fangzheng, has never received this kind of evaluation without any bad reviews!

After Jiang Feng listened, he nodded, and the movements in his hands still didn't stop.

Yan Chuang wanted to say something more.

Ge Fangzheng sighed: "I will come often in the future." "

"Welcome. "

"Your sense of taste is sharper than mine, and you have a talent that I don't have. "

Ge Fangzheng finished saying this.

Zhou Weishan and they are even more excited!

This rating is getting higher and higher!

It is actually said that Jiang Feng's sense of taste and smell is even more powerful than Ge Fangzheng?!

Is this a fairy?!

They really hadn't paid attention to Jiang Feng's sense of taste and smell before.

After all, they had eaten Jiang Feng's cooking once, and they consciously became Jiang Feng's fan brothers.

Worship and understanding are two diametrically opposed states.

Because of their worship, they didn't delve into how powerful Jiang Feng was.

Anyway, it's over!

Think about it.

Different ingredients, different temperatures, different condiments.

Jiang Feng was able to control the taste so consistently.

The sense of taste and smell is definitely quite powerful!

Stronger than Ge Fangping!

No wonder Jiang Feng was not excited after being praised.

There's no need!

Ge Fangping's strongest thing is his sense of insight and taste.

Jiang Feng even has a stronger sense of taste than Ge Fangping, there is really no need to be excited because of Ge Fangping's evaluation!

Ge Fangping was full and got up to leave.

Jiang Feng didn't care too much about Ge Fangping and continued to concentrate on his work.

For him, Ge Fangping is also a diner.

At 12:33, all the things prepared by Jiang Feng were sold out.

The last group of guests still tacitly put away the dishes and chopsticks and put them on the counter.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou were in the store, and they didn't even have any work.

Everyone likes to clean up after themselves.

At home, he was not diligent in Jiang Feng's store.

Except for Ge Fangzheng.

There are also a few celebrity chefs who come here.

They are also a bit of a picky, not very convincing idea.

After eating a few steamed buns, they left honestly, turning back three times in one step when they left, obviously not eating enough, eager to grab other people's steamed buns to eat.

I guess I'll be able to see them again at night.

After the store is closed.

Xu Licai knocked on the door from the outside.

Jiang Feng opened the door and let him in.

"I'll fill out the power of attorney, you wait a minute. My parents and my father-in-law are coming to eat together, shall we?"

"Forget it. Xu Liren said, "Your family gathering, I won't join in the fun, pack it and take it away." "

Jiang Feng looked at the time: "There is still a while, why don't you eat one first?" "

"That's fine. Xu Liren was not polite, took out the real estate book, and the power of attorney to be filled out, and gave it to Feng.

Then, he took a claypot rice and lifted the lid.

The heat rises.

The residual temperature of the casserole makes the oil and rice poured on the side of the pot continue to sizzle.

Rich aroma, rushing to the face!

Xu Liren was crazy, so he quickly mixed it and ate it!


That's the taste!

Among all the things Jiang Feng cooks, Xu Liren's favorite is claypot rice!

Carbs are the soul of man!

Anyway, Xu Liren can't understand those who don't eat carbs in order to lose weight.

It's so ruthless!

"Daddy, I'll take a look!"

Jiang Youyou looked at the red book in Jiang Feng's hand, tiptoed, grabbing Jiang Feng's pants, his little face was full of excitement!

Jiang Feng squatted next to her.

Rong Shuang also squatted down.

A family of three, as if they were doing something unseemly, squatted together, their three heads almost together, and opened the house book.


Jiang Feng.



Jiang Feng took a deep breath, extremely down-to-earth!

Before he saw the house book, although Jiang Feng also knew that the house and the store were all his own.

But when I saw the house book with my own eyes, it felt even stronger!

From now on, he doesn't have to worry about the rent of this store and his accommodation!

Jiang Feng touched Youyou's head, looked at Rong Shuang, and said very happily: "We have a nest!"

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