After the two customers left, Rong Lijun rested for a while and took a sip of tea.

Take advantage of this moment.

Rong Lijun sent the amount of money in the store to the circle of friends.

"The earnings increase is okay. "

Six words, accompanied by two screenshots.

Su Minrui and Feng Simin were eating in Jiang Feng's shop, and the lion's head in front of them had already been eaten.

The two of them ate a total of eight bowls of rice.

stunned Feng Zishan and Su Mi.

Is their dad so able to eat?!

After eating.

The two put down their chopsticks and got up to clean up the dishes and chopsticks.

"I'll do it. Rong Shuang walked over.

"No, I don't. Su Minrui said, "You just stay with you and take care of the child." "

"We'll just do this little job. Feng Simin put the bowls together.

In Jiang Feng's shop.

The two of them were also very willing to take care of Jiang Feng like other old guests.

This lion's head is only 20 yuan a piece!

Outrageously low!

Both of them felt sorry for eating!

This didn't do some work for Jiang Feng, the two of them even felt a little sorry for Jiang Feng!

It's so delicious!

This taste really can't be bought for 20 yuan!

Rong Shuang didn't grab it, turned around slightly, and gave way to the position.

When she is in the store, after the customers have eaten, she will take the initiative to come over and prepare to clean up.

But if the guests want to clean up after themselves, she doesn't stop them.

With this character, even if she is by Jiang Feng's side, she is much gentler, but she is still very cold in her bones and is too lazy to care about others.

Feng Simin and Su Minrui brought the dishes and chopsticks to the counter and said to Jiang Feng: "This lion's head is really amazing. "

"I'm running out. "

Both of them couldn't walk straight.


Even so, they still feel that their mouths are not full!

If their stomachs were still free, they would be able to eat three more lion's heads and ten bowls of rice!

Jiang Feng said with a smile: "The lion's head will often make a little bit this week, and if you want to eat it, you can come early." "

Originally, Jiang Feng didn't plan to treat the lion's head as a resident dish.

But the guests loved this dish so much!

"Boss Xiao Jiang, can this lion head be done for a few more days?"

"I haven't eaten enough at all! Although I am full of this meal, I still want to eat!"

"Yes, Boss Xiaojiang, do more!

"Brother Jiang, we haven't eaten enough!"

When many guests came to deliver dishes and chopsticks, they wanted Jiang Feng to make more lion heads.

It's not too much trouble to make a lion's head, Jiang Feng plans to make 20 per meal in the next week.

However, for the time being, it is limited to one week.

A new dish will be made next Monday.

Maybe the new dish will replace the lion's head.

Feng Simin and Su Minrui were pleasantly surprised.

Although the amount is small, as long as Jiang Feng is willing to do it, they will feel much more comfortable in their hearts!

Even if they can't eat it, at least Jiang Feng has it here, and they have a very down-to-earth feeling!

"Then we'll go first. "

"Yoyo, goodbye. "


The two of them turned and walked out of the store.

In other stores, they have to rest for half an hour after eating, drink some hot tea and leave.

However, in Jiang Feng's shop, of course it was different.

They are happy to save two positions for Jiang Feng, and leave directly after eating.

When walking.

Su Minrui swiped a circle of friends.

Seeing the picture sent by Rong Lijun, Su Minrui's face turned black at that time!


Many guests looked at Su Minrui.

Feng Simin was taken aback and asked, "What's wrong?"

"See for yourself. Su Minrui handed the phone to Feng Simin and lowered his voice.

Most of the old customers still don't know about Jiang Feng's opening of the store.

The old customers in the rich circle have a tacit understanding.

Since Jiang Feng didn't tell the guests about the opening of the store, he probably didn't want everyone to know.

As long as Jiang Feng doesn't say it, everyone won't reveal it.

This is a unique way for them to be good to Jiang Feng among those people in Rong Lijun's wealthy circle.

Feng Simin looked at the two pictures, and his expression was as if he had eaten three catties of lemons.

The two of them glanced at each other, went out of the store first, got into the car, and then scolded together.

"This is outrageous! The amount of turnover has risen too much, right! One store is already 120,000, and the other store is also 100,000?!"

Su Minrui's acid drooling!

Feng Simin also looked depressed: "It's strange that his grandmother has a strange leg, what kind of business is this, making so much money?"

"I think it's retail, it's supposed to be an internet celebrity store or something. Su Minrui analyzed.

He has invested in two Internet celebrity stores, in Sichuan and Chongqing, selling a unique local sugar in the scenic spot.

At that time, I found a few people to do some publicity, and the effect was not bad.

I made a lot of money in those days.

Feng Simin thinks differently: "I feel more like a big supermarket. "

The speed at which the water is rising is terrifying.

The traffic is definitely huge.

It doesn't feel like a good store, but a large supermarket does.

But the profit margins are not right.

The two of them looked at each other, envious and puzzled.

"I'm in a hurry, I'll ask him directly!"

Su Minrui couldn't hold back!

He's so curious!

What the hell is this store, business is so good!

Su Minrui sent a message directly to Rong Lijun: "Hurry up and tell me, what kind of store did you open with Boss Xiaojiang?!"

Su Minrui: "As long as you tell me, I'll give you a big order, okay?"

Su Minrui: "I'll give you 10 million profits!"

He's in such a hurry!

What kind of store did Boss Xiao Jiang open!

So curious!

Finish sending the message.

Su Minrui turned off the screen of his phone: "Wait a minute, this old guy is very slow to reply to messages." "

In normal times, Rong Lijun's business is indeed very busy.

Feng Simin sighed: "He deliberately arranged his time so slowly, since his wife died, he has been like this." "

Breath to gas.

Feng Simin has a slightly better relationship with Rong Lijun, and he still sympathizes with Rong Lijun a little.

This is clearly trying to numb yourself with work.

Su Minrui was also silent.

In their circle, there are not many true loves, Rong Lijun and his wife are definitely one.


There was a man who died young.

Just when the two of them sighed.


The phone rang.

Su Minrui and Feng Simin glanced at each other with strange expressions.

It can't be Rong Lijun's news, right?

Shouldn't this thing be numbing itself with work right now?

Su Minrui picked up his phone and glanced at it.

Rong Lijun: "Guess. "

Depend on!

Guess the hammer!

Su Minrui angrily lay directly on the seat and threw the phone to Feng Simin.

Feng Simin glanced at it and took a sip: "Bai sympathizes with him!"

They also felt that Rong Lijun was a bitter lover.


Bitter lover of fart!

Why did they forget, now Rong Lijun is different from before!

Now that Rong Lijun has Jiang Feng, his relationship with his daughter is getting better and better.

Bitter fart!

I made 100,000 yuan on the first day of opening two stores!

The money in your hand can be invested, you don't have to worry about the direction of investment, and you can earn money while sitting.

Damn it!

They can't find a good investment project, and they are like grandsons every day, but they still sympathize with Rong Lijun?!

Sympathize with the ghost!

This bad old man is very bad!

The more Su Minrui thought about it, the more angry he became, he sat up and unlocked his phone, and sent a message to Rong Lijun: "Guess a hammer!

"Don't say that I'll you together with Zhao Fuchuan!"

I'm in a hurry!

Rong Lijun replied in seconds: "Okay, then I'll let my son-in-law not sell food to you." "

Can't afford to play, right?!

It's amazing to have a good son-in-law, isn't it?!

Isn't it just two meals?

If you don't eat, you won't eat!

Su Minrui held the phone, was silent for two seconds, and replied: "I'm joking with you, don't take it seriously, Zhao Fuchuan is not familiar with me." "

Su Minrui: "We must be good friends, right?"

Feng Simin gave Su Minrui a middle finger: "Look at your backbone!"

Su Minrui sneered: "Come on, then you give me a backbone performance." "


Feng Simin took out his mobile phone, unlocked it, found Rong Lijun, and sent a message: "Old Rong, I have time to eat together, our good brothers haven't been together for a long time." "

Su Minrui stretched out his middle finger and compared it to Feng Simin's face.

Feng Simin said with a smile: "Look at my tone, I didn't ask for it, right? Just inform him and eat with me!"


Su Minrui looked at Feng Simin with disgust.

Two old men in their fifties, despising each other.

Rong Lijun's message also replied in seconds: "I don't have time, I have eaten two lion's heads, and I have to go to have a meal with my son-in-law again, I am dying, how can I have time to eat with you." "

Feng Simin broke the defense on the spot!

A smile froze on his face.

Su Minrui looked at his expression and asked with some schadenfreude, "What did he say?"

Feng Simin handed the phone to Su Minrui and asked him to look at it.

After Su Minrui finished reading it, his face instantly darkened!

Can't afford to play, right?

Engage in a human mentality, right?!

They ate a total of three lion's heads today.

This is what Jiang Feng only ate today when he cooked more vegetables and had a lot less buns.

I didn't have enough of it!

Rong Lijun ate the lion's head at noon and at night!

I'm still eating!

Are you still an individual?!

Everyone knows that you are Jiang Feng's father-in-law, and you can eat Jiang Feng's cooking casually.

But if you have to say it, it would be too much!

"Scold him! This must scold him! Let him know that we have a temper too!"

Su Minrui said angrily.

Feng Simin directly turned on the voice: "Please." "

Su Minrui instantly turned on the mute button, lifted the curtain on the car window, and looked out the window.


The streets are full of people, the sunset is scattered on the streets, and there is a slight sound of cicadas.

Summer is so nice.

Feng Simin canceled the voice just now, and turned on the voice again: "Brother Rong, if there are too many lion heads to eat, if you can't eat them, give them to me!"

"We're really friends! You can't let these lion heads affect you and your son-in-law to eat together, right?"

Rong Lijun replied in seconds: "Besides, you can find a day to come over at noon and eat together." "

Over the years, although Feng Simin's relationship with Rong Lijun is not as good as Tang Shun and Zhou Linan.

But Feng Simin does have some sympathy for Rong Lijun, and the relationship is not bad.

Rong Lijun was quietly influenced by Jiang Feng, and he would recall who had helped him in the past two days.

Feng Simin counted one.

It's time to treat him to a lion's head.

Feng Simin was stunned for a moment, and excitedly sent a voice: "Okay! When do you have time to notify me, I am in the imperial capital during this time, and I have time!"

I can mix up the lion's head in vain!

Although Feng Simin is still very supportive, he has already begun to drool!

Rong Lijun replied with a "line".

Feng Simin put down his phone and looked at Su Minrui with a smug expression.

Su Minrui scolded angrily: "Lick the dog!"

It's all about saying soft words and getting mixed up with the lion's head!

Feng Simin looked proud: "You don't want to lick it." "

"Phew, I'm that kind of person?!I'm backbone!"

Feng Simin said: "Say a few soft words, I'll consider taking you to dinner together." "

Su Minrui's face instantly brought a smile like a spring breeze: "Brother Feng, I just spoke a little rushed, don't mind, they are all brothers." "

Able to bend and stretch!

The two of them looked at each other and laughed!

I've confirmed that the eyes are the ones who eat with the head of a lion!

Su Minrui got out of the car and returned to his car, and the two of them left separately, making an appointment to come back tomorrow.

The lion's head made by Jiang Feng is so delicious.

They want to eat it on Rong Lijun's side, and they want to eat it in Jiang Feng's shop, if they can get it, they will eat it too!

Even if you can't make it, it's good to eat a bun!

In fact, many people want to buy steamed buns today, and the two of them are the same, wanting to eat two more steamed buns.

Can't buy it!

Eating steamed buns is also worth a trip.

In the evening, half past six.

All the things prepared in Jiang Feng's store were sold out.

Cooking is still a little slower than making steamed buns, and the store closes more than ten minutes later than usual.

When the store is closed.

Jiang Youyou was already hungry and couldn't stand up.

But she was very well-behaved, sitting next to her, and she was neither noisy nor noisy.

Her eyes were straight, and she kept staring at Jiang Feng's pot.

Hungry like this, I still have to smell the smell of the braised lion's head in Jiang Feng's pot, and watch the guests eat the lion's head and rice.

It's torture!

It's like two o'clock in the morning, swiping up a video of a big meal, or seeing an article written by an unscrupulous author who deliberately covets readers.

Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang both felt sorry for their female goose, and originally wanted her to eat some first.

However, Jiang Youyou insisted on eating with Jiang Feng.

Finally, the guests are gone!

"Dad, hungry, hungry, hungry. "

Jiang Feng had just taken off his apron when Jiang Youyou hit his head on his leg.

Hold on.

Jiang Feng smiled and asked, "Good, Dad cooks for you, lion head." "

"Hurry! Your cutie is going to starve to death! Hold on for 5 minutes at most!"

There were no more guests.

Jiang Youyou couldn't hold back at all, holding Jiang Feng's leg and refusing to let go.

Jiang Feng couldn't cry or laugh: "Go and sit with your mother, and I'll do it for you in three minutes." "

The lion's head is steamed.

Thicken the sauce and eat.

Rice was also set aside.

Rong Shuang was already hungry, so he took Jiang Youyou's hand and did it.

The mother and daughter, who didn't even have the heart to play with their mobile phones, stared at Jiang Feng's back, put their hands on their knees, and behaved like two little gluttonous cats waiting to eat.

Rong Lijun pushed the door and walked in.

"Uncle, let's sit down for a while. "

"Good. "

Rong Lijun sat on Rong Shuang's right hand.

Rong Shuang didn't drive him away.

The sun was setting outside.

Jiang Feng was busy at the counter.

Jiang Youyou drooled beside him.

Rong Shuang and Rong Lijun had been arguing for so many years, but by Jiang Feng's side, they quietly eased up.

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