Coricchio smiled, not angry.

He was arrogant but intelligent, taught himself Chinese, and even read a lot of history books, and the city government was also very deep.

"No more nonsense. I also brought a chef over and wanted Jiang Feng to compare with him. Coricchio spoke directly about his purpose.

Wang Zhe, who was standing behind Rong Lijun, showed a look of surprise.

Wang Zhe originally thought that Coricio was just interested in Jiang Feng.


Coricio hadn't talked about business yet, but he actually mentioned the request to let people compare his cooking skills with Jiang Feng?!

It's not interesting anymore.

This is coming for Jiang Feng!

Rong Lijun opened his mouth and asked directly, "Why are you looking for him?"

Coricchio said frankly: "Jiang Feng is very famous now, and defeating him will help our catering industry a lot." "

Now there are more and more foreigners in Jiang Feng's shop.

In addition, the bosses of the rich business circles in the imperial capital, many children are studying abroad, and their affirmation of Jiang Feng's cooking skills, and even some photos of Jiang Feng, have also spread in the rich business circles in Europe.

If you want to be famous, then beat a famous person.

Coricchio wants to make a real food column, and arranging a person to defeat Jiang Feng, who has a high level of Chinese food, is undoubtedly very explosive.

Wang Zhe was a little stunned.

Sure enough, for capital, everything is done to make money.

Wang Zhe's mood was inexplicably much better.

He regarded Jiang Feng as a friend.

Seeing that Jiang Feng's fame abroad was already so big, even Coricchio had to come in person.

He had a bit of a sense of pride.

Rong Lijun felt that Coricio was not lying, thought for a moment, shook his head and refused: "No." "

Jiang Feng didn't benefit from winning or losing.

Of course, Rong Lijun would not agree.

Coricio was not surprised, and stretched out five fingers: "If Jiang Feng wins, your business will no longer have any obstacles in Europe." "

"You can earn more than 500 million euros a year. "

Convert it to death.

It's about 5 billion.

Wang Zhe was stunned.

Coricchio: This is coming for Jiang Feng, right?!

actually staked the most critical intention directly on Jiang Feng's body?!

Rong Lijun didn't expect it to become like this, but the corners of his mouth rose slightly.


Come and send money, right?

In Rong Lijun's heart, Jiang Feng's cooking skills are at the level of immortals!

And Jiang Feng told him that Jiang Feng can cook Western food!

Although Jiang Feng said that "I will do some".

However, if the son-in-law is spoken, Rong Lijun will already translate it automatically.

Will do something = I'm invincible.

It will be 100 million points!

Coricchio said: "The chef I brought makes Chinese food, Jiang Feng cooks Western food, and you and I are the judges." "

"I'm a person with a lot of taste in eating, and trust me, I'm not going to be partial. "

"I'm sure you won't. "

Rong Lijun pondered for a moment and asked, "I have to ask Jiang Feng." "

Coricchio made a gesture of pity.

Rong Lijun got up, went to the room next to him, and sent a message to Jiang Feng: "Is it convenient to make a call? I have something here to ask you for help." "

Jiang Feng had already taken a bath, eaten strawberries, hugged Jiang Youyou and Rongshuang, and was watching SpongeBob SquarePants.

After watching two episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants two days ago, Jiang Youyou plans to finish watching this first.

Jiang Feng has no opinion, he looks at everything the same, anyway, he relaxes before going to bed.

Rong Shuang is the same, she is a husband, as long as she can hold Jiang Feng, her daughter can see whatever she wants.


After Jiang Feng saw the news, he replied in seconds: "Yes." "


Jiang Feng sat up and said to Rong Shuang, "I'll make a phone call to my uncle." "

"Good. Rong Shuang didn't move, she changed places and hugged Jiang Feng's thighs with both hands.

Jiang Feng touched her hair, and then received a call from Rong Lijun.

After plugging in.

Rong Lijun simply conveyed Coricchio's words to Jiang Feng.

After Jiang Feng listened, he asked, "Can they really let us earn so much more money?"

Rong Lijun snorted and patiently explained: "Their family has a lot of media. "

"Our goods are of very high quality, and they were originally pressed against their local products, but we don't have an advantage in price, and they are washed by the black draft, and the sales volume is greatly affected. "

"If Coricchio helped, he could have earned so much money, maybe even more. "

Jiang Feng nodded and asked, "When is the place more than that?"

Rong Lijun said domineeringly: "You have the final say on this, the place and time are up to you." "

He didn't need to negotiate with Coricchio.

This time, Coricchio also came for profit.

If they want to enter the domestic market, they must be helped by Rong Lijun.

It's a reciprocal deal.

Rong Lijun's bargaining chips in the negotiations are heavier than Coricio's, otherwise Rong Lijun would have gone to Europe, not Coricchio's coming.

So the time and place, as long as Jiang Feng said it, Rong Lijun could settle it.

Hundreds of millions of euros in annual revenue.

Of course, it is necessary to take the convenience of his son-in-law as the standard, if Jiang Feng feels troublesome, this money Rong Lijun can immediately stop earning.

Anyway, if you earn it, you have to give Jiang Feng and their three cubs.

Jiang Feng thought for a moment and said, "I want to buy a store next to me and modify it, can a decoration team come over and change it quickly?"

He's talking about the fast-food restaurant on the right hand side of the door.

The owner of that shop is a middle-aged man, and Jiang Feng also knows him, but the relationship is not very close.

Their shop is changing hands.

Jiang Feng wanted to buy it.

Now Jiang Feng's store has two problems.

One is that there are not enough stoves.

The efficiency of cooking is greatly reduced.

On the other hand, the kitchen is not enclosed

It's okay to make steamed vegetables and buns.

But fried things will taste good in the store after they are done.

Especially after frying the chili oil, the flavor will dissipate for a long time.

Jiang Feng chose to fry the red oil in the afternoon in order to have enough time to disperse the flavor.

The fast food restaurant next to it is very suitable for Jiang Feng.

There are 12 stoves, ovens, fryers, steamers, and closed kitchens.

Jiang Feng can go there to stir-fry on Mondays, and make steamed buns in his own store at other times.

And if Jiang Feng wants to cook Western food, it will be more convenient over there.

Rong Lijun immediately said: "Our own team is available at any time, you just need to say it directly." "

The things of the entire group have to be used by Jiang Feng to the fullest.

It has nothing to do with money.

Not to mention that Jiang Feng bought the store this time, it was for business.

Even if Jiang Feng wanted to go out to catch a fish and go out to have fun, Rong Lijun was willing to give up his business and arrange people to help Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng's heart was warm, and he said, "That's it, their store just happened to be subletting, and I will rent it first." "

"The soft decoration will be changed to the way it is in my store, and then the stoves in their kitchen will be replaced with the best ones, and just go to the fire department. "

"How long will it take?"

Rong Lijun thought for a while and said, "A day or two at most." "

Jiang Feng's request is simpler than when he opened a 002 store.

For firefighting, food safety and other documents, Rong Lijun can also arrange for someone to come over to check as soon as possible.

The retrofit can be completed as soon as one day.

In addition, the slowest is only three days.

Jiang Feng said: "That's okay, so be it, the store over there will be compared after it is renovated." "

"What I cook, just let him say it. "

Rong Lijun's tone was a little serious: "Do you pick a good one?"

Jiang Feng said: "No, the dishes in French Italian food, he can order it directly, I will have a little, there is no difference." "

Rong Lijun breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Then what do they want to cook?"

Jiang Feng smiled: "Didn't they say that Chinese food is simple? "


"Wensi tofu. Jiang Feng said in a very kind tone.

The corners of Rong Lijun's mouth rose: "This is very good." "

Wensi tofu has extremely high requirements for knife skills, and uses inner fat tofu to shred.

Inner fat tofu is much softer and more fragile than northern tofu, and it is easy to break when you turn it over.

And the tofu should not only be cut into shreds, but also thin enough, and the best masters cut out the shredded tofu with uniform thickness and can pass through the eye of the needle!

Simple Chinese food?

It's really not that hard.

Just do this.

After the negotiation is settled.

Jiang Feng hung up the phone.

Rong Shuang looked at Jiang Feng curiously, and asked in a soft voice, "What did you say?"

Jiang Youyou was already asleep.

Rong Shuang had just taken the tablet in her hand and turned it off.

Jiang Feng lay down, hugged Jiang Youyou, and whispered about Coricio.

Rong Shuang touched Jiang Feng's hair: "Thank you for your hard work." "

Jiang Feng smiled: "This kind of trouble can come a few more, I like it." "

Find a time for lunch or afternoon and compare yourself with each other.

Not much time is wasted.

You can make hundreds of millions of euros a year!

Rong Shuang kissed Jiang Feng's side cheek: "It's better to come less, don't tire you down." "

"You're more important than money, you know?"

Although Jiang Feng shouldn't be tired of cooking a meal, Rong Shuang still didn't want Jiang Feng to do extra work.

Sometimes it has nothing to do with whether the husband is tired or not.

"Got it. "

Jiang Feng hugged Rong Shuang.

Smelling the fragrance of flowers on her body, Jiang Feng's mind was a little confused, and Rong Shuang's pretty face was also a little red.

When Jiang Feng went shopping two days ago, he prepared some supplies and put them on the bedside table.

But not yet.

The renovation has now been changed to water and electricity, and the floor is being laid.

The furniture is ready.

And downstairs and opposite, and even in the entire building, are Jiang Feng's old customers.

Rong Lijun asked the person in charge to say hello, and after getting permission, the daily decoration time was extended a lot.

It is estimated that there will be 20 days before the renovation can be completed.

Bear with me.

Jiang Feng hugged his wife, took a deep breath, and prepared to sleep first.

And at this time.

Rong Lijun had already returned to the living room.

Coricchio is looking at a painting from Rong Lijun's collection.

"Imitation?? Landscape map, good thing. Coricchio turned his head to look at Rong Lijun, "If you win, can you give me this painting?"

Rong Lijun shook his head: "No, but I can give you another painting, still life." "


"Yes. "

"I like this one even more, I like your ink paintings, they are very distinctive. A culture with a character that is unique. Koquirio said sincerely.

"In a few decades, your paintings will become more and more valuable, just this one, can't you?"

"No, I can't. "

"Okay, forget it, I've got a lot of it anyway. It's a history book, it's okay, if you want to win, you should always give me something as a lottery head. "

Cochirio is obsessed with some art.

Most of the high-value artworks on the market have been bought or collected by major art museums.

Rong Lijun is also buying it now.

Xu Mingqiang's team has two artists who specialize in helping Rong Lijun discover potential young artists in the market and buy their works.

It's all the background.

If there is any problem, just selling some works of art that have been saved for generations can survive.

And those works of art that are old cannot be bought with money in the market.

That's what Coquirio wants.

Rong Lijun didn't want to give it, so he changed the topic: "I'll compare with you, but the time and place will be determined by us." "

Coquirio clapped his hands, a little excited: "No problem, but not too long." "

Rong Lijun nodded: "The location is next to Jiang Feng's shop, I estimate that you can wait for about three days." "

Jiang Feng didn't need to prepare.

The store is installed, and there are conditions for comparison, so just start the comparison directly.

Coquirio nodded and said in French, "Perfect." "

After saying that, Corquirio continued: "Do you know who I invited?"


"Jamie **s. "

Rong Lijun sighed: "I heard that you invested in his restaurant. "

Corquirio was a little surprised: "You're not afraid?"

Jamie **s, 57 years old, is a very famous French chef.

His restaurant, with a total of 16 stars, is very famous.

And he used to be a chef at the state banquet level, and he has entertained quite a few powerful people.

And more importantly, Jamie ** is very fond of domestic culture.

He even openly cooked Chinese food a few times, and the level was not bad.

Cochirio is actually a bit of a trick.

According to him, he should find a chef who has no knowledge of Chinese food.

But he found Jamie.

He also thought that Rong Lijun would be very angry.

Rong Lijun was very calm: "You can't win." "

"So sure?"

Rong Lijun thought for a while, then turned his head to look at Wang Zhe: "There should be three buns left at night, take them out." "

Wang Zhe was a little painful: "Are two okay?"

Among the three buns, there is one from Wang Zhe and two from Rong Lijun.

Rong Lijun raised his eyebrows.

Wang Zhe finally gave up his buns.

There's no way, the boss has taken out his buns, he can't really keep them, then he's going to lose his job.

The three buns were placed in a high-end lacquered wood lunch box.

"Good stuff. Koquirio's eyes lit up.

He loved the lunch box and the gold petals that adorned it.

The top luxury goods in China, all kinds of clothes made of hand-embroidered and lotus leaf silk, are actually very popular, and the price is not low.

I can't do this kind of delicate feeling on the European side, but I like it very much.

Rong Lijun said: "This can be given to you, but the real value is the bun inside." "

Koquirio opened the lunch box, looked at the cold buns, shook his head and said, "You don't understand food, this thing needs to be hot to be delicious." "

Rong Lijun said: "No, you don't understand Jiang Feng, you can go back and taste it." "

"If you want to heat it, steam it through water, and if you don't want to, it's delicious. "

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