Xu Na shook her head.

"Regret a fart, just like he is, he is not worthy of me. "

"Look again, you will definitely be able to find a better one than Jiang Feng. "

Xu Na got up, took off her makeup and fell asleep.

The next day.

5 a.m.

Jiang Feng got up and went shopping.

Jiang Youyou also woke up, and when he opened his eyes, he was not very happy, and when he was wearing pants, he was listless and kicked his calves around.

I'm going to be separated from my father.

She was unhappy.

Jiang Feng dressed her and comforted: "If she murders you, call me, and I'll pick you up." "

"Take your comms watch with you. "

Jiang Feng spent 288 yuan before to buy a call watch for Jiang Youyou.

"Okay, if I call you, you must come here as quickly as possible. "

"Rest assured. "

Jiang Youyou was coaxed, so he was a little happier and followed Jiang Feng out of the door.

I bought the raw materials and went to the store.

Jiang Feng began his preparations this morning.

Just started working.

The door was pushed open.

Wearing a light gray Hong Kong-style shirt and a linen long skirt, Rong Shuang walked in.

Her hair is slightly curly, and she has beautiful eyetails with light eyeshadow.

Jiang Youyou's eyes lit up: "Teacher Rongshuang, you are so beautiful today!".

Even Jiang Feng was a little surprised.

Rongshuang is really good-looking!

The figure is also almost perfect.

Rong Shuang squatted down, hugged Jiang Youyou, and said happily: "You are also very cute." "

"Hehe, we're both good-looking. "


Jiang Youyou looked at Jiang Feng and asked, "Dad, is Teacher Rongshuang good-looking?"

Rong Shuang's beautiful eyes looked at Jiang Feng with some expectations.

Jiang Feng nodded: "Very beautiful." "

He said it looked good!

Rong Shuang's heartbeat is a little faster!

Since she was a child, she has been praised countless times, and she has never been so happy!

Because I care.

So Jiang Feng's words can go to her heart.

Jiang Youyou continued to ask: "How beautiful is it?"

Jiang Feng smiled: "Just as beautiful as you, okay?Teacher Rongshuang, why did you come here so early?".

Rong Shuang smiled very happily: "I thought that Yoyo still had to be sent home, so I came over early, and if you were busy, I would send her back." "


"Teacher, I'll take you to a game console! I'm good at playing! I can dance!"

Jiang Feng was a little embarrassed: "That's too much trouble for you." "

Rong Shuang was a little greedy: "Just take care of the rice." "

Jiang Feng was amused: "It's enough, you can eat as much as you want." "


Jiang Feng acted quickly, and steamed 20 buns first.

The porridge is a little less hot, not so sweet, but it can be drunk.

The three of them sat together and had breakfast.

After eating.

There are already queues of customers at the door.

"Hurry up and open the door!".

"I'm starving, I'll wake up hungry at five o'clock, and today I don't believe I can't eat!"

"Come on, rub two handfuls first. "

Several uncles and aunts played mahjong directly at the door of Jiang Feng's store.

There are also a few social animals, with headphones, listening to songs, waiting quietly next to them.

Today is high school vacation week.

There were also a few female high school students who lived nearby, also waiting at the door, memorizing English words while waiting for buns.

7 o'clock

The aroma of the porridge is already very strong.

The buns are also ready.

Now on sale!

The guests rushed straight in.

"30 beef, 6 bowls of porridge, take away!".

"20 fennel pork, 20 pork and green onions, 7 bowls of porridge, pack it for me!".

Jiang Feng skillfully packed and collected money.

Rong Shuang wanted to help, but she felt that she couldn't remember the food ordered by so many guests.

And she couldn't move a little.

This man's cooking is so delicious.

She wanted to restrain herself, but she couldn't hold back.

So she plans to wait a while and help put away the dishes.

7:40 a.m.

Rong Shuang said to Jiang Feng, who was busy, "I sent Youyou over!"

"Good. "

"Daddy, wait until I'm back!".

"Stay safe. "

Out the door.

Rong Shuang took Jiang Youyou by the hand and let her walk on the inside of the road.

The two of them quickly arrived home.

"Teacher, drink some water!".

Jiang Youyou was very polite and poured water for Rong Shuang.

"It's almost time for me to go. Rong Shuang said, "Your mother is coming soon." "

"Oh well. "

Rong Shuang got up and left, and quickly returned to the store.

"Yoyo has been delivered safely. "

"Thanks, sorry for your trouble. "

"Don't say thank you to me. Rong Shuangqiao's face flushed slightly, "You and me, you don't have to be so polite." "

Several social animals who were queuing up heard Rong Shuang's words and looked at Jiang Feng with resentment.

They smell the dog food!

It's too much!

In the company, they are squeezed by the boss, and they have to be cut into the stitches and fed dog food when they eat!

Single social animals are also people!

If you don't love it, please don't hurt!

Jiang Feng smiled and handed them the buns and porridge.

Rong Shuang was a little disappointed when she saw that Jiang Feng didn't respond to her words.

Just now, for her, a rookie who has never been in love, it takes courage to say it.

But she didn't say anything, and turned to clean up the dishes.

And at this time.

Xu Na also arrived at the door of Jiang Feng's house.

She instinctively wanted to unlock it with her fingerprint.


A prompt sounds.

"Fingerprint verification failed. "

That's when she reacted.

This is Jiang Feng's house, not hers.

She knocked on the door, "Yoyo, are you home?".

Not for a while.

The door was opened.

Jiang Youyou put one hand behind his back, a little nervous, and didn't speak.

After the divorce, Xu Na felt that when she saw Jiang Youyou, she was a little more cordial, and she asked, "How are these two days?"

"Good. "

"Do you miss your mother?".

Jiang Youyou didn't speak.

She doesn't lie.

Silence was her answer.

Xu Na's face sank a little, and she wanted to lose her temper, but she still restrained herself.

"Let's go, mom will take you to eat something delicious, ice cream, fried chicken?".

She didn't know what Jiang Youyou liked to eat, and said what the two children liked more.

Jiang Youyou shook his head: "I've had breakfast." "

"What to eat?".

"Daddy's buns. "

Xu Na was silent for a moment and asked, "Then mom took you to the mall to buy some toys?"

Jiang Youyou still didn't want to go, but he still cooperated and nodded: "Okay then." "

Two people went out and got into the car.

Xu Na said, "When you go out with your father, you have to walk, right?"

"It's still comfortable to ride in Mom's car, right?"

Jiang Youyou fastened his seat belt and said, "I like to walk with my father. "

"I don't like the car. "

She didn't like the car.

If Dad bought it, it would be different.

Xu Na was in a bad mood, but she still drove and took Youyou to Sanlifang and entered a shopping mall.

Stroll until 10 o'clock.

Xu Na bought herself 8 pieces of clothing.

Jiang Youyou didn't buy any of them.

In fact, there are two sets of clothes that she likes, both of which are parent-child outfits.

But she doesn't like to spend Xu Na's money.

I'm a little tired from shopping.

Xu Na was in the mall, found a Japanese food store, and walked in with Youyou.

"Yoyo, are you having fun?"

"Mom will take you to eat delicious food, and your dad will definitely not have the money to bring you to this kind of place. "

Jiang Youyou retorted in a low voice: "Dad is rich." "

All morning, she was quite obedient.

Only Xu Na mentioned Jiang Feng, what she said was not good, she would refute it.

Xu Na was very confident this time, and sneered: "What money does he have? The 200,000 yuan he saved should have already spent a lot, right?"

"Where my mother brought you, it costs two or three thousand yuan at a time, how can he have the money to come to such a place?"

"Alright, I'll order first. Hello, come and order. "

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