Jiang Feng didn't show any mercy to Xu Na.

Xu Na was a little stunned when she was scolded.

This is the good-natured Jiang Feng's ???

She was furious, and instinctively wanted to scold.

But the words were typed out, and she deleted them again.

Jiang Feng is not that poor ghost now.

With a monthly income of 200,000 yuan, even in the imperial capital, it is definitely a high income!

She replied to the message: "Then next time you and Yoyo are together, let's meet the three of us." "

In her opinion, Jiang Feng definitely still wanted to remarry her.

Then meet up.

If Jiang Feng is willing to hand over the store to her to operate and only be responsible for the work, she can also give Jiang Feng a chance.


Jiang Feng replied in seconds: "I don't see it." "

Xu Na was a little surprised.

Didn't Jiang Feng want to remarry her?!

Why don't you see her?!

Could it be that she is overthinking?

She messaged and asked, "You don't even want to see me?"

Jiang Feng read the news and didn't reply at all.

He's done with everything he needs to say.

If it weren't for the fact that he, as Youyo's father, had the obligation to assist Xu Na in completing the visit, he would have deleted Xu Na a long time ago.

Xu Na waited for a few minutes, and didn't wait for Jiang Feng's news before confirming.

Jiang Feng never thought about remarrying!

Xu Na was furious!

Although the marriage is her going to divorce.

But Jiang Feng didn't think about remarrying, which made her very angry!

"If you make some money, you won't know who you are!".

"I don't believe it, I can't find a better one than you?!".

"You won't find anything better than me!You'll find out in a while!".

Xu Na roared in the car.

Then she calmed down before driving away.

And at this time.

Jiang Feng's shop.

Jiang Youyou stopped crying.

"Dad, Teacher Rongshuang, I'm hungry. "

She looked at Jiang Feng, her eyes were as red as peaches.

Jiang Feng asked, "Dad bought you some?" Do you want to eat the noodles from Uncle Cui's house?"

Jiang Youyou shook his head.

Rong Shuang asked: "Then the teacher invites you to eat, give you your mobile phone, what do you want to eat, order it yourself." "

She directly sent her mobile phone to Jiang Youyou.

Jiang Youyou hugged Rong Shuang's arm and looked at Jiang Feng: "I want to eat what you cooked, Dad." "

"Then I'll go grocery shopping. "

The shop ran out of materials.

The last buns and porridge, Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang were for lunch.

Jiang Feng was not too troublesome, and planned to buy some food, use the neighbor's pot, stir-fry Jiang Youyou, and make a bowl of noodles to eat.

"Let's go home and eat, and take Teacher Rongshuang with us. "

Jiang Feng thought for a moment and nodded: "Then when Dad finishes cleaning up the store, let's go back together." "

Just right.

He himself had no problem taking a lunch break in the store.

But with Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou, they really should go back to rest.

There are also empty rooms in the house.

It is also very convenient to give Rongshuang a nap.

Rong Shuang got up and walked to Jiang Feng's side: "I'll clean up, you go and accompany Youyou." "

Jiang Feng has been busy for most of the day.

It's so tiring.

She felt a little sorry for Jiang Feng.


After all, she is just Yoyo's teacher, and it is better for Jiang Feng to appease Yoyo.

Jiang Youyou walked over and said, "You guys pack up together, and I'll supervise you." "

"Hurry up and finish washing, let's go home." "

Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang laughed, and the two of them glanced at each other.

A flush appeared on Rong Shuang's beautiful face, she bowed her head slightly, her long hair covered half of her face, leaving only a perfect jawline and rosy lips, in Jiang Feng's sight.

She's really good-looking.

Jiang Feng also lowered his head and began to work.


The shop was cleaned up.

The three of them went home together.

In the supermarket downstairs, Jiang Feng bought three tomatoes and half a catty of noodles.

After returning home.

Jiang Feng made a tomato egg noodle and put it in front of Youyou.

Although there is no system blessing.

But the noodles made by Jiang Feng are also very fragrant.

The tomatoes are fried just right, the sourness has evaporated most of it, and the soup is bright and red, which makes people very appetizing.

"Wow, it smells so good!".

"It's so much better than sushi!".

"Daddy's cooking is the best!".

Jiang Feng looked at Jiang Youyou with a smile on his face.

Rong Shuang quietly looked at Jiang Feng.

She liked Jiang Feng's smile.

There was a feeling of peace of mind that made her feel at ease.

She seemed to be getting more and more excited.

Be a little more proactive?

But what if Jiang Feng still has feelings for his ex-wife?

After all, we have lived together for several years ......

Rong Shuang looked at Jiang Feng's smile, a little stunned.

Until Jiang Feng turned his head and looked at her.

She touched her snow-white neck, pretended to look at the scenery, and looked away.

Eat what Jiang Feng made.

Jiang Youyou was completely down-to-earth.

"Teacher Rong, drink some water. "

While waiting for Jiang Youyou to eat, Jiang Feng poured a glass of warm water for Rong Shuang.

"Thank you. "

"You're welcome. "

When Jiang Youyou was full, she suddenly said, "Dad, Teacher Rongshuang, can you take a nap with me together?"

"Yoyo is sleepy. "

"No!" Jiang Feng decisively refused.

It's getting excessive!

Still taking a nap together?!

This girl, after a little relief, began to come up with ghost ideas!

Jiang Youyou wanted to pretend to be pitiful, but Jiang Feng's brain collapsed and bounced on his head, and he was a little honest.

"Then we don't sleep together. I'll go sleep in the small room, and you two go to the big room. "

Jiang Youyou waved his hand, looking like I'm a big friend, I understand, you don't have to worry about me.


Jiang Youyou left and right heads, each with a piece of red, followed Jiang Feng back to the master bedroom to rest.

Rong Shuang smiled for a while, got up and went to the guest bedroom.

The room was simple, just a bed with a mattress on top and a dark blue sheet.

She lay down, took out her phone, and glanced at it.

Tang Hemei sent several messages.


"This takeaway is so unpalatable! Can you bring me a few steamed buns, I'm going to die without your male god's steamed buns." "

"Please, hurry up and get him in your hands and cook for us. "

"By the way, bring back 10 more buns in the evening, 5 beef and 5 leek eggs. "

Rong Shuang replied: "I didn't want to be with him just to let him cook for us." "

She likes Jiang Feng.

I just like it.

There is no purpose.

Tang Hemei: "Okay, I know that you are a dead husband, and this is not together yet, so it has become like this?"

Tang Hemei: "The daughter who has been raised for so many years is now full of other men. "

Rong Shuang: "Your bun is gone." "

Tang Hemei: "Dad, I was wrong!".

Tang Hemei: "I fully support you in flirting with him!".

Rong Shuang stretched her waist, and her white and tender toes were slightly open, which was particularly beautiful.

She leaned sideways, her long, silky hair casually scattered over the sheets.

The sheets had a faint fragrance, the same as the smell on Jiang Feng and Youyou's clothes.

That's nice.

If only it could be like this forever.

She pinched the corner of the sheet and quickly fell asleep.

2 p.m.

Jiang Feng got up and prepared to go shopping.

He originally wanted to leave Jiang Youyou and Rongshuang at home.

However, as soon as he moved, Jiang Youyou woke up.

Go out and have a look.

Rong Shuang was holding a cup of warm water, ready to put it on the coffee table.

There was no need for Jiang Feng to call them.

They wanted to accompany Jiang Feng, and they woke up early.

Meet Jiang Feng.

She walked up to Jiang Feng and handed the water cup to Jiang Feng.

"Take a sip of water. "

She whispered.

Drink the water.

Cleaned up.

The three of them set off together.

After buying the raw materials, I arrived at the door of the store.

Jiang Feng happened to see a few people walking around in front of his store.

Meet Jiang Feng.

The men turned and left.

Jiang Youyou instantly became vigilant: "Dad, these people aren't trying to steal, right?"

Cui Hao walked out and said, "No, I know all these people, and they are all shop owners on this street." "

"I guess I want to see what the layout of your store is, and I want to learn from you. "

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