The customers who bought it all hurriedly tried the new buns.


"Absolutely, this is the best zucchini egg bun I've ever tasted!".

"It's still delicious to make it smell like this!"

Jiang Feng's movements in his hands were fast.

Less than 10 minutes.

400 zucchini egg-filled buns, all sold out!


"No, my blood pressure has gone up, and I came to line up at six o'clock, but I still can't get in line?!".

"Fortunately, there are other fillings, which are also good. "

"Indeed, Boss Xiaojiang's steamed buns are delicious, and this craftsmanship is really convincing. "

Xiao Liu was lucky and bought the last 5 zucchini buns.

He also bought 5 beef buns.

Although Jiang Feng is a competitor.

But Jiang Feng's buns are really fragrant!

It's all here, it's too much of a loss not to buy a few!

At the door of Jiang Feng's store.

Xiao Liu finished eating five beef buns before rushing to Fuji buns.

"I've bought it back!" Xiao Liu shouted as he entered the store.

Zhang Quanfu and the chefs hurriedly gathered around.

"Taste it!".

Zhang Quanfu took a bun and stuffed it into his mouth.

The moment you bite through the skin of the bun.

Zhang Quanfu's face turned ugly.

The other four chefs also had shocked expressions on their faces!

There was a moment of silence.

Zhang Quanfu sighed.

The chefs all had ugly faces.

"What should I do?" asked one of the chefs.

Zhang Quanfu sighed: "Take one step at a time, do it if you can, withdraw if you can't, and change places." "

"Jiang Feng's skill is really at the level of immortals, it's normal for us to not be able to beat it. "

"No, stay away from the immortals. "

"By the way, remove all the stuffing that imitated him......



8:10 a.m.

Except for the buns left for Cui Hao, the others were sold out.

The guests who didn't buy the buns left with regret.

"Yoyo, get to work. "

"Okay. "

Two beautiful women, one big and one small, who were sitting next to them, stood up and began to clean up the tables and chairs.

The shop is actually very clean.

The neighbors have a very tacit understanding, they take care of Jiang Feng, and before leaving, they will clean up the table by themselves.

Jiang Feng counted his income while cleaning the kitchenware.

After 400 more buns.

Jiang Feng's turnover this morning has exceeded 8,000 yuan!

Today's net profit can break 20,000!

Although there are 400 more buns, it is a little tired.

But there's more to it for!


The shop was cleaned up.

After a short break.

Jiang Feng took Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou and bought the materials to be used at noon.


Jiang Feng looked for Huang Hai and ordered another porridge bucket.

It's still 80 liters.

There is actually a place in the store.

However, Jiang Feng may also unlock new cooking skills in the future, and he needs to put other kitchen utensils.

So leave some space.

Two porridge buckets, 3,000 bowls of porridge a day, is almost enough.

Buy good materials.

The three of them returned to the store.

On the way back.

With sharp eyes, I saw the menu of the porridge shop on the corner of the street, and changed back.

"Dad, they removed all the buns that imitated us. "

It's not just Fu Ji Bun who is afraid of Jiang Feng.

This porridge shop also admitted.

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "Look, just do what we should do, right?"

"Well, Daddy was right!".

I went back to the store.

The porridge bucket was quickly delivered.

In the second porridge bucket, Jiang Feng did not make eight-treasure porridge, but made seafood lean porridge.

Shrimp meat and shells, stir-fried until fragrant, put in cooked rice, and simmer at low temperature.

Wait until the porridge is thick, add the marinated shredded lean pork and cook for a few minutes.

Heat is important.

Seafood should not be stir-fried at high temperatures.

After 120 degrees, monosodium glutamate will turn into sodium pyroglutamate, and the umami will lose a lot.

So stir-fry slowly.

A bucket of porridge, 2 catties of shrimp, and 3 catties of lean meat.

The cost is about 200 yuan.

The price is one dollar more expensive than eight-treasure porridge, and it sells for 7 yuan.

"It smells so good, Daddy. "

"It does smell so good!".

Seafood porridge is boiled halfway.

Rong Shuang and Yoyo are already hungry.

Jiang Feng served a bowl of porridge for the two of them.

"Taste it. Jiang Feng said.

Rong Shuang took the porridge bowl, scooped a spoonful, blew it a few times, and brought it to Youyou's mouth.

You took a bite, and your little eyes lit up instantly!

"Daddy, this porridge is delicious!".

"Teacher, you taste!".

Rong Shuang took a sip with another spoon, and her beautiful eyes widened instantly!

"It's really delicious!".

She knew that this porridge must be delicious when she smelled it, but the moment she really entered it, the umami and aroma of the shrimp meat, as well as the rice fragrance, matched perfectly!

A little bite.

The shredded meat provides the texture!

The marinated shredded meat just provides a slightly heavier saltiness than the porridge and a little peppery spiciness.


Jiang Feng laughed: "If you like to drink it, I'll keep a few more bowls later." "


It was 11 o'clock.

There was already a queue in front of the store.

After Jiang Feng was ready.

Open the door to do business.

A few social animals rushed in with their messy hair.

At this point, they just finished working overtime.

"Wow, there's a new porridge?".

"Let's try the bowl, then 20 beef buns, 20 zucchini egg buns. "

"Boss, hurry up, I'm just a little bit away from starving. "

"Okay, right away. "

Jiang Feng packed them with buns and porridge.

They sat down with their plates and ate them.

Seafood porridge in one mouth.

A few social animals instantly refreshed themselves!


"This tastes amazing!".

"Is this really porridge that can be bought for 7 yuan?".

"I'm alive!I'll be able to work overtime again!".

The guests in the back, seeing the new porridge bucket, were also very interested.

"Let's try a bowl of seafood porridge. "

"Give me a whole bowl too. "

"It looks good, so bring me a bowl too." "

Jiang Feng served them porridge.

In less than three minutes, they were back in line.

This porridge is so delicious!

One bowl is simply not enough!

The seafood porridge sells very well!

12:40 p.m.

Both buckets of porridge were sold out.

The guests who just heard that there was new porridge did not buy it and regretted leaving.

Jiang Feng counted it.

It's just this noon.

His turnover has reached 11,850 yuan!

The daily turnover can break 30,000!

"Quick, it's time to eat!

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang cleaned up the store, and then sat on the chairs and waited for the meal!

Jiang Feng brought 5 bowls of porridge and 20 buns and put them on the table.

Had lunch.

The three of them went home and took a lunch break.

In the afternoon, the sky became overcast and muggy.

Jiang Feng turned on the air conditioner.

The store instantly became comfortable.

Business in the evening, even more hot!

6:20 a.m.

Jiang Feng's two buckets of porridge were all robbed!

All the buns are sold out, too!

Another turnover of more than 10,000 is recorded!

Jiang Feng was very satisfied.

According to the current income, the monthly net profit after tax is 500,000!

"By next month, we'll be able to open a branch. "

Had dinner.

It was raining lightly outside.

There is only one umbrella in the shop.

"Yoyo, you wait a minute, I'll send Teacher Rongshuang to the car and come back to pick you up. "

"Good. "

Jiang Feng first asked Youyou to wait in the store.

He carried an umbrella, side by side with Rongshuang, to the side of the street.

Buying a car still has to be on the agenda.

In this kind of weather, it is really inconvenient to not have a car.


The taxi arrived.

Jiang Feng opened the car door, held an umbrella, and let Rong Shuang sit in.

She turned her head and saw half of Jiang Feng's shoulder, which was already soaked.

This idiot.

Where she likes Jiang Feng, there is one more.

It's too many to count.

She waved her hand and urged with some distress: "Go back quickly, remember to change your clothes and drink ginger water." "

Jiang Feng nodded: "Well, see you tomorrow." "

The car starts.

After Jiang Feng watched her leave, he turned around and prepared to go back to the store.


His phone vibrated a little.

I took out my phone and took a look.

He was a little excited.

It's finally his turn to buy a car!

You can buy a car now!

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