The evening rain stopped, but it was still overcast.

Rong Shuang hugged Jiang Youyou and stepped on the stagnant water reflecting the street lights.

"Yoyo, what does your dad like to eat?".

"Well, I don't know ......".

"Whatever I want to eat, or what his ex-wife wants to eat, he eats with it. "

"Yoyo seems to be a little sorry for Dad. "

Jiang Youyou is used to being taken care of.

Rong Shuang asked, and she found out.

Whatever she likes to eat, her dad knows.

However, she didn't know what her dad liked.

A little guilty.

Rong Shuang touched her head, and felt a little sorry for Jiang Feng: "He has always been like this?".

Jiang Youyou nodded aggrievedly.

Rong Shuang smiled and said, "It's okay, let's spoil your father together in the future, okay?"


"Let's go, let's go see him first. "


Arrived at the door of the store.

There is still a long queue of customers outside the store.

4:52 a.m.

Jiang Feng is not ready yet, and the store has not yet opened.

When the neighbors saw Rong Shuang and Rong Shuang, they took the initiative to say hello.

"Yo-yo, it's out of school, does grandma have candy for you?".

"Teacher Rong, you are also here, hurry up and help Boss Xiaojiang, hurry up and open the door." "

"I'm so gluttonous, I haven't eaten Brother Jiang's buns for two days. "

"That old man in my family, I've been arguing for days and wants to eat steamed buns, can I buy them today?"

Jiang Youyou said politely: "Thank you, grandma, but if you want to eat steamed buns, you won't eat sugar." "

"Daddy's going to be soon, everyone wait. "

The guests were amused.

Jiang Feng and Jiang Youyou are simply carved out of the same mold.

There are a few students who are very envious of Jiang Youyou.

"My dad would be fine if he were Brother Jiang, and I could eat the buns he made every day. "

"Definitely. "

"I envy Xiao Yoyo, there is such a father. "

Rong Shuang also smiled and responded a few words, and then entered the store.

She put Yoyo on the ground and looked at Jiang Feng, the love in her beautiful eyes was almost overflowing.

Jiang Feng looked away, his expression unnatural.


Jiang Youyou trotted all the way to the counter.

The cooking area behind the counter must be washed and disinfected before entering.

She obediently stopped outside.

Jiang Feng smiled and asked, "Are you happy in the garden today?"

"I'm not very happy, Teacher Rongshuang is not here, I miss her. "

"Dad, I heard that Teacher Rongshuang confessed?".

Jiang Feng was a little surprised: "How do you know?".

"Hehe, your little cutie knows everything!Dad, when can I call Teacher Rongshuang Mom?"

Jiang Feng ignored her stubble and said, "Go wash your hands, drink some water, and sit and rest." "

Rong Shuang poured two glasses of water, and put one on the table in front of Youyou.

Another cup, she took it in her hand and handed it to Jiang Feng.

"I'll feed you. Rong Shuang said.

Jiang Feng refused: "No, let it go, I'll drink it myself." "

"Good. "

Although denied.

But Rong Shuang was not angry at all and sat in front of Jiang Youyou.

She likes Jiang Feng, but she won't let him do things she doesn't like because she likes Jiang Feng.

If he says he doesn't like it.

Then Rongshuang won't do it.


Jiang Feng packed up and opened for business.

Business was very good in the evening.

There are also a few guests who come by car for 40 minutes to eat!

The fame of Jiang Kee steamed buns has gradually spread, and not only the surrounding neighbors come to eat them.

The neighbors chatted enthusiastically with these guests from afar.

After eating, I cleaned up the table by myself, Boss Xiaojiang didn't hire anyone, so he took a daughter. "

"He can make more buns with less chores. "

Originally, these guests thought it was a little strange.

How can any guest finish eating by himself and have to clean up, just to save the boss some effort?

15 minutes later.

They finished eating, cleaned up the table, and left.

It smells so good!

How can you let a person like the boss who is a fairy cook waste time on cleaning?!

The owner of the vegetable stall also came, along with his wife and two sons.

A total of 30 buns, 4 bowls of porridge.

Jiang Feng confiscated his money.

Anyone who helps, Jiang Feng remembers it.

The vegetable stall owner was warm in his heart, and said to his wife: "Boss Xiaojiang's character is really nothing to say." "

"I really don't know what kind of woman can divorce a good man like Boss Xiaojiang. "

The daughter-in-law of the vegetable stall owner looked at Rong Shuang and asked in a low voice: "She has been quite close to Boss Xiaojiang in the past two days, why doesn't she seem to have made any progress?"

When Rong Shuang followed Jiang Feng to buy vegetables, she felt at first glance that the two of them were a good match!

Let's be together!

What are you waiting for!

She's waiting to see the two fall in love up close!

"Boss Xiao Jiang has a child after all. "

"Maybe, take your time. "

The owner of the vegetable stall chatted with his daughter-in-law and quickly ate.

6:26 a.m.

Two buckets of porridge, two thousand buns, all sold out.

There are still some customers who haven't finished eating.

The rest of the customers who didn't buy it consciously dispersed.

"Boss Xiaojiang, see you tomorrow. "

"Pay attention to your body, Boss Xiaojiang, it's raining, don't get drenched, it will affect our eating of steamed buns. "

"Let's go. "

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "Go slowly, see you tomorrow." "

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou stood up and began to work, helping to clean up the trash cans, disinfect the table, and then mop the floor.

The more customers you have in the store.

But after eating, the table was getting cleaner and cleaner.

Neighbors volunteered.

All they had to do was clean up the floor.

Jiang Feng quickly washed the kitchenware, separated it according to raw and cooked, and then cleaned the floor of the kitchen area.

After washing.

The shop is as clean as new again.

7 points.

The guests were all gone.

Jiang Feng breathed a sigh of relief.


The time spent buying a car was recovered by his focused liver, and it did not delay the normal business.

The income is also very good today.

The balance of the bank card, which originally had more than 80,000 yuan left, has now become more than 115,000 yuan.

The turnover is 35,675 yuan.

The raw materials cost about 2,300 yuan.

Even if you count the rent, water and electricity.

As long as it doesn't cost taxes.

Jiang Feng's daily net profit can still exceed 30,000!

Nearly one million per month!

The points have also broken 100,000!

You can buy a chance to win the intermediate lottery!

Thinking of today's harvest.

Jiang Feng's body was much less tired.

"Come, eat. "

"Do you still want to eat steamed buns? I don't want to eat them, so I'll buy you something else. "

Jiang Feng didn't care.

But he was worried that the two girls were bored and didn't want to eat, and he was embarrassed to say.

When others are embarrassed and embarrassed to speak.

He usually takes the initiative to give the other party a chance to speak.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou, their movements were the same, and they shook their heads again and again.

"Just eat steamed buns!" Jiang Youyou said loudly.

"I can eat the buns you make for a lifetime. Rong Shuang held up her pretty face, looking like a girl in love.

Jiang Feng took 20 steamed buns and 3 bowls of porridge and put them on the table.

"I'll send the buns to Lao Cui. "

"Okay. "

Jiang Feng sent 30 buns to the next door.

Cui Hao was very grateful: "Lao Jiang, do you want to have some wine together?"

"I cut some pork head, got sauce beef bones, and enough beer, Da Wusu!".

Jiang Feng smiled and refused: "You guys drink, I'll eat something and go home, I'm too tired to do it." "

"Also, your business is really good, I'll follow it. "

So many guests come and go.

Some of the things that can't be bought, just solved on the side.

Cui Hao's turnover has also risen sharply recently.

Although it is not as good as Jiang Feng, it is enough to make the shops on this street very envious.

There are even people who increase the price and want to rent Cui Hao's shop, just to be neighbors with Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng smiled and turned to leave.

I went back to the store.

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang had already set up the chopsticks, but they hadn't eaten yet.

"Eat, you're hungry, aren't you?"

Youyou looked at Jiang Feng and said, "I'm going to wait for my dad to eat together." "

"Teacher Rongshuang also wants to wait for you. "

"Dad, Teacher Rongshuang is good to you. "

Jiang Youyou had a clear expression on his face.

Where to find such a good wife!

Hurry up and open your eyes and take a look!

I've got to help you break it, this little cutie.

Alas, there is no way, she really has taken on too much for this family.

Jiang Feng smiled: "Okay, eat." "

He sat down and picked up his chopsticks.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou moved their chopsticks at the same time, and one of them gave him a bun.

"Thank you for coming to see me. Rong Shuang said softly.

"It's nice to see you. "

"Dad, it's hard work! When you save enough money, you and Teacher Rongshuang will go on a trip!"

Jiang Feng's heart warmed slightly.

When he lived with Xu Na, he served Jiang Youyou and Xu Na with vegetables.

Occasionally, Yoyo would clip it to him, but Xu Na never did it.

It's a good feeling to be cared for.

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