Shrimp with a little lard to give the shrimp umami without being too chai.

The ginger and shallot flavor is almost incurable, but it suppresses the fishy smell of lard and shrimp very well.

The salt mouth is perfect.

In addition, the dumpling skin made of pure starch has an excellent taste.

It's really delicious!

Jiang Youyou's mouth was small, he only ate half of it, and his eyes lit up immediately!

"This is a good time! Daddy!".

Jiang Feng touched her head: "Eat more." "


Blowing air conditioning.

After dinner.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou sat on the chair together, holding their stomachs to rest.

The two of them don't have a big appetite, so they can easily eat it.

Jiang Feng got up, cleaned up the garbage, and cleaned up the store.

"Let's go, I'll take you home first. "

Jiang Feng looked at Rong Shuang and said.

Rong Shuang hadn't spoken yet.

Jiang Youyou suddenly spoke: "Dad, I want to discuss something with you." "

"What's the matter?" Jiang Feng sat down and asked.

When he and Rong Shuang were talking to Jiang Youyou, they tried their best to be at the same height as her, so that she could talk at eye level.

Jiang Youyou's eyes lit up: "I want Teacher Rongshuang to live in our house!"

After she finished speaking.

Not only Jiang Feng was a little surprised.

Even Rongshuang was surprised.

Jiang Youyou didn't tell her about it!

Jiang Feng frowned slightly: "No, you-yo." "

Jiang Youyou crossed his fingers and analyzed: "Do you think, Dad, Teacher Rongshuang comes over every morning, and it will waste nearly 20 minutes. "

"Let's take her back, and then go home, it's going to take nearly 40 minutes. "

"Save all this time, Teacher Rongshuang and you can sleep a little more. Yoyo feels sorry for you. "

She was able to sleep in the car.

When she got home, she didn't have to work after taking a shower.

During the day, in the kindergarten, you can also take another 2 hours of nap.

But Jiang Feng still has to clean the house, wash a few clothes, drive, buy groceries and open a store.

Dad is super hard.

She felt very sorry for her father.

Jiang Feng's heart warmed slightly, and he was a little moved, and then refused again: "Yoyo, Teacher Rongshuang can't live in our house." "

Jiang Youyou was a little anxious: "Why?!".

Rong Shuang also spoke softly: "Yes, why." "

Jiang Feng looked at Rong Shuang a little helplessly.

You can't join in the fun.

Rong Shuang held her chin, her pretty face was slightly red, and she said seriously: "I want to live with you." "

For her.

Jiang Feng's side is the best place in the world, and it is the place where she wants to stay the most.

Although she was also a little shy, if Jiang Feng agreed, she would move today!

Jiang Youyou also said: "Yes, Dad, you said that I can invite friends to come to the house, and Teacher Rongshuang is my friend!"

Jiang Feng asked rhetorically, "Then where will your grandparents live after they come?"

There are two bedrooms in the house.

Jiang Youyou was a little sad.


She didn't want her grandparents to stay in a hotel again.

Alas, life is so hard, the cutie sighed.

Jiang Feng said in a non-negotiable tone: "Don't mention this matter again, let's go." "

"Okay. "

Jiang Youyou nodded obediently.

Rong Shuang didn't force it.

She is grateful to Jiang Feng's parents, who have not yet met.

After all, to her, Jiang Feng is the most precious person in the world.

They gave birth to Jiang Feng and let Rong Shuang meet Jiang Feng, and Rong Shuang was very grateful to them.

After reaching an agreement.

The three of them got up, turned off the lights in the store, and went out together.

There were some hot flashes outside.

There are many aunts and uncles who come out for a walk on the street, and many of them are regular customers.

"Boss Xiaojiang, go home?".

"Rest early, don't work too hard, rest and cook more food. "

"Boss Xiaojiang, do you eat ice cream? "

"Yo-yo, come, grandma will give you a few apples. "

From the entrance of the store to the parking lot, it is only a little more than 2 minutes away.

Jiang Youyou harvested 4 apples, 2 chocolates, 5 strawberries, 3 bananas, 2 small packets of potato chips, and more than 10 lychees.

The neighborhood was very welcoming.

These days.

Jiang Feng's business was so good, but he didn't think about raising the price at all.

The neighbors really like Jiang Feng and Jiang Youyou, and if they have any good things, they are willing to share a little with them.

The stuff was packed in two plastic bags.

Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang each carried one.

Jiang Youyou held Rong Shuang with his left hand and Jiang Feng with his right hand.

Rong Shuang looked at Jiang Feng's side face.

A gust of wind blew, and Jiang Feng's bangs blew slightly, revealing good-looking eyebrows.

She opened her mouth and said, "Jiang Feng, I really like the feeling of being by your side. "

"Think about being my boyfriend. "

Jiang Youyou looked excited.

She knocked sugar at close range, and her small eyes looked back and forth at Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang.


Say yes!


Jiang Feng didn't look at Rong Shuang's eyes, shook his head and refused: "Inappropriate." "

Jiang Youyou was a little anxious: "Dad, you always refuse Teacher Rongshuang, what if she is sad?"

"She won't confess in the future, I won't regret it after seeing you!".

Jiang Feng smiled, a little disappointed, but didn't say anything.

He still thinks.

If Rong Shuang is not with him, he can save a lot of trouble.

Jiang Youyou sighed and said to Rong Shuang: "My family is just disobedient, Teacher Rong Shuang will take care of it." "

She learned the tone of the parents of the children in the garden, and asked Rongshuang to take care of it.

As soon as I finished speaking.


Her head was flicked.

"Woo, I don't dare Dad. "

She covered the right side of her head with one hand and begged for mercy pitifully.

Rong Shuang chuckled, revealing her neat white teeth.

Many passers-by looked at it.

When she laughs, it's really beautiful.

"I will always confess, Yoyo, 10 years, 20 years, as long as your father and I are not old and dead, and he is not married, I will not let him go. "

Jiang Feng glanced at Rong Shuang with some surprise.

Her resoluteness was beyond Jiang Feng's expectations.

Jiang Youyou sighed: "Teacher Rongshuang, it's good that you are a normal person." You can bear more, and we will communicate in time if there is anything. "

"It's all for his good, I'll fully cooperate with you. "


Jiang Youyou covered his head with both hands and begged for mercy: "Dad, I was really wrong, I really didn't dare." "

Rong Shuang and Jiang Feng laughed at the same time, and the two of them glanced at each other.

Jiang Feng turned his head sideways, avoiding Rong Shuang's gaze.

Rong Shuang tiptoed and happily looked at Jiang Feng's side face.

Her male god's shy appearance is so cute, and she likes Jiang Feng more and more.


The three of them got outside the car.

Jiang Feng had already turned on the air conditioner in advance.

The tram is relatively intelligent, and the mobile phone can be controlled remotely.

As soon as you get in the car.

A comfortable cool breeze blows.

There is no smell of rubber exposure in the car, and there is no heat, which is very comfortable.

Jiang Youyou consciously sat in the back.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Feng put the fruits and snacks next to Jiang Youyou, and then sat down separately.

It's getting late.

It was quiet in the car, the street lights were on and there was a lot of traffic.

Jiang Youyou had just eaten enough, and in such a reassuring environment, he fell asleep.

Jiang Feng didn't wake her up either.

A 20-minute sleep will not affect your sleep at night.

7:28 a.m.

The car drove to the entrance of the community and stopped.

Rong Shuang looked at Jiang Feng and whispered, "Youyou fell asleep." "

"I know. Jiang Feng's voice was also very soft.

Rong Shuang said: "Remember to slow down when you go home." Think about what happened when I was my boyfriend. "

Jiang Feng didn't think about it, and refused again: "Inappropriate." "

"Then I'll ask again in the evening, bye-bye, I'm leaving. "

"Can you hug it?".

Jiang Feng smiled a little helplessly: "Hurry up and go back to rest, I'll get up at four o'clock in the morning." "

"Okay, I'm leaving. "


She got out of the car.

Jiang Feng watched her enter the community before turning around and leaving, waking Jiang Youyou up by the way: "Youyou, don't sleep yet." "

"Hmm, you're home?"

"It's almost here, you won't be able to sleep at night, and if you can't get up tomorrow morning, you won't be able to go out together." "

"I woke up. "

Jiang Youyou opened his eyes strongly, the whole person was stunned, and his soul was still in the dream.

Rongshuang soon arrived at home.

Tang Hemei rushed out of the house.

Dry rice!

Rongshuang brought her 3 shrimp dumplings, a little stir-fry, 5 buns, and 1 cup of porridge.

"Wow! shrimp dumplings!".

"It's so delicious! It's just a little cold, it's a pity. "

"Damn, it's so delicious when it's cold, your male god's craftsmanship is really a fairy!".

Rong Shuang suddenly opened her mouth and asked, "Meimei, let's move." "

"Huh, where are you going?".

"In Jiang Feng's community, it is best to face the door, or go up and down the stairs. From his store, drive home, it's only 5 minutes, and you can eat a hot mouthful. "

Rong Shuang also felt very sorry for Jiang Feng.

Moving in is the most time-saving and allows him to rest more.

She can often go to Jiang Feng's house to stay, just go back when she sleeps, and it won't affect Jiang Feng's parents to come over.


Tang Hemei's eyes lit up, and he instantly agreed: "Yes! I have no opinion!".

"If you are together, I can live opposite your door!

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