"Eat slowly, drink some water. "

Jiang Feng poured two cups of hot water, took a bun, and tasted it.

The taste is really good.

There is plenty of juice, but not too much, just the perfect combination with the bun skin.

The wrap soaked in gravy has a soft texture and a flavor.

Perfect in every way!

This is definitely the best steamed bun Jiang Feng has ever tasted!

"I still want to eat!".

Jiang Youyou finished eating a bun and raised the bowl.

She usually doesn't want to eat breakfast, so she has to coax her to eat something.

Now I take the initiative to eat the second bun, which is enough to see that this bun is really delicious!

Jiang Feng gave her another one: "After eating this, don't eat it first, don't hold on." "

"Ah, okay. "

Jiang Youyou was a little disappointed.

Jiang Feng ate 5 steamed buns, burped, and then opened the store.

It was 5:53 a.m.

The sky is already faintly bright.

There are sanitation workers sweeping the road, some students who get up early to go to school, and some social animals who have just finished working overtime.

The small noodle restaurant next to it has also opened, and two people have already gone in for breakfast.

Jiang Feng put the blackboard at the door, turned on the light at the door, and went back to continue wrapping the buns.

Waited a few minutes.

There are customers in several stores next to it, but here is Jiang Feng, there are no customers.

The new store opened, and there was not even a house number.

Jiang Feng expected that the sales would be miserable.

But there was no one, and it was still a little uncomfortable.

He continued to wrap the buns.

Anyway, the materials are already ready.

If you really can't sell it, you can take it home and eat it yourself, and give it away.

Jiang Youyou finished eating the buns, put the bowl down, dragged a chair, and sat next to the blackboard.

A cute little girl like a milk doll, motionless like a mascot guarding the blackboard.

Pedestrians came and went, casting curious glances.

Even the middle-aged couple from the small noodle restaurant next to them came out to take a look at Jiang Youyou.


Two high school girls came over.

"Little sister, is your house open now?".

"Open, sisters, please, my dad's buns are delicious!".

Two high school girls were cute and couldn't find the north, so they entered the store in a daze.

Smell the buns.

Look at the environment of the store, as well as the business license.

It seems to be okay here.

"Boss, bring me two beef. "

"I want two fennel meats. "

"Didn't you drink anything?".

Jiang Feng said: "There is hot water, free of charge." On the first day of opening, the preparations were not complete. "

"Okay. "

The two little girls scanned the code and paid.

"Pay the money treasure to the account, 8 yuan. "

"Prestige arrived, 6 yuan. "

Jiang Yang just steamed out two cages of meat buns and wrapped 4 of them for them.

The two little girls were in a hurry to catch the bus, and the buns were relatively hot, so they took them and went out.

"Goodbye, little sister!".

"Goodbye sisters!It's delicious, I'll come back next time!Thank you for supporting Dad!".

The hearts of the two high school girls melted.

How can there be such a cute little girl!

Walked out more than a hundred meters.

One of the high school girls took out a bun: "Don't say it, the bun is pretty good." "

"The shopkeeper looked so handsome, I didn't think he was a skilled worker. "

She took a bite as she spoke.

Warm beef juice with green onion and shallot in your mouth.

Saliva is secreted instantly!

She was shocked!


The high school girl next to her was a little puzzled: "As for it, how delicious can it be to eat a bun?"

"You taste it!".

"Okay. "

In the anticipation of her classmates, she took a bite of the bun.

Very fresh fennel flavor with a juicy lean pork filling and soft, moderately thick bun skin.

It's not greasy at all, and it's fragrant!

For those who like to eat fennel, this bun is really delicious!

"The finch food is delicious!".

"Wow, that's so good!".

The two little girls, who had not eaten much, finished the two buns in their hands in the blink of an eye.

They looked at each other.

"Have you eaten enough?".

"No, what about you?".

"No, it's so delicious, I still want to eat it. "

"Shall we go back and buy a few then?"

"This ...... It's going to be late. "

The two girls struggled for a long time, but they reluctantly gave up the idea of going back to buy a few buns.

Being fined for being late can be worse than not having enough to eat.

Anyway, this store is here.


They're going to have a good time tomorrow!

And at this time.

In Jiang Feng's shop, there were a few more customers.

Four young men with dark circles walked in and asked, "Is there a hot bun?"

"Yes, freshly steamed. "

"Okay, give us 10 beef, 10 leek eggs, and 10 carrot eggs. "


They sat down at the table, put down their bags, and complained.

"Damn, you really treat us like cows and horses, we're tired. "

"Be careful when you speak, there's a little girl. "

"This little girl is so good-looking, boss, I really envy you, and I don't know when I will get married. "

"Get a hammer, a bride price of 100,000 yuan, you have to have a house, and you are looked down upon for only a down payment, long live being single. "

Jiang Feng handed the bun to them.

"I just got divorced. "

"Get out of the sea of suffering, boss!".

"You're so handsome, wouldn't it be easy to find another one?".

"Don't look for it! I'd rather get a base than find a wife, listen to my boss, women are really terrifying. "

Jiang Feng said with a smile: "Steamed buns are the best when eaten hot." "

"It's just a bun, we don't have much appetite, we want to eat something hot and light, it tastes good. "

One of the social animals said as he sandwiched a beef bun and took a bite.


"Taste it!"

Several others were a little puzzled: "What's wrong?".

"The buns don't taste right?".

They tasted as they spoke.

After eating.

The four social animals looked at each other in shock.

"It's so delicious!".

"Damn, I'm tired all night, and I feel like eating such a bun, and the whole person's life is worthwhile!".

"Don't rob Lao Tzu!".

"Boss, add 20 beef, add 20 leeks!".


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