Jiang Jianye nodded: "Being conscientious and responsible is a good habit." "

"But there are some things that require some courage, and it's okay to be reckless. "

"I definitely want you to be with Rong Shuang, this girl really likes you, you can see it. "

Jiang Jianye and Song Jin stood at the door for a while.

Rong Shuang's gaze almost fell on Jiang Feng, and he would always look at Jiang Feng.

Because I like it.

So care.

Jiang Jianye was a little puzzled, how could this girl like Jiang Feng so much.

Jiang Feng's thoughts have changed a little, but with her directly, Jiang Feng still feels that it is not appropriate.

He nodded, "I'll take care of it." "

"Okay. "

The three grandparents arrived in front of the car.

Jiang Youyou was a little excited, and asked ostentatiously, "Grandpa, is our new car beautiful?"

Jiang Jianye laughed: "Beautiful, it's really good, domestic cars are getting better and better." "

"Let's go. "

The three of them went to the market to buy fish, lettuce and snow peas.

Because I don't buy much.

Jiang Feng didn't spend a penny, so he brought everything out.

"Just a fish, take it and eat it, just remember to leave me 10 buns tomorrow." "

"This dish is not worth the money, this is your father? The old man is here, of course he will give it to you, don't give it money." "

Jiang Jianye was a little relieved to see that Jiang Feng's popularity was so good.

Jiang Feng is better than him.

Whatever he does, he does it better than him.

Buy good stuff.

The three of them went back to the store.

Song Jin and Rong Shuang were chatting and laughing.

"Coming back?".

I saw Jiang Feng push the door in.

Rong Shuang and Song Jin spoke at the same time.

Jiang Feng nodded: "Well, I'll go cook, and it will be good in 1 hour." "

With that, he went into the kitchen and began to clean up.

Jiang Youyou sat between Song Jin and Rong Shuang, and whispered, "Dad just said that he likes Teacher Rong Shuang a little." "

Rong Shuang's heart beat a little faster: "Really?".

"Really!" Jiang Youyou nodded seriously, "Teacher Rong, can this news be exchanged for two ice creams?"

"Jiang Youyou. "

Jiang Feng's voice sounded.

This little inner ghost.

Jiang Youyou dodged next to Song Jin: "I was wrong Dad, I promise not to say it next time, I will play myself." "


She touched her head with her little hand, for fear that it would hurt her.

Jiang Feng was a little helpless.

Is there a next time?

That's all that needs to be said.

Song Jin patted Rongshuang's back and gave her a look.

"Let's take Yoyo out for a walk, and you can talk. "


Song Jin stood up, took Jiang Youyou, and went out with Jiang Jianye.

In the store, only Rong Shuang and Jiang Feng were left.

Jiang Feng lowered his head and pickled the fish.

Rong Shuang got up, walked to the counter, and asked happily, "How much do you like some likes?"

"Is it so much in a glass of water? or is it so much in a bun?".

Jiang Feng was amused by her analogy: "It's still more than buns." "

"Is that enough to be my boyfriend?".

Jiang Feng said: "Not so much. "

Rong Shuang blinked her eyes, looking forward to it: "How long will it take to get so much?"

"I don't know. "

"It doesn't matter, it's as long as you want. Rong Shuang said softly, "Unless you are with another woman, then I will ignore you for the rest of my life." "

"I'm jealous. "

Jiang Feng shook his head: "No." "

Originally, he didn't plan to remarry.

Rong Shuang was quietly changing his mind.

"That's good. Rong Shuang breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Do you know how much I like you?"

"I don't know. "

Rong Shuang's eyelashes trembled slightly, and she said a little shyly: "It's like you're in a cave, lighting a fire." "

The light instantly illuminated the entire cave. "

"I like you like so much light. "

Many years ago.

This is how Jiang Feng appeared in Rong Shuang's heart.

Right now.

She likes Jiang Feng more.

For so many years, the only one who likes it.

Jiang Feng pickled the fish and took it aside, his movements a little chaotic.

Rong Shuang watched his movements and chuckled.

Her future boyfriend is so cute.

She was lying on the counter, holding her chin, with a gentle smile on her pretty face, and just looked at Jiang Feng like this.

There is no need to speak.

Just accompanying Jiang Feng like this, she felt very happy.

Half an hour later.

Song Jin and the others went back to the store.

The fish has been pickled, and the vegetables have been washed and cut.

Jiang Feng steamed the fish first, and then quickly fried snow peas, as well as grilled lettuce with oyster sauce.

Both dishes are simple, but equally demanding on the heat.

After it is done.

Waited 3 minutes.

The fish is also steamed.

Rong Shuang brought 10 buns and 6 bowls of porridge.

Looking at the steamed fish and two stir-fried dishes, Song Jin and Jiang Jianye were a little surprised.

Well done!

No wonder life in my son's shop is so good!

"Alright, let's eat. "

"Grandpa, try this fish!" Jiang Youyou looked expectant.

She likes others to praise her father!

Jiang Jianye tasted a piece of meat, and his eyes lit up: "It's delicious!"

Song Jin asked, "It's really that delicious?"

"Really, you taste it, this fish is so well made. "

Jiang Jianye does not have high requirements for eating.

As long as you can eat enough.

This is the first time he has rated a dish so highly!

Song Jin sandwiched a piece of meat for Rong Shuang first.

She likes Rongshuang's daughter-in-law too much, of course she has to be spoiled!

"Thank you, Auntie. "

"You're welcome, thank you? "


Song Jin took a piece of fish meat and put it in his mouth.

"It's so delicious!" Song Jin said in surprise.

No wonder business is good.

If there is such a fish, it is strange that business is not good!

Jiang Youyou said excitedly: "Try the buns, everything Dad makes is delicious!"

When she spoke.

Jiang Feng picked out a piece of fish meat with few thorns for her and put it on her plate.

Rong Shuang stretched out his chopsticks and sandwiched a piece of fish meat for Jiang Feng.

Song Jin and Jiang Jianye glanced at each other and smiled with some relief.

The three of them are already like a family.

Rong Shuang also really took care of Jiang Feng.

Much stronger than Xu Na!

Song Jin and Xu Na have eaten together many times, and they have never seen her see Jiang Feng when she is eating.

Not to mention taking care of Jiang Feng and giving Jiang Feng vegetables.

It's a good divorce!

If you don't get divorced, how can you find such a good wife as Rongshuang!


Song Jin was overwhelmed.

Even Jiang Jianye couldn't hold on a little anymore.

Jiang Youyou and the two of them leaned side by side on the chair.

The three grandchildren and grandchildren have the same movements.

Jiang Feng cleaned the kitchenware, cleaned up the garbage, and went out with them.

Pack up.

The family went out together.

On the way.

Song Jin asked curiously, "How much money can you earn a day in this store?"

Jiang Feng calculated: "Today's turnover is 40,000, not counting taxes, there is a net profit of more than 30,000." "

"How much?!" Song Jin was shocked, "30,000 a day?!".

"Hmm. "

Song Jin said enviously: "My 4 months' salary will be your 1 day's profit." "

"My son is really promising, the divorce is really right, Xu Na is really delaying. "

"Ahem. "

Jiang Jianye coughed and reminded Song Jin not to be an old wife.

Rong Shuang said generously: "Auntie is right, if she refuses to divorce, how can I find such a good future boyfriend." "

She didn't mind that Jiang Feng was married.


If Xu Na is entangled, she will still be jealous.

Song Jin looked at Rong Shuang, his face full of joy.

This daughter-in-law is really good no matter how you look at it.

Took the car home and went upstairs.

Rong Shuang said: "Auntie, uncle, then I'll go back first." "

Song Jin warmly invited: "Come over and wait, let's talk for a while." "

Rong Shuang hesitated a little: "Jiang Feng has to get up early tomorrow, so he has to go to bed early." "

Song Jin said: "He takes his bath, sleeps with him, let's talk about ours." "

"Okay. "

Rong Shuang was also very excited.

On the first day she saw Jiang Feng's parents, she probably couldn't sleep.

Jiang Youyou was very happy, and ran over to press his fingerprint to unlock the lock.

And at this time.

A Cayenne, drove up to the entrance to the underground parking lot.

The security guard came over: "Hello, do you want to see someone?".

"Yes. "

"Sign up. "

Xu Na took the registration form handed over by the security guard, completed the registration, and entered the underground parking lot.

These two days.

She's still on a blind date.

The more blind dates I got, the more I feel that these people are inferior to Jiang Feng.

Today she sent Jiang Feng a few messages, but Jiang Feng didn't reply.

So, she found it.

She wants to meet Jiang Feng and talk to her face-to-face!

Park your car.

She rubbed on someone else's access card, went to the 14th floor, and climbed up one floor.

Knock knock.

She knocked on the door of Jiang Feng's house.

Jiang Feng and Jiang Youyou were still taking a bath.

Song Jin got up and prepared to open the door.

Rong Shuang hurriedly stood up: "I'll go, Auntie." "


She arrived at the door and opened it.

Xu Na stood outside the door and was stunned when she saw Rong Shuang.

Isn't this her ex-husband's home?!

Where did the beautiful woman come from?!

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