Jiang Feng instinctively wanted to refuse.


looked at Rong Shuang's expectant eyes.

Jiang Feng hesitated for a moment, took two steps forward, and hugged her gently.

My girlfriend at home.

Hug it, not too much.

He wanted to give it a gentle hug.

I just want to let go.

Rong Shuang reached out and hugged his back tightly.

"Don't move, hold me for a little longer. "

She didn't want to let go.

It feels so good to hold Jiang Feng.

It's so reassuring.

She really likes Jiang Feng so much.

Hug for a few seconds.

Rong Shuang let go of his hand and looked at Jiang Youyou.

"Yoyo, your dad asked me to be his girlfriend!"

"Come over and let me hug you! You'll be my own daughter from now on!"

Jiang Youyou was still a little supportive, but he still ran over and threw himself into Rong Shuang's arms.

For Jiang Youyou, who lived with Rong Shuang at the age of three.

Rongshuang is her biological mother, she doesn't reject it at all!

"Can I call Mommy?"


"Woo, I have a mother!"

The two of them were tired of being together, rubbing each other's faces, and happily spinning in circles.

Jiang Feng shook his head and smiled.

The relationship between the two of them is really good.

"Daddy, hug each other!"

Jiang Youyou hugged Rong Shuang's neck with one hand, and stretched out his other hand towards Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng stepped forward and hugged both of them in his arms.

That's good, too.

Important people are around.

Hugged for a while.

Rong Shuang blushed and pushed Jiang Feng away: "You should sleep for a while, you still have to work in the afternoon." "

With the identity of a girlfriend, I care about Jiang Feng, it feels a little good!

It's not the same as before!

Rightfully so!

Go to sleep!

I feel sorry for you!

"Good. "

Jiang Feng was indeed a little sleepy.

Sit down, lying on your stomach and ready to squint for a while.

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang sat next to him, shielded him from the sun, and chatted in a whisper.

"Capacity...... Mom, can you always be so good to Yoyo and Dad in the future?"

"Of course, I'll always spoil you. "

"Hehe, let's spoil dad together, dad is so hard. "

"He's a boyfriend, of course I spoil him. "

"Yoyo also wants to sleep for a while. "


Jiang Youyou rubbed into Rong Shuang's arms, grabbed her clothes, and fell asleep.

Rong Shuang looked at Jiang Feng and Jiang Youyou with a sweet smile on her face.

The two people she loves the most are here.

It's all hers!

Rong Shuang took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Song Jin: "Mother-in-law, there is good news!"

Song Jin replied in seconds: "What's the good news?"

Rong Shuang: "Jiang Feng just became my boyfriend!"

Song Jin: "!!"

Song Jin: "This little rabbit cub has finally opened his mind?!

Rong Shuang: "Thank you mother-in-law for helping me, I will definitely treat him well." "

Song Jin: "That's okay, I'm so happy, with you taking care of him, I can still be more down-to-earth." "

Rong Shuang: "Don't worry, mother-in-law, I will be very good to him." "

Song Jin: "Okay, you can rest for a while, and I'll tell your uncle the good news." "

Rongshuang: "Okay. "

After chatting with Song Jin.

Rong Shuang sent a message to Tang Hemei: "From now on, I am Jiang Feng's person." "

Tang Hemei was drinking water, and when he saw the news, he almost choked to death.

She coughed and replied, "you, you're getting better?!"

Rong Shuang: "Yes!

Tang Hemei: "Great! My lifetime meal ticket depends on you! You must be nice to him! I live on him!"

Rong Shuang: "No problem!"

Tang Hemei: "What about your father? "

Rong Shuang's expression became a little solemn: "Let's talk about it, wait until I think about how to negotiate with him." "

Tang Hemei: "It's okay, let's not talk about those serious things, I'll go take a shower, you and your boyfriend are tired." "

Rong Shuang: "He's asleep, I'm shielding him from the sun." "

Tang Hemei: "......"

Tang Hemei: "It's really yours, dead husband and slave." "

Rong Shuang: "I'm happy! I like to spoil him, I am happy when he laughs, and sad when he doesn't laugh." "

Tang Hemei: "Okay, you're amazing. "

The woman is hopeless.

The boyfriend was poisoned.

At this time.

Xu Na went to the back kitchen of a restaurant.

This is a shop that Xu Na has just put down, with a monthly rent of 48,000 yuan and 72 square meters.

There is also a transfer fee of 300,000, which is the money for decoration.

There are several neighborhoods near the store, and there is a lot of traffic.

"Do it now, and reproduce the taste of what he made. Xu Na was a little excited.

As long as it can make the same taste as Jiang Feng.

She can make money softly!

Zhang Donglei immediately began to work.

He followed the steps he had seen at Jiang Feng's place, step by step.

How much salt to put and how much green onion and ginger water to put are all according to the recipe.

His kung fu in making bun skin is not as good as Jiang Feng's, and the buns he wraps out are a little thicker than Jiang Feng's.

But he thinks it's okay, it doesn't affect the taste.


The buns are steamed out.

Xu Na tasted it excitedly, and then her face changed slightly.


Zhang Donglei also tasted it and frowned: "It's really not right." "

Xu Na glared and asked, "Is there a problem with his formula?"

Zhang Donglei shook his head: "No, it's a matter of doing." "

"The bun skin is not very good, and it is a little thick, so the taste becomes worse. "

"And the taste of green onion and ginger is a bit heavy, and the salt flavor is not very good. "

I want to adjust the taste.

You can't just look at the recipe.

The taste of the raw materials bought every day is different.

Some green onions have a big taste, so you have to put less, and some green onions have no taste, so you have to put a little more.

The water content of vegetables.

There is also the freshness of the meat.

will affect the level of seasoning.

Jiang Feng can make a perfect taste, not because the recipe is good, but because he has good craftsmanship.

Xu Na asked, "Can you improve it?"

Zhang Donglei said: "Yes, I'll try." "

Until four o'clock.

Zhang Donglei has done it more than a dozen times, and the taste has improved, but there is still a big gap with what Jiang Feng did.

It's not that simple to be perfect.

Xu Na thought about it: "Just follow this recipe." "

"6 yuan a bun, the taste is also worth it. "

She's just trying to make money anyway.

What does the quality of the thing have to do with her?

After selling, it's the customer's business.

Zhang Donglei nodded: "Okay, then I'll recruit people, and it will open within three days." "

"It's too slow, I'll transfer 15 people from my previous store for you, and it will open tomorrow!"

"The main two kinds of steamed buns, make 10 kinds of stir-fried dishes, and make them into self-pickup fast food. "

Xu Na is in such a hurry, not just because she wants to make money.

It's also because she wants to overpower Jiang Feng!

She wants to live a better life than Jiang Feng!

Zhang Donglei nodded: "That's okay, I'll take two guys and live in the kitchen." "

He has a basic salary of 15,000 yuan a month, as well as a 1% share of net profit, and signed a 5-year contract, so he naturally wants to make money quickly.

Xu Na handed over the matter of opening the store to Zhang Donglei, and then sent a message to Jiang Feng.

"My shop is about to open. "

The message didn't go out.

Jiang Feng had already deleted her friend.

Xu Na's face was a little ugly, and she sent a text message to Jiang Feng: "I'll open a store immediately, and the business will definitely be better than yours." "

She has more products in her store and it's available all day!

How can you earn more than Jiang Feng!

Jiang Feng was adjusting the stuffing.

Today's green onions have a bit of a heavy taste.

He put half a green onion less.


His phone vibrated a little.

"Yoyo, look at whose news. Jiang Feng said.

"Here we go!"

Jiang Youyou ran to the counter, picked up his mobile phone, glanced at it, and said unhappily: "She sent it." "

"What did you say?"

"She said that she was going to open a store, and the business must be better than ours. "

Jiang Feng said: "Just block her." "

He's the one who has a girlfriend now.

Xu Na's message, if you can, you won't answer it.

And whether Xu Na can make money or not has nothing to do with him.

This did not affect him in the store and live the life he wanted.


Jiang Youyou directly blacked out and winked at Rong Shuang.

Well done!

Rong Shuang walked over and hugged Jiang Youyou, and whispered, "I'll take you to eat ice cream later." "


Jiang Feng heard their little abacus, and just smiled: "You can just divide one." "

"Yes, Daddy, I love you!"

"Boyfriend, I love you too~"

Saying that, the two of them gave Jiang Feng a heart, and went out to buy ice cream to eat.

Jiang Feng sent a message to Rong Shuang: "Do you still have any money?" "

She had just bought so many clothes.

More than a month's salary was spent like this.

His own girlfriend, Jiang Feng definitely can't let her have no money in her hands.


He felt different from when Xu Na got married.

At the time it was just responsibility.

Right now.

He wanted Rongshuang to have a better life.

I can buy clothes, I can buy what I want.

He transferred 1,000 yuan to Rong Shuang.

Rong Shuang replied in seconds: "Don't, I still have money." "

Jiang Feng: "Then take it too." "

Rong Shuang: "I don't, my money is also going to be given to you and Youyou, don't worry, I still have money." "

She didn't want it.

Earning money is to spend it on your husband!

She didn't take Jiang Feng's money.

Jiang Feng smiled helplessly: "I'm your boyfriend, and you have to tell me if you don't have any money to spend." "

Rong Shuang: "Wow, don't say it, I want to run back and hug you now, I'll miss you when I'm separated from you for 3 minutes now." "


The poison of the middle husband is getting deeper and deeper.

The two of them bought a box of strawberry ice cream and quickly ran back.

After eating the ice cream.

It's time to open a store, too.

There are more and more customers outside the store, and there are at least more than 300 people queuing up today!

There were also people who quarreled because of cutting in line.

Business is so good!

Fortunately, the neighbors consciously helped Jiang Feng maintain order.

Uncle Jiang still came over in advance and bought 10 buns and 1 cup of seafood porridge.

He also has traces of sticker strips on his face.

It is estimated that he was targeted by the neighbors when he was playing cards.

But Uncle Jiang smiled and didn't mind at all.

There is food cooked by Jiang Feng, what is it to be targeted for playing cards?

Out the door.

Uncle Jiang waved the bag in his hand to a few card players and went home for dinner.

The other uncles and aunts are sour to death.

"Boss Xiao Jiang is planning to let him eat in advance all the time?"

"Alas, Boss Xiao Jiang is so good that he makes Lao Jiang, an old bastard, so arrogant!"

"Stick him again at night!"


Soon, it was time to open the store.

The door opens.

A couple of high school girls rushed in first.

"Wow, Brother Jiang, you are handsome again, my nosebleed is coming out, you are so handsome in this dress!"

"Come to the bun with 5 zucchini eggs, Brother Jiang, school will start tomorrow, I can't come to see you for a week, remember to miss me." "

Rongshuang was a little jealous.

She didn't mind these high school girls joking before.

Now that she is Jiang Feng's girlfriend, it's different.

However, she didn't tell these girls that she was with Jiang Feng.

She didn't want to use her liking to restrain Jiang Feng.

Just kidding.

Quite normal.

She's generous.

But she still felt a little sour in her heart.

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "What do I want you to do? I just want my girlfriend." "

"Wow?!You've got a girlfriend?!"

"Who?!Is it Sister Rong!Not Sister Rong, I can't accept it!"

Jiang Feng looked at Rong Shuang: "Is my girlfriend you?"

Rong Shuang stood up violently and nodded again and again: "It's me!"

"A good match!"

"It's over, I'm out of love, Sister Rong, you're really addicted to men, are women really not good?"

"I don't know who to envy for a while, damn it, I'm going to eat a bun and be fed dog food!"

The neighbors in the back were also excited.

"We're really together!"

"That's for sure, the two of them are a good match!"

"It's so good, Yoyo has someone to take care of, and I'm a little more sure-footed. "

"These three children are all good, how you look at it and how you like it. "

A couple of high school girls sat down with buns in their hands.

"Damn, I'm sour, I'm going to eat two more buns to relieve my sourness!"

"It's so fragrant! Brother Jiang is really amazing, the buns made every day are the most delicious, and the chef in the canteen is outrageous, and every day is a new taste. "

"Indeed, the little fried eggs on the second floor can give me a sour and spicy tomato scrambled egg, and I will starve to death at school. "

"Can you tie Brother Jiang to our school as a chef?"

"Sister Rong is going to shark us, Brother Jiang is her baby. "

"I said it, I'm sour again, let's take porridge. "

A few high school girls, with a sour spirit, hated to stuff the rice into the Tianling Gai.

In less than 10 minutes, I couldn't sit up straight.

"I've already grown 3 pounds of meat, what about you?"

"4 pounds. "

"Almost. "

"Brother Jiang is a bad person! Cooking is so delicious. "

"Fat to fat, eat to eat. People live just to eat a bite of Brother Jiang's food!"

"Hiccup. "

"Don't be fed fat by Sister Rong, I like Sister Rong's appearance so much, super beautiful!"

Rong Shuang chuckled and said, "I don't have a fat physique. "

"Come here, Sister Rong. "

"I can't be friends anymore. "

"Envy, I also want to have your physique, and I can still eat Brother Jiang's cooking every day. "

Rong Shuang agreed: "I envy myself for having such a good boyfriend, I understand you." "

"The dog is going to die, don't feed it. "

"Sister Rong, you like Brother Jiang too much, don't you?

"She was hopeless, and she was fascinated by men and good food. "

"I also want to be captivated, it's too hard. "

Jiang Feng listened to their chat, and wrapped the buns in his hands.

6:10 a.m.

Everything is sold out.

Jiang Feng cleaned up the store and looked at his phone.

Song Jin sent a message: "The fruit has been washed for you." "

Song Jin: "The clothes have also been washed for you, and we will take the key, so we can go home directly next week." "

Song Jin: "Be nice to your girlfriend! Let's go back first." "

Jiang Feng: "Don't worry, pay attention to safety when you go back." "

Finish the message.

Jiang Feng put down his phone and began to clean the kitchenware.

Wait for the guests to finish.

Jiang Feng brought the bun and a steamed fish to the table.

Just put things down.

Rong Shuang suddenly hugged Jiang Feng.

"Thank you for telling them that you're my boyfriend. "

"You're the best. I like you the most. "

Her face was hidden in Jiang Feng's chest, and her voice was soft.

At that time, she really didn't expect that Jiang Feng would take the initiative to say that they were together.


She wanted to stick to Jiang Feng anymore.

Boyfriend is the best!

Jiang Feng was stunned for a moment when he was hugged, and then patted Rong Shuang's back.

"Isn't that how it should be?"

"Are you going to be jealous over there?"

Rong Shuangqiao's face was a little embarrassed: "I don't eat a lot." "

Jiang Youyou giggled: "Mom, you were sour at the time, you can see it!"

"Then if other children want to be your father's daughter, are you sour?"

"No! No! Hmm, I seem to understand. "

"Right? Who made your dad so good, we like him too much, so it will be sour. "

"Definitely. "

Jiang Feng watched the two of them chatting and sat down: "Okay, let's eat." "

"Tomorrow you will go to the garden, and go back early to rest. "

"Woo, I don't want to be separated from my dad, can I not go to kindergarten?"

"You can slap me twice. "

"Yoyo is joking with you, Dad, don't take it seriously, let's eat. "

When they eat.

There are already a lot of dishes that have been delivered to Xu Na's shop.

This is all determined by Zhang Donglei.

Bulk orders are cheaper.

Lower cost.

And I can send it.

There are freezers in the store.

The dishes are delivered in advance, and it will be much more convenient when they are cleaned up tomorrow.

It's just a dozen hours apart.

Zhang Donglei felt that it was nothing, there would be ingredients that had been refrigerated for three days in the store before, and there was no problem.

Get ready.

Zhang Donglei sent a message to Xu Na.

Xu Na was a little excited after reading the news!

I will be able to open a store tomorrow and start crushing Jiang Feng!

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