The heat of the fish is perfect!

The mouth is smooth and tender, and the soy sauce is delicious!

When Rong Lijun meets with business partners, he often eats in famous restaurants.

But such a delicious steamed fish, he has eaten it for the first time!

It's much more delicious than those steamed fish that cost thousands of dollars or even tens of thousands of dollars at every turn!

Although the texture of the fish may not be as good as that of expensive ingredients such as the eastern star grouper.

But Jiang Feng's craftsmanship is good enough, and the seasoning and ingredients are tacitly cooperated by him.


Rong Lijun sandwiched another chopstick to steam the fish.


Rong Lijun felt happy!

He clipped another chopstick!

The two people next to him were anxious.

"Don't rob it, Lao Rong! It's rare to have a chance to eat once, you're about to kill half of the fish by yourself!"

"Like, aren't you dismissive of what you eat?"

Rong Lijun said calmly: "Isn't it just two fish? I'll go back and compensate you for ten, and arrange for you to go to Xue Ji." "

Xue Ji is quite famous in the imperial capital, and the steamed fish is also quite famous, and the price is very expensive.

The cheapest sea bass costs 1,988 yuan a piece.

"I'll buy you ten Xue Ji's, can you let me finish eating these two fish?"

"I'll buy you twenty. Can the fish made in other shops compare to this one?"

He Guangyi said with a smile: "This store is not something that can be bought with money, the boss talks about the rules and supplies it in limited quantities." "

"You can't buy it with any extra money. "

While listening, Rong Lijun took another chopstick fish.

The two people next to him were even more anxious, picked up the chopsticks, and also rushed to eat.

He Guangyi didn't blow Jiang Feng anymore.

No more blowing fish!

The four of them are worth more than one trillion together!

At this time, in order to grab two fish to eat, the chopsticks are fighting!

Two fish snatched up!

Rong Lijun was in a very good mood.

He felt like he was back in the army.

After training for half a day, rushing to the cafeteria, everyone desperately tried to see who ate more.


This shop has to come back often!


Rong Lijun didn't eat enough, and said with some dissatisfaction: "You guys have eaten too much." "

"Are you embarrassed to say that?"

"You said it yourself, just eat, just eat enough, you rob the fiercest!"

Rong Lijun was extremely thick-skinned: "Did I say it? Do you have a recording?"

He Guangyi sighed twice: "This person who can do big business is thick-skinned. "

"Definitely. "

"When he was a soldier, he was thick-skinned, and when he came out to do business, he was still the same thick. "

These two people, one is named Zhou Linan and the other is Tang Shun.

Tang Shun was Rong Lijun's comrade-in-arms when he was a soldier, and the father of the two of them was the chairman of the Imperial Capital Group.

Zhou Linan is He Guangyi's brother-in-law and has a good relationship with Rong Lijun.

Now he is in charge of the group left by He Guangyi.

The four of them have a good relationship.

He Guangyi smiled, sandwiched a piece of pork ribs, and said, "Don't just eat fish, you taste this ribs, and the taste is also a must." "

Rong Lijun originally wanted to refuse.

He's a very disciplined person.

The dietitian gave him a daily recipe.

Meat is eaten three times a week.

Eat more fish, shrimp and poultry, and less pork, beef and mutton.

He has been sticking to this habit for a long time.

He hadn't eaten ribs in a long time.


Look at the steamed ribs with oily shiny.

Rong Lijun swallowed his saliva, but still clipped a piece.

After all, it's all here.


At the entrance of the ribs, Rong Lijun's eyes widened again.


The meat is rich, but there is no fishy smell, and there is no strong seasoning taste, only a suitable salt and pepper flavor.


One more piece.

Tang Shun and Zhou Linan saw him like this, and they also hurriedly clamped it.

"Hey, why is this Boss Jiang so delicious in everything he does?"

"Fragrant, old Rong, doesn't look like the New Year pig we ate in the army?

Rong Lijun didn't say anything, and buried himself in eating.

Two silly boys.

Such a delicious thing, don't hurry up and eat it, and still have time to talk?

As for what the dietitian said.

Rong Lijun has forgotten.


Two servings of pork ribs, which were not large, were eaten quickly.

Rong Lijun put down his chopsticks, already a little full.

Usually he only eats seven minutes full.

It's early in the morning, and he's feeling pretty much there.

"Try the peanuts. "

He Guangyi peeled a peanut and handed it to Rong Lijun.

Rong Lijun tasted it, reached out and grabbed a handful and put it in front of him.

Tang Shun stretched out his hand to grab it!

"You're still a person?!Grab half of it and leave?!"

"Can't I have big hands?"

"Take it back!"

Tang Shun's Sheng'an Group has a market value of 740 billion, and their Tang family holds a total of 42% of the shares.

Worth nearly 300 billion!

Rong Lijun's Runhua Group is involved in the domestic civil, electric power, real estate, finance, and pharmaceutical fields!

All companies combined, market capitalization 1.4 trillion yuan!

The net worth of the two people combined, almost 800 billion, grab peanuts here to eat.

It's so fragrant!

A little peanut given by Jiang Feng.

It was divided between the four of them and quickly eaten.

Rong Lijun took a sip of water and looked at the counter.

"This Xiao Jiang boss is very interesting. Rong Lijun said, "He doesn't sell such delicious peanuts?"

If it is sold to Rong Lijun.

This peanut costs 300 yuan a catty, and he is willing to buy it.

However, Jiang Feng was completely sent.

He Guangyi said with great appreciation: "Boss Xiaojiang doesn't just ask for money. "

"This bun is so delicious every day, there are too many people in line to count. "

"People haven't gone up a penny. "

Rong Lijun was even more surprised.

He is a businessman.

In the case of unequal supply and demand, he will definitely increase the price.

It's a little bit more to earn!

Boss Xiaojiang doesn't raise prices?

Looking at him like this, he should be about the same age as his daughter.


Look at others, the craftsmanship is already so good, it can be called a master.

His daughter ran away from home and refused to take over the company, which is not worrying at all.

While thinking.

Rong Lijun took a bun in his hand and stuffed it into his mouth.


What kind of bun is this!

Take the first bite.

Sauce, meat, and bun skin in the mouth!

This taste is quite amazing, and it directly pulled Rong Lijun back from his distraction!

"Delicious, right?" He Guangyi took a beef bun and said, "4 yuan a piece, no price increase." "

Rong Lijun didn't say a word, and finished eating a bun in three mouths.

"You want to rob it again!"

Tang Shun took one in one hand and two beef buns.

Zhou Linan did the same, picked up two buns, leaned back on the chair and ate them.

Rong Lijun was a little anxious: "What to rob, let me go!"

This beef is so delicious!

"Let your grandmother have a leg, and Lao Tzu won't let go. "

Tang Shun took a bite of each of the two buns.

Rong Lijun looked disgusted: "Your father knows that you eat like this, so he can't beat you to death." "

He and Tang Shun are both very strict family ups.

You should never bite two at the same time when eating, and eat one after eating.

Tang Shun sighed twice: "Last time I brought 10 buns back to my father, he and my mother grabbed it like this, I learned from him." "

Rong Lijun was stunned for a moment.


Two seventy-year-old men and old ladies grab buns to eat?

But it's possible!

This bun is really amazing!

Rong Lijun originally wanted to grab it.

But after looking at the people in the store, I gave up and took a bun with zucchini eggs.


This one is delicious, too!

The garlic oil is so fragrant, and the size of the zucchini is just right, it has a texture, but it can be perfectly combined with the bun skin!

20 buns.

In less than 3 minutes, all belly down!

Rong Lijun leaned back in his chair and couldn't sit up straight.

Eat too much as you eat.

He didn't even know how these things got down!

He Guangyi also burped and said, "How about bringing you to this place, right?"

Rong Lijun nodded: "Good place, you can line up more in the future, let's come often." "

He Guangyi looked disgusted: "Pull it down, next time I come by myself, I won't bring the three of you." "

"I can really grab it. "

Tang Shun also sat paralyzed and asked, "Can you invite Boss Xiaojiang to cook at home?"

The annual salary is 6 million.


Annual salary of 10 million!

Or the price Jiang Feng mentioned!

It's such a joy to have such a chef at home!

Rong Lijun was also a little tempted.

He suddenly found the hobby of his life.

As the heir of the group, Rong Lijun has always been very responsible, extremely self-disciplined, and has no special hobbies.

Especially after his wife died and his daughter left home.

In the dead of night, he was occasionally at a loss.


This shop made him happy!

To live is to eat the food of this restaurant!

If Jiang Feng is willing, the price he can offer is higher than Tang Shun!

You can be reimbursed by the company!

He Guangyi asked rhetorically: "Do you think he can't earn the annual salary you said if he is trying to make money?"

The three were speechless.


Jiang Feng really wanted to make money.

That's too easy!

Tang Shun said: "Okay, can't you try it?"

People who can do big business have to be thick-skinned and not afraid of rejection.

He Guangyi's face was strange: "If you are not afraid of being beaten, you can say it." "

"Who hit me?" Tang Shun was a little puzzled.

"Neighbors. "


"Everyone is pointing to Boss Xiaojiang's shop to satisfy their hunger, you want to dig him, and the neighbors won't beat you?"

Tang Shun was stunned.

This is the imperial capital.

You can't mess around if you have money.

Especially this new neighborhood built in the 90s.

It looks old now.

But you don't know who lives in it.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

He Guangyi sighed: "If I have a daughter, I will persuade my daughter to be with him." "

"Harvest him as a son-in-law, won't you have food every day?"

"Or, it's okay to do Boss Xiaojiang a favor, Boss Xiaojiang's character is really good, don't say it. "

He told Uncle Jiang about them to Rong Lijun.

The eyes of the three people looking at Jiang Feng changed a little.

Every day, they are faced with subordinates, reports, meetings, business partners, and large sums of money.



This kind of word seems to have disappeared in their circle.

However, on Jiang Feng.

They can feel the human touch, they can feel the peace.

Tang Shun sighed: "Hemei's girl follows me, I guess I don't have a chance, and I also got a virtual image and does live broadcasts every day." "

"I'm ashamed that someone gives her a gift. These people probably didn't know that she could go five days without washing her hair. "

Rong Lijun's expression was serious and he didn't speak.

Tang Hemei ran away from home purely to stay at home and didn't want to get married.

Rong Lijun and his daughter have much more serious problems.

Inheritance of family business.

When Rong Lijun's wife died, he was still abroad, and he didn't even attend the funeral.

It's all estrangement.

He Guangyi looked at Rong Lijun's expression and asked, "Your girl, there is no news yet?"

Rong Lijun shook his head: "I didn't look for it, I didn't inquire." "

He really wanted to find it.

I already knew where Rongshuang was.

But he also gambled.

He wants to give Rong Shuang hundreds of billions of property, and he doesn't harm her, she is not happy!

He didn't come back at the beginning, he was really sorry for his wife, and he was also very guilty, but it was already like this, what else could he do?

can only be kind to his deceased wife's mother's family, and no longer continue.

The father and daughter have not communicated for more than two years.

He Guangyi smiled: "Boss Xiaojiang, if Youyou grows up and has trouble with you, what will you do?"

Jiang Feng said with a smile while wrapping the buns: "I will be angry, and then reconcile with her." "

Rong Lijun opened his mouth and asked, "If you are right, she is wrong?"

Tang Shun and Zhou Linan glanced at each other with some surprise.

Rong Lijun is very proud in his bones.

There are many people he looks down on.

There are almost no people who can let him see and ask questions, since he was 30 years old.

He actually took the initiative to ask Boss Xiaojiang?

But on second thought, they felt normal.

Boss Xiao Jiang may not be as rich as them.

But they feel that Boss Xiaojiang is more successful than them.

Jiang Feng said with a smile: "In another 50 years, my old teeth will be gone, and she will have gray hair, is it still so important whether it is right or wrong?"

"I must have preferred her to be by my side rather than her bowing her head to me. "

"Tolerance is a power that can soothe others and make one's life happier. "

Rong Lijun was a little distracted.

It's hard to change people's minds at once.

The breath he was gambling on still hadn't dissipated.

But something changed in his heart.

The power of tolerance, indeed, is very strong.

His most powerful assistant now, Zhao He, made the company lose 13 million eight years ago.

And he did not hold him accountable, but let his assistant solve the problem himself and continue to let him serve as an executive.

And now.

Zhao He negotiates no less than 3 billion business to the company every year.

And loyal.

But he didn't think to be more lenient with Rong Shuang.

Jiang Feng gave him a new idea.

The rest is up to him to figure it out.

"Thank you, Boss Xiaojiang. Rong Lijun sincerely thanked him.

Jiang Feng smiled: "Let's chat casually and say thank you." "

Rong Lijun continued to ask: "What would you think if your daughter didn't like to cook, didn't want to inherit your craft, and had to run away from home?"

Jiang Feng smiled even happier: "My daughter's goal is that I have saved enough money to take her to play." "

"I didn't even think about inheriting my craft. "

Rong Lijun was a little incomprehensible: "Then why are you so happy? It's a pity that such a good craft has been lost?"

Jiang Feng filled 15 buns for Aunt Liu, and then said, "I don't think it's a pity." "

"If it's a pity, I can take in an apprentice, not necessarily impose on her what she doesn't like. "

He Guangyi opened his mouth and said meaningfully: "Give birth to a grandson or granddaughter, and inherit it from generation to generation." "

Rong Lijun was thoughtful.

Finish eating.

Rong Lijun didn't stay long.

The four of them got up and went out the door.

Tang Shun sighed with emotion: "It's a pity, Boss Xiaojiang is married and has a daughter, otherwise I really have to let my daughter try." "

"It's really not good, let my son try it. "

Tang Shun's son sneezed.

He would never have thought that his father would have the terrifying idea of selling his chrysanthemums in order to cook.

Aunt Hu next to her said: "Boss Xiaojiang is divorced. "

"His ex-wife, tsk, is really a scumbag, the house and car were taken away, and Boss Xiaojiang was kicked out. "

Aunt Hu said, still a little excited.

If Xu Na is here, Aunt Hu can go up and slap Xu Na a few times!

Boss Xiao Jiang is the baby of this street, Xu Na actually treats him like that!

After Rong Lijun heard Jiang Feng's divorce, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

An idea popped into place.

Let Rong Shuang and Boss Xiao Jiang go on a blind date?

He Guangyi seems to be right.

The next generation heir is also a good choice.

Anyway, Rong Lijun is just 51 years old this year.

With his physical condition, it is okay to work until he is 70 years old.

Just about.

Pregnant this year, born next year.

The next generation heir turned 18 years old when he retired!


Rong Lijun shook his head.

It's not that simple.

Can Boss Xiao Jiang take a fancy to his daughter?

It's hard to say.

Rong Lijun is quite unconfident in his daughter.


Just met once.

Rong Lijun felt that he didn't know enough about Jiang Feng.

No way.

I'll have to eat again at noon.

"I'll go first. Rong Lijun looked a little worried, turned around and left.

He Guangyi watched the three of them get in the car and leave, with a smile on his old face.

"Old Jiang, you old boy won't be able to survive for many days, and I'm about to have a lifetime meal ticket!"

Rong Shuang didn't recognize He Guangyi, but He Guangyi recognized Rong Shuang's.

But he didn't say much.

He was sure that Jiang Feng's character was good enough, and even Rong Lijun would like Jiang Feng.

It would be better for Rong Lijun to understand Jiang Feng by himself.

And so it will be.

He Guangyi has made great contributions!

Lifetime Meal Pass!

He Guangyi whistled happily and walked home.

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