Jiang Feng couldn't cry or laugh: "When the time comes, if everyone likes it, they can always sell it." "

"That's right. "

"Can I have another bowl of mung bean paste?"

"Queue up! If you want to renew after buying, you have to queue up!"

"This mung bean paste is so enjoyable to drink!"

12:55 p.m.

Everything was sold out.

Mung bean paste is very popular.

Sales of eight-treasure porridge and seafood porridge were also not affected.

There are still many customers, and there are few things that can be sold.


Because Uncle Jiang said that there was mung bean paste at noon, there were more people queuing up at noon today!

Business is really good.

When Jiang Feng cleaned the kitchenware, he counted the sales at noon.

15,742 dollars!

Mung bean paste topped out some beverage sales, so the total sales did not directly increase by 2,500 yuan.


The profit of mung bean paste is much higher than that of drinks!

Jiang Feng's daily sales can be 45,000 yuan today.

Tomorrow there will be more, and I will have 48,000 yuan, nearly 50,000 yuan!

The net profit, even if the tax is deducted, is 35,000 yuan.

After cleaning the kitchen utensils, clean the store.

Jiang Feng took 10 buns and 1 bowl of mung bean paste, sat down at the table, and picked up his mobile phone.

My girlfriend sent a few more messages.

Rong Shuang: "This is the planting corner we cleaned up yesterday, and Yoyo and I exchanged half our lives for it." "

Rong Shuang: "[Picture]"

Rong Shuang: "Today, I eat fried meat with cauliflower in the garden, as well as braised chicken legs, which are not delicious." Miss your cooking, woo. "

Rong Shuang: "Yoyo's handiwork today is the first in the class! "

Rong Shuang: "[Picture]"

Rong Shuang: "I miss you so much, I'm really sad that you're by my side." I'm going to a meeting, I'm going to do a class study today, wait for me. "

Jiang Feng looked at the two photos she sent.

One is a selfie of her eating.

The other one is that she was in the bathroom, quietly holding her mobile phone, and took a picture of Youyou among the children, being praised by Teacher Zhou.

Jiang Feng replied, "I'll make you something to eat at night." "

Jiang Feng: "Mung bean paste sells very well, and I miss you too." Good work. "

Finish the message.

Jiang Feng concentrated on eating.

Finish eating the buns.

A bowl of mung bean paste to eat.

It was unpleasant to be hot in the kitchen for a few hours, and it disappeared in an instant.

He lay on the table and slept comfortably for half an hour before going to buy the materials for the afternoon.

He bought 200 catties of mung beans directly and put them in the store, which was enough for a week.

Peanuts didn't buy.

If you want to do it, do it in the morning and send it at noon.

The rest of the materials are still the same.

As soon as Jiang Feng arrived, the bosses had already loaded the freshest vegetables and meat for Jiang Feng in advance.

"Boss Jiang, I heard that your mung bean paste is good, I'll take my wife and children to taste it in the evening. "

"Okay, welcome, I'll make you 3 more bowls. "

These people who usually take care of Jiang Feng, if they want to come, Jiang Feng can take a small pot to boil some mung bean paste, which is also very convenient.


Jiang Feng still checked the things he bought as usual.

It's all good.

The owner of the vegetable stall still helped Jiang Feng and moved his things to the car.

Drive back to the store and boil porridge and mung bean paste.

It was just 3 o'clock.

There was already a queue in front of the store.

The people who come to line up at night are not all neighbors.

More and more guests who have heard about Jiang Kee steamed buns from afar are coming to eat.

Half past four.

Jiang Feng took out two bowls of mung bean paste and put them on the counter.

Two of his favorite people are coming back.

Less than 8 minutes.

The door was pushed open.

Rong Shuang took Jiang Youyou and entered the store.

Jiang Youyou took a small step and spread his arms: "Dad, your little cutie is back!"

"Guess what I brought back?"

She hid in her arms the little saffron sticker she gave to her when she won the first place in the morning.

Rong Shuangqiao had a smile on her face and glanced at Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng smiled: "I guess it's a little red flower." "

"Wow, Dad, you're so good, how did you guess!"

"No, Mom told you!"

Jiang Youyou was very smart and guessed what was going on.

Rong Shuang chuckled twice, and then said, "I'm back too, do you miss us?"

"Hmm. Jiang Feng responded, "Let's try this." "

"Is it mung bean paste?!" Jiang Youyou's eyes lit up!

"Yes. "

Rong Shuangqiao's face was also a little curious, and a little greedy.

She took two bowls of mung bean paste, sat down, and took two spoons.

Jiang Youyou couldn't wait to take a sip.

Sweet mung bean flavor and rice aroma.

There is also the taste of biting through the mung bean shell.

"Dad, this is delicious!"

Rong Shuang also took two sips, a little surprised.

Both Guangfu and Xiangfu have the habit of drinking mung bean paste.

When she stayed in a hotel on a business trip, she drank a bowl of mung bean paste for 188 yuan several times.

It's not as delicious as Jiang Feng's cooking!

Drink it in one bowl.

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang were satisfied.

The heat of walking back from the garden is completely gone.

Rong Shuang looked at Jiang Feng: "Why are you so delicious in everything you do?"

"What if I don't have you, woo. "

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "Isn't it okay to be together all the time?"

Rong Shuang was caught off guard, and her pretty face instantly turned red.


It's getting wrong!

How did her boyfriend tease her!

"Row ......"

Rong Shuang's voice was soft.

Jiang Youyou giggled: "Mom is shy." "

"No way, your dad is so handsome. "

"That's true. "

"Let's clean up. "


Rong Shuang took Jiang Youyou and began to clean the store.

The two of them cleaned up more carefully, carefully wiping the chairs and tables.

5 points.

Jiang Feng opened his doors.

The guests rushed in.

"2 bowls of mung bean paste, 5 carrots and eggs, 5 pork and green onions. "

"1 bowl of seafood porridge, 1 bowl of mung bean paste, and 7 beef buns. "

He Guangyi also came with his wife, and said with a smile: "Boss Xiaojiang, 2 bowls of mung bean paste, 5 beef buns, and 5 pork and green onion buns." "

"Okay, right away. "

Jiang Feng skillfully wrapped the steamed buns, put them in the steamer, and then took the steamed buns to the guests.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou were beside them, helping to clean up the dishes and put them in the dishwasher.

Many guests have tasted mung bean paste for the first time.

"It's delicious, this mung bean paste tastes different from what we make at home, can it still be made like this?"

"The sweetness is really just right, and it's comfortable to drink. "

"Do you put tangerine peel? It feels very flavorful, delicious!"

"It's amazing, it's delicious to do, and it's worth the two-hour journey. "

"It's much better than the newly opened Xu Ji buns, that shop is really not good, just the second day after cooking, the taste has deteriorated. "

6:10 a.m.

Things are sold out.

It was the same as Jiang Feng expected.

Today's final sales are 45,322 yuan!

It's almost 50,000.

By the time the guests were gone, they were running out.

Uncle Jiang pushed the door and walked in.

"Boss Xiaojiang, do you still have anything to eat? I went to the hospital to see a friend, and it's time for this. "

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "Of course, I'll leave it for you." "


He served Uncle Jiang a bowl of mung bean paste and 10 steamed buns.

Uncle Jiang's heart was very hot, and asked, "If I don't come, what should I do with this thing?"

Jiang Feng smiled: "I'll eat it myself, or give it to Brother Cui and other neighbors." "

"It's okay if you don't come, but you have to eat. "

Uncle Jiang looked at Jiang Youyou with love on his face: "Youyou, Grandpa Jiang took you to buy ice cream?"

"No, Grandpa Jiang, Dad said, remember that others are good to us, and you are good to us. "

Uncle Jiang couldn't close his mouth with a smile: "Youyou is really sensible." "

"If only that stinky boy in our family had been as sensible as you. "

Chatted a few words.

Jiang Feng packed everything.

Uncle Jiang paid the money and left with his things.

Huang Hai, the owner of the meat stall, also came a little late: "There is something that delays a little time, is there anything else?"

"Yes, I'll keep it for you. "

Huang Hai was a little surprised: "What's more, you've finished this business, and you still have it?"

"If you say you want to keep it, eat it here or take it away?"

Huang Hai said with a smile: "Take it away, don't delay your meal." "

"Okay. "

Jiang Feng filled three bowls of mung bean paste and thirty steamed buns.

"How much?"

"Just give 40 bucks. "

"That's not good, I'll do the math, 95 yuan, right?"

"Don't, Brother Huang, you usually give me a discount, right? 40 is fine, I still have some to earn. "

Huang Hai sighed with emotion: "Okay, I won't be polite to you anymore." Remember to come and get the meat tomorrow, and keep the best for you. "

"Good. Jiang Feng responded with a smile.

Huang Hai arrived at 40 yuan and went out.

His wife looked at the things in his hand and was a little surprised: "You can still buy them? I thought they were all sold out." Boss Jiang's business is too good. "

Huang Hai sighed with emotion: "People have left us until now, and they have made a discount. "


"I also said that I would give it at the normal price, Boss Jiang doesn't want it, it's okay, just give him more meat tomorrow." "

"Yes, Boss Jiang is a good person, it's not easy to take care of a child, don't be stingy. "

"Dad, I'm hungry, let's go home. "

Huang Hai's son is 12 years old this year, and it is the time when he can eat, and he can't be hungry.

The three of them turned around and went home.

The customers in the store are gone.

Jiang Feng also finished cleaning up the kitchen utensils before bringing the rice up.

Tonight, there are mung bean paste, buns, and garlic broccoli, and steamed one-and-a-half-pound pork ribs.

The two of them served Jiang Feng the dishes before eating.

Rong Shuang ate a broccoli and sighed with emotion: "This is called fried vegetables, the cauliflower made in the garden is really not delicious." "

Jiang Youyou stuffed a piece of ribs in his mouth, unable to speak like a hamster, and could only keep nodding his little head.

The food in the garden is incomparable to what my father cooked!

Jiang Feng smiled, took a bun, and ate it too.

Dinner is over.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou sat on the chair and held it up again.

Eating the food cooked by Jiang Feng, it is really difficult not to eat it.

Jiang Feng put away the dishes and chopsticks, checked the water, electricity and gas in the store, carried the garbage, and went out of the store.

Close the shop and go home.

The neighbors I met today were even more welcoming.

"Boss Xiaojiang, let's have a grapefruit. "

"Hey, Boss Xiaojiang, wait a minute, I have a box of seaweed from the unit in my car, you wait for me to get you some!"

"Hey, isn't this a coincidence, the watermelon that has just been wholesaled, resist!

"Don't take all the watermelons, I have grapes here. "

The more you eat in Jiang Feng's shop.

The more the neighbors regard Jiang Feng as the treasure of this street!

In this big summer, there is no place to drink mung bean paste, which is too uncomfortable.

Not to mention.

Jiang Feng's peanuts were sent to the neighborhood for free, and everyone saw it.


Go home and eat more, take care of your body, and come out to cook!

When he got to his car today, Jiang Feng was already a little overwhelmed.

He was carrying a snakeskin bag, and inside were 4 large watermelons weighing more than ten catties!

Now watermelon is not cheap, 1 piece is more than 1 catty.

These watermelons cost 180 yuan.

However, Brother Tian, who gave the watermelon, said that it was picked by his comrades-in-arms in the field, and he took it for free, and he could eat it casually.

Jiang Youyou is holding more than 20 boxes of seaweed.

Rong Shuang was carrying 2 grapefruits in one hand and 10 catties of grapes in the other.

It is said that the grapes are wholesale, 8 cents a catty.

But Jiang Feng didn't know how much it was.

There is a high probability that the neighbors made up a number in order to let him accept it.

Putting the watermelon in the trunk, Jiang Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

The grapes and other things were all placed next to Jiang Youyou.

"Daddy, can I eat a grape?"

She has loved grapes since she was a child.

Jiang Feng sat in the main driver's seat: "I'll wash you before you eat when you go back." "


Rong Shuang asked, "Can I eat some watermelon?"

"Okay, I'll cut one later, and let Tang Hemei come and eat it too." "

"Let's keep one and take the rest to the store and share it with the neighbors." "

Two watermelons, if you give them to the guests, will soon be gone.

First come, first served.

"Good. "

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou were very supportive of all of Jiang Feng's decisions.

As long as Jiang Feng was by their side, these were trivial matters.

Got to the underground garage.

Don Heme is already waiting here.

"Wow, let me do the work, you never call me when you eat good food at home. "

"You're going to favor your boyfriend and your daughter. "

Tang Hemei looked at a bag of watermelons and complained.

Rong Shuang said, "I'll take you to eat watermelon later." "

"I was mostly helpful, not wanting to eat watermelon. What am I carrying?"

The four of them went upstairs together.

Jiang Feng only brought two watermelons up, and the other two were left in the car, and they had to be brought to the store anyway.

When you get home.

Tang Hemei wanted to eat watermelon anyway, so she simply had dinner at Jiang Feng's house.

"Wow, mung bean paste?!"

"It's delicious!

Tang Hemei drank a cup of mung bean paste in three sips and ate steamed buns and broccoli.

Dinner is over.

Jiang Feng was also cut with watermelon.

This should indeed be a melon picked in the melon field, and it is very ripe.

There are few melons sold on the market that are so good.

Rong Shuang cut off the grapes with the branches.

If you pull it off, the grapes won't be good overnight.

But the pruning shears can guarantee an extra day.

"Let's eat watermelon first. "

Jiang Feng scooped out the watermelon with a spoon, put it in a bowl, and ate it with a toothpick.

Jiang Youyou was still a little supportive: "I'll wait before eating." "

Rong Shuang tied a watermelon core and fed it to Jiang Feng's mouth.

Tang Hemei lowered his head and concentrated on cooking.

As long as the single dog supports himself to death first, he will not be supported to death by the dog food fed by others.

Jiang Feng took a bite and said with a smile, "It's very sweet." "

"It's really delicious, I feel like I can't buy such a delicious watermelon now. Rong Shuang tasted it and was very satisfied.

Although she has eaten better, sweeter and more expensive watermelon.

But I feel that this kind of neighborhood delivery is more delicious.

"I'm going to taste it too!"

Jiang Youyou leaned over and took a small bite.

"It's delicious!"

"Dad, let's go to the couch, you hold me and eat. "

She misses her father.

She hadn't seen Jiang Feng all day, and she wanted to be with Jiang Feng for a while.

"Good. "

Jiang Feng took a bowl of watermelon and walked to the sofa.

Rong Shuang was also about to follow, but the phone suddenly vibrate.

Rong Lijun sent another message.

"Have you thought about it? Let me see your boyfriend, or will you go see my favorite son-in-law?"

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