"Okay, then, when Dad comes to pick me up, let's be together!" Jiang Youyou stretched out his little hand to pull the hook with Rong Shuang.

Rong Shuang smiled and hooked her: "Okay, go wash your hands, and get ready to eat fruit." "

"Good. "

Jiang Youyou turned his head, and his cute little face showed a triumphant expression.


All the children sat in rows, eating fruits, and listening to Rong Shuang's story.

Today's story is "Prehistoric Dinosaurs".

Rong Shuang's voice was very good, and the children listened attentively.


It was 11 o'clock.

The homeroom teacher took the children to learn how to count.

Rong Shuang took a mask and a mobile phone and went to the restaurant to set the table.

After setting up the dining chairs.

Rong Shuang took her mobile phone and sent a message to her roommate Tang Hemei: "I'll go back later tonight, so we won't eat together." "

"Ah, are you in trouble?" replied to Don Hemei.

Rong Shuang: "Well, I'm going out for a meal." "

Tang Hemei was instantly interested: "Who?!You don't have any friends here, who will ask you for dinner?"

She and Rongshuang didn't like the arrangement at home and ran out secretly.

Now she is online as a game video UP master.

Rong Shuang became a kindergarten teacher.

The two of them are in this neighborhood, and they don't know any friends.

Rong Shuang: "With the students and the parents of the students. "

Tang Hemei: "Surprised, don't you never eat with students' families?"

Tang Hemei's face was full of excitement: "No, it won't be the man you have a crush on, right?!".

Rong Shuangqiao's face was slightly red: "You talk so much! just order your own takeout, don't worry about me." "

Tang Hemei: "It's really him! Shuang'er! You are calm! No matter how good this man is, he has a wife! You want to be a little one?!".

Tang Hemei: "Although I support you in your pursuit of love, when the little one is too wronged by you, you are the first heir of the Rong family!"

Rong Shuang replied: "He's divorced." "

Tang Hemei: "Damn! This is okay?!! I really made you wait?!".

Rong Shuang: "Phew, what do you mean by waiting, it's the same as I don't want others to be good." "

Tang Hemei: "That's not good, right? Divorce, with children, are you going to be a stepmother?"

Tang Hemei: "Is this junior high school unrequited love so vigorous?!".

When they were in junior high school, Rong Shuang and Jiang Feng were classmates for 4 months.

But Jiang Feng couldn't remember it very well.

Rong Shuang replied: "Don't worry about it so much, I'm going to be busy." "

Put down your phone.

She was still in a delicate mood, and she was looking forward to meeting in the evening.

"Will he reject me......


Thinking about how Jiang Feng had always kept his distance from her.

She was a little nervous.

And at this time.

Jiang Feng's shop was already busy.

He prepared 300 beef buns, 300 pork buns, and 300 vegetarian buns in advance.

There are also about 600 buns to make the ingredients.

Even with the blessing of the system, his movements are swift and the efficiency of making buns is extremely high.

But I was busy all morning without resting.

His physical strength was at its limit.

My hands were tired and sore.

That's all there is to it.

And at this time.

A couple of high school girls ran in.

"Here it is!"

"Taste it, this bun is really amazing!".

"Is it that delicious?"

"Really, what am I lying to you for!? If it doesn't taste good, shall we take a taxi to eat?".

"I don't know if the buns are delicious or not, the boss is so handsome!".

"Wow, I didn't look at it in the morning, he looks so good!"

A few little girls chattered and walked to the counter.

"Boss, we want 10 beef, 10 leeks and eggs, and 10 fennel meat


"Okay, pack or eat here?".

"We're eating right here. "

"Okay. "

Jiang Feng brought them buns.

The eyes of several little girls were almost glued to his face.

"Eat, and I'll get you something to drink." "

The little girl who led the way went to the freezer next to her and took 6 bottles of Coke.

This is the goods delivered by the nearby courier in the morning.

It cost Jiang Feng 1,700 yuan to buy a freezer.

Beverages are delivered to your door from distributors.

Jiang Feng bought 50 pieces, a total of 1,200 bottles, 2,600 yuan.

The price ranges from 3 yuan to 5 yuan, and you can earn about 1 yuan and 2 cents on average by selling a bottle.

The little girl scanned the code to checkout, and then took the drink back to the location.

As soon as she sat down, she found that the buns had already eaten 10!

"You've gone too far!".

"I brought you something to drink, but you want to starve me to death?!".

"It's delicious!".

"Wow, squad leader, you're really good at finding a place, it's the first time I've eaten such delicious buns!".

"This beef stuffed bun is really amazing!".

The little girl put down her drink, picked up the bun, and nibbled on it.

The buns were so delicious that they didn't even look at Jiang Feng anymore.

What a man!

How can there be a delicious bun!

They were eating.

Several intermediaries walked in.

"Boss, come 10 pork and green onions, 10 carrots and eggs, 15 fennel pork, hurry up a little. "

"Right now. "

Jiang Feng prepared in advance this time, picked out the steamed buns, and sent them over.

A few people were talking about business.

After taking a bite of the bun, no one spoke, and I ate wildly!

They just ate it.

Seven aunts and uncles walked in.

"Young man, the delicious buns they said are you, right?"

"We want 7 carrot eggs and 7 leek eggs. "

Jiang Feng said politely: "Okay, you sit, take the hot water." "

"Good. "

Jiang Feng put on the bun.

A few aunts and uncles ate it.

Less than two minutes.

Other guests are ordering.

An old man came over: "Give us another 10 beef and 20 leek eggs." "

It's so delicious!

They were going to try it.

I can't stop taking a bite!

"Gotcha. "

12:30 p.m.

Jiang Feng's buns are all sold out!

Jiang Feng had prepared enough this time.

Still not enough to sell!

After the sale, there are still customers who come to the door.

"Are there any buns?".

"I'm sorry, it's sold out at noon, you can come back in the evening, it's still in the evening. "


Jiang Feng politely refused: "There are no materials, I'm really embarrassed." "

"Alright then, we'll come back in the evening and leave us some. "

It's all in the neighborhood.

Jiang Feng's buns are already famous!

Several waves of guests were denied.

Jiang Feng finally closed the door of the store and sat down to take a good rest.


Jiang Feng was also a little excited!

At noon, the turnover was 4662 yuan!

The system points also rose by 4662 points!

It's almost 10,000 points, and you can hold a lottery!

The deposit that was gradually decreasing increased by more than 6,000 yuan in half a day!

three-day summer promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

to rush immediately(Event Period: August 13 to August 15)

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