"Dad, the meal is here!"

Jiang Youyou held a dinner tray with three bowls of rice on it.

Rong Shuang took it and put it on the table.

"Eat. "

Jiang Feng took the bun and sat down as well.

"Wow, Dad, this is really delicious!"

Jiang Youyou couldn't do it anymore, but he still sandwiched a piece of veal and put it in Jiang Feng's bowl first.

Rong Shuang also sandwiched a piece of tofu for Jiang Feng.

Boyfriend eats first~

"Alright, let's eat. Jiang Feng smiled.

Rong Shuang also sandwiched a piece of tofu for Jiang Youyou, and then moved his chopsticks and tasted a bite of tofu.

The tofu soaked in salt water is softer, and the bitter taste of the tofu is gone.

The juice that has been hooked over the gourd is just hanging on the tofu, and there are some chopped peppers on top.

Take a bite.

Spicy and fragrant!

Tofu is soft and tender!

The salt taste is just right, and it is not particularly salty.

Bean paste and tempeh both have a salt taste, and the difficulty of this dish is that it is difficult to find the salt, and the heat of the beef cubes and the heat of the tofu are not easy to control.

Jiang Feng's salt taste, find just right!

The tofu is also handled very well.

Rong Shuang finished eating a bite of tofu, a little spicy, and hurriedly took a bite of rice.

Rice fragrant with fragrant and spicy tofu.



Jiang Youyou couldn't eat spicy food, so he ate a small bite of tofu and quickly took a bite of rice.

"Okay, no, eat buns, or Daddy will make you something else. "

"Daddy, it's delicious!"

Jiang Youyou's spicy little face was a little red, but she thought it was too delicious!

Can't stop!

Especially when the weather outside is a little humid, it is really comfortable to eat a bite of hot mapo tofu with a bite of rice!

Jiang Feng smiled: "Give me some milk." "


Jiang Feng also picked up the rice and ate it.

A plate of mapo tofu was quickly eaten.

The amount of rice is relatively small, and there is half a bowl of rice left, and Jiang Feng eats it.

After Rong Shuang finished eating, she also ate a bun.

"Hiccup, I can't eat it. "

"Boyfriend, I really can't live without you, woo, it's so delicious. "

Jiang Feng smiled: "Is this spicy degree acceptable?"


"That's fine, I can do it for you at noon. "


Put away the dishes and chopsticks.

The two of them sat down at the counter and didn't disturb the other guests.

At 6:50.

Yu Qing sent a message to Jiang Feng: "Master, the vegetables and meat for noon today have been bought, you can take a look." "

He took a video of Jiang Feng, as well as an invoice.

The new store is not operated by Jiang Feng, and it involves wages, so there must be an invoice, and after Yu Qing calculates the expenses, write them down for easy reconciliation.

Jiang Feng watched the video carefully: "No problem, let's start preparing." "

Yu Qing: "Okay. "

Yu Qing: "Master, we already have regular customers in our store. "

Yu Qing: "Let's take a look today, if there are more repeat customers, business will definitely be better." "

Jiang Feng was also in a good mood: "You guys work hard, if there is a vacancy in the money, you can tell me." "

Yu Qing's heart was warm: "Don't worry, Master, everyone has money in their hands, just pay their salaries normally." "

Employees of the new store will be paid on July 20th.

Jiang Feng: "Okay, get busy." "

Finish the message.

Jiang Feng paid 75,000 yuan to the middle-aged boss.

The middle-aged boss took the money and replied to the message: "Okay, the money is cleared, Boss Xiaojiang, your credit is reliable." "

"Then I wish you a prosperous business and a prosperous financial resource. "

Jiang Feng replied, "Thank you." "

Finish the message.

Jiang Feng transferred 100,000 yuan to Rong Shuang.

Rong Shuang saw the news and put it away.

She knew Jiang Feng's character very well, and he would be very uncomfortable owing money.

Collecting the money is the right way to spoil your boyfriend.

Rong Shuang looked at Jiang Feng and said seriously: "My money is our family's reserve funds, you must tell me if you are short of money." "

She accepted the money, but she still left the money to Jiang Feng.

What does she want money for?

Anyway, it's for my boyfriend and daughter.

Jiang Feng's heart was warm, and he nodded with a smile: "I know." "

"That's fine. "

7 points.

Jiang Feng started business.

He Guangyi was the first to walk in, smelled the fragrance of the store, and asked, "Boss Xiaojiang, did you sell that dish just now?"

Jiang Feng thought for a while and said, "There is still some tofu, I can make you one, but have you eaten it?" "

He Guangyi swallowed his saliva: "I'll try it, I've still eaten some spicy food in the imperial capital over the years, mainly because you make it too fragrant!"

"How much?"

"Don't want money, just one copy, you came the earliest, give you a taste, help me evaluate it, it's all neighborhoods." "

Just like that, Jiang Feng didn't bother to collect money.

Even if it's not He Guangyi, if it's another old customer, Jiang Feng will send it.

He Guangyi was very comfortable.

Jiang Feng's craft, still need him to comment?

It was obvious that Jiang Feng was giving him a step down and letting him eat a dish for nothing!

Jiang Feng's human touch, He Guangyi likes it very much.

He Guangyi said with a smile: "That's okay, I'll be cheeky and accept it." "

"It's not cheeky, it's just a dish. Our old neighbors still send me things, and you have also sent me grapes, and you don't ask for money. "

"Just one dish, you can eat it with your heart. "

The more He Guangyi looked at Jiang Feng, the more he liked it, with a smile on his face.

Jiang Feng spoke, turned on the fire, and fried a mapo tofu neatly.

The fragrance spreads.

The customers in the store are crazy!

Several neighbors looked at He Guangyi, and their teeth itched with envy!

"You Lao He, your luck is too good, it just so happens that there is a new dish today, and you are the first in line. "

"I'll play cards and kill him!"

"And the old ginger! The old ginger can definitely eat it!"

He Guangyi's laughing thief was happy.

He suddenly knew why Uncle Jiang liked to let the neighbors see every time he came to eat and buy something.

This feeling of being envied is so comfortable!


A portion of mapo tofu is stir-fried.

Because He Guangyi is from Guangfu, Jiang Feng put less chili peppers and peppers.

"Yoyo, go next door and serve a bowl of rice. "


Jiang Youyou picked up the bowl.

He Guangyi hurriedly got up: "Yoyo, just give it to grandpa, grandpa will go by himself." "

Now it's the granddaughter of his old friend's family!

Even if there is no such relationship.

Yoyo is Jiang Feng's daughter, and Uncle He is reluctant to let her go on a run.

He Guangyi went to the side and served a bowl of rice, and after sitting down, he sandwiched a piece of mapo tofu and put it on top of the rice.

This sauce is delicious!

He took a bowl of rice and took a bite.

In the mouth, there is a moderate saltiness and a hint of red oil.

When you bite into it, the tofu is soft and tender, and the spicy and numb flavor also comes!


After Jiang Feng adjusted it, the spicy and numb flavor were a little lighter, which was just right for He Guangyi!

There are also beef cubes that are fried until crispy, and when you bite into one, the taste is excellent!


"Boss Xiaojiang, did you deliberately change the taste for me?"

Jiang Feng smiled: "It's not so numb, it's not so spicy." "

He Guangyi gave a thumbs up: "You are amazing!"

"It's just right!"

"Otherwise, I'll give you some money, it's too delicious!"

It's really not something that can be eaten for nothing!

The guests in line swallowed.

Even those few guests who can't eat spicy food are hungry when they listen to He Guangyi's words!

"Boss Xiaojiang, hurry up and add mapo tofu to the menu, I'm almost hungry!"

"It looks so good!"

"Lao He, give me a taste?"

He Guangyi is usually very generous, but after hesitating for a moment today, he said, "Let's give you a small taste." "


He asked Jiang Feng for a clean plate and divided 4 pieces of tofu out.

"It's too little, isn't it?"

"It's a lot! I don't have enough to eat!"

A few neighbors tasted it, and they were even more greedy!

"No, it's not fun to eat at all. "

"This taste is really amazing! Spicy and fragrant! It's the first time I've eaten such delicious mapo tofu!"

"Boss Xiaojiang, it's okay to be more expensive, let's make a few more!"

Jiang Feng was a little apologetic: "I'm sorry, it's really gone today." "

"Whether you will do it in the future or not, I have to say two things, mainly because the time is a bit tight. "

The guests were very disappointed.

But you still have to eat steamed buns!

If you don't have mapo tofu, you can eat it with steamed buns!

"Bring me 5 beef buns and 1 bowl of seafood porridge!"

"10 zucchini eggs, 5 pork and green onions, 2 bowls of mung bean paste, 1 bowl of eight-treasure porridge. "

"Let's have a steamed fish, a bowl of seafood porridge, and 2 beef buns. "

The guests ordered their meals.

Jiang Feng was neatly serving steamed buns and porridge.

After the constitution is improved.

Jiang Feng's movements were faster, and he didn't feel tired at all.

A few high school girls also came, and they didn't have a holiday this week, but a few of them took sick leave and went to school in the afternoon.

"Brother Jiang, you seem to be handsome again!"

"Woo, Sister Rong, you are so good-looking, why do you covet Brother Jiang's beauty and be with him?

"This bun is really delicious! Compared to what you make, the buns in our cafeteria are insulting to the word buns. "

"Don't talk nonsense, the buns in our canteen also have advantages. "

"What advantages?"

"It's hard, the buns in our canteen can kill the dog, is Brother Jiang's buns okay?"

"Hahaha, that's what I said. "

The customers didn't all laugh.

It's a bit overcast outside.

But the smell of the store is permeated, the air conditioning is on, neither hot nor cold, and it is very comfortable.

He Guangyi quickly finished eating, then took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Rong Lijun.

"Lao Rong, I just ate the best mapo tofu I've ever eaten in my life. "

Rong Lijun is in a meeting.

Seeing He Guangyi's news, Rong Lijun swallowed his saliva unconsciously: "Boss Xiaojiang did it?"

He Guangyi: "Yes, this taste is really amazing!"

Rong Lijun: "I can go back for half a day next Monday and wait for me to eat together." "

He Guangyi: "Eighty percent of you can't eat it, and I'm also lucky today." "

He told Jiang Feng about the food he was giving.

Rong Lijun sat in the exquisitely decorated office full of staff, and he could also feel the human touch on Jiang Feng that made him like.


It would be great if Jiang Feng could be his son-in-law.

Why did his daughter have a hole in her brain and find an unlucky boyfriend by herself?

The more Rong Lijun thought about it, the more angry he became, and sent a message to Rong Shuang: "Let your boyfriend get ready, and at least wear formal clothes when you come to see me." "

When he sees Rong Shuang's boyfriend, he must clean him up!

Rong Shuang saw Rong Lijun's news and was a little puzzled.

What happened to him?

Early in the morning, suddenly texted about this?

Rong Shuang didn't reply to the message, and put away the phone after reading it.


8:20 a.m.

It was getting a little brighter, but it still looked like it was raining.

All the things in Jiang Feng's store were sold out.

Today, it's a total of 16,544 dollars.

Not bad.

Jiang Feng usually works until now, and he will be a little tired, but today he is still very energetic!

Perfect physique does have something!

Finish cleaning the utensils.

The last group of guests, brought plates and bowls to the counter.

"Let's go, Boss Xiaojiang, see you at noon. "

"Your craft is really good, this thing you make every day is so delicious!"

"My wife's cooking can give me a new surprise every day, so it's better for you to be here. "

The neighbors greeted each other before turning to leave.

The table was still very clean.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou dragged the floor and disinfected the tables and chairs.

The shop was cleaned.

It's very convenient.

After the store is cleaned up.

Jiang Feng sat down.

Rong Shuang poured Jiang Feng a glass of water and touched his forehead.

Jiang Youyou also learned from Rong Shuang's appearance, walked over, climbed onto Jiang Feng's lap, and touched his forehead.

Confirm that Jiang Feng did not burn.

Rong Shuang was a little relieved.

Jiang Feng turned on his mobile phone and sent a message to Yu Qing: "Add a new mapo tofu to the store, and add a spicy chicken." "

"I'll send you the recipe and you can try it out in the afternoon. "

Yu Qing didn't reply.

Jiang Feng turned on the monitoring of the new store.

The shop has been cleaned.

The 10 parts of the pot are ready, put it outside to keep warm, and the pot is still stewed with 10 parts.

These 20 pots alone cost 1,000 yuan.

Yu Qing and Zhao Zhigang are adjusting the stuffing.

"Yes, these people Yu Qing is looking for are quite reliable, and on the second day of opening, the store is already running. Jiang Feng was very satisfied.

Jiang Youyou was looking forward to it: "Dad, how much money can the new store make today?"

"I don't know, I have to look after the store is opened, it would be good to sell it for 40,000 yuan at noon. "

The lunch time is relatively short.

The traffic is not as good as at night.

Jiang Feng's goal is not high, just a little more than yesterday.

Rested for a while.

The three of them took advantage of the fact that it was still raining and went out to buy groceries.

At noon, Jiang Feng planned to cook 6 servings of claypot rice and 40 servings of steamed pork ribs.

Stir-frying really takes time, and the open kitchen in the store is not very suitable for making Chinese stir-fry.

Mapo tofu is not too choking, if you really want to make a spicy chicken or something, the taste is still very strong, and the customers in the store are not good to treat.

Stir-fry and wait, or occasionally sell in small quantities.

Usually, it is mainly steamed for sale.

Buy good stuff.

The three of them went back to the store.

As soon as I entered the store, it was raining lightly outside.

"Dad, we're in luck. Jiang Youyou is very happy.

Jiang Feng smiled: "Indeed, let's help my father wash the vegetables." "

"It's coming~ Your little cutie is here to help!"

Rongshuang washes the vegetables with her.

Jiang Feng marinated the fish and pork ribs together, and prepared the filling with the noodles.

10 o'clock.

The new store opened.

Just opened a store.

More than 10 guests in shirts and trousers walked in.

"Just this one, their pot tastes very good, and the stir-fry is also good. "

"I heard that their buns are okay. "

"Taste it. "

One of these people is a repeat customer, and the others are new today.

They bought good things, paid for them, and sat down.

Then another guest walked in.

It's a young guy who came yesterday.

He bought 5 zucchini egg buns and 1 bowl of eight packets of porridge, a total of 16 yuan, and sat down to eat.


The number of customers in the store is gradually increasing.

Less than 10 minutes.

The store is already full!

Yu Qing was shocked.

Today's business is so much better than yesterday?!

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