Jiang Feng brought the boiled pork slices to the table and took out the steaming rice from the steamer.

"I'll do it. "

"Yoyo is coming, too. "

The two of them helped Jiang Feng bring two servings of glutinous rice chicken, a plate of salted cabbage sum, five bowls of mung bean paste for spicy relief, and ten zucchini egg buns.

Just laid out all the dishes.

Jiang Jianye and Song Jin pushed the door into the store.

"It's so fragrant!" Song Jin looked at the boiled pork slices on the table, and instantly became hungry.

"Mother-in-law, I miss you!"

Rong Shuang stepped forward and grabbed Song Jin's arm.

"Grandma, Yoyo misses you too! And grandpa, Yoyo misses you too!"

Jiang Jianye had a smile on his face, and he didn't mind that he was added later.

Song Jin smiled and closed his mouth: "I miss you too, come, let's eat first." "


Sit down together as a family.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou still gave Jiang Feng a piece of meat first, and then gave it to Song Jin.

"You don't have to clip it to me, let's just take care of him together. Song Jin looked at Jiang Feng with some distress, "It's been another busy day, are you tired?"

Jiang Feng smiled: "I'm not tired, I feel used to it, and my physical fitness is better." "

"That's fine, let's eat. "

After speaking.

Song Jin picked up the chopsticks, put the meat slices and a little rice, and put them in his mouth.

A bite in the mouth.

The meat slices don't have any dry wood feeling, and they are directly disconnected when you bite into it!

So tender!

The salt flavor is just right, and the aroma of the watercress that has lost the taste of pickling spreads at the same time as the meat slices are disconnected!

This is followed by the spicy and numb flavor of the knife-edge chili pepper!

Serve with rice and take two bites.


The whole person is happy!

Rong Shuang also took a bite and was amazed!

The texture of this sliced meat!

And the grasp of the taste!


Rong Shuang knew that the boiled pork slices made by Jiang Feng must be delicious, but she was still amazed!

She looked at Jiang Feng, her beautiful eyes seemed to be able to speak, full of adoration!

Jiang Youyou and Jiang Jianye didn't speak at all, and lowered their heads to cook.

Jiang Youyou, who has a perfect physique, has quietly become stronger in his ability to eat spicy food, and he has not been spicy.


Finish a meal.

The whole pot of boiled meat slices, and there are no bean sprouts left after being eaten.

The glutinous rice chicken was also eaten.

Even ten buns were eaten separately.

"Hiccup. "

On the chair lay four very satisfied people.

Jiang Feng smiled, got up and put away the dishes and chopsticks, and put them in the dishwasher.

Jiang Youyou burped: "Dad, Youyou definitely want to follow you for the rest of your life, don't want to get rid of Youyou!"

She will rely on her father and mother for the rest of her life, until she is very old!

Jiang Feng smiled: "I'm still cooking for you when I'm eighty?"

Jiang Youyou asked rhetorically, "Isn't it okay?"

Several people laughed.

Jiang Feng put away the dishes and chopsticks and said with a smile: "You are really filial. "

"Hey, Dad, Yoyo loves you the most, can you? "

"Yes. "

"Daddy is the best!"

Rong Shuang listened to the conversation between the father and daughter, and looked at Jiang Feng with a gentle smile.

With Jiang Jianye and Song Jin here, she is not too embarrassed to say that she loves Jiang Feng.

But she noticed it herself.

Only when she looked at Jiang Feng, her eyes had a different look.

She loves Jiang Feng very much, love will come out of her eyes, and she can't hide it.

Rested for a few minutes.

Jiang Jianye stood up unnaturally: "Then let's go for a walk first." "

"I'll go home later. "

"Grab your umbrella. Jiang Feng reminded, "Pay attention to safety and come back early to eat fruits." "

Jiang Jianye nodded: "Okay." "

After speaking.

Jiang Jianye and Song Jin went out first.

Rong Shuang got up and helped Jiang Feng throw away the kitchen waste.

Jiang Feng put away the kitchen utensils, put the disinfected ones into the disinfection cabinet, and checked that the water, electricity, and gas were turned off.

Jiang Youyou put the chair back and disinfected the table.

Pack up.

Today's work is completely over, close the door and go home!

Jiang Feng was in a very relaxed and happy mood, holding an umbrella, walking into the light rain with Youyou and Rongshuang.

There are very few pedestrians on the streets.

There was a lot of traffic on the road, and the headlights reflected on the wet road.

Holding an umbrella, Jiang Feng walked slowly with Youyou and Rongshuang, very comfortable.

Arrived at the parking lot.

Three people got into the car.

Jiang Feng turned on the radio station and happened to be playing "Mohe Dance Hall".

Listening to the song, the three of them drove home.

Rong Shuang went to feed Tang Hemei first.

As soon as the door opened.

Tang Hemei still rushed out of the house as if he was starving for another second and died.

"What's there today?!"

"Boiled pork slices, a sticky rice chicken, and a bowl of mung bean paste and rice. "

"Wuhu! Boiled pork slices?! I'm hungry, give it to me!"

Tang Hemei took the lunch bag, quickly opened it, and tasted the boiled pork slices!

"Damn, it's delicious!"

"This soup mixed with rice is really amazing! Glutinous rice chicken is also delicious!"

Rong Shuang said: "You eat first, I'll take a shower and change clothes." "

"Are you sleeping there tonight?" said Tang Hemei with some excitement.

Rong Shuangqiao blushed: "If Jiang Feng agrees, I'll sleep over there." "

"Tsk, be bold, eat him, tonight!"

"Phew, eat your meal. "


Rongshuang went to the bathroom.

Jiang Feng and Youyou also took a bath first.

It seems to be a little happier to look at Conan after washing first.

Washing off the sweat on their bodies, changing into clean clothes, and turning on the air conditioner, Jiang Feng and Youyou collapsed comfortably on the sofa.

Rong Shuang also finished washing and trotted over.

"I'm coming!"

"Mom, come here, let's see Conan!"

Rong Shuang asked, "Why don't we go to the house to see it?" "

Jiang Youyou nodded: "Okay." "

Jiang Feng asked, "Then what if you are sleepy, will you just fall asleep?"

"I'm not that kind of person. "

Jiang Feng looked at Rong Shuang's eyes.

Rong Shuang was a little weak-hearted, with her hands behind her back, and her white and tender feet tiptoed: "I'm not worried that you will suddenly burn again, and I plan to take care of you for another night." "

"Can you not drive me away?"

Jiang Feng smiled: "It's the same as yesterday." "

Take the tool as the dividing line.

"Okay!" Rong Shuang happily agreed.

As long as I can keep her!

She likes to sleep with Jiang Feng in her arms!

The three men went back to the house and lay down.

Jiang Youyou was in the middle and found a comfortable position.

Before giving the phone to Jiang Youyou.

Jiang Feng sent a message to Song Jin first: "We're back in the house, you can come back at any time." "

Song Jin: "My daughter-in-law is also there?"

Jiang Feng: "Yes." "

Song Jin: "That's okay! We'll go back now." "

After sending a message to Song Jin.

Jiang Feng gave his mobile phone to Jiang Youyou and looked at Conan.

I watched it for less than 5 minutes.

Jiang Youyou closed his eyes.

"Yoyo, are you sleepy, can you sleep?" Jiang Feng asked.

"No...... Youyo is watching. "

After 10 seconds.

She breathed evenly, grabbed the corner of Jiang Feng's pajamas, and fell asleep.

Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang glanced at each other and laughed.

"Let's not watch it yet, wait for her. Jiang Feng said.

"Good. "

Jiang Feng took the phone back from Youyou's hand and looked at the running water in the new store.

Now at 8:15, it was sold for more than 53,100 yuan.

With the addition of new dishes, it can probably sell for nearly 60,000 yuan at night.

Jiang Feng's net profit is about 24,000 yuan.

Plus the income from your own store.

Today, Jiang Feng's single-day net profit was more than 70,000 yuan.

Rong Shuang leaned over and asked, "How is it?"

"Yes, it's enough for us anyway. "

Rong Shuang leaned up and kissed Jiang Feng lightly, and her voice was soft: "I like you to say that we are." "

In this world, she just wants to be with Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng smiled and asked softly, "Are you sleepy?"

"Not quite, I'd like to talk to you for a while. "

"Okay, what do you want to talk about?"

"I really love you, you know?"

"Yes. "

"Will you be annoyed with me one day, will you not want to be with me?" asked Rong Shuang softly.

Jiang Feng touched her hair: "No." "

"If there's something that upsets you, tell me and I'll change it. "

"The same goes for you. Jiang Feng smiled, "If I want something that makes you unhappy, you have to say." "

Rong Shuang said: "You are too diligent, I feel sorry for you." "

"It doesn't count. "

"No, I won't be angry with you, even if you're wrong, I'm right, I'm not angry. "

"Because I love you the most, I don't need to be right or wrong, I just want you. "

Rong Shuang's hand was placed on Jiang Feng's chest.

She was also a little sleepy, and her voice was tired.

Jiang Feng kissed her forehead: "Sleep." Good night. "

"I don't want to sleep, you're going to drive me away tomorrow. I would like to say a few more words to you. "

"Woo, but I'm really sleepy......"

She looked at Jiang Feng pitifully.

Jiang Feng flicked her head lightly: "You can also live here tomorrow." "

"Sleep. "

"You're the best. "

After Rong Shuang finished speaking, his face was pressed against Jiang Feng's shoulder and he fell asleep.


Yu Qing sent a message.

"Master, the dishes you taught us to cook are selling very well!"

"A lot of guests come back and ask for one after they've finished eating!"

Jiang Feng replied: "Good job, you have also worked hard." "

Yu Qing looked at Jiang Feng's news and felt very comfortable.

Being praised by the master, he is really fulfilled!

Yu Qing: "It's not hard, shouldn't you rest?" I won't bother, clean up, and get ready to get off work." "

Jiang Feng: "Okay, pay attention to safety." "

After chatting with Yu Qing.

Jiang Feng put down his phone and fell asleep as well.

It's past two o'clock in the middle of the night.

Jiang Feng woke up and felt a little movement around him.

He glanced sideways.

Rong Shuang seemed to be crying quietly.

"What's wrong with you?" Jiang Feng asked a little confused.

Rong Shuang was a little nasal, and her voice was hoarse: "Did you make a noise?"

"It's okay, are you crying?" Jiang Feng was a little serious, "Is something wrong?"

"No...... I...... I dreamed. Rong Shuang's voice was hoarse, and he said a little embarrassed.

Jiang Feng was stunned for a moment and asked, "What did you dream about?"

"Dream ...... I dreamed that you were gone, and I looked for you everywhere, but someone told me that you died......"

Speaking of which.

Rong Shuang sniffled twice and shed tears again.

The feeling in the dream was real.

She was so sad that she woke up crying and couldn't breathe.

Jiang Feng couldn't cry or laugh, and patted her on the shoulder: "Okay, it's all a dream, didn't you listen to that song?" "

"Possibly. "

"It's okay, don't you see I'm fine? Lying next to you. "

Rong Shuang cautiously moved over and asked, "Can I hold you?"

"Of course. "

"There were tears, maybe a little snot...... I didn't find the paper, woo, I'll wipe it, I'm afraid I'll disgust you. "

Jiang Feng was amused by her.

My girlfriend is so cute.

He hugged Rong Shuang: "Rub it, it's okay, just wash the clothes tomorrow." "

Rong Shuang's two arms hugged Jiang Feng's back tightly, very hard, for fear that Jiang Feng would suddenly disappear.

Slowed down for two minutes.

She said, "Will you always be by my side?"

"Yes. "

"Jiang Feng. "


"I love you. "

Jiang Feng smelled the faint fragrance in her hair and said softly, "I love you too." "

Rong Shuang raised her head.

The eyes that had cried were a little swollen, but they were a little surprised.

It's like you who were beaten by your mother when you were a child, and then you were called to dinner.

"What did you say?" she asked.

"I love you too. "

"Will you say you love me?"

"Well, because I really love you. "

Rong Shuang said seriously: "Jiang Feng, you are my life, you must be safe, good, pay attention to safety when cooking, woo." "

Talking and talking.

She dropped a few more drops, and she hadn't recovered from the sadness of her dreams.

Jiang Feng smiled even more happily.

It's fun to watch my girlfriend cry aggrieved.

"Jiang Feng. "


"Can I go to sleep with you? I'm afraid I'll be overwhelmed by you. Please, let me sleep with you in my arms, I'm sad. "

Jiang Feng hesitated for a moment and said, "Don't do anything, just hug me." "


"Come on. "

Rong Shuang lightly crossed Jiang Feng and Youyou, and climbed to the other side of Jiang Feng.

She hugged Jiang Feng's arm, and her leg was against Jiang Feng's leg.

"I love holding you. "


Hold Jiang Feng in his arms.

Rong Shuang was relieved.

She held the most precious thing in the world in her arms.


Don't want to run!

Jiang Feng smiled: "Sleep well, don't have nightmares." "

"I'm so worried that you're not with me......" Rong Shuang said softly.

"No, sleep in peace. "

"Good. "

Rong Shuang closed her eyes and gradually fell asleep.

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