After making up his mind to return to the imperial capital.

Rong Lijun also sent a message to Rong Shuang: "Get your boyfriend ready." "

He's running out of hunger now!

When the time comes, you have to be strict with Rong Shuang's unlucky boyfriend!

When Rong Shuang saw the text message, she had a slightly cold expression on her pretty face and did not reply.

What a man!

It's okay to do anything, against her husband!

Be all abroad!

The sun was setting and the streets were dyed a golden yellow.

6:15 a.m.

All the things in Jiang Feng's store were sold out.

He packed up his kitchenware and counted the total sales for the day.

60,002 pieces of 5 cents.

Just broke 60,000.

Jiang Feng was very satisfied.

Do more work, just over 60,000 yuan.

This money is very solid and comfortable.

The last group of guests, who also finished eating quickly, packed up the plates and chopsticks, and put them on the counter.

Each time, the last group of guests was a different person, but the practices were surprisingly consistent, helping Jiang Feng save some trouble as much as possible.

No one wants anything else.

What Jiang Feng is like to the guests, everyone knows in their hearts, and helping Jiang Feng do some work is just comfortable.

"Let's go, Boss Xiaojiang. "

"I'll fill in a little chili oil, and I'll not have time to come out tomorrow morning, so I'll cook some noodles and eat them, how can this noodles be delicious? Of course, if there is a secret recipe, it won't need to be said, I asked casually. "

"It's delicious today, really, you're really the baby of this street, this shop has to be opened well, and you won't be able to live without it." "

Jiang Feng smiled and chatted with the neighbors.

"Slow down. "

"Pack a little more. After the noodles are cooked, put salt, light soy sauce, vinegar, dried shrimp, chopped green onions, chili oil, and if there is seaweed, blanch it in the noodle soup for 30 seconds. "

"Our family Yoyo let me work until I am 100 years old, and I will strive to open a shop at the age of 100, and you will come to eat when the time comes. "

Several of the guests laughed.

Listening to Jiang Feng talk about the recipe for making noodles, it was like a friend chatting casually after eating.

Especially the young man who asked the formula, just graduated, lived alone, and usually didn't have many friends.

Listening to Jiang Feng talking to him about how to cook, his heart warmed.

It's hard to make a living outside, but eating something here in Jiang Feng is really happy and a lot more practical.

The last few guests left.

Rong Shuang went to clean up the kitchen waste, washed the mop leisurely, and slowly dragged the ground.

Jiang Feng said: "I want to buy an oven and make some chiffon cakes to eat." What do you two think?"

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou's eyes suddenly lit up!

"Dad, do you still make cakes?!"

"Husband, am I really worthy of you? Woo, why are you so good. "

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "Do you want to buy it?" I want to buy a bigger one, 50L, about 5600 yuan." "

"I agree!" Rong Shuangqiao's face was full of anticipation, "We can buy whatever you want." "

"You can't afford to buy it, I'll buy it for you! I love you the most!"

Rong Shuang liked Jiang Feng to ask her opinion.

Although she, the husband, will only spoil Jiang Feng.

"Yoyo agrees!"

She loves to eat cake and even more so than anything her dad makes!

Jiang Feng packed up, took out his mobile phone and searched it.

20 minutes by car, there is a Shining electrical appliance that can buy this oven.

"Shall we go buy it?"

If you buy it online, you won't be able to buy it until tomorrow.

Jiang Feng prefers to buy things and use them today.


It takes 40 minutes to run a trip.

I got it a night early, which seemed a bit unnecessary.

Jiang Feng said: "If you two are tired, forget it, let's go home, I'll buy it online, and it will be the same tomorrow." "

Rong Shuang's beautiful eyes were full of dependence and love: "I'm not tired." As long as you let me follow, I won't be tired wherever I go. "

"Yoyo is not tired, anyway, Yoyo wants to be with Dad!"

The two of them didn't care if what Jiang Feng wanted to do was necessary.

Jiang Feng wanted to do it.

They accompanied Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng's heart was warm: "Then eat first, and go together after eating!" I bought it now, and I will bake a cake for you tomorrow morning!"


"Tomorrow morning, do you have to get up early?" Rong Shuang's beautiful brow furrowed slightly.

Everything else is easy to say.

Jiang Feng got up early, she didn't want to.

You idiot don't know how to be tired?

Jiang Feng smiled: "It's okay, let's just sleep for half an hour early today." "

"You're not going to leave anyway, it's okay to go to bed early, right?"

Jiang Youyou asked in surprise: "Mom, will you live in our house in the future?!"

She just knew.

Rong Shuangmei's eyes had a happy smile: "Yes, welcome Mom?"

"Super welcome!"

Jiang Feng watched them chatting and prepared dinner.

Eat glutinous rice chicken at night, and stir-fry broccoli.

Finished eating.

After putting away the dishes and chopsticks, Jiang Feng still checked the water, electricity and gas as usual.

Confirm that there is no problem, close the store!

Today's work is done again, and it's time for free!

As soon as I went out.

Jiang Feng met a lot of neighbors and old customers who came out for a walk.

"Boss Xiaojiang, you're done, it's really hard enough, let's get a few pears, it's good for your body." "

"Come, come, get a box of kiwi. This outer packaging is a little damaged, counted in the transportation loss, don't need money, don't dislike the outer packaging is not good-looking!"

"Good evening, Boss Xiaojiang, is your body okay today?"

"I picked a lot of grapes that just came down today, so take some and eat them, otherwise we will make wine. This grape is sweet, wine is wasted. "

There are neighbors who send things.

There are also neighbors who have empty hands, so they chat with Jiang Feng for a few words.

Everyone is very enthusiastic, and they all like to be close to Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng held a box of kiwifruit, three catties of grapes, three pears, and a bag of bayberry to the car.

Put things in the trunk.

Jiang Feng drove, navigated to the Shining store, and bought an oven.

By the way, Jiang Feng also bought an electric hair processor, 440 yuan.

There is not much difference between manual and machine beating.

The trick is to keep an eye on the state of the egg whites.

I bought an oven and gave a lot of tools, so I can roast a chicken when I have time.

Jiang Feng bought 6 more baking trays with a cylinder in the middle, this kind of baked chiffon cake is the best to use.

A total of 6680 yuan.

Jiang Feng settled the bill, and the clerk helped move the things to the car.

Go home!

Got to the underground garage.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Feng moved the oven together.

In fact, Jiang Feng can move it himself.

But Rongshuang was reluctant.

She felt sorry for Jiang Feng and wanted to help Jiang Feng move together.

Jiang Youyou was also helping, holding the edge of the box with his little hand, trying his best to do his best.

Entered the house.

Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang put the oven on the kitchen counter.

It's a separate oven and takes up a bit of space.

However, the kitchen at home is not used much, and it does not take up much space here.

When he buys his own house, Jiang Feng can make a built-in oven, which will be better to use.

After putting it away.

Rong Shuang said: "I'll go back first and send Meimei something to eat." "

Tang Hemei has already sent dozens of messages.

It's all a cat, shaking its rice bowl.

The family of three went out for a trip, and they were all very happy, but Tang Hemei almost fainted at home without hunger.

Jiang Feng smiled: "Go ahead, take a bath by the way, don't brush your teeth first, and eat fruit later." "

"Okay~ Husband, I love you, wait for me!"

"Yoyo, mom loves you, wait for me!"

Rong Shuang went back first.

Jiang Feng looked at Youyou: "Take a bath?"

"Okay. "Jiang Youyou is actually a little lazy and wants to be paralyzed for a while.

But Daddy was calling.

At the door of the bathroom, Youyou stood without going in, looking up at Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng smiled and touched her head: "Good, you helped move the oven, saving Dad a lot of effort." "

"It's also very good to take a shower today. "

"Hey, let's go, Dad. "

After being praised, Yoyo obediently took a bath.

After coming out.

They all changed into loose and comfortable parent-child clothes.

Song Jin washed all the clothes on the weekend.

After taking a shower, wearing clean clothes and blowing the air conditioner.

Jiang Feng was in a very good mood, took out the fruit, sat on the sofa and looked at his phone.

Song Jin sent a message: "We've arrived home, don't worry about it." "

Song Jin: "Are you tired?"

Jiang Feng replied with a smile: "I'm not tired, I've been in good health recently." "

Song Jin: "Me too, I feel a lot younger, maybe I eat the food you cooked, and I'm too happy to eat." "

Jiang Feng: "It's good, I'll make you more." "

Song Jin: "Okay, let's go next week, I'll play games with your dad, you go to bed early." "

Jiang Feng: "Okay." "

After chatting with Song Jin.

Rong Shuang pushed the door and walked in.

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "Come and eat fruit." "


The three of them were still on the projector, eating grapes, and watched an episode of Conan first.

At half past eight.

Yu Qing sent a message to Jiang Feng: "Master, today's work is over. "

Jiang Feng: "Then get off work now, you don't have to wait until nine o'clock." "

Jiang Feng: "Also, you don't have to do much. Now it's enough to keep this sales and recruit people to make more new dishes. "

Yu Qing felt that her heart was poked.

From his apprenticeship to the present.

All the bosses and the so-called masters are asking him to work hard.

Only Jiang Feng is different.

Yu Qing: "Okay, listen to you, I'll send you a few resumes tomorrow, and recruit 3 more apprentices to make steamed buns." "

Yu Qing: "There is an apprentice who is quite talented, has a good character, and is down-to-earth and willing to work. He also wants to worship you as a master, okay?"

Jiang Feng thought for a moment and responded: "Yes." "

Anyway, bring one and bring three, both are belts.

Yu Qing also has good news: "I have a few friends from before, and they all think it's better to follow you." "

Yu Qing: "If you want to open a new store, can you give priority to them? They are all friends who have known each other for more than ten years, and their personalities are very good." "

Jiang Feng was a little surprised.

With the right chef, there is a high probability that you will be able to survive and slowly grow popularity when you open a new store.

"Okay, I'll see them when we open a new store. "

Yu Qing: "Okay, you can notify me then." "

Yu Qing: "By the way, the spicy chicken we ate at noon, mapo tofu at night, and meat buns, the clerks are quite satisfied." "

Jiang Feng: "The standard is higher, eat some beef every few days, you can make some vegetarian dishes, or give each person some fruit." "

These employees in the store can only eat one or two hundred yuan for a beef.


This can eat a few bucks.

People are at the heart of the store.

Jiang Feng likes these employees, give them something good, Jiang Feng is willing.

Yu Qing was moved in her heart: "I know, you can rest, Master, I'll do these things." "

After chatting with Yu Qing.

Jiang Feng put down his phone, looked at Youyou, who was already a little confused, and asked, "Let's go back to the house?"

"Hmm, dad hug~"

Jiang Youyou threw himself on Jiang Feng's stomach.

Jiang Feng hugged her, took Rong Shuang, and went back to the house.

After lying down.

Jiang Youyou still wanted to hold on and watch for a few more minutes.

Jiang Feng lay down next to her and slapped her twice, and she turned off the phone on the spot.

Rong Shuang said with a smile: "I ran for more than 40 minutes in the morning, and I was tired early. "

Jiang Feng asked, "What about you, let's sleep too?"

Rong Shuang hugged Jiang Feng's neck, smelled the fragrance of Jiang Feng's body, and sighed with satisfaction: "I love you so much." "

Jiang Feng smiled: "Others suck, you suck your husband." "

"Can't you?" asked Rong Shuang in a soft voice.

"Yes. Jiang Feng patted her on the back, "Suck it casually." "

"Husband. "


"You're really the best, stay by your side, I don't envy other people's lives at all. "

"Me too. "

Rong Shuang said softly, "You really won't want me?"

She still loves Jiang Feng too much.

Every day, I worry that my husband will not want her.

Jiang Feng smiled: "No." "

"Are you going to annoy me?"

"Nor will it. "

"If you annoy me, just tell me. I won't be angry about anything you tell me. "

She didn't mind Jiang Feng saying that she didn't do anything good.

If Jiang Feng could be more comfortable, she would be willing to change.

Jiang Feng hugged her: "You're fine, really." I love you so much. "

"You can ask me every day, tell me useless things every day, I like to hear it. "

Earning enough money and slowly wasting time with his family, Jiang Feng felt very happy.

"Woo, I really love you, but I'm a little sleepy again. "

"It's really comfortable to be around you. I'm going to kiss you. "

There was already a little sleepiness in her voice, and she closed her eyes and kissed Jiang Feng,

During the day, she also followed Yoyo, ran for most of the day, and was already sleepy.

Jiang Feng was still holding her.

It's the most comfortable place in the world!

Sleepiness struck all at once.

Jiang Feng patted her.

It didn't take a few seconds.

She also fell asleep.

Jiang Feng flattened her, listened to their breathing, looked at a few stars outside, and fell asleep.

In the morning, four o'clock.

Jiang Feng got up quietly.

He just moved.

Rong Shuang and Yoyo's voices sounded at the same time.

"Daddy, where are you going?"

"Husband, what's wrong?"

Without Jiang Feng, they instantly lost a lot of security, and they all woke up.

Jiang Feng whispered, "You sleep, I'll make the cake." "

"Well, Yoyo is also with you. "

"I'll be with you. "

Jiang Youyou tried to struggle to get up, but was unsuccessful.

"Dad, Yoyo was sucked in by the bed. "

Rong Shuang sat up and said softly: "Good, you go to sleep, I'll accompany him." "

"You sleep too. "

Jiang Feng stepped forward and pushed Rong Shuang's forehead with his index finger.

"I'm not going out, I'm at home, I'll come back and lie down and just wait. "

Rong Shuang hugged Youyou: "Okay, I won't sleep, I'll wait for you." "

As soon as she finished speaking, she fell asleep.

Jiang Feng couldn't cry or laugh, and when he arrived in the kitchen, he prepared the materials.

600 grams of cake flour, 30 eggs, 450 grams of milk, 500 grams of sugar.

That's the amount to make 6 cakes.

It looks like there are a lot of eggs and sugar, so it's not too much to divide into 6 portions.

Jiang Feng found a good basin, sifted the low-gluten flour, beat in the egg yolk, and 300 grams of oil.

After stirring well, it turns into a yellow batter.

Set aside for later use.

Separate the egg whites, add 50 grams of white vinegar and begin to beat.

White vinegar can neutralize the PH value, which is easier to whip, and the foam will be more stable, which can make the defoaming slower.

Beat until it foams and start to divide the sugar into three parts.

It's crucial to pass this step.

There are three states of protein liquid whipping, wet foaming, neutral foaming, and dry foaming.

What Jiang Feng wants is that wet foaming is about to transition to a state of dry foaming.

If it is dry and foamy, the cake will be taller, the pores will be larger and uneven, and it is easy to crack.


Put the whipped protein bubbles into the batter and turn the batter up along the bottom of the basin.

Try to touch the protein bubbles as little as possible to avoid defoaming.

After mixing well, divide into six equal parts and put into the mold.

The oven has been preheated to 220 degrees.

Place tin foil on a baking tray and bake for 20 minutes.

Jiang Feng didn't go back, but stared at the oven.

Each oven has its own temper and the temperature is different.

He had to watch the state of the cake.

20 minutes later.

Jiang Feng lowered the temperature of the oven to 150 degrees.

Set the time for another 20 minutes.

After baking.

Take it out and demould the cake.

The chiffon cake is just right.

Cut a piece.

The pores inside are fine and even, and they are elastic, but they do not have the gluten that feels like gluten.

Jiang Feng took a small bite.

The sweetness is moderate, because it uses eggs, not cream, so the milk flavor is not too heavy, and it is very creamy and eggy when chewed.

Not bad.

Jiang Feng was very satisfied.

Just finished a bite.

It's five o'clock.

Rong Shuang and Youyou woke up, found the kitchen, and hugged Jiang Feng.

"I don't like to wake up when you're not there. Rong Shuang's voice was muffled, and he hadn't fully woken up yet.

Yoyo agreed: "Dad, Yoyo likes to see you first in the morning. "

Jiang Feng smiled: "I didn't go out again, next time I'll pinch some and wait for you in the house." "


"It's so fragrant, Dad, can you eat this cake?"

After hugging Jiang Feng.

The two of them stared at the piece of cake on the board, gradually sobering up and becoming greedy!

"You can eat it, come and taste it. "

Jiang Feng cut a small piece for each of them.

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang ate it together and chewed it a few times.

"It's delicious, it's sweet, it's milky, it's so soft! Dad, you're making it so good! It's so much better than you bought!"

"This taste is so good! Husband, you are really amazing!"

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