The shop is lively!

"It's not okay, it's hard to eat without buns. "

"That's right, Boss Xiaojiang, I can't get tired of eating your buns for decades, I haven't eaten enough at all!"

Although the guests are hungry for the dishes made by Jiang Feng.

But the buns are delicious, too!


Especially the old customers who treat Jiang Feng here as a canteen.

Three or five buns per meal, a bowl of porridge, and a dozen yuan to eat, suddenly one day is gone, and it is also very uncomfortable.

However, some neighbors agreed.

"Whatever Boss Xiaojiang arranges, let's eat as we like. "

"Just one day a week, I feel okay with it. "

"yes, it's okay to eat more. ""

The old guests gradually came to an agreement.


Boss Xiaojiang can arrange it.

There are too many opinions, and Boss Xiaojiang should be entangled.

The neighbors really took good care of Jiang Feng and didn't want to embarrass Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng said with a smile: "Then I'll try it another day, if it doesn't work, let's change it back." "

"Okay. "

After the discussion, the neighbors began to eat.

Some newcomers have a bit of a strange face.

"It feels like eating at home. "

"It's true that it's rare for diners to come in consultation with the bosses. "

"But it feels pretty good, there are some talking and laughing, just like when I ate a big pot of rice in the early years. "

Zhao Fuchuan happened right next to these newcomers.

He said, "The big pot of rice doesn't taste like that. "

"You'll see why it's so nice when you taste it. "

A few people chatted with Zhao Fuchuan: "Are you an old guest?"

"It's okay, I'll come when I have time, many times. "

"Does it really taste as good as it says?"

Zhao Fuchuan said seriously: "Only it may be better than what you have heard, and it is impossible to be worse than you imagined." "

"I've seen it, but all the dishes made by Boss Xiaojiang are the best I've ever tasted. "

Zhao Fuchuan's family has two sons.

The eldest son loves to draw and is now the art director of their luxury group.

The youngest son has a good business talent and has gradually taken over the family's business.

Usually, Zhao Fuchuan occasionally chats with Rong Lijun, and often shows off that his children are good, which is worry-free.

Zhao Fuchuan's time is much more relaxed than Rong Lijun's, and he often comes over.

"I'm getting greedy. "

Zhao Fuchuan said: "Then I'll buy a few more, listen to my advice, and I won't be able to refill the meal when I sit down." "

"Okay, thank you. "

"I saw that you were dressed so decently, and I thought you were that kind of arrogant boss, but I didn't expect you to be so good at talking. "

Zhao Fuchuan had some emotion on his face.

It's also here in Jiang Feng, he is good at talking and can let go.

Out of this door, he still has to be the chairman, and he has to pay attention to three points when he says anything.

"Lao Zhao. "

Zhao Fuchuan had just taken two steps forward when he heard someone calling him.

Look back.

Mo Yinuo, the chairman of Mo's Group, was the senior brother of Zhao Fuchuan's management department in the early years, and the two of them still belong to the same chamber of commerce.

"Old Mo, are you here too?"

"Yes, it's rare to have time today, but I'm hungry. "

"We'll talk when we're done shopping, right?"

"Well, we'll talk about that later. "

Several of the newcomers also looked back, a little surprised.

The clothes and watches on Mo Yinuo's body are not cheap at first glance.

There was also a secretary next to him.

This shop is really good.

Why do so many rich people come here to eat?

Confused, they followed the line and progressed until they finally reached the counter.

"Hello, what do you want?"

Jiang Feng asked politely.

Several people looked at Jiang Feng up close.

No wonder everyone says that the owner of this store is handsome.

It's so handsome.

Several of them all thought that Jiang Feng was really good-looking.

"One for each bun, and then a bowl of mung bean paste." "

"No problem. "

Jiang Feng didn't bother either, he packed them one by one and handed them to the guests.

The next few guests also ordered one after another.

There is no place in the store.

They took the tray and went outside the store.

There are still a few maza outside the store.

When eating, Cui Hao consciously moved his maza out and set up a row outside the store.


Cui Hao didn't mind Jiang Feng's guests sitting at his house to eat, as long as there was a place.

A few new guests sat down on the maza and took a bite of the bun.

The moment the juice, the filling and the dough are eaten at the same time.

Several people's eyes widened.

"That's right, it's delicious. "

"Absolutely, can the buns still be so delicious?"

"No wonder those two rich people also come here to eat, it's so delicious!"

"It's over, I bought less! I only bought six! I didn't buy eight-treasure porridge and seafood porridge either!

A few people were eating and complaining.

It didn't take two minutes.

Zhao Fuchuan and Mo Yinuo also came over with their secretaries.

The car for the two of them was right next to it.

But they didn't go.

Eating in Jiang Feng's store is most comfortable outside the store.

Both secretaries carried deck chairs for fishing, as well as small dining tables.

After sitting down.

Zhao Fuchuan took a beef bun, took a bite, looked at Mo Yinuo with a satisfied face: "Why are you here so early?"

"Doesn't your family live quite far away?"

Mo Yinuo said: "I moved and bought a house here. "

Zhao Fuchuan sighed twice: "I just moved too." "

Mo Yinuo took a sip of eight-treasure porridge, exhaled with satisfaction, and said, "I plan to move the company over." "

"I went to the company for two or three hours, which delayed my time to come over for dinner. "

Zhao Fuchuan agreed: "I'm also thinking about moving, and after my son came over for a meal, he had to move their company over." "

"After a while, the group headquarters will also move over. "

Mo Yinuo said: "Then you have to hurry, the office buildings around here are almost rented!"

"Do you know who rented it first?"

Zhao Fuchuan's old face darkened: "It won't be Rong Lijun's old bastard, right?"

"That's him!" Mo Yinuo laughed, "The best one has already been bought by him." "

"If you are late, it is estimated that there will be no place nearby, and this has already become a central business district!"

Central Business District.

Refers to the business circle centered on Jiang Feng's store.

Zhao Fuchuan was not surprised: "As far as Boss Xiaojiang's craftsmanship is concerned, sooner or later it will have to be like this, you look at it, maybe foreign companies can move over." "

"Xiao Zhang, you go find a nearby office building, and buy a suitable one. "

"Got it, Chairman. "

Mo Yinuo asked: "Then have you heard?" Lao Rong seems to be preparing to let Jiang Feng be his son-in-law, but it turns out that he has a girlfriend. "

Zhao Fuchuan didn't hold back, and a mouthful of porridge squirted out.

The secretary quickly took a bite of the bun, and then he was reluctant to put it down and handed over the tissue

Zhao Fuchuan wiped his mouth and smiled evilly with a gloating face: "I heard about it." "

"I'm laughing to death, other people's daughters are really good-looking, but Boss Xiaojiang has a girlfriend, so I'm embarrassed. "

"It's also a shame that he is not Boss Xiaojiang's father-in-law, otherwise I will come over for dinner in the future, wouldn't I have to see his face?"

Mo Yinuo also shook his head and laughed.

His relationship with Rong Lijun is average, neither good nor bad.

However, Boss Xiaojiang did not become Rong Lijun's son-in-law, and Mo Yinuo was also very cool.

Mo Yinuo is three sons, they have all thought about it, but they don't have this condition.

They can't do it, and neither can Rong Lijun!


After the two of them finished eating, they listened to the neighbors chatting and rested for a while.

Rest here and be sure.

After the break.

The two men went back to the car and drove away.

8:10 a.m.

The things in Jiang Feng's store are sold out.

Pack up the store.

Jiang Feng still looked at the new store as usual.

There are still a lot of customers in the new store.

In fact, it is now gradually past the meal.

There are still so many customers in the new store, which is enough to see how good the business is.

Combined, the amount of turnover in the morning reached more than 81,000.

The main thing is that the new store sells a lot, and it has already cost more than 63,000 yuan so far.

It is estimated that it will wait until nine o'clock.

It can be sold for nearly 70,000 yuan.

This time, I found four trainee chefs, and the manpower was abundant.

And the level of Zhao Zhigang and Yu Qing is also growing.

Especially after adapting to the work of the new store, the efficiency is much higher.

The points also reached more than 1.04 million.

Jiang Feng spent 1 million and drew a chance to draw a high-level lottery.

"Congratulations on getting: Music Skills (Full Level), Hunan Cuisine Skills (Full Level), Painting Skills (Full Level), Korean Food (Full Level) (Gift), Sports Skills (Full Level)"

This time, the rewards are also quite rich.

Musical techniques, including instrumental, vocal, and theoretical techniques.

It's all at the max level.

Top in the world!

Drawing skills include not only drawing skills, but also design skills.

Athletic skills encompass all sports, and even martial arts are included in sports.

Jiang Feng is very capable of fighting now!

You may not be able to beat ten Ip Man, but you shouldn't be able to beat three!

Hunan cuisine is also very good, Jiang Feng's mind has hundreds of dishes, all of which are at the top level.

Korean food is completely gifted.

There are also few dishes.

The flavor type is also very simple, either spicy soup, fried, sweet and spicy, and there are some habits of eating raw seafood.

Jiang Feng had a satisfied smile on his face.

The rewards given in this lottery are also very good.

The skills of fighting, Jiang Feng hopes not to use them as much as possible, but if there is really any emergency, others can't save him, and being able to fight is the king.

After the lottery, clean up the store.

Jiang Feng looked at his phone.

Rong Shuang sent a few messages: "It's time to the garden!"

"I'm going to clean the library today. "

"Yoyo and I miss you very much, husband. "

"mua! I love you the most! I'm looking forward to marrying you today!"

"I'll send you a message at noon, wait for me!"

Jiang Feng smiled and replied: "I love you very much, and I miss you and Yoyo too." "

"Go to work. "

Finish the message.

Jiang Feng was about to get up and go to buy the materials he wanted at noon.


His phone vibrated a little.

Another text message.

"Can we talk? You can make a price, or if you have any conditions, you can put it forward and sell me two formulas?"

It was sent by Xu Na again.

But this time.

Her attitude is not the same as before.

In the past two days, all 14 of her stores have opened.


The business was completely different from what she had imagined!

Especially the two stores in the mall, the first day, was okay.

However, yesterday it started to lose money.

I lost more than 3,500 yuan in one day.

The buns are selling okay, but only the two recipes given by Jiang Feng are popular.

Other high-profit dishes almost all sell very badly.

Xu Na is looking for a new chef, and the level is okay.

But I don't work very hard.

Anyway, it's a salary, and it's okay to do something.

The second store managed by Xu Xiuli, as well as the third store, also began to lose money.

Advertising, doing full reduction, is a bit unable to pull back.

Xu Na has really panicked in the past two days.

She has never done catering, and she has no relevant connections, so after thinking about it, she can only come to Jiang Feng.

Buy a few formulas from Jiang Feng, and her store can save it.

After Jiang Feng read the news, he directly blocked it.

Without the slightest sympathy.

Xu Na makes money or loses money, it has nothing to do with him.

Even if she went bankrupt, Jiang Feng wouldn't care about her.

Go shopping.

Xu Na and Xu Xiuli were together, looking at their phones, waiting for more than ten minutes, but there was no news.

Xu Xiuli was a little angry: "This Jiang Feng is too conscienceless, we have all lost money, and he refuses to help?"

Xu Na was very irritable: "Mom, can you figure out the current situation? Let's ask him for help." "

Xu Xiuli asked, "What should I do then?" Do you want to go to him?"

"Do you want to lose money? "

Xu Xiuli rolled her eyes jealously: "Why are they all the same formula, Jiang Feng's business is so good, why don't we do it?"

Xu Na ignored her and sent messages to the managers of several stores that had lost money.

"Let's get a discount, start today, buy 5 get 1 free, do an event. "

She didn't want to sacrifice her profits until she had no choice.

But it can't be helped.

Now we can only reduce the price and see if we can save some business.

At the very least, the traffic is larger, which can make the situation in the store better.

If it doesn't work yet.

Xu Na was ready to change hands.

She couldn't hold it anymore.

All the stores combined, the loss is tens of thousands every day.

Her tens of millions of family funds can't stand such a loss.

Xu Xiuli suddenly thought of an idea: "Let's go find the boss of Wugu Youxiang, shall we?"

"The business in their store is also very good, let them license the formula to us!"

"Or just rent their people, let them take care of our new store, and dig people up!"

Xu Na's eyes lit up.

This seems like a solution!

The business of Wugu Youxiang is now getting better and better day by day, and it is doing well.

I can buy their formulas, plus the two formulas that Jiang Feng gave before.

There's still a chance to rebuild the store!

The two of them drove directly to the store of Wugu Yuxiang.

It's 9:35.

The store was closed, and Yu Qing took the people in the back kitchen to prepare the materials for noon.

Xu Na knocked on the door.

A clerk came over and greeted warmly: "Hello, we haven't opened yet, can you please wait a while?"

"I'm looking for your store manager. "

"I'm sorry, but the store manager is working and doesn't have time right now. "

Xu Xiuli frowned: "We have a big business to do, what's wrong with delaying our work?"

The clerk was still very polite and said, "I'm sorry, if the store manager comes out and it will affect the customers at noon, if you really have something, wait for the store manager to get off work." "

What a big business is not a big business.

Boss Jiang Feng said.

Guests are the largest.

If you can make the guests wait a little less, you can make the guests wait a little less.

And their business is doing well, and they are not in a hurry to do big business.

After speaking.

The clerk closed the door directly.

Xu Na and Xu Xiuli's faces were ugly, but they could only wait.

Negotiate a good cooperation with this store, and they will have a chance to turn over!

Thinking that after cooperating with this store, they would be better off than Jiang Feng, and the business would also crush Jiang Feng, so the two of them waited patiently.

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