The journey from Tanokuni to Thunder Country is very close.

This is also the reason why Uzumaki Chido asked Naruto to take Hinata Ninji, just along the way.

“If you pass through the country of soup and the country of the moon in the middle, you can reach the country of thunder.” Kakashi glanced at the map and said.

“Sure enough, these two are small countries, and the land area is very small.” Matt Kay also leaned in to look at the map.

Naruto was trying to compete with Hinata Ninji to see who had improved more recently.

Hinata Ninji’s soft fist narrowly hit Naruto’s arm.

However, he couldn’t withstand the attack of Naruto’s tail in the nine-tails mode and was knocked out.

Ning Ci covered his stomach and almost vomited everything he ate.

“You’re too ruthless, this nine-tails mode is really cheating.” Ninji looked at Naruto’s nine-tailed pattern with some envy.

Now Naruto has full control over the four tails, and this is what has been improved in recent times.

“You are not bad, just relying on returning to the sky to carry my attack for so long, if it is not that Chakra is not enough, you can continue.” Naruto also praised Ninji’s strength.

Typical business blowing, everyone here said that they were really inferior to Naruto and Ninji at this age.

Matt Kay said that he had withdrawn from the group chat and could not chat with this group of geniuses.

“Grandpa Zu said, as long as I talk to you about the country of thunder, you will understand that you have a feud with the country of thunder?” Naruto pulled Hinata Ninji and asked secretly.

“Well, the Land of Thunder killed my father.” Hinata Ninji said calmly, but his hand slowly clenched.

“That’s really a feud against the sky, rest assured, this time our job is not just to clean up the robbers.”

Naruto patted Hinata Ninji’s shoulder, indicating that he would definitely help.

This country of thunder, don’t think about it.

Everyone secretly entered the realm of the Land of Thunder, as a country headed by two heads, the military power of the Land of Thunder has always been upstream among the five major powers.

Therefore, even if the storm in Konoha did not affect here, the border of the Land of Thunder was also very strictly investigated.

Because the economy of the Land of Thunder is the strongest, many refugees and ninjas who smuggled in have chosen to occupy the mountain as the king and become bandits.

Naruto’s share of the Bandit of the Land of Thunder was bought from the black market.

“Let’s go to the nearest mountain first, not far from here.”

Naruto found a hill closest to here and prepared to go to see the situation first.

“Hey, did you hear that? Recently, a group of mysterious people came to clean up the robbers on the surrounding hills. ”

“Shouldn’t it be the hot dry of Yunyin Village? Such a clean and neat technique, it must be a ninja. ”

“Who knows, without these robbers, the pressure on the caravan is much less.”


In the small noodle shop on the side of the road, several people were talking about the big events that had occurred in the Land of Thunder in recent days.

They would never have imagined that the mysterious person they spoke of was sitting beside them.

“Wow, the noodles here are also very good, although they are not as good as the uncle Ichiraku ramen.”

Naruto took a large sip of noodles and made a satisfied sound.

“Don’t patronize and eat, let’s take a look at our recent harvest.”

Tsunade looked at Naruto angrily, sometimes it was really unreliable.

“I think we have gained a lot, thirteen bandit groups, how to say that there should be a lot of treasure.” Naruto had no concept of money.

According to his words: he is not interested in money.

I didn’t have money before, but now I have to manage a village, and if I don’t have money, it seems to be just a number.

“The thirteen bandit groups add up to less than 800,000 yuan, which is too poor.” Hyuga Ninji is from a large family, and 800,000 yuan is equivalent to the expenses of the Hyuga family for half a year.

For a village as big as Shin Konoha, it really doesn’t have much use.

“I think it’s a lot.” Naruto said suspiciously.

“For example, 800,000 yuan, I can lose it all in one afternoon.” Tsunade’s tone was a little proud, and it seemed that he was also self-aware of his gambling skills.

“In the future, if you want to be the Hokage of New Konoha, you must have a bottom in your heart for money.” Tsunade looked at Naruto with hatred.

“Got it, I’m also trying to find our next goal.” Naruto rubbed the bag that Tsunade had punched out and pointed to a red dot on the map.

“The next target is this, the largest bandit group in the Land of Thunder.”

“It’s really boring.” Kakashi held the affectionate heaven in his hand and said without blinking his eyes.

“It’s better to warm me up.” Ning Ci expressed doubts about the strength of this bandit group.

“It’s not as good as the exerciser jumping from the frog of my youth.” Matt Kay also finally learned to complain.

If these words were known by those famous bandit groups, they would only spit out old blood.

The strength of these people, in any village, is the top of the upper echelons of combat power.

A group of the weakest guys who also have the strength of superior patience did not think about their own problems at all.

It’s a bit shameful to take a tuba to abuse the newbie village and blame the newcomer’s incompetence.

However, this so-called strongest bandit group is expected to have a surprise.

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