Where's The Coach's Loudspeaker? The Horn Is In My Mouth, Beep

5. Overtaking A Car In A Drainage Ditch, And Everyone Gets Dirty!

At this time, the people in the ambulance were completely panicked.

The coach car behind is like a cowhide plaster that cannot be shaken off no matter how hard you shake it.

If he keeps driving like this, he will not be caught up.

If you continue to drive at high speed, you will get into an accident sooner or later.

But the house leaked and it rained all night.


There were waves of sirens ringing in my ears.

Looking through the rearview mirror, I realized this.

I don’t know when several police cars appeared behind me.

The people in the ambulance were scared to death and their faces turned pale.

They never imagined that someone could be discovered committing a crime in such a remote place.

Why did the police come so quickly?

Could it be that this is not a coach car, but a plainclothes police officer?

The strong desire to survive stimulates the driver's adrenaline.

Looking at the two garbage trucks in front of them that are about to meet.

He gritted his teeth and made a crazy decision.

Press the accelerator hard.

The speed of the car suddenly increased to 120 yards, and it came to the left side of the garbage truck.

The driver of the oncoming garbage truck was dumbfounded and honked his horn frantically.


The garbage truck on the right saw this and consciously slowed down.

This also gives the ambulance an opportunity to overtake.

Press the accelerator and the steering wheel will turn to the right.

When the garbage truck was approaching from the opposite side, he turned right and ran out.

Suddenly, everyone in the car cheered.

In their opinion, the coach car behind must slow down if it wants to avoid crashing.

Once he slowed down, the oncoming garbage trucks gave him no chance to overtake.

This also means that they can take this opportunity to leave a big gap behind.

However, when the driver looked at the rearview mirror with joy, he wanted to taste the joy of victory.

His expression froze.

Where is the shadow of the coach behind you?

what's the situation?

Disappeared out of thin air?

Or was there a car accident?

But just when he was doubtful.

Suddenly, he heard the roar of an engine coming from his right.

When he turned around to look, his pupils suddenly shrank, and the three souls scared away the seven souls.

The coach is like a ghost.

I don’t know when it will appear on my right side.

But the problem is that there is no road at all on the right, only a drainage canal for irrigation.

I saw the coach car speeding along the drainage channel next to it at a speed of 100 yards.

Seeing this scene, the ambulance driver was stunned! !

Even if he were beaten to death, he would never think that he could still walk through the drainage channel.

Except for the cement channels on both sides, the middle is completely filled with water.

If you are not careful, you may fall into the ditch.

But the coach looks like it has rails installed.

Four tires were firmly embedded in the cement pier of the ditch.

Everyone in the ambulance was stunned.

Is this really a car that a person can drive?

Even a professional racing driver might not be able to achieve this level, right?

In fact, not only them, but also the three students were completely numb.

Especially Xiaopang, who was terrified from the beginning.

But with the surge of adrenaline, his face was full of excitement at this moment.

Keep screaming and shouting.

Even the two women were no longer afraid and started roaring excitedly.

It looked like the surrounding trees were moving upside down.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also excited.




——[This is no longer driving, this is flying close to the ground, right? By the way, if you make thousands of dollars a month, why are you working so hard? It’s the police’s job to catch bad guys. If you do this, you’re going to get angry! 】

——[Holy shit, shit! However, because of my poor cultural level, I can only express my inner shock by saying "F*ck". How high is the threshold for coaches now? 】

——[Actually, it’s not that difficult, practice makes perfect. Just like I have been an electrician for more than 20 years, I can tell if there is electricity as soon as I reach out and touch it. I have never seen what my asshole looks like in my life, but I can find the exact spot every time I go to the toilet. 】

——[I just want to know, is there any point in wearing a seat belt when driving a car like this? If he misses it, the body will inevitably be separated, and even the intact parts may not be found. 】


At the same time, the police car following behind was also dumbfounded.

Holding the walkie-talkie, he reported in disbelief: "Director, the coach in front is overtaking in the drainage ditch!"

"What the hell? Drainage ditch?"

"Yes!! There are too many cars on the road, we can't catch up."

The director's face twitched when he heard this, because he couldn't see the surveillance.

I can't imagine that picture at all.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and ordered: "It's okay, continue to follow. I have arranged for the Human King team to intercept them at the national highway intersection in front."


Since Fang Yuan opened the drainage canal.

Without the roadblock, the speed was much faster than before.

Although with the support of the system's powerful skills.

It can ensure that the car keeps running at high speed.

But if it keeps going like this, something will happen sooner or later.

In order to be able to do it once and for all.

Fang Yuan's expression condensed and he glanced ahead.

Without hesitation, hit the throttle to the end.


The body of the car shoots out like a bullet.

Quickly overtake the ambulance.

Then the steering wheel turned sharply to the left.

The tire flew against the drainage ditch and flew to the road next to it.

Just a tiny bit missing from falling into the water.

But fortunately, there was no near miss and the car body returned to its normal position safely.

Before the pale faces of the three students could calm down.

Fang Yuan yelled: "Sit tight and hold on tight!"

I saw him pressing three buttons in succession.

Turn off automatic start-stop, automatic parking, and body stabilization systems.

Then hold the steering wheel with your left hand and hold the gear lever with your right hand.

Shift into reverse gear and step on the accelerator.

He shook the steering wheel hard with his left hand.

Turn the steering wheel as fast as possible.

Then let go immediately.

The coach car that was traveling at high speed suddenly swerved on the spot.

The body rotates.

Fang Yuan's eyes were intense and focused.

Leave your left hand in the air and apply the brake lightly.

The steering wheel automatically straightens.

The four tires rely on inertia to slide on the ground.

At the same time, push the gear down to N with your right hand.

A scene that shocked everyone appeared.

While driving at high speed, the car body made a 180-degree rotation.

The friction between tires and asphalt made a distant screeching sound.

A large amount of thick smoke spread on the ground.

Only tire scratches on the ground like the Olympic rings were left.

Circle after circle.

After the car body turns around.

To prevent the ambulance from hitting you directly.

Fang Yuan shifted into reverse gear again and stepped on the accelerator.

The rear of the car is facing forward, and the front of the car is facing the ambulance.

The two cars were facing each other at high speed on the road.

Such a shocking operation.

I just stared at the few students in the car.

This is a stunt you can only see in blockbuster movies.

It actually appeared in reality, before our eyes.

They feel like they are in a dream.

The whole person is almost floating.

But when they came back to their senses, they felt their stomachs were churning.


The three of them retched and wanted to vomit.

If I hadn't been in the car now, I probably would have vomited it out.

The driver of the ambulance on the opposite side was also dumbfounded.

Seeing that he was about to hit him, he had no choice but to step on the accelerator.

Although he bumped into it, he had an advantage.

But the problem is that there are police behind us.

Once the car crashes, they can't escape.

So I had to slow down.

Fang Yuan took advantage of this and deliberately slowed down the vehicle to block them on the road.

From 100 yards to 80 to 60.


Several people in the ambulance were completely panicked.

One of them yelled angrily: "Whoever steps on the horse, hit him to death!!"

The driver replied with a grimace: "Think clearly, if we hit you, we won't be able to escape!"

"What should I do? There are blockades in front of me and police behind me. You can't just wait to die, right?"

"How about... let's also try overtaking in the drainage ditch?"

As soon as these words came out, the flesh on the driver's face couldn't help but tremble.

"This...this...I'm afraid I don't have that ability."

"No matter, try it, what if you succeed."

"Uh...Okay!! Then I'll give it a try!"

After saying that, he turned the steering wheel hard.

The ambulance rumbled straight towards the drainage channel on the right.

A funny scene happened.

The imagined flight did not appear.

Instead, he fell headlong into the drainage ditch.

Bang-dong sound~! ~

There was a loud bang.

The car body sent billows of smoke.

It was stuck upside down in the ditch and remained motionless, with only the tires at the back still spinning.

Fang Yuan was dumbfounded by this sudden scene.

Not only him, but the police behind him were also confused.

What's going on?

So hard to think about?

Even if you can't escape, you won't commit suicide, right?

Fang Yuan quickly pulled over and parked the car on the green belt.

As soon as they parked the car, the three students opened the car doors and squatted next to the drainage ditch.


With that look, he probably even vomited out what he ate last night.

Police cars quickly followed behind.

More than a dozen police officers quickly got out of the car and came to the ambulance and shouted: "Quick, it's important to save people first!"

With the help of the police, the driver climbed out with blood on his face.

The moment the ambulance door opened.

All the policemen couldn't help but gasped.

I saw a middle-aged woman lying on the stretcher.

He was tied up and motionless, as if he had fainted.

There was a little boy next to her, whose mouth was also taped with transparent tape.

All hands and feet were tied up.

In addition, there are several other medical staff staggering around.

In a scenario like this, there is no need to think too much about it.

The policeman immediately shouted: "Don't move, please put your hands on your head and get out of the car."

The netizens in the live broadcast room were all shocked at this moment.

I thought Fang Yuan was just out of his mind.

Who would have thought that the ambulance doctor would suddenly turn into a human trafficker?

After the three students calmed down, they asked Fang Yuan with shocked faces: "Coach, you are so amazing, how did you know that they are human traffickers?"

"I'm a little confused. How did the ambulance become a human trafficker?"

Fang Yuan smiled and shook his head: "This is not an ambulance at all, but a modified one!"

"Ah?" Xiaopang exclaimed in disbelief: "Modified? This... looks so similar, I can't recognize it at all. It's exactly the same as the real one."

"No! If you look carefully you can see the difference."

Fang Yuan explained calmly: "Actually, there was a problem from the beginning, but we didn't pay attention to it."

"Think about it, why do you hit people in such a big space at an intersection? Don't you think it's a coincidence?"

The three people nodded after hearing this: "It's a coincidence. At that time, I was only thinking about saving people."

Fang Yuan nodded: "I didn't care at first. Although it's a coincidence, it's not impossible."

"But the speed with which the ambulance arrived next made me suspicious."

"Let me ask you, how far is it from the nearest large hospital to the place where you practiced driving at that time?"

"Uh..." The three of them thought for a moment, and the girl answered first: "It must be at least twenty kilometers away..."

As soon as the words fell, the girl suddenly realized it and quickly exclaimed.

"Oh~~I know!!"

"Coach, what you mean is that it would normally take at least twenty or thirty minutes for an ambulance to arrive."

"But the ambulance arrived in less than ten minutes, which shows that it was probably prepared in advance."

Fang Yuan nodded: "Yes, if these two points alone are not enough to prove that there must be something wrong with the ambulance."

"But it wasn't until I saw their license plate that I realized it was a modified ambulance."

"If you just look at it at first glance, the appearance of the car, the medical equipment inside, and even the medical staff can look fake."

"But! A regular ambulance will have the team directly under it, the phone number directly under it, and the number of the regular ambulance at the end of it."

"Obviously there was no ambulance. Combined with the previous collision and the fact that it arrived within ten minutes, and considering that there was no surveillance at the location at that time, I roughly guessed that this was a premeditated crime."

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