The two green-skinned men with thick eyebrows said,”Youth means being young and making mistakes,” and yelled,”Run around Konoha five hundred times after the injury is healed.”’……There was no end to the quarrel in the ward.

Until the doctor kicked Metkay out.

Outside the hospital, Huang Mao approached Metkai

“This time it’s my fault. Naruto was the first to speak:”If I hadn’t stimulated Xiao Li, he wouldn’t be like this.” Metkai laughed and said:”It doesn’t matter, we just opened the wound door. His body only needs to rest for a few days.”

He continued:” So……How are you doing?”

“I heard that you lost to him in physical skills?”

Naruto was dissatisfied and said:”……He knows how to ban magic! Once the Eight Gate Dunjia is opened, how many people in Konoha can beat him in the taijutsu?”

After receiving Huang Mao’s recognition, Metkai smiled even more happily.

Seeing his sunny smile, Naruto said sadly:”Teacher Kai, you and Xiao Li really have a deep relationship between master and disciple. Obviously there is another teacher here who has taught for six years. He has been a disciple for seven years, but he only passed on the Eight Gate Dunjia…….”

Metkai’s smile faltered.

Although everyone has a preference.

But his disciple pointed out that with Metkai’s character, he just wanted to find a crack in the ground to burrow into.

“Which one, Naruto?……There is a reason……Xiao Li compares……And the Hokage ordered me not to……”

The blue beast was at a loss and desperately looking for excuses.

Seeing this, Naruto glanced around a few times, and then whispered:”Teach me.”

Metkai scratched his head:”Teach me.”……What?”

Naruto:”Eight Gate Dunjia!”

“Guan, about this matter……”Metkai’s voice trembled:”I think the Eight Gate Dunjia might not be suitable for you…….”

What is a Jinchūriki? Ninjutsu turret!

What is Eight Gate Dunjia? Taboo physical skills!

If the Third Hokage knew that he taught Jinchūriki Eight Gates Dungeon, he would have to skin him?

“I think I’m totally up to it!”

Naruto vowed:”I was born to open the eighth door!”

What, open the eight doors?

Do you want to die by nature?

When he said this, Metkay didn’t dare to spread the word.

Metkay stumbled and broke out in a cold sweat, looking for excuses. He planned to slip away when he saw the right moment, not here. Let’s talk about difficult issues.

Do you think he doesn’t want to teach?

He is a Konoha ninja, and the Hokage’s order is absolute. If he says he can’t teach Eight Gate Dungeon, he won’t teach it even if you beat him to death!

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t teach.”

Naruto said slowly:”Grandpa Hokage has promised me that he will show me the book of seals after he becomes a chuunin. I will just find it in the book and practice it myself!””

No way!

” Metkai, who was about to run away, stopped.

Practice it by yourself?

Can you practice forbidden arts by yourself?

What if Naruto has problems practicing because he didn’t teach the correct method ? ?

Metkay was in a dilemma.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration……

“It’s not impossible to teach”

“But Naruto, you have to lay the foundation first! If you don’t even know the basics, you won’t be able to practice it even if you are given Eight Gates of Dunjia! Naruto stared at him and asked sincerely:”Am I very poor at basics?””

Metkai pointed his finger in the distance:”No, no, no, I am not referring to the basics of physical skills, but the training foundations specially designed for the Eight Gate Dunjia!”

“A strong body is only the first step. Did you know that Bamen Dunjia requires breaking through eight acupuncture points in the human body, and the chakra meridians involved need to be fully exercised?”

“There are also internal organs that carry acupuncture points, as well as other matters that need to be paid attention to, and the means to skillfully switch acupuncture points on and off…….”

“It took Xiao Li four months from practice to opening the door!”

Naruto’s expression changed.

This was information that was not mentioned in the original work.

He said with interest:”I would like to hear the details!”

So, outside the hospital, Metkay informed Naruto very carefully about the prelude to practicing Eight Door Dunjia and all the related training.

At the end, Metkay added:”Only if you meet all the above conditions, you can I have the qualifications to learn the Eight Gates of Dunjia. Before that,……You’d better lay a good foundation!”

So Naruto nodded in agreement.

Metkai breathed a sigh of relief.

He was simply scared to death…….

The basic training he gave is of course true, but the target set for Naruto is much higher. It is estimated that after Naruto completes the training……It was several months later.

As the saying goes, we will talk about the future later.

(Lord Hokage, this is not against the rules!)

(See clearly, this is just a method of training internal organs and chakra meridians. I did not teach him any forbidden techniques!)

(As for what to do in the future……)

(Let’s talk about it then)

Metkay thought with great drama in his heart.

In the blink of an eye, a week passed.

Finally, July 1st has arrived, the day the Chunin Exams begin.


Under the training waterfall, Naruto held the wind-controlling sword and wielded the weight of hundreds of kilograms. With the blessing of wind attribute chakra, he split the entire waterfall into two pieces!

Cutting off the water with a knife, this is the confidence that chakra gives me.

What? Sword skills?

I don’t know, it’s all sharp and durable. We’ll talk about sword skills later. It’s better to have weapons than empty hands.

After a week, Naruto was very energetic and vigorous in training.

But after seven days, he occasionally felt something was wrong.

On the day of the discussion with Xiao Li, the system was forced to trigger the option, but what did it originally want it to do?

“I always feel like I missed a plot……”

“I can’t remember it, it shouldn’t be anything important.”

Sheathed the sword, then carried it on his back at an angle. After all, this thing is close to two meters, and it is difficult for Naruto’s height to fully control it.

Chuunin Examination Venue, gate……

“Yo! Brother Ying, Erzhuzi, morning!”

Naruto, who was carrying a wind-control sword, attracted the attention of his two teammates as soon as he appeared.

Sakura yawned:”It’s so slow, it’s already afternoon! Sasuke took a few more glances, and then said,”Let’s go, the other classes have already entered.””

Naruto raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

He happily introduced:”Oh, you mean this sword? This thing is a good thing. It cost me 20 million taels. It can strengthen the wind attribute chakra and cut through iron like clay…….”

Sasuke, Sakura:”?”

No, who asked you?

Sakura thought to herself: Brag, where did you get 20 million?

Sasuke frowned: Twenty million taels, it’s a bit expensive…….Maybe I should get a weapon too.

The three of them gathered together and quickly went upstairs.

The first session of the Chunin Examination had to be gathered in Classroom 301. As soon as they got to the second floor, they found a crowd of people gathered here. Two candidates were stuck in front of the classroom door like door gods.

That bunch of people were all stopped.

Naruto immediately remembered the plot. Before he could speak, he heard Sasuke say:”It’s an illusion.”

Where is Classroom 301 on the second floor?

So the three of them kept walking up.

On the third floor, there is no door god occupying the outside of the classroom. This time it is right.

Naruto opened the classroom door directly!

Swish, swish— inside, the room full of ninjas looked over instantly.

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