From beginning to end, the red-haired man with black eyes said nothing.

This surprised Naruto: He thought that Gaara would probably go berserk if he was harassed all the time…….

But being ignored by him was also expected.

Outside, Gaara is a polite and quality ninja.

But Naruto knew that this guy was extremely violent inside, wanted to kill people at every turn, and had extremely high bloodlust.

This is normal.

If I had stayed up late for dozens of days without being able to sleep, I would have slapped any dog that passed by!

It’s already remarkable that he can hold his nerve and not go on a killing spree.

Seeing Gaara ignoring him, Naruto yawned and closed his eyes to rest.

Orochimaru stood aside and watched the whole process, thinking that not only did the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki have a solid foundation, but he also had a strong thirst for knowledge.

Unfortunately, it was the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki who couldn’t move after all.

Orochimaru quickly lost interest in Naruto. His cryptic eyes looked at Sasuke’s back in the front row and he couldn’t help but lick his lips.

Ah, Uchiha’s young body……

Just like that, time passed and there were only fifteen minutes left.

The examiner announced that the last question was closed and threatened the candidates: Once they answer this question incorrectly, they will never be able to tolerate it again in this life! If you voluntarily quit now, you can still take the Chunin Exam next year.

As soon as these words came out, the entire examination room was boiling again.

The discussion could not be suppressed.

The examiner, who had been caught cheating earlier, seemed to be blind now and allowed the candidates to nag…….

“Is this examiner so awesome? Naruto was so disturbed that he opened his eyes and asked in a low voice:”Sisters, can Konoha’s examiners still control your promotion to Chunin in Kusagakure Village?””

When Orochimaru heard this, he withdrew his obscure vision from Sasuke and looked at the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, and said sadly:”It shouldn’t be possible…….”

“But Kusagakure may be willing to give Konoha a face.”

Orochimaru is not lying in this sentence.

After all, Kusagakure Village is just a small ninja village. They cannot afford the price of confronting Konoha, so they can only sacrifice the future of these genin.

“Dude, the same goes for your Sunagakure Village?”

Naruto looked at Gaara.

He thought that you three siblings are the only three children of the Fourth Kazekage. If you can only be genin for the rest of your life, it would be too showy.

I felt the expectation in Huang Mao’s eyes. Looking at it, Gaara said stiffly:”I don’t know.”

Naruto’s attitude made him puzzled: Why do you talk so much? Are all Konoha ninjas such crazy people?

However, Naruto just asked casually.

When he encountered a familiar plot, he instinctively thought Find some bugs.

After asking, he planned to continue to close his eyes and rest.

This comfortable attitude made Orochimaru a little surprised:”You are very confident. Naruto said casually:”I don’t care about genin and chuunin. If it weren’t for learning ninjutsu, I wouldn’t even bother to be a ninja.””……Orochimaru’s expression moved slightly.

Listen, what a pursuit.

Orochimaru, who was motivated to learn ninjutsu all over the world, felt that this yellow hair had spoken into his heart, and he was inexplicably happy.

On the right, Gaara glanced at him and said nothing.

“Okay, everyone, please be quiet!”

“I’ll give you ten minutes to choose whether to give up the exam or answer the question…….If one person gives up the exam, the entire team will be deemed to have given up!”

“Let me think about it all before choosing!”

The examiner’s voice echoed in the classroom.

The discussion immediately cleared up.

Naruto saw several examiners looking in his direction, hesitating to speak and hesitating to speak…….In the end, I pretended not to see it.

It is estimated that the examiner was also speechless.

It’s okay for you to wail twice, but why are we still talking?

—————— ten minutes.

Time passed by, and people continued to abandon the exam in the classroom. The number of people in the classroom changed from three digits to two digits, and finally dropped to less than fifty…….

In the original book, Naruto howled, which gave everyone confidence, so many people stayed; however, the current Naruto can’t howl, so he quietly watched most of the candidates gradually give up.

There is no need to worry about the other two in Class 7.

Sasuke didn’t even frown, obviously not taking the threat seriously; Brother Sakura saw that his two teammates were not in a hurry, so he himself was too lazy to be anxious.

On the other hand, Inuzuka Kiba, Choji, and Ino were so nervous that they sweated violently. They raised and put their right hands up and down, struggling wildly in their hearts.

Finally, ten minutes passed.

The number of people left in the entire classroom is less than half of the original number.

Naruto looked around: all four classes of the Konoha Twelve are here, all three Gaara siblings are there, Orochimaru and his teammates are also there, there is one team left in Kusagakure Village, and one team left in Amegakure Village. One team from Otogakure Village, one team from Takigakure Village, and Kabuto Yakushi’s team also stayed…….

Then it was gone, gone!

There were more than two hundred candidates, and only 33 were left!

As soon as ten minutes were up, the examiner Morino Ihiki announced the results:”The candidates who are still left will take the first exam…….All passed!”

Suddenly, the whole place was in an uproar.

Then he explained: The last question is to test your determination. If you encounter difficult choices during the task, those who are hesitant and dare not give it a go are not qualified to endure it.

As for the previous question Theoretical knowledge test, the content in it is seriously beyond the standard. It is not something that genin can do. It is to test your ability to collect intelligence and so on…….



Sasuke:”Humph, I knew it.”

A certain student became confident inexplicably.

Here, the examiner had just congratulated all the candidates for passing the examination, when the window of the examination room was kicked to pieces, and then a figure turned over and entered!

Whoa— the one who appeared was a kunoichi with a beautiful face and a wild personality.

A huge banner was opened behind her, and it clearly read: Examiner of the second exam, Anko Mitarai!

“Little bastards, I heard your happy cheers!”

“But now is not the time to be happy! I am Anko Mitarashi, the examiner of the second exam. Now come with me to the next exam!!! She slapped the blackboard loudly:”Quick, quick, come with me!””

There are only thirty-three people left in the classroom.

As expected by many examiners.

Most of the ninjas have always been eliminated in the first exam.

If too many candidates are left, the examiner will be scolded.

Here, Mitarai Anko saw that many candidates were motionless and jumped out of the window:”Everyone, follow me!”

“Anyone who follows me will be automatically eliminated!”

To Naruto’s left, Orochimaru sighed inaudibly.

Anko was still the same as before…….Lively.

Even more lively than before he left.

Why, being a teacher in Konoha limits your development, right?

Thirty-three candidates quickly jumped out of the window to follow. Class 7 gathered again. Naruto asked directly:”How did the test go?” Sakura replied:”The question is not difficult, and full marks are no problem…….Why ask this?”


Damn it, this yellow hair was intentional!

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