“Shadow Clone Technique!”

Three times in a row, one hundred calories of chakra suddenly disappeared.

Hundreds of shadow clones appeared from all directions.

Naruto said:”Old rules, let’s use shadow clones + transformation techniques as bait first, then the three of us hide in the dark and sneak attack…….”

The two pillars glared at Naruto and said:”I will not be deceived a second time!”

Naruto asked with a question mark on his face:”What?”

The latter said angrily:”Last time in the Kingdom of Waves, you fought off the enemy alone, and you still… I picked their lair! So, don’t take action in this exam, let me deal with the opponent!”

Oh, oh, that’s what you’re talking about.

Huang Mao’s eyes gradually became strange.

Brother, can the opponents you face in the Chuunin Exams compare to Zabuza and Haku from Wave Country?

The former is nothing more than an elite Jonin, and when they work together, they can stand up to the quasi-kage; here we have to face Orochimaru, who is a standard kage even if he doesn’t need to be reincarnated…….

You still want to fight one on one, right?

“This is what you said!”Naruto Jiejie smiled:”If you insist on my help later, I will laugh at you for the rest of your life!”

Hearing this, Sasuke’s heart tightened.

Why is this Huang Mao so sure?

Could it be that there is a master in this Chunin exam?

“Speaking of which, the second exam was really unusual. The examiner forced us to sign a consent form. Is the Forest of Death so dangerous?”

“Nothing will happen to Hinata and the others, right?”

Around her, Sakura thought of more things.

As for whether something would happen to her?

With Naruto and Sasuke, she wasn’t worried at all.

Huang Mao was also very relieved:”It doesn’t matter, Hinata and the others are strong enough. Handle……wrong!”

Unlike the original work, there are a lot of people leaving in reality.

There are no supporting actors to help them!

If they encounter Gaara or the trio from Otogakure, I’m afraid they won’t be able to defeat them with the methods of Hinata and Inorikacho…….

It may even lead to death!

This is not alarmist. After all, most ninjas are fragile. It is not uncommon to be killed by the enemy if you are not careful in a life-and-death battle.

“Brother Ying is right to worry, you need to pay attention”

“You all heard it clearly, form your own team, and then……Disperse!”

The main body gave the order.

The shadow clones also knew that they could not delay and dispersed one after another.

After dismissing the shadow clones, he divided two more shadow clones and asked them to transform and crouch on his shoulders, making himself enter the immortal mode.

Seeing Mingming The person’s appearance gradually changed, and Sasuke immediately recalled the battle with Kakashi-sensei…….

“I’ve wanted to ask before, what kind of secret technique is this?

Sasuke asked bluntly:”Can I learn it?””

Naruto took the time to reply:”I don’t know, Sage Mode is not a secret skill that can be learned easily…….The prerequisite is that you need to have a lot of chakra”

“By the way, it took me nine years to learn this stuff.”

Sasuke stopped talking immediately.

He didn’t have enough chakra, and he didn’t have enough time.

Naruto has been studying for nine years, who knows how long he has to study.

Naruto is also thinking here, he doesn’t know if Sasuke has any He has a talent for magic, but he used it quite skillfully in the original book to transform into a curse. In reality, he is also integrated with Asura’s chakra…….

To be on the safe side, it is recommended to transplant intercolumn cells before trying again.

At least that’s how Madara Uchiha learned Sage Mode.

Soon, Naruto entered sage mode, his perception increased explosively, and the entire forest of death……Even the entire Konoha Village seemed to be under his nose.

However, outside the Death Forest, many people’s chakras were mixed together, and Naruto could not distinguish them, so he had to ignore them.

In the Forest of Death, the chakra of the ninjas was like a beacon in the darkness, allowing Naruto to see clearly.

“The closest team to us……over there!”

He raised his hand and pointed in the direction.

Unfamiliar chakra means that he is not an acquaintance.

“Great! Sakura said excitedly:”Hurry and finish the exam, I can still catch up with dinner at home!””

“Lead the way.”Sasuke said.

So Naruto took the lead, followed closely by his two teammates. The ten-kilometer-diameter Death Forest is full of trees, filled with all kinds of poisonous insects and beasts. It is a forbidden area for ordinary people.

Even ninjas with poor quality They can’t stand it.

Strong ninjas will naturally not take it to heart.

However, the strength of genin is not uniform…….

“Where did the black bear come from? It’s such a big one!”

“This beast is qualified to be a ninja beast!”

In a corner of the forest of death, three candidates were fighting desperately against the black bear. The huge black bear roared wildly and pounced on its prey.

The two ninjas rushed forward frequently and responded with all their strength. In the end, after using all their ninja tools, the black bear was defeated. and escaped.

The two weak ninjas relaxed.

They were both injured.

Only the teammates protected by the two were safe and sound.

“Go, go……”

“Isn’t Konoha really targeting us on purpose?”

The two ninjas collapsed on the ground.

Then, one of them stood up and said evil words to his teammates who had not contributed before:”What are you still looking at? Come here and heal!

Another person answered:”It’s true, people from other villages just can’t trust anything that doesn’t have any eye-catching qualities.””

Yes, the three-person team in front of me is the Kusanagi.

Of course they are not the only ninjas from Kusakure Village, but this team has high hopes from the village just because there is a mobile health pack in the team!

I’m tired, I’m tired , injured, no chakra……

Just take a bite of the blood pack and you will be back to full strength!

This is their confidence!

The red-haired girl with glasses timidly leaned over. Her teammate grabbed her arm and said angrily:”Why are you so slow? Didn’t you see that we need treatment?” With that

, he was about to move towards her. The girl took a sharp bite on her hand – snap!

A stone flew out and hit the man’s head.

The latter remained silent and fainted.

“Scary, so scary!”

“I didn’t expect that the ninjas from Kusakure Village were so evil that they would eat their teammates to vent their anger after losing a battle!”

The two of them looked for the sound.

On the treetop not far away, they saw Naruto, who had entered the sage mode, playing with the stones he picked up casually, and said in a loud voice:”I am just and can never ignore it!”


The other person didn’t hold back:”You must be sick, who can eat people!”

As he spoke, he had already pulled out a kunai.

Although the appearance has changed slightly, it is certain that the enemy is the guy who deliberately exposed the Earth Scroll before…….

It must be tricky to have such confidence!

As soon as he got into his stance, he saw the white figure flash, and the yellow-haired figure had already arrived in front of him!

“I saw it with my own eyes! With your own eyes!”

Naruto spoke decisively and gestured:”As soon as you appear on the stage, you talk harshly to each other, and then you open your mouth to bite someone’s arm. Isn’t this cannibalism?”

“Chewing raw meat while holding it is a bit too curious. If I were you, I would eat cooked meat…….”

The grass couldn’t stand it any longer.

He raised the kunai and stabbed it.

Naruto saw this and slapped him.

The latter turned around three and a half times on the spot and fell to the ground.

It looks like he won’t wake up for more than ten hours.

After taking care of the candidates, Naruto turned to look at the only remaining red-haired girl and asked:”What’s your team’s scroll?”……”

“Scroll of Earth!”The red-haired girl was stunned by Naruto’s ferocious method, and quickly raised the scroll to beg for mercy:”We are also Earth Scrolls! Woo……Don’t eat me!”

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